October 1957 and Council. was heJ.d October E.. Qnarl.es wi. th J. E. M.. , 8tOO P :M Couac:1- of Rall.. g H. E. meeti.ng read" Motion J.. E.. as corrected. seconed N.. E. Brenner Ulr:iek of the fee be refunded Statien fer datien.llll. e Statien l.icense OOd previeusl.;y to 1icense com:mi.ttee and his business 1:1cense by said Standard for rec~en- seooned D.. M" se1l hot coffee and that t he Junior in front of C1ub be HaJ.:l E:leetion his beer license be Sa:1d store :located en Rev.. Hugh J" 13" :Mr. spoke against and was :meet:ing wi.th B:i:l:l McLain the week of October 8th easement for the woods sewerage Mayor ooncern:ing lift pmnp" Mr.. John correct the inf"ormat:1on as to when the on his was go:ing to H:is new house be:ing app.. GeDera1 of" as a note thanks to Mr.. Reeves and Mr.. of" new Code to be distributed "to. a later that the Personal.. Comm:ittes had with a male Clerk and :it was fool harted to do so at three ( :more months 1eft to an atempt, to a ma1e person.. the remain", for: Westbrooks and Brenner. Wood. be Toot ward under the appo:inted to not :in 2nd" v. AJ.:l and 319 of l.and lot of st ,,' is and and :in ward of" :land :lot This bei to two or more wards w:ith aJ.1 o"ther that his before Reeves be reversed as he Johnson as :in R.. H.. Oct.. new bids haJ.J.. 'Wou1d be st.. seconed D. M.. back so as to allo'W Voted unaoimm.ls" that a curb fcr a :in front of Mrs.. liiIeconed H.. '1'.. that the 'Water and Johnson that the 'Water and Ventura Inc. on the wa;t,er ::Line on and a to the that seooned J.. f'rom Oct. Bradf':ie1d Jl!lXl1es E.. ssconed Jchnscn that Oreen Thumb be 1awn seconed Scarbrough E~ David be Meet:ing :A. Quarles ca1l.ed the on the rentaJ. and a Const" Co.. the con to take oaJ.l.ed.. Mr" Bolton on breakdown.. Counc:i1 until. a J.ater date when another would The Belmont Mec on the Association Belmont Hil.1s permission to have a Circus Center. Motion the seconed Wood that HiJ.J.s 00 be a1J.cwed to on Cen'ter with 'the of' the gross proceeds go to Motion D.. held Nov.. :J:or the com:ing elec't:ion to be unan:imous.. Mo'tion election to be 1': or the coming Voted unan:imous" 'that the elect:ion and be to :; 0.. L" Pogue.. eJ.ection unanimous .. "JJl Wood that, the the ooming e1ect:ion: Schreinbman.. unanimous.. be Mrs.. as Brenner that Mr.. Bol.ton be issued a 'Wcrk MacKenna Subd" Provided }'1acKenna pay for Quarl.es be authorized 'to probJ.em locat.ed Court. Vot.ed unanimcus.. seconed to adjou:rn.. adj ou:rned" \