11212005 November 21,2005 Attachments November 21. 2005 9 CITIZENS INPUT: - There was none. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:04 p.m. fi ~,~~0. 'II;$) SUS~N D. HIOTT, CITY CLERK A. MAX BACON, MAYOR w "'L.J \ J__ \.... ~..-..r.,2. >N l~~ RON NEWCOMB, WARD 2 1 { ~ iJ"- Z'VN r-j if, / JtMt\>ly,i SMITH, W A~D 5 / I - ~~o~ - Resolution R2005-7 - National Incident Management System (NIMS) Adoption Resolution For the City of Smyrna, Georgia WHEREAS, Federal Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD) 5 establishes the National Incident Management System (NIMS); and WHEREAS, NIMS establishes a single, comprehensive approach to domestic incident management to ensure that all levels of government across the nation have the capability to work efficiently and effectively together using a national approach to domestic incident management; and WHEREAS, NIMS provides a consistent nationwide approach for federal, state and local governments to work together to prepare for and respond to, and recover from domestic incidents regardless of the cause, size or complexity; and WHEREAS, NIMS provides for interoperability and compatibility among federal, state and local capabilities and includes a core set of concepts, principles, terminology and technologies covering the Incident Command System, Unified Command, training, management of resources and reporting; and WHEREAS, all Federal departments and agencies shall make adoption of the NIMS a requirement for providing federal preparedness assistance through grants, contracts or other activities to local governments; and - WHEREAS, the State of Georgia has enacted through law (O.C.G.A 38-3-57) that all local public safety and emergency response organizations, including emergency management agencies, law enforcement agencies, fire departments, and emergency medical services, shall implement the standardized unified incident command system and that those agencies that do not establish such system shall not be eligible for state reimbursement for any response or recovery related expenses; NOW, THEREFORE, Be it hereby resolved that the City of Smyrna adopts the National Incident Management System (NIMS) as established under HSPD 5 and the Unified Command System as established under O.C.G.A. 38-3-57 as its system of preparing for and responding to disaster incidents and directs all incident managers and response organizations in City of Smyrna train and exercise and use these systems in their response operations. Adopted this the 21st day of November, 2005. - - Resolution R2005-7 A. Max Bacon, Mayor <::'". . 2.. je.J~ R6n Newcomb, Councilman Ward 2 - ~~~ Charles Pete Wood, Councilman Ward 7 - 2 Resolution In Support Of A Regional Transportation Funding Source - WHEREAS, the population of metro Atlanta has grown by approximately one million over the last decade and, by 2030, the region is forecasted to gain an additional 2.3 million residents; and, WHEREAS, cities and town centers are attracting or will attract significant new growth, which is the result of demographic, economic, and lifestyle changes which are projected to continue for the foreseeable future; and, WHEREAS, the Atlanta Regional Transportation Plan depends on the accelerated development of cities and town centers because of their unique capacity to support efficient transportation alternatives such as public transit, bicycle and pedestrian improvements that reduce automotive transportation demand and contribute to attainment of federal air quality standards, and, WHEREAS, the Atlanta Regional Transportation Plan call for heavy investment in the continuation and expansion of existing transit services and other alternative transportation infrastructure; and, WHEREAS, the reauthorization of the federal transportation bill is expected to result in increased federal funding to the Atlanta region which will require additional local match; and, NOW THEREFORE BE IS RESOLVED and it is hereby resolved, by the Mayor and Council of the City of Smyrna, Georgia, that the City of Smyrna fully supports a regional funding source for the region's comprehensive transportation needs; and, - BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED and it is hereby resolved, by the Mayor and Council of the City of Smyrna, Georgia, that the City of Smyrna acknowledges that complete transportation needs include improvements to the transit system, the roadway system, and the bicycle and pedestrian network as appropriate for the region and its cities. The above Resolution was read and approved by the Mayor and Council of the Cit 0 day of November 2005. A. Max Bacon, Mayor Councilmemoer Wade Lnenicka ~'~b~~ - o nc! mem er Scoggms ~ .,. j.\....) \oj.. - Councilmember Ron Newcomb r~~~ Councilmember Pete Wood