December 1958 111 December ,? Hall of 'the 'to the W&"$ heM at ,1.. M.. GibfH;)n member ooml.'ld tt.ee t.o on and G.. Green of t.he Ohmriber of for of' broken Bank St.reet. 1:;0 ,1.. en- a Don- at. ohange t.o of cont.ract. for water met;ers Seathern Memer and L,ake ma1#eril!lll.s l!.Iecond vot.e WliiS unan:tmo'OB t.o R.. Wood" There 1:;0 eu of was t;he In 1!)t;her Counoil=:- san:l1:;a't1.on t;ax at L.. C.. Dodd 1:;0 pq alJ. Deferred Mr'.. t;he Gran't.ed on t;GWer per A.u:t..l1orized in 1:;0 Gherekee 0'1: moi:.ion 't.he reco:mmond&i:.:Lon J.. B.. Rhodee and G", Mr'.. K:reeger.. on Mr>.. Sanders of: uesi:. 'to a Deci.ded on ..c G.. Deoemher . out; with a t;ender i.n the 1I\loods 'that; eft: eoi:d vs be Sanders mads and seoonded