February/March 1958 March 3$ and J" 0... w. Sanders. R.. 11 resu1ted L.. C.. Dodd as as defined and zoned for Counc:i1 defines.. Ii Rhodes!> J.. V.. Sanders. and G.. W" 8~ seconded !> 9:00 A.. Mr.. L" .. Voted Maroh March and the " J.. B" J.. B.. Brown Street.. aot10n f'or l.oca.ted aot:ion of' R.. H.. our on a11 the 1:U"'t stat:ion.. Continua.tion of' March 8,,1 sta.ted no action can be Ished couno11. L'.. C.. Dodd to 1ift station on .. Voted unanimous.. with Dr1ve.. Seo... commented 1ttee and sta.ted to sent of' M on the 1ssue.. the 12" vote and .. G1bson :reoommended a oommittee be f'ormed to "E1imin- books. whioh are be distributed with1n the C of' Minutes of' m1nor revls to Voted unanimous.. rev10us meet ted the m1nutes.. were read and Mr.. W.. B.. Ii.. .. Wood.. I $ reoommended that a11 and set up 1n Comm1ttee mittee Th on gr for road at Ward time a.s had to take March 11" Mr.. st resu1t mous.. L.. C.. Dodd to 1nv01ces.. Sanders.. as a Comm1ttee on Comm1ttee f'or f' def'erred to next to oheck the1r b1d r.. 0... W.. B.. Wood and \1.. B.. Sanders.. .. truck .. as set 00.. Sec- .. V.. Aol.es.. -, B.. B.. recommended that street on al.l. road ap- .. L.. C.. Dodd to re1mburse Mrs.. o.eo.. Duouc the a- t 1n expense Seconded ^ Voted unan1mous.. On mot1on of' L.. be cont1nued to seoonded .. 9: G.. W.. A.. M.. Ii th1s recessed.. March of' or and Counc1l. was hel.d March J.. .. Gibson call.ed the meet to were present.. at the at OOPM.. Ma1n se of' oa11ed meet ans for a new c hall. ac- B... H.. ln C.. Dodd. J.. W.. :8.. Sanders~ Coune11man J.. .. and Atl.anta Streets .. Seconde and J.. V.. Bro B.. Ables and G.. W.. Note: See .s veto on above council. action dated March wi th owners and t 1n an amount not to ) for Hall bu s motion.. was unan .. .. comm1ttees were (a) ions and looation Brooks~ Cha1rman~ Mr. J. To B.. r" .1" B Bhodes'li Chai and Mr. G.. Con Mr. J.. B.. Abl.es'li oannot be pure Mot be Mr.. J" V.. Brooks soon as poss1b1e. See J" B.. Bhodes'li seconded tra:f'f'le J.. B.. March ~ Cont1nuat10n of March 8th to order A.. M.. r, J.. V.. .. Dodd.. Mrs.. Leave1::t of' l.aint on the f'or Lake Road coune11 with a l.imits.. AJ.so Mrs.. Bess1e M M.. Hol.combe9 Mr.. E. B1ack~ Mr.. J.. B. O'Brien and Mr.. H.. M.. Hambr1ck.. $ Motion was made that be for: .. W.. K B.. FI.. Wood.. J.. B.. Ables and seoonded Mr.. .. W.. B.. Sanders f'rom the bil.l.s of' the above named.. Vot V.. Brooks, J.. B.. Ables~ W.. B.. Sanders L.. C.. Dodd.. Mr.. G.. \1.. Kr outs iv f"or: G.. W.. Wood.. Voti J.. M.. order d1scont1nue concession be W.. B.. Sanders.. Vot , W.. B.. Sanders, ft.. This aotion shel per of' a new ruck.. Motor of' oan- .. or J.. M.. Gibson E.. Brannon on the Becommendat1on Mr.. R.. H.. Wood.. of' Mr.. J.. T to serve withMr.. on motion Mr.. G.. Voted unanimous.. Councilman next schedu1es of' ti until or and Coune11 al.l. services At the same aud:1 t da ted . made mot10n to :1ncrease 1n the c:1 . ef'f'eot:1ve s of" made mot10n to tab::te ial. status of' the Mr.. J.. V.. Brooks and voted unan1mous.. rates baek to Ii to J.... .. Mr.. from Mr.. L.. C.. seoonded J.. .. Abl.es to revoke beer 1.1oenses as of' :1 Seoonded Mr.. G.. W.. and Mr.. L.. C.. Dodd of" 00 Mr.. R.. H.. Wood made 1nsurance ooverage presented C .. ( aotion ) motion that the or be author:1zed to f'oll.ow- used bul.ldozer.. On seoond by Mr.. W.. B.. vote. J.. M.. Gibson was empower- 1sab11. sa1e of' old and ll.dozer.. made to have al.l veto. read Aet:1on.. Mr.. W.. B.. and instruoted to del.ete from of' the obtain a W.. B.. 6 then mot d make whatever of' the Ci of' Couno1lman B.. reoommendation of' the J.. M.. G a mot:1on to reoess th:1s meet unt:1l. Seoonded W.. B.. .. Voted unan:1mous.. W.. at 9: recessed.. March 29:/,1 reoessed March J.. M.. G1bson sent: .. B.. Ables J. Hhodes'l1 W. B.. 1.5'111 was hel.d s w:.tth the .. Brooks:/, L.. C. sand B. H.. Wood.. as to Concord Road and matter wou1d be street or at the .. G1.bson lU Jr.. has been zoned .. A1so that f'or the bu1 a l.etter Trom the Tor bus:.tness :.tn area would f'urn:.tsh st :.tnd:.tcat- .. J;.t1anta sewer- dat- De11. Avenue was l.ef't Mot1.on made on account under the name Tor: J.. .. Dodd. bef'ore Counc11 in to the 10us owner h1s .. C.. that the oa1ance oT transTerred to aocount number .. Seoonded Mr. J.. B.. . .. Wood:!, J.. B.. :I' J.. B.. B. Sanders.. G.. .. .. Mr.. Da11as Guthr:.te a letter to approve or for the serv1ce sta.t at the oorner Street.. Mr. L. C. Dodd made a mot10n to of' the m1nutes to Mr.. D. Guthr1.e.. Wood.. unanimous.. the of' Love St.. and as to the:.tr f'or ourbs and also as to how mueh 1cense woul.d have on Stewart that both,:.ttems Mr. R.. B. Stewart and s:.tdewa1ks 1ncome and what J.. M.. 0.1 n adv1sed Mr.. scussed Couno:1l this meet of the c Mrs.. had not that 1.t was to and reTused Harr1s d bef'ore Counc11. not:1ce that her water was oe an excess:.tve water bll.l. to pay. and stated she cut off' and rece:.tved 1n J. M.. to make a .. Ootober b:111 has been to Counc:11 to on those excessive water 1et each one a 1itt1e at Deferred to cover a the c1erk author- 1n a t1me six month Mot10n made L. C.. Dodd excesslve b11.ls be des:1red and that fa1.1ure wi11 not oonstitute 0." W.. that the ba1anoes as a. resu1t of w1.thin s months on insta11ments 1f these amounts w1thin s1x months cut off serv1ce.. Seconded Mr.. unan1mous.. F:.tnance Chairman L.. C. of 1ncome and expenses income and expenses The schedu1e oal.1.8 or and Coune:.t1 stat cver the 0 1. Establ1shment of' fif'teen m11.1. rate f'or adva10rem taxes for " 2.. taxes 1n two a1 1" .. De1 nqu ments dates 3. taxes due the meters" water 4... The Water to opera del.eted from the hin its 1ncome.. but s re- Cont1nuatlon of' March S.. and Th1s to be used for ncy construot10n or reoeivab1es 1n the amount documented to the extent necessary to and expense be 7.. L.. C.. Dodd with provision J.. B.. Rhodes to re-allocate ten (00) Gibson recommended FInance ChaIrman determIne best to reeover MotIon this oommlttee Is to reoover on of C.. at Dodd and f'aoe value second to s now due" The vote was unanImous", Hamrick" 1n the year end exam- pay the bIll.. and Councll. were revoked w1th yor GIbsonis veto of' and act10n in Karch date thIs aotlon was on th1s veto deferred Tab1ed to a f'uture date was the Counell. on a heal.th ol1nIc.. of' Mr" f'or .. Chairman W.. M.. Beed of' and vement~ under moved to submit unan1mous.. Workabl.e Pl.an 1n ion Gibson and .. V" Commiss10n re- to secure a Workable Urban Renewal V" Brooks seoonded.. ass:tstanoe of' of' F.. .. A..} .. M.. ... MotIon J" B.. Ables to a new ord1nanee out Continuat10n of Maroh 29~1 oement base and G.. bond for a11. suo- unan1mous .. G1bson read l.etter of No reason for aetion stated.. volunteer f1remen be cut to mot10ned to reduce to ten.. of' F1re Ch1ef' P~ A~ Bond.. Gibson reoommended that staf'f 1f'1ed " Mr.. G.. VI.. oonded J" B" Rhodes.. Voted On the reoommendat10n of J" M.. Glbson* Mr.. 0." W.. t10ned that electr1oal. rates shall. conf'orm w1th Atl.anta rates.. R~ H" Wood seoonded" Voted unanimous.. Mo- and G1bson stated that al.l. deta11s were Market has to at Cherokee :into the * however on .. Voted Mr.. G" W.. J^., :8.. Abl.es seeonded to set for ?~1 ourn th1s l> 7:00 P.. M" Councilman: R.. H.. Wood