July 19, 1993 Council Meeting
July 19. 1993
The regular scheduled meeting of Mayor and Council was held July 19, 1993 at Smyrna City Hall. The
meeting was called to order at 7:30 o'clock p.m. by presiding officer Mayor A. Max Bacon. All council
members were present. Also present was City Administrator Bob Thomson, City Clerk Melinda
Dameron, City Attorney Charles E. Camp, Personnel Director Mary Ann White, Finance Director Jim
Triplett, Fire Chief Larry Williams, Library Director Laurel Best, Parks and Recreation Director Steve
Ciaccio, City Engineer Ken Hildebrandt, Public Works Director Vic Broyles, Community Relations
Director Kathy Barton, Major Kent Sims from the Police Department and representatives of the press.
Invocation was given by Councilman Jim Hawkins followed by the pledge to the flag.
CITIZENS INPUT: Karen Tarlano and John Teasley with BFI gave a one year report on recycling
participation in the City. The average participation rate last year was 69% and according to the Marietta
Journal, the City of Smyrna collected more recyclables in one month than all 5 other cities combined.
Ruth Hancock of 1164 Bank Street expressed her opposition to the proposed installation of speed bumps
on Flagler Circle. Mrs. Hancock said it was safer for Bank Street residents to use Flagler Circle and
Church Road to get onto South Cobb Drive because of the traffic light and it would be a nuisance for
them. Councilman Cramer said 15 residents in the area had presented a petition requesting the speed
bumps and they will be installed on a trial basis. Mrs. Hancock said she also was upset that she had paid
$3 for a Smyrna ID card to allow her to use the recycling center and then found out that a library card
would suffice. Councilman Hawkins said he thought the City should reimburse everyone who purchase
an ID card for recycling privileges, if they had a library card.
(A) Rezoning request -743 Windy Hill Road - rezone from Limited Commercial to General Commercial
Bob Thomson stated that Mr. Bob Dean is requesting the rezoning of this property to rent to Action Auto
Renting Company, for car leasing. There was no opposition.
Mr. Dean said he purchased the property last September and had spent the last 3 or 4 months renovating.
The heating/air and electrical system has been upgraded and the building completely renovated on the
inside. Also they have provided paved parking in the front and back. Mr. Dean said the only prospect
he had was for an auto leasing company which requires a GC zoning. Mr. Dean said he had also
obtained letters of approval from the adjoining property owners.
Councilman Hawkins asked how many cars would be parked there. Mr. Dean said there should never
be more than 8 cars at anyone time and those will be parked in the rear of the building. The front will
be a turnaround area and customer parking. Councilman Hawkins asked if any type of cleanup or repairs
would be conducted at this site. Mr. Dean said there would not be; when cars are returned they will be
taken to another location for servicing.
Councilman Newcomb commended Mr. Dean on the good job he has done in cleaning up the site but had
a problem with the zoning change. It seems almost as a spot zoning and does not conform to the land
use plan that was adopted several years ago. Councilman Cramer said there are other locations on Windy
Hill that are zoned General Commercial so this would not be a spot zoning. Councilman Hawkins said
the canoe rental business next door is zoned General Commercial and did not know if we could deny Mr.
Dean his zoning when the abutting property is already zoned GC.
Mr. Dean said he would agree to a stipulation that all parking be to the rear and Mr. Camp said if he
does agree to the stipulation, it will carry over with the property.
Councilman Lnenicka said he could not support the zoning for the same reason Mr. Newcomb stated.
Mr. Lnenicka said he would like Mr. Dean to take a look at the landscaping and appearance of building.
Almost all the level ground has been paved and what little grass is left has not been mowed. There is
a small space in front for landscaping and hopefully, something will be done with that. Mr. Lnenicka
said he also had concerns about future use of the property after the zoning is changed. Mr. Lnenicka
said he was faced with a similar situation 9 months ago for property on Atlanta Road at Creatwood Trail
during a request to rezone from NS to GC for a finance business, part of it involving repossession of
cars. Mr. Lnenicka said it would be inconsistc.'1t for him to vote for this request tonight.
After further discussion Councilman Cramer made a motion the zoning be approved with a stipulation
that all parking would be in the rear of the property and meet specifications set by the City Engineer.
Bill Scoggins seconded the motion which carried 5-2 with Ron Newcomb and Wade Lnenicka opposed.
(B) Variance requests - 743 Windy Hill Road: reduce front lot width from 100' to 75'; reduce side yard
setback from 10' to 9'; reduce front yard setback from 50' to 25'; reduce minimum square footage from
20,000 to 10,300 square feet
In conjunction with the zoning just approved, Mr. Dean requested four variances for the existing house.
Mayor Bacon said that the majority of the variances are required due to the widening of Windy Hill
Road. There was no opposition.
Councilman Cramer made a motion the variances be approved as requested seconded by John Patrick.
Councilman Lnenicka said he would not support the motion because he voted against the zoning and also
felt the innumerable number of curb cuts on Windy Hill Road posed a safety problem. Councilman
Newcomb asked why the variances were necessary. Mr. Dean said the house as it exists, does not meet
current code requirements and the variances were required by the City although he has not changed the
size of the structure. Mr. Newcomb he also would not support the motion and did not want to see us
throw out all required criteria for General Commercial zoning by approving this request.
Vote on the motion to approve the variances carried 5-2 with Ron Newcomb and Wade Lnenicka
(C) Privilege license - Food Max, 2500 south Cobb Drive
Bob Thomson stated that Bruno's, Inc. d/b/a Food Max #175 has requested a license to sell retail package
beer and wine at their new location. The agent will be Jerome S. Augustine who is also the on site
manager. A large group in the audience was present to oppose the license.
Attorney Conley Ingram, applicant Jerome Augustine and representatives for the opposition were sworn
in by Mr. Camp.
Mr. Ingram said that with him tonight is the general counsel, manager and co-manager of Bruno's. Mr.
Ingram said that Bruno's is very proud of this store which represents a $6 to $7 million investment. They
take the position that they are entitled to sell beer and wine by the package under the city ordinance, just
as all other major stores in the city current sell. A recent canvas of the 8 major grocery stores in the City
revealed that 7 had licenses to sell beer and wine from the shelf and the only one that is not licensed is
Food Max. Mr. Ingram said this is a family organization that does not make revenue from beer and wine
but in order to remain competitive they must make it available to their customers.
Mr. Ingram presented Mike Connally, legal counsel for Bruno's and Jerry Augustine, store manager.
Councilman Cramer asked Mr. Augustine if he had read and understood our ordinance and asked about
their training program. Mr. Augustine said he was familiar with the ordinance and presented a training
booklet that is given to all cashiers. Mr. Augustine said he had been with Brunos for 3 years.
Councilman Cramer asked about the percentage of beer and wine sales versus food sales. Mr. Augustine
said they anticipate that about 3% of their total sales will be from beer and wine.
Councilman Newcomb advised Mr. Augustine that the City is serious about enforcement of the ordinance
and we periodically conduct sting operations. Mr. Augustine and his wife were investigated and nothing
was found that would prohibit them from holding the license. The application has also been signed off
by the Tax Clerk, Building Inspector and Fire Marshal and the application seems to meet the basic
requirements of the ordinance.
Councilman Hawkins asked Mr. Connally if they knew, when they chose the site, that there was a church
within 150 feet of their proposed building. Mr. Connally said they were not aware of the church when
they broke ground. They want to be good corporate citizens and good neighbors and are just asking for
equal treatment but certainly respect the church's rights and beliefs. Mr. Connally said they did not want
to offend anyone and their company was founded on Christian principles.
Councilman Lnenicka asked how they would prevent people from drinking outside. Mr. Augustine said
they have their own security people and they would be instructed not to allow consumption on the
John Creech, pastor of Welcome All Baptist Church represented the opposition and read a prepared
statement. Reverend Creech said they were not here to question the integrity of Brunos because they
have a fine operation. However, the church felt that if they would honor the moral issue they will make
more money that they ever would selling beer and wine _ Uwir members would not shop at Food Max
if approved.
July 19. 1993 meetin~ - continued
Philip West, pastor of Green Acres Church also spoke in opposition and said while their store is a
tremendous asset to the community, he questioned anyone who would build a $4 million facility and not
know they would not meet distance requirements for a license. Also, he did not believe that any business
should depend on 2 to 3% of their sales and did not think that loss of revenue would cause them to close
their doors. Reverend West said he was concerned about the condition of our community and cited recent
deaths and tragedies associated with drinking and his church is also located in a section of town that is
very open to drinking. Reverend West said he thought it should be important to council to recognize the
desires of the city.
... Councilman Cramer said that because of the constitutional freedom that we enjoy it would be everybodys
right individually as to whether or not they partake of alcoholic beverages. Food Max has another option
available to them, of opening a liquor store in the adjacent part of the shopping center. Mr. Cramer said
the beer and wine sales will be a minute part of their business and made a motion the license be
approved, seconded by John Patrick.
Councilman Hawkins said he did not know of an issue that has been more agonizing than this. We had
a deplorable condition at the old Zayres before Food Max built and renovated the center. He assumed
that they were familiar with the church location and found out later that they did not meet distance
requirements. Mr. Hawkins said the store is a plus for the community but fully believed that the church
had as much right as they and it was a matter or principal that the church was there first; it was Brunos
mistake and not the church's. Councilman Hawkins said he also thought it was a mistake for them to
pursue the license and thought they would do more business in their store by withdrawing the request.
Councilman Newcomb said he recognized and condemned the behavior caused from the abuse of alcohol
in our society and would not support anything other than a grocery store adjacent to a church. There
were other changes to the alcoholic beverage ordinance that strengthened it even further. Mr. Newcomb
said he felt there were bigger threats in the community to challenge us and he hoped we could move
forward together to meet those. Right or wrong, the current ordinance sets forth specifications that this
applicant does meet, and legally we would not have any choice but to support their application.
Councilman Lnenicka stated that their oath requires that they uphold the ordinances. While the effects
of alcohol abuse was very much in their minds when they changed the ordinance, this case says they are
entitled to a license. Mr. Ingram, who is a former Supreme Court Judge, has given an opinion that our
old ordinance was deficient and they probably would have prevailed in a suit brought against the City.
The old ordinance did not protect the City the way that it should have and the changes have strengthened
it and overall, will protect the health, welfare and safety of our city.
Councilman Hawkins said the old ordinance was not as contradictory as was being stated. There was one
sentence in the section dealing with distance requirements that was contradictory that could have been
changed, and Mr. Hawkins said he had pointed that out many times.
Councilman Scoggins said he also had mixed emotions about the license but knew they were required to
follow the law and must put personal feelings aside. Mr. Scoggins said the church was here first, but
felt there was really no choice and would support the motion.
Councilman Wood said when the new ordinance came before council he opposed it because of the
distance requirements that were reduced and still thought it was wrong. Mr. Wood said he would oppose
the motion tonight for the same reason. Vote on the motion to approve the license carried 5-2 with Pete
Wood and Jim Hawkins opposed.
(A) Bid opening - Atlanta Road widening project
Commissioner Joe Lee Thompson introduced Roswell Story, Director of Purchasing for Cobb County
and two members of the Cobb Department of Transportation staff. Commissioner Thompson said he was
pleased that we could open bids here tonight for the Atlanta Road widening, from Spring Road to 1-285.
Bids were then opened, read and recorded as follows:
July 19. 1993 meeting - continued
APAC Georgia
C. W. Mathews
Bankhead Enterprises
Blount Construction
Ruby Collins
Commissioner Thompson said the County Engineer would review the bids and have a recommendation
ready at the first meeting of August.
Councilman Newcomb made a motion the rules be suspended to consider amendments to the Personnel
Rules and Regulations. Bill Scoggins seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
Councilman Newcomb made a motion we approve the amendments to the Personnel Rules and
Regulations handed out earlier tonight, in the method of computing time for annual leave, city holidays,
sick leave, overtime and compensatory time and on-call policy. The purpose of the amendments is to
correct the method of calculations for Fire and EMS personnel who work the 24/48 shift. Mary Ann
White said we just need to make sure we have the calculations correct for Fire and EMS personnel. For
annual leave hours for Fire and EMS personnel, those numbers are calculated by taking annual leave
accrued by regular 40 hour week employees and multiplying times 1.4, the ratio difference between the
40 hour employees and 56 hour per week employee (24/48 shifts).
Councilman Hawkins seconded the motion to approve the amendments which carried 7-0.
BID AWARDS: Nothing to report.
(A) Approval of July 6, 1993 minutes
(B) Approval to request bids - rubber tire loader
(C) Approval to request bids - garbage truck
(D) Approval of contract with Professional Probation Services
Councilman Hawkins made a motion the consent agenda be approved. Councilman Scoggins seconded
the motion which carried 7-0.
Bob Thomson stated that a clerk at Quick Trip was recently cited for allegedly selling alcoholic beverages
to a minor and the hearing has been scheduled tonight to consider the suspension or revocation of the
License holder Doug Cussimanio and other representatives of Quick Trip were sworn in along with
arresting offic€:r Mitch Plumb.
Officer Plumb stated that on June 29, 1993 at 1:34 a.m. he arrested a 20 year old male for possession
of alcoholic beverages. He then contacted the store clerk at Quick Trip, Mr. Benjamin Payne, who
advised that he did sell a 6 pack of beer to the youth. He also stated that he did not ask for identification
and was then cited for sales to a minor. This was not part of a sting operation, but Officer Plumb said
he made the arrest after receiving a call about a suspicious person walking on South Cobb Drive in front
of the store. They observed the two individuals and waited outside while they entered the store and
watched the transaction and waited for them to leave the store. The minor advised Officer Plumb that
they had just purchased the beer inside the store and was not asked for identification. State charges were
not filed, and summonses were issued under city ordinance.
Councilman Lnenicka asked Officer Plumb if it was unusual for him that a clerk at a Quick Trip had sold
to a minor. Officcr Plumb said that in his 17 years of policing, he had found that Quick Trip had trained
their employees to a higher standard than most convenience stores. Officer Plumb said he had never
known this store, or this particular employee to violate the law. Mayor Bacon asked Officer Plumb if
he was aware that they were cited in 1989 for the same offense, and Officer Plumb said he was not.
Mr. Cussimanio said that Mr. Payne is not present tonight, and is no longer employed by Quick Trip.
They do not question the incident, bccause they questioned Mr. Payne and he admitted that he did not
Julv 19. 1993 meeting - continued
card the individual and was terminated for that. Mr. Cussimanio said Quick Trip has been in business
for 35 years and had one of the best training programs in the business. Mr. Payne was aware of the
requirement to card, but he simply failed to follow through on the policy. His statement was that the
person did not have any identification, and he didn't make an issue of it.
Mayor Bacon said the home address of the minors was quite a distance from Quick Trip, and they would
have passed several other convenience or package stores while walking to Quick Trip and wondered if
perhaps they knew that they would be successful in buying beer at that location. Mr. Cussimanio said
Mr. Payne was just filling in that night, and it was unusual for him to be in the store at that time of night.
Councilman Lnenicka said he was concerned that this was the second incident at this location. Recently
council had a similar situation and the action they take tonight must be consistent. Council has a duty
to the residents of Smyrna to enforce the law involving health and safety issues and urged Mr.
Cussimanio to be more involved in training and operation of his stores.
Councilman Lnenicka made a motion the license be suspended for 60 days effective at 12:01 a.m., July
20, 1993. Councilman Newcomb seconded the motion and stated that Quick Trip is a good corporate
member of the community and they do have a good reputation which makes it that much more regrettable
to have to support the motion. It's troubling that someone Mr. Cussimanio described as a good manager
took this nonchalant attitude. The Mayor's point was also well taken that these young men knew where
they could go and not be checked as closely as other locations, and felt that was not representative of
other Quick Trip stores. This is the second violation since October 1989 and that is troubling. The evils
of teenage drinking are well known; it causes a lot of misery and a very firm, unswerving attitude on the
part of this council is needed regarding sales to minors.
Vote on the motion to suspend the license carried 7-0.
Mayor Bacon thanked Commissioner Thompson for coming tonight and appreciated his involvement in
our local government issues.
Mayor Bacon announced that we have finally won in the nude dance issue after 3 years of litigation.
Mayor Bacon thanked council for sticking together on this issue and also thanked Chuck Camp and the
city's law firm for drawing the ordinance and defending it all the way to the Supreme Court. As recently
as last week, we had to get a restraining order to prevent them from openly and willfully violating the
nude dance law.
Mayor Bacon also congratulated Ron Gant, Old South Barbecue, Howards Delicatessen, Fat Boy Drive-
In, McEntyre Bakery, Johns Car Wash, Bass Styling Salon and Lillie Glassblowers for being named the
"Best" of their categories by Inside Cobb Magazine last month.
Councilman Patrick reported on aWard 1 meeting conducted last week at the Community Center and
called on Laurel Best for a report from the Library.
Councilman Newcomb called on Mary Ann White for a report from Personnel. Mrs. White said the class
and comp study for city employees will begin soon.
Councilman Scoggins called on Kathy Barton for a report from Community Relations. Mrs. Barton said
the report from BPI earlier tonight did not show that the City saved $29,448 last year in tipping fees
through recycling and saved 162,811 cubic feet of space in the landfill. Also, Smyrna library cards are
now acceptable proof of residency for those who wish to use the recycling center. Mayor Bacon said we
have a new employee at the center who has turned away several non-residents who have attempted to
dump building material. Apparently that is why we have had such high cost of operating the center
.... because they were allowed to use it in the past.
Mrs. Barton also reminded everyone of the adopt-a-highway campaign on Saturday, July 31st. There are
26 groups who will be involved in picking up litter.
Mayor Bacon commended Kathy on the wonderful job she has done to educate our citizens about
recycling and without her, our program would not be as successful as it is today.
Councilman Scoggins called on Vic Broyles, who gave a report on the chipping program and reminded
July 19. 1993 meeting - continued
everyone that we still have once a week curbside trash pickup.
Councilman Cramer reminded everyone of his Ward S meeting on Saturday, July 31st at the Community
Councilman Lnenicka read a letter from the Cobb County Animal Control division commending officers
White and Pino for assisting them in rescuing a dog who was trapped in a motor oil pit recently.
Councilman Lnenicka said the grand jury presentments commended our Police Department and Chief
Hook for his efficient operation.
Councilman Lnenicka said the Cobb County Commission recently voted to do away with their weed
control ordinance and it bothered him because the City devotes a great deal of time in enforcing the
ordinance for our district.
Councilman Lnenicka recognized two guests from Russia who are visiting this country and staying with
his family in Vinings. They came to the United States through a program sponsored by Congressman
Newt Gingrich where 100 citizens are here to spend one month to study our economy and lifestyle and
take those ideas back to Russia.
Councilman Wood called on Jim Triplett for a report from the Finance Department.
With no furth€:r business. meeting adjourned at 10:08 p.m.
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