October 1938 GEORG:r.A.. :I do swear and o~t~zen of the U. state of Georg~a for two years el.ve months ~mmed~a.tel.y preoeed~:Dg q Wll.~f~ed voter ~n mun~o~pal. of sa~d town and ent~tl.ed to tra't~on laws enforoed ~n 'th~s and ~n sa~d .November 5. el.eot~ons for regis'ter under state. ~--e 1ftt,~~... for the offioe of of said ~own of Smyrna. ii~" .d.~~ / (J Sworn to and subsoribed before me. this 'the / 7 day . of Ot?~ l.938. C2..a~, - OJ.erk . ---