03172003 March 17, 2003 Attachment March 17.2003 14 Council Member Lnenicka recognized Mr. Chris Miller, who provided current building permit -., statistics to those present. Council Member Lnenicka reported there will be a meeting of the Vinings Forest Home Owners Association on Tuesday, March 25, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Council Member Lnenicka wished his sister and Council Member Cramer a happy birthday. Council Member Wood stated Ms. Edgar has no report. Council Member Wood yielded the floor with no report. CITIZENS INPUT: There was none. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:42 p.m. /~ A. MAX BACON, MAYOR - .iLf~)1 /7 /1 (l )~, v ME / it~"J )~ RON NEWCOMB, WARD 2 ~~' ILL. COGGINS ~ ~, R @;t~AM-lA JACK CRAMER, WARD 5 ~/ 8.--t; ~ CHARLES PETE WOOD, WARD 7 - ;J,. " -;: 1-C VI" ~ f e1-a;1 0 'f:o, y.~ e f.col , ~ ,.-Y 1~ /' ".. March 6, 7003 -- Victor Koch and Casey Clavin 1480 Roswell Street Smyrna, GA 30080 RE: Rezoning for 1490 Roswell Street Dear Vic and K.C.: This is a response to your letter of March 5, 2003. Listed a below are items that Hatcher Homes, Inc. has agreed to change from what was my previous letter dated March 4, 2003. If you are in agreement that with the adoption of these changes and that you will support this rezoning, would you please sign or initial in the space provided at the bottom of this letter signifying your support. ,~ ,... 1. Change front building set back to 45' for the home proposed adjacent to 1480 Roswell Street (your home). 2. Change the front building set back to 35' for the home proposed adjacent to 1496 Roswell Street (Hurley home). 3. Change the side (right) building set back to 5' for the lot adjacent to your property. 4. Change the side (right) building set back to 2' for the lot adjacent to the Hurley home. 5. Front and sides of both homes will be landscaped adjacent to the foundation in such a way as to screen the foundation. 6. The foundation that is exposed above grade will be painted a dark grey. 7. Each home will have its own driveway. (Both will be positioned on the left side of the property (and home). 8. The homes constructed shall utilize the same plans and elevations as used at Roswell Street Commons. Rear entry garages to be used (no detached garages). 9. The minimum square footage shall be 2200 sq. ft. 10. The homes shall be priced to sell at not l~ss than $259,900.00. It is more likely that these will sell in the $270,000.00 price range. 11. The home constructed next to your home shall be the "Four Square" plan. If used, the double porch plan may be built next to the Hurley home.l. ~ -IItJ . Foundation wall height to ~kc"t t8 8Iftiaia:uuB, Bat ft'll:lst mlo~ fOt: the front porch elevation to be R0 tt~ tb.~ the street elevation. (The proposed lot adjacent to your home is 4.82' lower than the street elevation.) (~X l l ~. /\ I-I .. .. ~. ........ ..:.,. 948. fax 770A34.9339. p.o. box HI 12tH. smyrna, ga ,OOHI-127H · newholl1es@integrit\,.colll fl-fOOl 'oN 3:JNVNlffilO - (1:J38S) 7VNOI.LVN -N!I.LNI SS!IN9NOJ !IaoJ 9Nla7IflfI NN!IH.LflOS 3H.L A8 a3HSI'I8fld SV 'NOI.Lla3 OOOl '!IaoJ !IJNVN!I.LNIVW ~.LN!IJOHJ 7VNOI.LVN -N!I.LNI 3H.L SV NMON:)( SNOI.L V'Ifl~'3lI alvs ~S'3lIfl.L3flll.LS H:JflS JlO NOI.LI'IOW3a 3H.L aNY '3Sfl aNY A3NV dfl:J30 NVWflH 1I0Jl .LIJlNfl S'3lIfl.L3flll.LS aNY S~Nla'Ilfl8 JlO NOI.L VNW3aNO:J 3H.L aNY ~3Sfl aNY NOI.L v dfl:J30 1I0Jl .1M: aNY AlIV.LINVS '3J1VS 3lIV S'3lIfl.L:Jflll.LS .1 VH.L '3lIflSN3 0.1 'IVI.LN3SS3 SNOI.LlaNO:J 'IV3ISAHd 1I3H.LO aNY S:U.LI'I13V JI 'S:U.LI'II.Lfl a31'IddflS 1I0Jl SffilVaNV.LS 3H.L ~S'3lIfl.L:Jflll.LS aNY S~Nla'Ilfl8 'A.L1I3dOlld 'I'IV JlO 33NVN3.LNIVW ONV SNOI.LlaNO.:J 3H.L ~NINlI3AO~ SNOI.L V'Ifl~3lI WflWINIW JlO .LN3WHSI'I8V.LS3 3H.L 1I0Jl ~NlaIAOlld 'VI~1I03~ 'VNlIAWS JlO A.LI.:J 3H.L A8 33NVNlffilO NV .~:)trnU!PlO S!qljo l UO!P~S U! p~q!l:)s~ld 'Atrn J! 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