January 1949 IAL '" !D 3. 5 ..02 F:1 :f'aa C3.erk Genera1 :1ve, 38'7..34 100..00 .. 50..30 3. F:1 Fas .'74 '" ,. :1a1 for 2 .. 402..11 3p 1949.. " 11p P01:1ee", .... 11, .. " .. .. J. !JjI '" .. " .. J. ;If " ,. .. jI< {I# PO. ATk.AN'T,A I", GI;:~:H~.GHA TO THE CITY SMYRNA:: T.he 'the the of: ordinanoe .. ,. Franchise Granted GEORGIA POWER COMPANY BY ON JlUiUi\RY 26. 19~ accepted on COMPANY By ORDINANCE . GRANTING PERMISSION AND CONSENT to the Georgia Power Company, its successors, lessees and assigns, to occupy the streets and public places of the City of S~na in C9nstructing, maintaining, a.nd extending poles, lines and appli- ances for transmitting and distributing electricity, and for other purposes. SECTION I. Be it ordained by the lvnyor ::!:nr1 COl:rnft; 1 of the City of S~na (hereinafter referred to as the "City"), that the authority, right, permissiona.nd.qons~ut are herebyigta.nted to the Georgia Power Company, its successors, lessees and assigns.A&~c~u~i+a~ddu~~ tg~~e~~:-aUeYs and public places of the City within the present and future limits of the said City as fromti:qleto time the said Georgia Power Company, its successors, lessees and ~.ssigns, may. deli!m proper or Uecessary for the erection and maintenance of poles, towers, lines, wires, cables, in$jJ.lat9rS, transformer::lan<l all appliances or connections for the business and purpose of trans- mit.ting,cQnyeying, conductin~,/using, supplying and distributing electricity for light, heat, power and other purposes for whichelect:r-ic current may be useful or practicable fo}:" public or private use, and to re- enter uPQn such streets,a.lleys and public places from time to time as may be necessary for the extension; operation, }:"epaira.nd renewal of the same or any portion thereof, and to cut and trim trees an<l shrubbery when aud. where necessary, in the judgment of the Company, to insure safe and efficient service. SECTION II. Be it further ordained that the rights, permission and consents herein contained are made for the following considerations and upon the following terms and conditions, to-wit: L The said GeQ:!"gi;;'l.power C9mpany, its successors and assigns, shall pay into the treasury of before the first day of March each year, beginning with the year 1 q4q ,a sum of to three (3%) per cent, of the gross sales of electric energy to customers served under commercial rate schedules (as prescribed by the Georgia Public Service Commission), the corporate limits of the City for the preceding calendar year, so long as the City itself shaH in any such competing utility business; and on condition that in the event said city shall other corporation the right to use and 9CcuPY its streets for like purposes, such use and shall beupol1 the sametli!rmsand conditi9nsasthose herein contained, including the pay- a licellse,. privilege or occupation tax in an amount at least equal to that herein specified. 2. The pa~ent of the pergentageof grOSS sales above provided for shall be in ljeu of all occu- pation,. license, excise and specialfr<l,nChise taxes, and in full of all money demands and charges, except ad val9rem taxes on property and license taxes on the sale of appliances; and whatever amount, if any, shallat anY'ti~;be required.orexa.cted for the. benefit of the City on any of said accounts or on anyaCC9unt,~thsTthtlni;;t<l valoremt~;eson property and license taxes on the sale of appliances, shall operate to reduce t9 that extent the.amount due from the percentage above provided for. 3. Thafsho~l~th~ City itself .ever(atany time construct, pm'chase, lease, acquire, own, hold, use or oper;;tteaneljctrilZlighting orpowerpl(l.ntand/or distribution system, then and in that event the payment of the percentage ofgr9ss sll.les herein provided to be paid by the Georgia Power Company, its successors and assigns, shall abate, cease, and be no longer due, and shall forever thereafter be uncollectible, 4. Thatth.e work of erecting pOles and all other work upon the streets. ;;tnd public places of said City shaUl;)ec:lone under the s1:1.peryisi9u 9f the Mayor and COUncil (or other legally constituted govern- ing 1:>9<ly) of said City, and that <l,llsi<lewalks or street pavements or street surface which may be displacedl;)y<:r;eason of SUChw9rll:is~all be properly replaced and relaid by the said Georgia Power C9mpa,ny, its successors, lesseelira.l1da.ssigns, to the satisfaction of the Mayor and Council (or other legally constituted governing body) of said City. 5. ThattheGIi!9rgia Power C9P:1I,>any, its successors and assigns, shall fully protect, indemnify and save harmless the City fr9m all damages to person or property caused by the erection or mainte- nance of. poles, wires, or other works,.. or. condition of streets, aUeysor public places resulting therefrom for which said City would otherwise be liable or on account of which judgment may be rendered Georgia Power Company, ~ts successors, lessees and assigns, shall further, in con- maintaining its system 9f overhead lines, poles, wires and other structures, submit and to police laws, rules and regulations of said City for the regulation .or control III. furtheror<lained that the said Georgia Power Company, its successors, lessees ninety <lays from the approval of this ordinance, file its written acceptance of s;;ti<liCity. further ordained that all laws and ordinances in conflict herewith be and the by \ Clerk of the City hereby at the meeting of the City was true the fCH'egoing to be, was duly passed and adopted by said of the City at said meeting. set my hand and the corporate seal of the said City of State of Georgia, this A. D. /7. ~~ ". /1-~.~ ~ //" /". . Clerk / / / ./ c/'