April 1952 CONTRACT AND AGREEMENT made and entered into thi and between the COBB COtmTY-MARIETTA WATER and a tytl, hereinafter referred to as i was created as a t:tcal subd:t- a and tEl. publ:tc on thereof by y of' such state.. approved February as the nCobb tta Water Author- ) ; and of Cobb.. the C:tty of' Mar:tetta and espect:tve water d:tstribut:ton systems; and as the County of' Cobb are ob- of water from the C:t of' a inch main of' the Four-Lane Hi of' water of the Ci and u. s. .. of Mar:tetta growth of Cobb and the past decade, the on f'rom ,272:tn 1940 to off'ic:tal Federal Census for such of the County and :tts growth was due :tn part to the re- of the Lockheed A:trcraft Corpora- :tn the located the present supp of' water be furnished.. the Ci is who inade e to meet of' the Ci of' the of' Atlanta of' Cobb of' the af'oresaid munic:tpalities located therein request:tng that the Ci of' Atlanta an additional supply of water to meet and ly the present and future needs of the County, including the o a, the construction of' one or more addit:tonal m supply mains and other facilities; and WHEREAS, the Ci of Atlanta has advised the County and muni ties that the City of' Atlanta cannot sup- p service in Cobb County, and in f'act f'inds it desirable to discontinue or substantially curtail the water service now being rendered as af'oresaid; and WHEREAS, in view of the above it is and has been impera- tive that the City of' Smyrna as well as the County of' Cobb and the City of' Marietta, f'or the well being of' their citizens and the enance of' their civilian economy, procure as soon as possible a new source of' water supply that will adequately accommodate the needs of' each and of' their present and f'uture citizens and other users of' water; and WHEREAS, neither the of' Cobb nor any of the afore- said munic alities located therein has available suf'fic:tent re- sources or credit to enable it, ac alone and without the as- sistance of' others, to develop a water supp system to f'urnish ds or the needs of' others, :tncluding various munic- ties other than the Cities of' Marietta and ; and WHEREAS, f'or the above reasons and since the critical existing allover the County has been imminent f'or zant of'f'ic:tals of' the of' Cobb and of' the of' Mar:tetta, Smyrna, Acworth and Kennesaw located jo:tnt action and endeavor cause the Cobb C Marietta Water Authori to be created by the slature of' the State of' as af'oresaid; and WHEREAS, the Authority was activated and organized on 1951, and has been dil f'uncti since and has all s f'or, and is contemplating. the construct:ton of' a water supply system to adequate serve of' Cobb and various municipalities therein at an initial cost of'$3. ,600; and completed will make water some time, c March 21, made subs potable water in ties suf'f'icient f'or the needs of' the Ci and will be sold to the Ci on a wholesale basis; and WHEREAS, the Authority in order to f'inance the acquisi- tion and construction of' the lated system :ts prep to sell its revenue bonds :tn the approximate amount of (whether :tssued in an amount more or less than such figure, together with any add:tt:tonal bonds to be :tssued by the Author:tty and any ref'unding bonds :tss :tn l:teu of' such bonds, here:tnafter called the "bondsH) for the construction of a modern plant on the oochee R:tver and the necessary reservoirs and treatment f'acil:tties and the erection and construction of' f'ac:tl:tt:tes and e l:tnes capable of p and transmitting an adequate water supply for Cobb County and certain munic:tpalit:tes there:tn, :tnclud:tng th:ts City; and WHEREAS, :it :ts known to both part:tes that the Author:t w:tll use th:ts contract as the bas:ts f'or the of' cred:tt through the :tssuance of' the Author:ttyfs bonds and as the means f'or the payment of' the pr:tncipal of and :tnterest on such bonds; and WHEREAS, the C:tty recogn:tzes the f'act that the Authority must of' necess:tty m s:tmilar contracts w:tth Cobb County and with other es; and the Authority :ts des:trous of sell:tng unto the C:t , and the said C:tty :ts des:trous of purchasing f'rom the Author:t :tts entire water requirements f'or the period of time on terms and oonditi s as mutually agreed upon and as hereinafter in detail set f' and WHEREAS, :tn add:tt:ton to the powers of' contract unto the Authority :tn the af'oresaid Act under which it was e) of' Sect:ton 4 of' sa:td Act specifically the Authori , and unto the munic corporat:tons and th:ts State des to contract with the Authori the spec:tf':tc right to so do: and WHEREAS, the Const:ttut:ton or the State of Geo Art:tcle VII~ Section VI, Paragraph (a) contains the fo , prov:ts:tons: te inst:ttutions, any city, town, ounty or this state may contract t exc years, w:tth each publ:tc ~ public corporat:ton or herearte eated f'or the use :tons or the res:tdents thereof' of' erv:tces 0 he State~ state :tn- y, :tc:tpality, county, :tc corpo on or author:tty, acts sha deal w:tth such ac- t:tons as such subdivis:tons zed to undertake.tt NOW~ THEREFORE, :tn cons:tderat:ton of the prem:tses and the mutual undertak:tng as hereinaf'ter set out it is contracted and agreed by and between the Cobb County-Mar:tetta Water Author:t and the City of' , e act:tng by and through :tts duly authorized of'f'ic:tals.. governi and ord:tnances duly, uthor:tties and agents pursuant to resolut:tons and properly adopted, all as same ap- pear on the of'r:tc:tal m:tnutes and records of' each: Sect:ton 1. Subject to the provisions or Sect:ton 13 the Author:tty agrees to sell and to del:tver to the City at a , and the City agrees to purchase and or points all water the period of' th:ts agreement ror its own use and f'or distribut:ton to all the cust or hereaf'ter served the Ci ty' s water shall be hereof', or such longer period as any or IS bonds are outs and unp a:t d . Section 2" T.b.at the at wh:tch said water shall be sold is to to time by the Author:tty in a manner here- that the rates f'or water the ent:tre term of' the w:tth:tn agreement charged other wholesale munic al pur- the Authority, such as the C of' Marietta, Acworth and Kennesaw located there:tn. Section 3. at there :ts hereby establ:tshed an init:tal rate f'or the water to be f'u ereunder of' n:tneteen cents (191) per thous- and wh:tch water service by the Author- , which rate shall remain :tn eff'ect f'or a of at leas :tty ced. Sect:ton 4. hereto ze the ion of the Au- f'rom time to time revise the rate of' com- and services rendered by the Author:tty to so that the revenues of' the Author:t the Author:tty to ef'f':tciently and perf'orm :tts obli ons covenanted to author:tzing the :tssuance ot' the the rates so established shall be s revenues t'rom all :tts customers to de- expenses, costs and s, and to es- llowing reserves: of' current operat:ton, ma:tntenance ma:tntenance and cia- of' same to be determ:tned consult:tng ers or by ements that the Author:t enters on with the f'inanc of' project revenue bonds :tssued by the nk:tng f'und reserve require- same. eS as determ:tned by the Authori and :tmprovement of' the water sup- Sect:ton 5. s that :tn establ:t adjust:tng and rate of' compensation t'or water sold and delivered be established at the lowest f':tgure poss:tble s of' Sect:ton 4 above. Sect:ton 6. all t:tmes to establ:tsh and maintain 5 for water d:tstributed to its users its ability to perf'orm :tts obl:tga- further agrees that the amounts for water received :tt shall be its wa charge rank:tng of' its water system w:tth the s for sal- aries.. operating expenses. The Sect:ton 7. ty shall f'urn:tsh.. install.. operate and main- ta:tn at its own expense an appropr:tate meter or meters on the line or s of the at all where r:tty at the delivery point or Author:tty to the City. The Ci water :ts to be f' shall have the r to inspect such met reasonable times upon pr:tor arrangements w:tth the Authority. Sect:ton 8. That on day of each calendar month the meter or d to measure the water f'urnished by the as unto the C:tty shall be j read by authorized repre- the Authori and of' the City at a mutually agreea- that the City shall fa:tl to have its ble time, and present at such agreed time, meters made by a e the Author:tty shall be final, conclusive and upon the Ci Section 9. meter read:tng or at the times and :tn the the Author:t shall render unto the on or day of' each calendar month a bill for the prec calendar month, and the day of' the calendar month on f'a:tlure to so pay, the d:tscontinue the water service ded Sect:ton 10. j J I the aforesaid meter or meters shall 6 - f'or a od or time f'ail to f'unct:ton properly and as a result to ac measure the water pas through same, event the s due hereunder shall be computed e average da:t oonsumpt:ton shown by such meter or operly runot:ton:tng, or by the total use water any or such per:tods as determined by the :tndiv:td- the City ir readings of' same be available ror proper allowance f'or use by the C:t a comparable per:tod, or water. Section ll~ any or the terms to any shall be Authori That :tf' 11 eement shall ar:tse with rererenoe to :tons or this oontract. or w:tth rererenoe with same. such d:ts or d:tspute deoided by arb:t The arb:ttrator and the C:tty one arbitrator, 11 select a third arb:ttrator, and two oontrol. and the:tr decision :tn the on both of' the part:tes hereto, without that if' the two arb:ttrators f'irst chosen can- , suoh third arbitrator 1 be appointed Court of' Cobb County upon at:ton the parties hereto. Sect:ton 12. so w:tll a and the two so or the three ment The Author:t shall never have the right to demand pay- the Ci of' any obl:tgation assumed or sed on :tt under of' funds raised or to be raised The on under this contract shall never C:tty of' such kind as to re :tt a tax to dis such obligation, it stood by the part:tes hereto that all payments due der are to be made f'rom water and/or water and by the C:tty. Seotion majeure either p hereto in part to carry out its ement, other than the obligat:ton or the under the terms then :tf' not:toe and rull :toulars or suoh f'orce to the other p w:tth:tn a reasonable t~me ce of' the event or cause relied on, the obl:tgat:ton of the p such notice, so f'ar as :tt :tS arf'ected by such force majeure, shal~ be suspended d~:tng the continuance or the :tnab:tl:t then cla but ror no p and any such p shall endeavor to remove or overoome such inabil:t w:tth all reasonable d:tspatch. The term tlForce Maj as employed herein, shall mean aots of' God, strikes, lockouts, or other in- dustrial disturbanoes, acts of' 0 enemy, orders or any k:tnd of' the Government or the United States or the State of' or any o:tvil or m:t author:t :tnsurrections, r:tots, epidem:tcs, landsl:tdes, , f':tres, hurr:toanes, storms, rloods, washouts, s, arrests, restraint of' and p e, o:tvil d:ts s, explosions, or acc:tdents to p e l:tnes, or ent:tre f'a:tlure of' water supp and on part of' the Authori to deliver water hereunder, or the City to reoe:tve water hereunder, on account of' any other oauses not reasonably w:tthin the control of' the p c such inabil:tty. C:t ons under th:ts make the p shall Section This oontract may be or mod:tf':ted, but no such or wh:toh w:tll advers affeot the p due of' all monies r to be pa:td the Ci under the or th:ts contract, and no such or mod:tf'ioation shall be eff'ect:tve wh~ch :tn any respect any s~ons of the resolution or the Author:tty under which :tt has :tssued ~ts revenue bonds. Sect:ton That should any e, clause, sentence, or contract and agreement be held inval:td or uncon- of' competent jurisd:tction or th:ts State r or respect whatsoever it shall :tn nowise af'f'ect any or all of' the prov:ts:tons, all of wh:tch shall rema:tn in f'ull force and ef'fect. IN WITNESS EOF, the ies hereto ac and their duly author:tzed of'f:tcials and of'ficers, pursuant to r:tate resolut:tons and ordinances here:tnbef'ore duly and prop adopted by have caused this contract and agreement to be executed in duplicate and the of'f':tcial seals of' each prop- aff':txed, each d ng to the other a manif'old the f'ull f'orce and eff'ect of the , the and year first above wr:ttten. COBB COUNTY-MARIETTA WATER AUTHORITY CITY OF SMYRNA - 9 - be1;;liifoen cont.ract of "the the Aut.hon t.y :tor on t.erm15 and to furnish i tel ent.:irt~ wat.er years from t.he aforesa:id set. ft:>rtr, in such C'oni:,rac . t.o t.h e of t.he amend.nlent he, an addt t.ional for au thor:tl!!\e<; l!fl1hmi t.tin. o:f of :f:i:fty :for a because 01' .tremendously AU.t.har:i ty, incl:udtng Ule its future' oont.ract. made and ent.ered int.c on t.he 2nd :is made and ent.ered :int.o t.his day o:f: Wat.erAut.horit.y, a po2:it.ical a pubJ.1c t.hereo:f:, (hereinaf'ber o:f: t.he Part. and 'the 01'ty 0:1: and Ooun'ty, (hereinaf'ber re:f:erred 'to o:1:ore issued $3" J.OO)ll 000 prinoipaJ. amoun't 0:1: Bond~" dat.ed 14ay J... (hereinafter :1 under provisions 0:1: 'the ltOo'bb Oount.y- J.9SJ.,j; page 497" e't fJ and appJ.ied 'the acquisi't10n,cons'truo't:ion and of a and dist.r:ibu't:ion or and is end i:.he sa:i.d and crder "to keep pace wit.h increase 1"ts of and t.he Au'thor:.tt.y is en 'tire wa:ter 0;;;:: t.ime a."1.d under 'th9 a.1.d 'to produoe funds 'to in whoJ.s or and of improving" and .. suoh. improvemsn'ts and add:i.i:>:ions Wa'tar Au'thorit.y Revenu.e as Series J.9;;7 'to J. M. GillSON. Ma"o, Ph""" S-MiIl >> CITY IN THE SOUTH 9> ATt..ANTA AUGUSTA SAVANNAH -:III~~ -=l'=- ATLANTA,GE:ORGIA CRAIG BARRO:W. .,JR. HAGOOO CLARKE ALLEN CRAWFORD FREEMAN N__ JELKS THOMAS M. JOHNSON LEX JOLLEY WfL.EY J, SM1TH JULiAN A_ SPACE. .Ja. BLOG.