Mar/Apr/May 1962 be men- OATH 1962 We, and each oJ: us do solemnJ.y s'Wear that 'We will J:aithJ:ully and imparliall.y conduct this day -s eleetion according to the law and ohari:.er of the City of each cf us wi1l. perform said duties to the best, of our permittd.ng no one person to "<,rote who is not enti tl.ed to vote, to the best of our ski-l.l and power all. voters and in al.l our actions as E1ection Managers, act as we bel.ieve the best interest $ of our Ci t;}f.. So help me 'to $ and before the unders Fifth 1962. appointed E1ection 1;,0 conduct this day f s declare the resu1ts: VOTING 4 0, VOTING therefore certify to the and Council. of the City of Srn;yrna as fol.1ows~ Street Bonds The Referendum Parks Reoreation Expansion - The Referendum E1eoti John Bill. _ll.tkins Cecil. Haral.son : .