September 1950 read.. m:1nutes C Ounc :1l.man C.. execute lerk attest exeeu- that :1m- to date l.:1st :1n the s same .. HOward extra l:1ne lead- :1nto tank.. Howard Hames hours to be ng Co:mm:1ttee McCalla to Mr. needed of an and 2n on P.. .. Shaw and seconded unan:1mous.. GEORGIA, 1J,i~ :; . !~, ..;. <id. " (} ~ Jr.,,:. { \ \ i I i I N I t f 11. " i ]l l~ ,Y-O ~; J t: ;~ ;f: ~~ * -y' ~ or the arorE,saj.d origi.nal ~ contract and agreement between the part,ies hereto has been upheld and sust~aj.rJe~ ; :J. it of'the City's water and sewera.ge revenue certificates of' 19L6, in the case 01>. iE.~....... Reed v. Cit;,y or Sm;,yrna, 201 Ga. 228, decided on September 5, 19L6; and I' I i I ~ ~: ? *! t' ~ " f 1i; WHEHEAS, such aroresaj,d expanded County wat€,r system vdll cause the if ~, I' ff cr~ the jointly oYmed suppl.1r line, including the pmnping station located thereonl I 'i , ! I 'i ?i A~ -~ ~a!J COBB COUNTY. THIS CONTRACT made and entered into in duplicate this day of' September, 19$0, by and between the CITY OF SMYRNA, a ~mnicipal corporation or said State and Count;:r.. as party ofLhe :first part, hereinai>ter called the "City".. and COSB COUNTY, a poli t,iC.3J_ subdjv::i sian of the St,ate of Georgia.. as party orLhe second part, hereinarter call.ed the "County"; WIT N E SSE T H WHEREAS. a contra.ct and agreement, was made E.nd entered into on r.ray 7.. 1946.. between sa:td part,ies, and whereas, such original contract and agreement was supplemented and amended by an agreement entered into by sa1(j parties on December 30.. 1947, and whereas, such contracts and agreements were further supplement,ed and amended b;y said parties on August, 31, 19Li3, aJ.J_ of such contracts and agre€Illents to the County supplying t,he City water, erection of' a jointl;y owned supply line and pUJnping stBtion, the operation and maintenance of same '!J etc..; and WHEREAS, t.l:e and by the Supreme Court of Georgia in connection 1i\':i_'th the validation proceed:i.ngs WI-IEREAS, earlier this year t.he County chartered a large expansj.on of its water system.. the wat,er for such expanded system to be furnished b;y the pre-existing supply line jointly owned by it and the City, and in pursuance thereof the County has issu.ed and validated and received the pro- ceeds of' some :/$800,000.,00 of' Wat,er Revenue Anticipation Certificates and now has such expanded water system under c onsT,ruction and contemplates \;y same at an earJ.;)r date; and County to use a. .t'ar f~::-eater proportion of the f'acilj ties and services of and, accordingly, the parties hereto have ascertained and determined that equity and good conscience would require a new agreement and arrangeJ:1ent with rererence to the prora.tion o.f' .tho maintenance expense oE such :facili i:;iea, and in pursuance thereof a resolution was duly adopted by the Co~~ssioner of Revenues and Advisory Board of Cobb County at the on 4p 19$O, authorizing the County operation agreement regarding jointly owned f'acilities; and connection with the af'oresaid expansion 0 f has erected a six-inch main from a point on Concord its water Road City vicinity, inch main; main of the City terminates near the western Smyrna out Concord Ro.ad to South Cobb Drive and maihS and other appurtenances on said six- city is desirous of' purchasing said six-inch thereto, running out Concord Road .fro "1 a Limits of' the City o.f Smyrna to Sout,h Cobb Drive, at, the erection cost thereof'; .and is desirous of selling said line and appurtenances on the t.erms af'oresaid f'or the re.ason that it will County buying water from the City to supply said can be better and more ef':ficiently operated and of' the Cl tY water system since it will have to be supplied to s.ame, and :further because the proceeds from eXT,end the County's lines in other parts or the otherwise be furnished. together point near as to the C;Lty obviate and water by such sale County tak ings County in consideration of' the premises and mutual under- out, it ls contracted agreed between Cobb of Sm;yrna.. each acting by and through its duly authorlzed .. pursuant to resolutions and ordinances of adopted: 1. That Section 2 of the original contract as af'oresaid,pertaining to subject matter between said parties, du1y executed on May 7, 1946, be amended by striking the second sentence of' said section which reads as maintaining and repairing said Ilne and pumping borne the parties hereto", and by~ inserting in a new reading as fo1lows: "The expense of maintai.ning - 2 - and repairing said line and pumping station shall be borne by the parties heret.o in the manner hereinarter in detail set forth", so that said Section 2 as ~~ended herein shall hereinafter read as rollows: "The City and County shall jointly construct a ten-inch pipe line ~om a point agreed upon on State Highway No. 3E to a point agreed upon on the eastern outskirts or the City or Smyrna.. a distance of' approxi- mately 7224 feet, and shall jointly erect a pumping station thereon. The expense of maintaining and repairing said line and pumping station shall be borne hy the parties hereto in the manner hereinaCter in detail set rorth. The current operating expenses of same shall be pro- rated between the parties in the manner more specifically hereinafter provided." 2. That Section 8 or the original contract as aroresaid pertaining to subject matter between said parties, duly executed on May 7, 1946, be amended by striking Section 8 thereof in its entirety and inserting in lieu thereof a new Section 8 to read as f'ollows: "All cost of maintaining and repairing the 'project' shall, during the period of this contract be borne by the parties hereto on a pro rata basis as hereinafter set f'orth. The County shall be responsible for maintenance of the line and the City agrees to pay to the County within thirty (30) days after any maintenance expenses are incurred, its pro rata share of' same as hereinafter provided. Provided, however, that the M~or and Councilor the City shall be notified beforehand of any a.cessary repair work and shall approve same, unless such repairs be or an emergency or urgent nature,in which event, the County may imme- diately make them and shall notif'y the City of Same as soon as reason- ably possible. Such maintenance cost and repairs, which are hereby defined as all cost of maintaining the 'project! other than operating cost covered by Section 9 beLow, shall be pro rated between the parties hereto based on the gallonage consumption or water by each party for the twelve months next preceding the month in which the expense of such maintenance and repairing was incurred." J. That the City agrees to purchase from the County a certain water line together with the appurtenances thereon now being erected by the County from a. point on Conoord Road where an existing six-inch main or the City terminates near the western City L:imi ts or the City of Sm,yrna out Concord Road to South Cobb Drive and vicinity, said line consisting of a six-inch cast iron main transgressing said area, together with smaller mains leading off such six-inch main and together with all services and appurtenances erected or to be erected on same, for cash, the purchase price of same to be the cost of said line and system to the County. 4. That the County agrees to sell said line and S,ystem upon its completion to the City ror its cost incurred in erecting same, together - 3 - w1.th engineering fees thereon.. there being attached hereto, marked "Exhibit estimates of the cost of such the s. render to the system. or such line at the unit contractor line and IWstem is completed the County shall forth in detail the cost of such line and the County, through its regular employees does or has done any of the work erecting be charged to the City of Smyrna by units now prevailing between the County and the the addition to the County water system. 6. That or saj_d line upon such shall immediately and, the County shall interest in the aforesaid bill or the County for the cost City agrees to immediately pay same in cash the said line, system and appurtenances of the w-lthin agreement vest. in the C:Lt;vand divested or any title, claim, right or than exist by reason oi' the within contract. 7. of the CGunty and City shall jointly route or said line and system and shall of $35.00 f'or each meter insta~led, which the County. 'fhat one-hall of' such meter installa- the County and that one....halr of same shall belong to either pay the City its one-half of the bill to be rendered in accordance That the a amount shall be fee to the City.. Same in cash or with Section 5 That title pasSes i'rom the County to the City then.arra..ngements for meter installations be by the City and the cost of same, not to the amount charged residents of the City at the time f'or such service, shall be f'ixed by the City and collected by it. 8. as the within contract and agreement, residents of the County residing line and sys tem on the same basis as it within a reasonable -4- provides water services t,o its resi.dents, and al3rees never to exact a prj ce higher f'or said water services than it exac.ts f'rom i.ts resident,s having sewerage services. 9. That, as f'urther consideration f'or the within contract and agreement, the City agrees to sell to the County water at a point, or points, on South Cobb Drive in the eVent that the County at a later date decides t.o extend its lines either north or south on South Cobb Drive :for a price o:f 20if; per one thousand gallons dtlringthe term of' the a.roresaid original agreement o.f May 7, 1946, the County in such event to pay a.ll expenses of' connecting on to the City's line and system, including the installation of' appropriai,e meter or meters" Provided, however, that in t.he event the price of' water sold to the City by the County is increased or decreased by subsequent agreement, then the af'oresa:Ld of' 20if; per one thousand gallons shaJ_l be increased or decreased corresponding as the case may be dUI':Lng t,he per:Lod of' any such change.. 10. That as f'urther cons:Lderation f'or the within contract and agreement both parties hereto agree that neither wilJ. take or f'urnish the water customer of' the other so long as adequate and proper services at reasonable rates are being rendered by each to any and all customers desirir~ the services of' the f'acilities o:f the other unless mutually agreed. 11.. That said original contract between the parties hereto, together wi th the supplemental agreements and amendments of' December 30, 191.i-7, and of' August 3l, 1948.. are not altered, changed, or varied by the within contract and agreement in any manner or respect whatsoever except as men- tioned and provided herein. 12. That should any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this contract and agreement or of' the aroresaid original agreement of' ~~y 7, 1946, together with the af'oresaid supplemental agreements thereto of' December 30, 1947, and August 31, 1948, be held invalid or unconstitutional in any respect or manner whatsoever, it shall in no wise or way af'f'ect any or all of' the remaining provisions, all or lNhich of' same shall. remain in full :force and ef'f'ect. -;; - IN the parties hereto acting by and through , pursuant to appropriate duly and properly adopted by and agreement to be executed in duplicate, having the full f'orce and erfect of an first above written. Attest: COBB COUNTY 4-L.L- Roa.ds & Revenues d -6- ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE FOR CONCORD ROAD WATER LINE AND SYSTEll1 FROM SJiIYRNA TO SOUTH COBB DRIVE NO. UNIT UNIT UNITS PRICE COST 6" B&S'C.I. Pipe L.F. !~ 730 1..50 ,,, 7 ,09S .00 oft'- C. I. Fittings Lbs. IBOo 0.125 225.00 iVI:ineralead It 800 0,,073 58.1..0 Lead " 150 0.12 18.00 Jute (Oiled) It 10 0.17 1.70 Jute (Braided) II 95 0.1~5 u2.. 75 61t Gate Valves & Boxes Ea. 10 u7..29 472.90 Fire Hydrant.s It u Sh.B7 339.48 Connection to Main " 1 15.00 15.00 4" Meter & By Pass " l 715.00 715.00 House Service " 26 hz.oo 1,092.00 Sub-Total for Construction 10,075.23 Engineering 604..52 Total $10,679.75 Estimate f'or Rest o.r I,ine on Concord, South Cobb, and Wootten Road 6" C. I. Pipe L.F'. 1400. 1..50 3980 0.70 1 84..87 2 u7.29 19 42.00 2!" C. I. Pipe ., Fire Hydrant.s Ea. 6" Gate Valves & Boxes .. Fi.tt.ingl' Jute & Lead House Services It Sub-Total f'or Construction Engineering Cost or whole line $10,679.75 ~ $6,427.26 = ~t, 2,100.00 2, '186.00 8h.87 94..58 200,,00 798.00 6,063.1.5 363..81 $ 6,L27.26 $17,107.01 o I ....."-1 0':. ~~ ~..'. ,..J ....,,~ .......... < o o 2<37 "!!' A special meeting of the Mayor and Council was held at the City Hall September 12, 1950, 7:30 P. M. Mayor J. M. Gibson, presiding with the following Councilmen present; P. P. Shaw, H. L. McEntyre, Stanley Mc- Calla, C. W. Jones and "Howard Hames. City Attorney Harold Willingham, City Engineer Paul Hensley and Sup~. of Water Dept. Howard McCollum present. Purpose of meeting to adopt rules and regulations for November election and elect election managers and registrars. Motion made by Councilman P. P. Shaw and seconded by Councilman McEntyre that the following Ordinance be adop~ed which was unanimously adopted: Election of Mayor and two Councilmen for the term beginning January I, 1951 will be held Ndvember 4, 1950, as provided by the Charter of the City. Hours of the election shall be from 1:00 P. M. to 7: P. M. Deadline for registration of voters shall be the 20th day of October, 1950, as provided by the Charter of said City. Deadline for qualifi- cation of Mayor or Councilman shall be the twentieth day of October, 1950, as provided by the Cnarter of the City. On, or before such date all persons offering themselves as candidates shall file a v~itten notice with the Clerk of said City s~tt~ng forth their date and place of birth, period of residence in the City of Smyrna real property owned by them, and a statement that they are a duly quali-' fied registered voter of the City of Smyrna, and that they possess all the qualifications required by said Charter for Mayor or Councilman, as case may be, of said City. It was further ordained that rules and regulations for contesting elect-~ ion be the Same as set forth in the Georgia Code for State E~ections. Motion made by Stanley McCalla seconded by Howard Hames and unanimously adopted that the following resolution and ordinance be adopted: That pursuant to authority contained in Sec. 9 of the Charter of the City that Jimmy Quaraes, Eugene Rice and Rev. E. B. Awtry be named, de- signated, constituted and appointed as the three registrars of said City to serve a term of one year, and until their successors are duly chosen and qualified. Said registrars shall examine the registration books of the City and purge from same names of all persons not qualified to vote in the Municipal election of said City, such qualification being set forth in detail in the Charter of the City. That on, or before the hour fixed for the commencing of the regular election of said City to be held on November 4, 1950 for a Mayor and two Councilmen of the City as provided by in the Charter of the City, said registrars shall furnish to the managers duly selected to hold such election three certified lists of the qualified voters of the City eligible to vote in said election. That said registrars shall be entitled to a compensation of $8.00 each for certifying the lists of qualified voters for each election held in the City. That Jimmy Pierce, Justice of the Peace for the Militia District in which the City of Smyrna is situated, E. C. Bramblett and John Collier freeholders of said City, be elected as election managers for the City election to be held November 4, 1950 to elect a Mayor and two IJouncil- men. Said managers shall be paid the sum of $8.00 each for services as-e1ection managers. Motion made by P. P. Shaw seconded by C. W. Jones to clean alley from Methodist Church to Love Street and widen it wherever property owners desire. Voted unanimous. > Mr. Willingham read from Charter pertaining to the Citys authority to enforce property owners to keep vacant lots cleaned off. City Clerk to check as to previ~us ordinance is on file regarding same. 238 (Sept. min. con) Motion made by Howard Hames seconded by H. L. McEntyre to give B. A. Guthrie permission to tie on sewer due to a former agree- ment made by the City Council, which was in exchange with Mr. Guthrie for running line through Mr. Guthrie's private property. Voted unanimous. Motion made by Howard.Hames seconded by H. L. MCEntyre to pur- 0 chase Ii Ton 1942 Ford truck from Paul Hensley for '375.00.Vot- ing for Howard Hames, H. L. McEntyre, C. W. Jones, Stanley Mc- Calla. Against, P. P. Shaw. Motion made by Howard Hames seconded by P. P. Shaw to rent com- pressor for two more months. Voted unanimous. Motion made by Howard H~~es seconded by Stanley MCCalla to pur- chase automatic controll box for traffic light at Church and King Street ~ntersection. Voted unanimous. Motion made by HOward Hames seconded by C. W. Jones to employ an additional policeman to be on duty from 2 P. M. Saturday until 2 A. M. Sunday morning, salary to be pro rated according to regular policeman pay. Voted unanimous. Councilman Hames and Councilman McCalla appointed by the Mayor to further investigate giving Mr. Bearden a quit claim deed on alley. Councilman McEntyre assisted by Councilman Hames was ask by the Mayor to investigate the need of a new tank for fire truck and c os t . Meeting adjourned. $~~. 171a.A:r1..<<JcJ~ Clerk .. ~ c. UJ ~~~ 0Jr/~~ . /' ~~ cfffJJlf ~ ~~ <iT o