April 1951 AN ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, :it. :is necessary, i.n /mot.e t.he health, safet.y, morals and neral welfar,;: of Q P:t'o ,'of t.he Ci. t.y or Smyrna, that. a san garbage dJ..spos ~m be ma:int.ai.ned by the Mayor and Counci.l of t.he Ci. ty of Smyrna; and MmREAS, to properly di.spose of the garbage, refuse, debris and ot.her such accumulat.:ions, :it is necessary t.hat certa:in rules and regulat:ions be prescr:ibed for t.he storage of garbage t.o fac'ilitai:.e its expedient d:isposal by t.he cognizant officals of the City of Smyrna; and WHEREAS, there are no rules and regulat:ions :in eff'ect relating to t.he stor;age and use of garbage cans :in said Ci.ty, or any other re- qui.rement.s concerni.ng same; and WHEREAS, such unregulated condi.ti.ons as regards garbage cans and contai.ners, places an undue burden on cogni.zant offici.als of the C1.ty of Smyrna 1.n exped:i.tiously and sanitar1.~y disposi.ng of garbage and other rlebr1.s, all of which 1.s detr:i.ment.al to the safet.y, morals and general welf'are of t.he people of t.he Oi t.y of Smyrna; NOW, THER13;FORE, be 1. t orda1.ned by the Mayor and Council of the C1.ty of Smyrna, and it 1.s hereby ordai.ned by t.he aut,horitY of same: l6 That. all garbage cans or cont.ainers hereinafter mainta:ined in the C:ity of Smyrna shall have a. capacit.y of not over t.wenty (20) gallons each for each single un:it, and shal.1 be kept securely covered at all times. 2. That. all such garbage cans or cont.ainers hereinafter ma:intained in t.he Cit.y of Smyrna shall hereinaft.er be located, placed and permanently kept. and maint.ained not over fifty (SO) feet. distant from the rear of the dwelling or structure for which they are maint.ained. ., .J. That. t.here is hereby :imposed a f1.ne not. t.o exceed $25.00 for the violat1.on of t.his ord1.nance for the f1.rst offense, and fine of not to exceed $50.00 for each subsequent violation of this ordinance. 4. That the Clerk of the City of Smyrna is hereby aut.horized and directed to furn1.sh by ma:il,or otherwi.se, each cit.1.zen and res:ident of the City of Smyrna ~ a co py of the wi. thin ordinance. PHONE 1192 ..00 1...31.5.. 65..00