July/August 1954 ordinance ~ John Coll:ier.. Smyrna (Georgi.a or ;1m,- ilJIueh a ~r15 of asil1lSilJIilJIJ1liI!In:t for a'tr&e"t, avenu.e $J or repaved; Ii P .1i.. on the Cou:nc:;i:l" signed :in said ,and~a side thereof asse15mnen1; s'treet. and t.o of s.a:i.d of , '''','''M'''FN',-S'4'4~ Tbe t.o either $ :in beha.J.f of t.:ime ((.2..S0) Do:l1.ars job being be :.:.1...2S and nc'tice sbal.l. of such. conten- Such adver- :interested. :1 t.o be .he1.d on a t. ~n-.rort.y-t':ive p..u.. (Georgia or :i..m,... by a ~rlS of t'or avenue :; or P .lii.. on the a 'to 'the VlelSt.ern :inter15eet.i.on :improved by Tbe said gu'tt.er t.o be erect.ed thereon inches h:ign.. 'to engage 'to either, :in behaJ.:f: of aut.hor:i~e the t.:ime approx:i.matel.y- eoneret.e job being F orlded :in Seot.:1on g;1. v:ing no'tice sbal.::t sueh eonten- Such adver- :1nterest.&d seven-fart.y--five