14-001 Bid AuthorityCITY OF SMYRNA
The belov listed items are apeIn the _L5-7 ebLICILt for tMtlk
Account InformMinn
Org Object 1)1-oject L
Org, Object 9, Project ore conventions used in the new TvlerMUNIS software system. Ord reat- t e I es oth department. Object relates to the
expense account. A project number is required for ClPorSPLOSTprojects.
r")f) 00
AmB ount ud L3 d,-.eteSi n_ Anticipated Cost
F,�E, L
Please authorizo the PUrchasing Divisintl to issaw (- ReqLiestforQUOMtion Request for Proposal for the below
ilot- to undei-stand,
listed iteni(s). in 0-h,-'l G,i in oirtside , aud
NOW: Bids rmiq ho oul l',v as ininhimm of I � th%'5, Oivning,(fikle %vill be approxiniately 20 clays after the below authorization by the
that the HdI.s be opened no later than
1') —
U"- r-x `--f
lverifvtllal- M the 'ibove lisled iloill" nrC hUdgeted for the Department indicated and that the funds are
Z 'I, lV01 '+IC ('01- 116S CN11CMfitUi-e,
h) that nbove Hstcd ilems tare. budgeted for the Dcpartment indicated, honever, the funds
sirc nol ,il tlli,s timer Funds should he available by
III,,, of ono !iy'Aod "Ire not Nidgeted For the Dcpartrnent indicated.
(J) the obove lisied protct is budgeted in the CIP fulid.
0 the 'Olovt' is hudi, geted and allproved as to CDF3G pro , ject.
ance Dat6
to Hd is nnivowd l'or Oic, nl?(lve itenis. (For\vard to PUrchasing)
Author; ()Y�] {11(' s0')ve Items. (Rettirn to 111)cpart I'VIC lit)
Oid Nlmlf-r Assi!!Iiied -7 -3-1� r)aIte Opening Date