June 1947
. ..-,.. . ... ,,_- '" _ (' 71f
thS ,mdersigned, baing a majori:ty of' the owne2'S of' and o~rs
of' a major:l:t.y of' t.he f'rontf'ootage of' abutting on Lee S,!,reet,
of' !.ee and' Love' ,
and Lee St.reet." m said City of: and a:1.50 bo:lng
t.o assessment i'or T,he cost. of' wi:t.hin t.he cit.;<r :1.imi.t.s on
do hereby
t.he Mayol' and Counc:l1. c,r said
to pas,l; or cause to be
ordinance requir~g the
in t.he Cit.;;{ of' Sm;)rrna.
1\fe .further
nlsi:1. notices:l se-t
s date for hearing, pass an assessment. ol~inance
the necessary
stat.a~nt abut."ti.ng owners" and t.o do and ha.ve done a1.1. t.hj.ngs
necessary as :l.'e~ired by Law, in order t.o the
of' said
We f'urther ca1.:1. at.tent.ion to t.he f'act that. this paving, if' done at.
the same t.~ Concord St.ree-t. end Love S-t.raet. are being paved, t.he cost.
wi:1.1. be 1ess t.hen wou1.d ordi.na.ri.::J..y be t.he case as f'avorab1.e bids can be
~c 1J~
~.. That the 'Who~e of '"
di ~ ounset Street in ~
s ....ance of app i vhe C:i ty of 8""'".,......"'_
rox mate~ ~-'V-'~3 being
, ~ineal fe t f
Sunset street and At1a e rom the eastern inter~e~~~on
ma Street in '" ~ lu
SUnset Street w:tJ-h the City of Smyrna to th .
.... Ham~ S~ J- ' €I lntersec+~on
M,;f ...ree" in the r'.. t V~
niform width of ~8 ;. .....3.. y of Smyrna.. be pav~d in ~
J.eet of' asphalt "" =
macadam pavement and
an engi.neer to prepare the propElX'" plans and specifi.c'ati.ons of the above
2. Tha't 'the May-or of
ovements herei.n proposed to be made.. and that said May-or be au:thorized
aft.er ~ega1. and propar adverl;.sing 0< same, ~et. a cont.ract. <or and in behall
of theCi.ty for the erecti.on of such proposed i.mprovements.
3. Thai::. the Mqor and Counc:il es't;i.mate the cost of such i.mprove-
ments from the best i.nformat:lon availab1..e at thi.s t:lme based on var:ious
discuss:lons w:tth cont;raci::.ors and oi::.hers having i::.echnical kn01lrledge of i::.he
cost. ;.nvo~ved t.o be approxi.mSt.e1:.T Two & 50/1-00 ($2,50) nollars per Uneal
foot. 0< Bud> '-"'Prove""'''''. and being = above set. <ort.h appr=imat.e1:.T ~056
"~i'~ee:C'-or~pa;V;:L'"'5 -"<.~ ""_. ereci::.edJ> 1:.he 1:.oi::.al es1;;i.mated cosi::. theref'ore for the
complete job, being $2640.00. Such e5-t.;Lma.ted costs 80S above set forth being
es't:tmai::.ed to be $1.25 per front foot. of property l..n sa:td ci.t;y:. abu:t.ting on
sunset Street, on'the nort.h and south sides thereof'.
4.. That when said i.mprovement.s are cOOlp1..eted an ordinance sha1.1..
be passed assessing the tot.aJ. cost of' same inc1..uding engineering and super-
vis:lon expenses aga:lnst the owners of the proper1#Y on sai.d
as provided
i.n Sect,ion 66 et seq. of' the new charter of said city (Georgia laws 193~, page
963, €It. seq.)..
;;. That bef'ore the passage of' this ordinance a public hearing regarci-
'ng ._ shan be he1d at. a ".,.t.<ng 0< sa'd """or and cauneH; and it. ... hereby
ordered that such said public hear:tng sha1..~ be he1..d before said 'Mayor and Coun-
ci:1. on the :1.5th day of Ju1;y, ~947, at eight 0 t o.1..ock P - M.. That 80:1.1.. property
owners and ot.her persons in"terested there:tn are d:i.:rected and notified to
appear at sucb he='ng and make ar:tlf objeet.,on t.he:r ma;r desire t.o urge agahst.
e ,€I passage of this ordinance..
6.. That pending the cons:tderat1..on of' this ordina:nce by 1#he May-or
"l.1nci~, an adver'tisement shall be posted in three (:3) pub~iC places
'_~oll~ -c ,. h
_ c> ..cOffiP.J..3..S the paving
:in sai d C:1 ty, to-:w:i t.
, the City Hall.. the Post O~~ice
all being in the City o~ S and the Bank o~ Sm;.vrna..
ll\Yf:"na and aJ.~ being 1 t
said City .~.... oca ed on AtJ.anta street in
l' gJ. Y .,l,.ng notice o:r the . t d
Suoh adv t:1 3..n 1"0 uction and pendency of'
er sement shall state the
paved.. the na'ture
per front foot 0
this ordinance..
name of' the street to .....- :im:
u.,. proved and
ed:tm o~~mr;:t
. ;r~~~d-;tbe_.Q~*-...d "".-.-+.
property owners or others :interested are not:if:1ed to appear at a meeting of
sdd Mqor and Council to be held on the 15th dq of JuJ.y, 1947, in theCity
Ha11 of said city at. eight. otcJ.ock Po. M.~ and nake a.n::r objection thai::. t.hey
mq desire to urge against t.he passage o~ this ord:tnance.
7. Tha1; a oopy of said adver1;:Lsement described in Sect:i.on 6 above
sh~ be ma:i1ed 1;0 eaoh person, oompa.n,y or oorporation~ whose Pos1; Offi.oe
a.ddress :Ls known, that owns any proper1;y f'ron1;:i.ng or abutt:1ng on Sunset
c:ity llm:i1;s of 1;he Cit.y of Smyrna.
or the City or
, be it ordained by the Mayor and COuncil
and it is hereby ordained by authority or
1. That the whole or Lee Street in the City or Smyrna
being a distance or approximately 1..330 lineal feet from the Northern
intersection of Lee Street with Love Street in the City at: Smyrna
intersection of Lee Street with the city limits or
Width or twenty (20) reet or asphalt
pavement and stone.. compacted rour (4) inches thick,;
to engage an engineer to pr.epare the proper:;.plans and speci-
fications o:f.' the above improvements herein proposed to be made, and
that said Mayor be authorized arter legal and proper advertising or
same let a contract :f.'or and in behalr o:f.' the City :f.'or the erection
o:f.' such proposed improvements.
That the MaYor and Council estima.te the cost o:f.' such
time based
D~:=t;tars ($3.12). per
aboye se;t :f.'orth appr
to be erected,
and 12/100
:f.'oot at: such. improvements and being as
1,330 :f.'eet or paving
the total estimated cost theret:ore t:or
being $4,149.60. Such estimated costs as above
set rorth being estimated to be ~~1.56 per i'ront root ot: property in
said city abutting on Lee Street on the East and West sides thereot:~
shall be passed
said city (Georgia Laws J.931,
the owners or the property on sa:i.d
charter ot:
That bet:ore the
same shall be held at a meeting at: said Mayor and
ce a public
Council; and it is hereby ordered t;ha t such said public hearing
shall be held be:f.'ore said l'lCayor and COWJ.ci~ on the151ili
day ot:
, 1947, at
o.!clo.ck P.. ]11.
That all pro.P-
erty o.wners and other perso.ns ~nterested therein are d~rected and
no.t~fied to. appear at such hearing and make any o.bjection they may
desire to urge against the passage o.f this o.rdinance.
6. That pending the co.nsideratio.n o.f this o.rdLnance by
+,he Mayo.r and Co.uncil an advertisement shall be Po.sted in three (3)
public places in said city; to.-wit.. the City Hall, the Pest Of"f"~ce
be~ng in the C~ty o.f Smyrna and all be~ng
fo.o.t o.f same..
Such advertisement shall further set f"o.rth that the
property owners o.r o.thers interested are netified to. appoar at a
said M.ayo.r and Co.uncil to. be held en the. . .' J.5th
.. 1947, in the City HalJ. o.f said city eight
7. copy
6 abo.ve shall be mailed to. each person,
whese Pest Of"fice address is kno.wnl' that
en Lee Street within the city l~its
or cerp,,-
any pro.perty
o.f" the
Cont~nuat~on of m~nuteg or June 23, 1947.
Tnere being no rurther business the meeting adjourned.
M~nutes by Mrs. Pruitt.
~t<J\ nAA~~
The1ma D.. };~
At; a call meeting ot: the :Mayor and Council ot: Smyrna
held at 8:00 P.. M. on the
day ot: June.. 1947.. at; the
City Hall # the t:ollowing ordinance was introduoed by Councilman
R.D. Durham
and seconded by Councilman R: P.. McCollum
WHEREAS# Seotion 64 ot: the new charter ot: the City ot:
(Georgia Laws 1931 - pages 982 and 983) which section has
amended or repealed in any manner and is now
11 t:oroe and
.. that no side1l'lallcl'
other pJ,.ace shall be paved# repaved.. or
until the passage ot: an ordinanoe author:iz:tng the SaIDe# and no
such ordinance ahal1 be passed unless the mayor and council shall
have f:irst been pet:ttioned :in writing to pave.. repave# or ot;her-
wise ':improve the same... by a major:ity of the persons# companies or
corporations # 'or the owner or owners ot: a major:i..ty ot: the t:ront
t:oot;age of abutting propert;y' subject to assessment for the cost;
ot: paving, repav:ing# or otherwise :improving the sidewall~# street#
avenuel' publ:ic alleyI' publ:ic pIace or portion thereof' proposed to
be paved or' repaved; 11 and
WHEREAS# at the regular .Tune meeting of" the Council held
at 7:30 P. M. 'on the 10th day ot: .Tunel' 1947, a petition was pre-
sented to t;he Mayor and Counc:i..l signed by nineteen (19) property
owners ot: the c:i..ty resid:ing on Dunn Street in sa:id c:ity# being a
majority ot: the owners of" property on Dunn Street.. and owning a
majority of the front f'ootage ot: property in the city abutting on
Dunn Stt"eet; and
WHEREAS # :in said petit:ion the Mayor and Council are re-
to pass an ordinance requ:iring the pav-:i.ng oi' the port:ion ot:
:in t;he City of: Smyrna, t;o advertise the intrOduction of:'
€I and to.ma:il
s:ide'oi' Dunn'Street, to set a date f'or
hear:ing.objeotions to such ordinance.. to subsequently pass an assess-
ment ord:inance g:iv:ing the requisite statement to abutting owners
onsa:id.streetand to. do any and all things'necessary as required by
law and by the charter of said city to legally accomplish the paving
of sa:id street;
Upon reading of the forego~ng ordinance ~t was moved, seconded,
and unan~mously carried that Sect~ons 5.. 6.. and 7 of sa~d
ordinance be adopted pend~ng the consideration of said ordinance
~ld that the clerk be authorized and directed to immediately
advertise the ~ntroduction and pendence of sa~d ordinance and
to give tile not~ces required by same in tile manner requ~red by
sections 6 and 7 thereof.
r.1oved seconded"
8 of' said
of' said ordinance
e and to
"Rff...................._ ......'""".r::lF'_"'''fY">,r...;, ........? ~'7"M""'rrT1'n~
To Honorable Mayor and llUll'lIbers o~ 1;he amyTna. Counei.1,
Comml~~ee and have
wi~h ~he abova
'thi 8. pe~i 'tilon f'oryour
owners, and to do
:tn order to
of' sa1.d street.
~e further oa1.1. attent1.on to the faot that th:ts
i.f done at the same t:tme Ooncord street is bei.ng paved, the
be 1.ess than wou1.d ord1.nar:l1.Y be the case as i"avor-
contraotor paving Concord street.
Addendum No. :1. to Minutes of' June lO, 1947;
Petitions requestinG passing of' Ordinances f'or pavine of' streets
introduced at; meeting On night o:f <Tune lO,al'e at;tached at I:; he
close of' m:tm4tes and made a. part hereof'; and are more particularly
described, as f'o:1.lows;
Peti tion lTo. l:
Presented a C omrni ttee f'roTll Love Stree t and
signed by twenty (20) property o~mers, this
beinG a ma,j ori ty of' the propert:v owners on
said street.
Pet1.tion No.2:
Presented by a Committee :from DlUln street and
signed by nineteen (1.9) property owners, this
beinG a majority of'the property OVlners on
sa1.d street.
Petition 1To. 3:
Presented by a Comm:tttee :from Sunset St;reet
and s:Lgned b'T s:Lxteen propert-;'T owners, thi s
being a majority of' the property owners on
sajJl street.
Petit:Lon 1'To. 4;
Presented b-:T a Cormni ttee f'rom Lee Street and
signed by seventeen (l7) property owners, this
beinG a majority of' the property owners on
said street.
,Tune 23:1 1947
A meetinG of the lIifayor and Council was held at the City Hall
on June 23, 1947, at 7: 30 P. lIJ.
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor, Mrs. Lorena P.
Pruitt, with al:1. counc1.1men present: B. H. Hanson, H. D. Durham,
E. E. Jackson, H. P. McCollLuu and W. A. Quarles.
Minutes of' June 1.0 meeti.ng were read and approved.
Motion was made by 1,'11'. Hanson, seconded by 1'1fr. NlcCo:1.lum that
Mr. Edwards, as Ci ttorney, cance:1. contract i'or the use of
springs owned by Pat rson when contract wa,s made, bu't now owned
by Mr. Gibson. Motion was carried.
Motion was made by Mr. QuanilielJ ,seconded by Mr. Jackson, that
that Mrs. Mittie Willianson cont1.nue to pay the minimunl charge
for water service while she is out of tmv:n even tho11g::l the water
may be cut off. Motion was carried.
Motion WaS made by Mr. Quar:1.es, seconded by Mr. Jackson, that a
survey be made to estab1.ish the c1.ty limit lines on Lee, Concord
and Dunn streets. Motion was carried.
R. E. Lewis WaS ca:1.:1.ed before tlle City Council l.n regard to the
disorderly conduct in his Tavern. Following a disc1,1ssion of this
matter, Mr. Lewis was warned that upon any further complaint, his
Tavern would be closed without notice. Motion was made by
Mr. Durham, seconded by Mr. Hanson, that the Tavern be c1.osed for
the niGht at :1.1:00 P. M. instead of 11.:45 P. 1,1[. Mo'tion Was
There was a motion by Mr. Quar:1.es, seconded by Mr. McCol11nn, that
al1. bi1.:1.s outstanding aga1.nst the Construction Account, being
proper1.y approved by Merritt & Welker" Engineers, be paid. Motion
was cavried.
Bui1.ding permits weve
issued, as fo:1.1ows:
G. B. Wi:1.:1.1.ams, for a house to be built On the richt 01' his
dvive and :tn the reav of his house on Powder Spvings street;
a four-voom house with bath, with two povches. Dimens"i.ons
wil1. be 26' x 28'.
E. G. Turner, for a house to be bui:1.t on Valitf1.eld street
between Howard Goodson and D. A. Cochran; a five-romn f'rame
house with bath, painted vnlite, dimensions 26' x 33', on a
:1.ot 80 f 'x 200'.
Motion was made by 111'. Durham, seconded by I'll'. McCo:1.lum, to
gi ve Mvs. l\lfause S. Cheney ~~150 .00" in lieu of' the t.h,ree (:3)
sewer taps agreed on at the meeting on May 26, 1947~ which is
heveby canceled. Motion was carried.
At a call meet~ng.of the Mayor and Counc~l of Smyrna
held .at 8:00 P. 1';[. on the'tm:mt:v-thfrd day of June" :1.947" at the
City Hal:1." the fo:1.:1.owing ordinance was introduced by Counc~lman
H. D. Durham and seconded by Counc1.lman H. P. McCollum
lI'lHEREAS" Se c tion 64 of the new charter of the: ..~J;
Smyrna (Georgia Laws 1931 - pages 982 and 983) which section
not been a:1.tered" amended or repealed l.n now
in fu1.l.. force. and effect" in part, "that no s~dewalk,
street, al:1.ey" or other place shall be paved, repaved, or improved"
until. the. passage of: an ordinance authorizing the same, and no
such ordinance shall be passed unless the mayor and counc~l shall
have f~rst been petit1.oned in writing to pave, repave" or other-
wise improve the same, by a major~ty ot: the persons, companies or
corporat~ons, ~9r the owner or owners of: a majority or the f:ront
f'ootage of abutting property' subject to assessment for the cost
of' paving, repav~ng, or othervlise 1.mproving the sidewalk, street,
avenue, publ~c alley, pub:1.ic place or portion i;;hereof' proposed to
be paved or repaved;" and
WHEREAS, at the regular June meeting of' the Council
held at 7:30 P. M. on the lOth day of' June, 1947" a petit.ion was
presented to the Mayor and Council signed by twenty (20) property
ora:ners of the c~ty residing on Love street ~n said city, being a
majority of: the owners ot: property on Love Street" and owning a
o:c the f'ront f:ootage of' property ~n the city abutting on
Street; and
1JIlHEREAS, in said petition the I\lIayor and Council are re-
to. pass an ordinance requiring the !)aving of' the portion of'
the City of of'
and to ma~l ons own~ng
rty fronting on either side
Love street, to set a date f'or
to subsequently pass an
stat.ement to abutting owners
a 1.1. necessary as required by
charter of: said city to legally accomplish the paving
hearing objeci;;:lons to such
.assessment .,0rdiDance g1.ving the
.on said street
NOW, TlIERE:FOI{l:lj, be i~t ordained by the Mayor and Council
o:t the city o:t Smyrna, and it is hereby ordained by author:tty o:t
s arae :
l. That the who1.e o:t Love street in the City o:t Smyrna
being a distance o:t approxima te:1.y l,350 lineal :teet :trom the _E!~stern
i.ntersect:ion of' Love street w:ith Atlanta street in the City 0:' Sln.- ----- ~
concord Roat4. ~
of' Love st;reet wi th~.f}3..~:-~-"l:Jo:S-"'O:i'
twenty (20) f'eet of' asphalt
l.nches th1.ck, said pavement tying
with ex:ist:tng curb and gutter on the sou,th side
2. That a concrete curb and gutter be insta:1.1ed on the
Such newly in-
north s1.de of' sa:id street adjacent to said paving.
stalled curb and gutter shou:1.d be constructed in secti.ons having a
un1.f'orm length of' ten (lO) f'eet, except where necessary to alter the
length f'or e:1.oses; such sections to be separated by steel templates,
one-eighth of' an inch thiclc, which shall. rema1.n in p1.ace until the
concrete has set suf'1'icient1y to hold :lts shape, the :face and sur:face
of' such curb and gutter to be f'loa ted to a smooth f'inish.
3. Tra t the Mayor 01' said City is EJ-uthorized and em-
powered to engage an eng1.neer to prepare the proper plans and speci-
f'ica t1.ons of' the above' improvements here:in proposed to be made, and
that sa1.d l'll.ayor be author1.zed a1'ter legal. and proper advertising of'
same let a'contract f'or and in beha1f' of' the C1.ty f'or the erection
proposed improvements.
4. Tl:w.tthe Mayor and counci:1. est:tm.ate the cost of' such
f'rom the bestinfor,ma.t(1.on ava1.:1.able at this t:tm.e based
the cost invo:1.ved to be approx:lmate:1.y Four Dol:1.ars (3~4.00
:1.1.neal f'o.ot of' such improvements and be;ing as above set
1,350 f'eet of' paving and concrete curb and gut.ter
erected, the total estimated cost theref'ore f'or the comp:1.et;e
$5,400.00, such est.ima.-t.ed cost as above set forth being estimated
$2.00 per front foot. of' propert.y :in sa.id ci-t.y, abutt:ing on Love street on
scussions ecbn:5.ca:L""
the north and sout.h si.des thereof.
5. That when sa:id improvements are complctod an
ordinance sha:1.:1. be passed assessing the tot;a:1. cos t of' same :in-
cluding eng:ineer:ing and supervis:ion expenses aga:inst the owners
of' the property on said street as provided in Section 66 et seqi
of the new charter of sa1.d city (Georgia Laws :1.931, page 983 et
seq.e.s _.) _
n publi.c
Mayor and
ordered that such said publ:ic hear:in8 shall
Mayor and Council on the 15th day of .Tu:l:y ,
l.94'7, at e1.$t. o'clock P. M. (~~ '1'hat; a1.1 property
owners and other persons interested there:in are directed and noti-
f'ied to appear at such hearing and make any objection they may des:ire
to urge against the passage of this ordinance.
'7. That pending the consideration of this ordinance by
the :Mayor and Council an advertisement sha:1.l be pos ted in three (3)
pub:1.:ic p:1.aces in said cl.ty; to-w:it, the City Hs:1.1., the Post Off1.ce
and the Bank of Smyrna, al:1. being in the City of Smyrna and all being
located on Atlanta Street in said City, giving notice of the intro-
duction and pendency of th:is ordinance. Such advertisement shall state
the name of the street to be improve.d and paved, the nature of such
contemplated improvements and the estimated cost per front foot of ,
same. Such advert:isement shall further set forth that the property
01ilITlera or others :i.nteres ted are no tif:i.ed to appear at a meet:ing of
said 1'llayol"' and Council to be he 1.d on the 1.5t.h dny of Ju]y
:1.947 :in the City Hall of said city at e:i.ght. 0 I c:1.ock P, 1'.'I.
(or A. M.), and make any objection that they may desire to urge against
the passage of this ordinance.
8. That a copy of said advertisement described in
Section 7 above shall be ma:i1.ed to each person, company or corporation,
",hose Post Office address is known, that owns any property fronting
on Love street w:ith1.n the city lim1.ts of the City of