May 2/16/24, 1966 2:; Couno:i:L 'WaS he:Ld to t.he Chart.sr at. 7:30 o' P. M.. Ma;yor G.. W.. a:Lao Department. Heads" In t.he Houston to an open from :it 'Was wou:Ld :first order of btUSliness surfaoe 'Wat.er on Counoil reminded t.vro oit.:izens Concord was the c:i'tuens of a w'Ork on dra:inage and Wood'Ward on t.heir wh:ioh :in Counoil Lee and Mr.. D.. .. ]\llotter act.:ion of three houses to be moved eot to sout.h Anderson Circ:Le dard construction and t.he :Lots be:Low 'the J.. B" Abl.es seconded R.. was he:Ld oouncilman .. Armour to cheok out w:i'th Mr" Ma.rcus TU:l."ner det.erm:ine caJ.:Lsd out wou:Ld be de'tr:i:men'ta.:L to 'the area.. The mot.:ion carr:ied" m:i:nu'tes of ca:L:Led t.hres houses t.c be moved from to C:irc:Le and is corrected to read Mr" Anderson Wh:i'tf:ie:Ld Park as Referred area a t.he were us:ing gardens.. In t.he same Referred t.o :in connect.:ion w:i t.h t.he f'or :in t.he commerc:ia:L 't.he pe't.:i t:ioner t.o rezone t.c C-:L D.. L.. and voted :issuance of' a of' Dr. R.. D.. Weber :Lower :Leve:L res'tr:ict.ed.. of a of' :Land on t.he east. C-:L commerc:ia:L and res't.r:icted 't.he he was subm:it.t.ed oovers a of :Land :in Woods The .. H.. Wood f!) was vot.ed on Gllber't was sub- 'the :Land S"tree't 'to "the C.. W.. ;issuance the st.rip and 'to be known as a Mo't:ion seoonded vot.ed unan:imous.. 'that zon:ing ord:inance c:Lase:i:f:icat:ion to R-1 discuss:ion of one hour or more and former R.. J.. the out of order on ord:inance had 'the da'te :for e:Lapsed t:i:me of " for the c:it:izens", es'tr:ict:ions Sanders 18:L of May 2, 1966 R-:L'toR-2 for hElar:ing unan:imous.. :L:ine o:f Cobb Couni;:;,y A1so set :for hear:ing on 1966 was the pe't:it.:ion for .. M.. Chr:ist:ian on S'treet from R-:L R-2 chvel1:ings [I Moi::.:ion "by Homer second.. L" M:ixon.. the licenses subm:iti:.ed " Cobb Dr:ive and of the 1.:icense cO'lmn:i i:.tee f!) recommended :issuance of ma:Lt On IDe COU11.t.d.:Lman J" C.. :L::icer.se at IDe Rab Food Mot:ion seconded Mixon and voi:.ed u:nan:i..mous.. Dee~rood SUbd::iv::is:ion 1966 at 1i\lh::ich t::ime a meet:ing was K:irlg-Wlllia:ms Land Company.. and wa tBr was w:ith .. Q.. :ins'ta.:L1 sewerage :from to the Hamhorne ffI a and Counc:i:L.. The cou:Ld be of S'treei:. s'tai:.:ion wou:Ld be a and borne by of subm:ii:.i:.ed in "by sewer taps in me a:l.~ea of per approved contraci:. by any act:ion on i:.h:is.. The :L... add:i't:ion i:.o - T::illnlan Church was on recommendat:ion by Counc:i:L on J.. B.. Ab:Les # J.. 2.. on unan:i:mous vote one Cobb Dr:ive f'or i:.he Church Porterf:ieJ.d" on me Chr:isi:... o:f i:.he · to be located It Insurance for of" :Land south i:.he the erect:ion of' i:.h:is of the ex:ist:ing Above by D.. Mixon and voi:.ed unam.flous.. B.. F.. den:ied of a :Letter :from the s1:;a t:ing 'ttla t the the aparimlent structures.. D.. L.. of Board vot:'l.ne :income per month cover:ing and pro-rai:.ed ffI entries :intha from and road 'I'h:is act:ion amendments .to boo ks and 182 Mavr F.. which carr:iad autho14:izes the securance of and ma:in1:..enance for one trafi':ic a 1:. Cobb Dr:ive and Street :in the C:ii;:;,y M:ixon.. J.. B.. Ablest mot:ion to secure b:ids for S1:.ephens S1:.reet w:i th a1 t;erna t,e on a mot:ion .. W.. Armour and seoonded"by .. L.. lvtixon for san:itat:1on truck at the est:ima1:.ed oost of' Th:is act:ion resu:Lted from 1:.he stat;ed cost 01: repa:ir to the present we e;rnount 01: the extens:ion the sha:L:L be :further B:ids for 1:.h:is Stree1:. sewer the :in1:.er- 1:.0 be secured and sewerage author:ized the and C:Lerk of the f'or ass:istance and known as Pub:L:ic Law No.. the There mot:ion was made 1:.0 adjourn 3.1:. l:L:)O P.. M.. Church May 7:3'0 P.. M.. - W.. B.. SaMers ~~>H{~~Ah~~q{~~~4t~~~~4t-~~HHr~~h~(~h",*~~~i!-Yi:..%~t'"}'HHHHf MAY Counc:i:L M.. were held a1:. G.. W.. Kreege:l:' rezon:ing and vo:iced pre- acres more or :Less, and d:iscuss:ion made Counc:i:Lman J.. B.. to R-2.. The mot:ion d:ied. for :Lack of a Counc:i:Lman J", C.. Porler.f':ie1d mo1:.:ioned the of' above descr:ibed be den:ied.. On a e mot;:ion carr:ied.. J.. B.. vc1:.:ing aga:inst.. The hear:ing. da tEls for rezon:ing came up :foJ.' accepiJance and IDe z Hear:ing R-l R-1 R-l R-1 to 1:.0 to 1:.0 R-2 6-20-66 6-20-66 B.. F.. R-2 N:ic k P.. Kell:is H.. Hawthorne st er da'tee were set on mot:iona C.. W.. Armour!l> Homer Kuh1 l83 of' Ma;y l61l' :L966 annSlxai:.:ion was ~.ccepted W.. parce:L the and of the :L 7'th D:istr:ict on nexi:. o:f Rusi:. Cheese :L:im:i ts of the on knovm ae of' n:ine annexed per mot:ion the preeem R-2 a.1.1 codes and on the or an amouni:. The annexa i:.:ion of' the f'rom Concord as Henne'tt Woods Un:1t No.. 100ated was deferred to Juns 6, kno'ikYll as Deefi\,'Qod of Concord all ~es for the thereto agrees that sa:id :ins'tal.la:t:ion of rei.mbursemeni:. to as of above da t.sd and voted unan:imous.. I:r:rv-sstors of an agres- force ma:in contraci:. dra.v:n " L.. sewera.ge ssct:ion o:f 1966 for further d:iscuss:ion covering and a proposed res'taurani:. on South Cobb Dr:ive at me :inter- Si:.ree1:... for a o:f and J.. B.. Hal)iTk:ins.. from Recorders Court on the bu:ild:ing the We:Lcome A:Ll w:iJ.l be removed Mot:ion "by to on The for me 1/1 Mr.. were J.. H.. as cover:ing su bmi. 1:, i:.ed of April 4 and on mot:ion by C.. W.. :L8 second act:ion the Counc:i:L: out June l3r; for subm:iss:ion of' f':isca1 budgets.. a repor't from :fences and R.. H.. w:ith at cost wh:ich 'Was nct H.. D.. Cani:.re:Ll one week dur:ing the 1965 schedu:Led year.. i:.he on res:ideni:.:ia:L si:.reets.and secure tag and subm:it Por1:.erf:ie:Ld I S motion the erect:ion of' one bound on San:ford :in1:.ersect:ion of Bank S1:.reet and Powder ei"fect:ive June 7 :L966 and through 1:.he PollY" League ed on Homer KulU IS of Hunter Street from Dunn 6.. s:igns on the northeast to Concord Road.. 7.. Heard comments re:Lat:ive 1:.0 1etter from State fie contro:L dev:ices for total me da 1:.e B.. D:iscussed a 1et1:.er from Cont:inental. Insurance on ssvera:L cla:ims on. au to damage caused qy ra:il1s" wh:ich den:ied to h01es :in $I. Lis1:.ened to a d:iscuss:ion 1ed audi.t of' books and set and C.. P.. A.'s~ J. B. Ab1es on the at 6: P ..M.. to meet and cos1:. of this T hsre no :furthsr Councilman J.. C.. Por1:.erf:ield 9:20 P.. Next mee1:.:in.g Ma;y and June ,HHH~H~~~HHHH~~~~~~:MHW~r 1966 The ca:L:Led meeting of olc:Lock P.. M.. at Sandsrs-Cae1:.e:Llaw busi.ness to come bsfore Councilmen and Counc:i:L was he:Ld f'or the and i"or Council.. Mayor G" W" at 7:30 of 1:.he other and :In 1:.he f:irst order of bus:iness to come before the and Counc:il. to rezone a tract o:f :Land a new mortuar,y c:i t:iz;ens :in 1:.he area :in:fluence ac1:.ed re:i"tera:t:ing of ci.1:.i.llIens of Zon:i:ng all d:irect zon:ing and the usage :Land to i.1:.s best lI'[a.yo r ca1:Led :for the mot::ton.. shaJ..l be a mortuar,y Kuh:L.. Armour .. of of una:nllllOus.. vote on 1:.0 C-2 morluar,y 'WaS that the R-:L res:identia1 1:.0 C-2, restr:icted to secondsd and seconded subm:i1:.ted IS reoommenda1:.:ion 1:.0 Jr" and C.. Porterf:ield 'Was to Con1.>:inuat:ion of was submitted removed from was June I1:. :in had nct been erected in date of Kuhl' s accep1:.ed date cover:ing Concord agreed "to :file same :for for 1.>he Ber:L T.. to c~1:.izens cars reason The Com:inen1.>al Insurance agreed on the bas:is the was i~mediate correct:ive on J.. B.. Ab:Les perm:it, to Mr.. and appliances tha 1.> no s:igns emp:Loyees sha:L:L be engaged seconded J".. Porter;t":ie:Ld Pinehurst Circ1e9 bas:is.. The erected:; no excess on under this perm:i"t.. 1.>0 8: P.. M.. Next mee1:.:ing June 69 1966~ 7:30 p" M.. 29 :II f!I Wa1:.er