May/Jun 1950
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end Mr., Hames 'to
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------------ . 0..20 Pound
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MAIN 2177.21'78
787 Windsor Street, S. W.
The.--_____.......c....._~-...-. ~9~,--~.-------m------
,?n of the City of_ .1.1'.1 an__n____n____nnm_______n____
County of-~~.---n--n-----n-n-------n----, State of__~~__n___ __n_n___ ~_ _______n___n__n' _n______n___nn_ _ _ hnn___n_n __n______nn_ ___ __ _ __
--n-m--h-_hn____hereinafter called the lessor, hereby proposes to lease and does lease to----4.--cf!!n~------
State of QIa~---------------h--hh-
or more, the equipment described
hereinafter called the lessee for a minimum period of---n-4--__mm____
in the subdivision of this contract designated "Equipment Leased" according to the terms and provisions as
stated on the reverse side of this page to-wit:
e agrees to for use of the following equipment, rental as follows:
---------_______Pa order and covering first month's rental
-----______m__for ental
___n____n_____for third ntal
-_______n_____per r, all rentals being due monthly in advance and payable at the office
of City County oL~~-__---nn--------m---
either sales or use tax. Where state laws pro-
in this contract are subject to this tax u and
this contract. Lessee to insure equipInent as
If this equipment is leased on a daily or weekly basis, the rate shall be $__n____n__-___-_n--n-per day k payable
daily or weekly in advance. per wee ,
- - - --- -- --~ ~ ---~ --- -~----------- ----------~ - ---- -- -~----~ ---- - - - - --- -- - - - - -- - --- ~ -~-- - - - ~ - --- -- - . - ~ - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - -- - ----- - ~ - - - - - - -- ---- - -- - - - -- - -- -- --- - - - --- - - - - - - -- - -- - - - -- -- ------ -
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-----------~---~------------------.,.,-- -------~------------ - ---- ------ --- ~--------- -- -- --- -- - -------- -- - ~ ~ --- - - - -- - ---
--- ---------------- ---------------~----~--------------------~------------~----------- - --- --- --- - - - - - ---- - ----- - - --- ---- - - -. ---- ----------------- -------- ---------------- ~--- -~-- -- - -.. - -- --
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-nmn_______Total Value $-___~-"--n
- ..-------------------------------- ---------~------- ------------- - --- - - -- - - -----------~---------- ----- ----- - ------ - - - - - - -- - -- --- ----
Invoice to___
Stree.t Addr and State_______ ..~j--&a-.---h- ____ h__nn____h_____
CredIt Referencen________nhn_h_hn______h_____h_____ __ ___ __ _h__hh __ _ _____ _ _______h__n_ _h___ _____ h_h_n_ n_____nh____h_n___h________hhh_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
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6. The receipt and acceptance by the lessee of said
shall constitute acknowledgement that said
has been accepted and found in good, safe and
able condition, and fit for use, unless the lessee
makes claim to the contrary to the lessor by reo-istered
mail with return receipt demanded, addressedo to the
~essor's home office within three days after receipt
vf said equipment. The complaint as made shall set
.torth in detail its complete nature and the condition
Df the property received.
7. Should any of the machinery, equipment, or
appurtenances, be received and accepted by the lessee
from any cad company or any other
carrier in a damaged condition, or
with any of the machinery, equipment, parts or ap-
purtenances missing, it shall be the duty of the lessee
to obtain from said drayman, railroad company or
other carrier, a written acknowledgement of the dam-
age or shortage. The failure on the part of the lessee
to obtain such statement or a on its
receipt and acceptance of sai ment,
parts and appurtenances sha ac-
ceptance of said machine d ap-
purtenances in good, safe, nd fit
for use. Any damag d and
is not covered by a wrl state-
ment as aforesaid, or w acceptance of
said property, shall be repaired and replaced at the
expense of the lessee. If the machinery, equipment,
parts or appurtenances or lost in trans-
portation and the lessee the lessor a writ-
ten detailed acknowledgemen an statement from the
carrier setting forth the character of d loss,
the lessor agrees to use reasonab in having
lBaid repaired and loss replaced within a reasonable
time, but the equipment shall be deemed to have been
jelivered on date of acceptance thereof from carrier.
8. In the event of notice to the lessor by the lessee
that the equipment is not in good, safe and serviceable
condition and fit for use upon its arrival, the lessor
shall have the right to put said equipment in good,
safe and serviceable condition and fit for use, within
a reasonable time, or to cancel this lease.
9. The lessor shall not be liable in any event to the
lessee for any loss, delay or damage kind or
character resulting from defects in, iency of
equipment hereby leased or acci ental breakage
10. In the event of accident to, or breakage of, any
part of the equipment lessee may have the same re-
paired by any competent person, firm or corporation
at its own expense or, upon notice to the lessor as to
such breakage or accident, the .
machinery for the lessee, using
make said repairs or replacement in the shortest pos-
sible time, and the lessee its
regular charges for any mate furnished
in making said repairs upon ; in the event
any work is done outside of lessor's regular hours,
including work necessary by wear and tear, by reason
of which lessor shaH be required to ay double time
or other overtime charges to its e ees, or to any-
one doing the work for lessee, all sue charges will be
paid by the lessee to the lessor.
We agree to all the above conditions
which are thoroughly understood.
lessee shaH Iurnlsh the lessor wren a lanOloro. s release,
which shall permit the lessor to remove the equipment
from_ said property at any time during the life of, or
after the expiration of, this contract. Should the lessee
be lax in obtaining said landlord's release, the lessor
reserves the right, and the lessee hereby grants per-
mission to the lessor to obtain such release.
18. The lessee agrees, whenever requested by
lessor, to give lessor the exact location of all of the
machinery and equipment covered by this lease and
further agrees to give lessor immediate notice of any
levy attempted upon said equipment, or if said equip-
ment from any cause becomes liable to seizure, and to
indemnify lessor against all loss and damages caused
by any such action. The lessor shall have the privi-
lege at all times of entering any job, building or loca-
tion where the above property is being used for the
purpose of inspection and reserves the privilege of
removing said machinery and equipment on twenty-
four hours' notice if it is being overloaded or taxed
beyond its capacity or in any manner abused or
19. The equipment hereby leased shall not be sub-
let without the written consent of the lessor nor shall
said property be moved out of the state specified in
this contract without the written consent of the lessor_
20. Should any of the provisions of this lease be
violated by lessee the rental for the entire period herein
specified, shall becoll1.e forthwith due and payable,
and the lessor, or its agents may, without notice, enter
the premises occupied by lessee without being a tres-
passer thereon and take possession of and remove said
equipment with or without process of law. In the
event any action as hereinbefore set forth becomes
necessary the lessee agrees to pay, in addition to other
charges herein specified, all costs of removal of said
machinery from the possession of the lessee and all
freight, demurrage, storage, labor or other charges on
or against said property incurred during or by the.
removal, . shipping and return to the possession of the
lessor at his designated receiving point, or equivalent
point designated by the lessor.
21. The lessee agrees to pay all rentals when they
are due and for all services and materials furnished
and all damages and sums due the lessor under this
contract as soon as the loss occurs or services are ren-
dered or materials are furnished. The taking of notes,
or renewals thereof, covering rentals herein specified
shall not in any manner whatsoever change or invali-
date the terms and conditions of this contract.
22. Lessee agrees that if any of the lease provisions
are violated and lessor demands the return of the
equipment that this lease shall constitute authority to
the watchman or other persons responsible for the
equipment to deliver all or any part of the equipment
to the lessor or its agents.
23. Both lessor and lessee agree that no modifica-
don of this agreement shall be binding upon them or
either of them, unless such modification shall be in
writing and dilly accepted in writing.
24. The lessor's designated receiving point referred
to in this contract is shown on the first page of the
contract in the space therein following the printed
words "Return to."
W. C. Caye Ii. Company
1. On local rentals, the rental period shall begin on
and include the date of shipment to the lessee and
shall end on and include the date of return to the
lessor's 'Vvarehouse or receiv' On out-of-town
, the rental period s 'n on and include
bin of lading of shipmen to the lessee and
d on and including the date of return to the
~ssor's siding or rec point. Both local and out-
.>f-town rentals are ct to the minimum rental
period provided for iI contract, If equipment is
kept longer than the specified minim ' d,
the rental will then be invoiced on a prO-I' sis.
2. The lessee agrees that the rates provided for in
this contract are considered straight time rates based
on eight (8) hours per day, seven ( t (8) hour
days per week, or thirty (30) eight ur days in
anyone thirty (30) consecutive day period. Should
the machinery rented be used longer than the above
specified hours in any specific period the over time
rate shall be based as follows:
1/8th of the daily rate for each hour worked in
excess of eight (8) hours in anyone day;
1/56th of the weekly rate for each hour worked in
excess of fifty-six (56) hours in anyone weekly period;
1/240th of the monthly rate for each houl:' in excess
of two-hundred and forty (240) hours worked in any
one thirt~ (30) consecutive day period.
3. I~ IS understood between the parties that the
lesso.r IS not the manufacturer of the equipment
hereIn leased, nor the agent of the manufacturer of
said equipment .and that_no patent or
!atez:t defects m materIal, or capacity
IS _gIven, nor that said eq eet the re-
quu'ements of any law, r ions or con-
+racts whic rovide for s chinery or an
'ttus or s methods, other that of - I
.anufacturer of said equipment and as set in
il~nuf~ct,:rer's catalog. and representations wherein
saId machInery and eqUIpment is listed and described.
4. The lessor shall use reasonable care to see that
th~ equipment is in proper working condition before
ment to lessee. It is not to be actually operated
operation or test is deemed nec-
essary by lessor or unless lessee sbaU request such
operation or test in writing, in lessee
will be notified of the time and ration
an_d test, a:r;td shall be permitte? to be present during
sa~d operatIOn and test. If ?avmg requested it, lessee
falls to be present at the tIme of operation and test
lessee agrees that said equipment as turned out is iri
proper operating condition_
~. <?n n~n-tractor equipment the lessee agrees to
maIntaIn saId machinery and eq nt in the same
condition as when delivered to it he lessor, usual
wear and tear excepted, and to pay aU claims and
damages arising from defects therein, or from the use
of ha:r.:dl!n~ of said machinery and equipment, whether
from InJUrIeS to the person or property, and to pay
for .all damages to the equipment, except the usual and
ordinary wear and tear, during the life of this contract
and to return said property in as good condition a~
when received to the storage yard of the lessor or
rec~iving point designated by the lessor, usual 'and
ordinary wear and tear excepted and to pay all freight,
.1emurrage, storage, switching, drayage, trackage or
>ther charges against said equipment from the time
ehe same shall leave the storage yard of said lessor
up to and including the time of its return to said
storage yard or other place of return agreed upon. On
aU tractor equipment, the conditions in agraph 5
applv except that the lessee agrees to f maintain
the machinery covered in this contract in his
possession and to return it in the same condition as re-
,. -,j "" ~ .. 'Ii . " '" ... ....
11. In the event the lessee accepts the machinery
and equipment, as herein provided, and thereafter tbe
said machinery proves defective or unfit for use,
because of accident or otherwise, or, if for any other
reason lessee desires to discontinue the use of said
machinery or equipment, the ollly remedy of lessee
shall be to return the machinery to lessor and termi-
nate this contract as herein elsewhere provided for,
which in no event shall be less than the transportation
charges on said machinery and equipment and mini-
mum rental herein provided for.
12. The lessee agrees to pay any charges for work
or inspection required by any labor union. The lessor
may, at its option, refuse to do any repair work on
the equipment in time of strike, or any other cause
beyond its control, or in violation of any rule affecting
the equipment. The lessor reserves the right to re-
move the equipment from the job at any time when,
in its opinion, the equipment is in danger because of
strikes or any other condition.
13. The lessee agrees to comply with and conform.
to all municipal, state and federal laws relating to the
operation of said machinery and to pay all costs and
expenses of every character occasioned by or involving
the use or operation of the machinery or equipment
and to pay all ssments, taxes or public
charges, ei state or federal, which
may be levied on sa ent while in the pos-
session of the lessee. in this paragraph is to
be construed as mea the lessee is to pay the
personal property tax eVIe against the machinery
rented when said machinery is delivered within the
home state of the lessor, as in this case the lessor is
to pay his own personal property tax. In the event
the equipment is rented outside of the home state of
the lessor, any and all taxes assessed against the
machinery, including personal property tax, are to be
paid by the lessee, the words "home state" to mean
any state in which the lessor has a home office or
warehousing branch.
14. The lessee agrees to pay the lessor for aU loss
and damages occasioned by fire, theft, :flood, accident,
explosion, wreck, an act of God or any other causes
that may occur during the life of this lease, and until
such machinery has. been returned into the possession
of the lessor and accepted by it. For the purpose of
finding the valuation of said property in order to deter-
mine the loss, damage or injury thereto, it is agreed
by the parties hereto that the value as hereinbefore
stated shall be a true and just value forming a basis
for such adjustment_ In making such adjustment it
is understood that no rentals theretofore paid or due
shall apply to the payment of such loss_
15. The lessee further agrees to indemnify the
lessor against all loss, damage, expense and penalty
arising from any action on account of any injury to
person or property of any character whatsoever occa-
sioned by the operation, handling or transportation of
any of the equipment during the rental period, and
while said machinery and equipment is in the pos-
session or under the custody and control of lessee.
16. The lessee further agrees to protect tbe lessor
on this contract with full insurance coverage, said in-
surance to cover damage occasioned by fire, tbeft,
:flood, explosion>" accident, act of God, or any other
cause, that may occur during the life of this lease and
to protect the lessor for public liability insurance for
coverage to the limits of the State laws in which the
€quipment leased is being used.
17. The title to the property herein leased and to
all replacements thereof or substitution thereof is and
shall remain in the lessor, and said machinery and
equipment shall not become a part of any building, by
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