May 3/17/22, 1976 Mayor and Council 395 The regular meeting of Mayor and Council was held pursuant to the Charter at City Hall, Smyrna~ Georgia. 3 1976. and called to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M. by Mayor Protem Homer Mayor Arthur Bacon was absent due to illness. All Councilmen were present. Also present was Chuck Camp. City Attorney, Willouise Spivey, City Clerk. Lee Silver, Parks and Recreation Director. Gene Hoaster. Building Inspector. Don Atkinson. Fire Chief. James E. David. Superin- tendent of Public Works and representatives of the press. Invocation was given by Gerald Roberds. followed by the pledge to the Flag. - Alton Curtis, Attorney representing the Lance Oil Company. that Lance Oil Company was going to proceed with the purchase on Lake Drive. They plan to use the property in the manner it is used under article 11-1101 of the City Zoning Ordinance. The eady there and the only outside construction would be a 4 x 12' a question from Homer Kuhl. Mr. Curtis ssid part of used to store flammable liquids. In discussion it was the present use of the property is light industrisl but according the zoning map it should be neighborhood shopping. There is a an error was made in coloring the map. Homer Kuhl advised we would oning and Mr. Curtis was given permission to proceed according to ordinances. Bill Miles. representing the Bicentsnnial Commission. stated the commission publish a book or the history of Smyrna for the Bicentennial cele- e sold the week of July 4th. His request was thst the City consider the purchase of perhaps 1000 copies or the book at $1.00 each. to be placed in schools. library~ etc. Homer Kuhl advised Mr. Miles this would be referred to the finance committee and he would be sdvised of the decision. Mr. Kuhl students Program. stand how meet with recognized Gerald Roberds of the Optimist Club. who introduced sixteen from three high schools who were participsting the Youth in Government They were attending the council meeting in an errort to better under- city business is conducted. Mr. Roberds stated the students would Mayor and Council Saturday morning. Mr. Thomas Williams appeared before council with a complaint of the noise from military type planes over residential aress. Mr. Williams ssked if an sgreement could be the Navy. Air Force snd the City of Smyrna. similar to the one Lockheed had about running engines after eleven o'clock. so as not to the lives and health or citizens or this city. Mr. Kuhl came Federal regulations. He called on Dr. Grogan. who intro- Blaker who is with Operstions of the who explained wby were necessary. He stated these training were absolutely necessary at least once a year. and sometimes twice. and they did change their flight patterns orten. He stated they were going to start using another type plane in this area and this should help the noise problem. Mr. Kuhl thanked Commsnder Blaker and Dr. Grogan and stated that he hoped things could be worked out. Bill Darby recognized members or the Smyrna Civil Defense Department and expressed the appreciation of the entire city for their efrorts. These members have extensive training snd are as rollows: DIRECTOR: Red Cross First Aid Instructor and State Certified Rescue Currently enrolled in EMT Course. RESCUE TRAINING INSTRUCTOR: is - Red Cross First Aid Instructor. Red Cross and Georgia tion CPR Instructor. State Certified Rescue Instructor. National and Georgia Registe~ed EMT. CHIEF OF RESCUE: First - State Certified Rescue Instructor. Red Cross Advanced registered . Red Cross Advanced Lire Saving, Streeper Vehicular Extrication Course. ia Registered EMT. anced First Aid. Advanced First Aid. (Continuation of May 3. 1976 Meeting) - Red Cross Advsnced First Aid. currently enrolled in Red Cross Advanced First Aid. Red Cross First Aid. Red CrosS First Aid. - Georgie EM'T. ECG Course. EM'T . Georgia EMT. ECG Course. Red Cross Advanced - Red Cross Advanced First Aid. currently enrolled in members have not met the qualifications for full membership and are Candidate Members. the reason for is that the all the emergency basis. Mr . of the City of man them on their own time. . and are to be commended. these members to the of the Department of Smyrna is to the Police Department. serving on everyone these people are volunteers. 'The city furnishes the vehicles and 'They are well equipped to handle Mr. The the for a malt beverage retail package license for 1269 ConCOrd Road. (tabled at the last was resubmitted. Mr. Darby to a by Delta Engineers & Inc. the distanca and he motioned 11cense be seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. There A Robert Dale of Quantum Electrical Contractors. Inc. to at the corner of Corn Road and Elmwood Drive. It was is residential in the county, and Mr. Dale a if it were annexed into the city. and contractors. Elbert Coalson property be and become a part of Ward 2. C. O. the motion and was unanimous. for the paving of Cobb Park parking area. as follows: They were read and Inc. Contracting Co. Contractors $6,460.00 ,490.30 ,900.00 bids be referred to the street committee. and the vote was unanimous. four (4) city buildings were opened. read and are as follows: Canteen Termite Treatment 425.00 25.00 9.00 290.00 25.00 9.00 250.00 25.00 9.00 250.00 25.00 9.00 Annual Pest Service Treatment 400.00 Annual Pest yrs or Service or S1200.00 for all four 25.00 25.00 25. 25.00 Included - recall by phone $15.00 per unit renewal Service 400.00 42. 6. 5. 40.00 7.00 Pest 397 (Continuation of May 3. 1976 Meeting) Canteen Initial Termite Treatment Annual renewal Pest Control Service 150.00 35.00 15.00 375.00 35.00 17 . 00 100.00 30.00 .00 30.00 8.00 Jerry Mills msde a motion bids be referred to the Administrstive Committee for a report at the next meeting. Rem Bennett seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Bids for lettering Fire Station #2 were opened, read and recorded as follows: Signs Incorporated BFG Sales Company $365.50 No bid on 8" $558.00 for $326.45 Specs. Window Hardware & Service Co. Jerry Mills made a motion the bids be referred to the Fire Committee. Rem Bennett seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Bids for lettering Fire Station #3 were opened. read and recorded ss follows: Signs Incorporated Window Hardware & Service Co. BFG Sales Company $365.50 $410.00 No bid on 8" $558.00 for Specs. Jerry Mills made a motion the bids be referred to the Fire Committee. Rem Bennett seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Commercial building permits were submitted by building inspector Gene Hoaster and upon his recommendations the following action is recorded: (1) J. D. Johnson of 2710 Ivanhoe Lane requested a side and back yard variance in order to build a tool shed within two feet of the side and back yard lines. He had letters from his oining property owners. P. L. Pock, Springs Street. and C. L. Poplin. 20 Ivanhoe Lane. stating they hsd no objections to Johnson building a tool shed within two feet of the common property lines. Rem Bennett made a motion the variance be granted. Jerry Mills seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. (2) Wayne Human requested a permit to build a house at 4156 Manson Avenue. This lot. as per the Corps of Engineers map, is in the flood plain. Mr. Hoaster stated that Mr. Human had already purchased the lot before Mayor and Council passed an ordinance that no building permits would be approved if the property was listed in the flood plain. Mr. Human has already filled the lot with three or four feet of dirt. has shot the elevation of the creek. and his basement would be approximately nine feet above the level of the creek. Rem Bennett stated this lot was not listed as being in the flood plsin when the section was Attorney Camp stated the city could not be held liable for any ss long as the builder had full knowledge it was in the flood plain building. The surveyor for the fin?l survey for the loan c10sing for resale~ must certify that the house is built within a flood p1ain. Rem Bennett made a motion the permit be issued. Elbert Coalson seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. (3) Cecil Brown Co., Inc. requested a building permit for an addition to Campbe11 High School for an Industrial Arts Building. Plsns have been spproved by the Fire Marshall's office and Mr. Hoaster recommended it be approved. Jerry Mi1ls made a motion the permit be approved. Elbert Coa1son seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. (4) Foto-Met Corporation requested a permit to build a 4 x 9' Foto-Mat building at the Hawthorne Plaza. corner of Hargrove Road and Cobb Parkway. Also requested was a variance request. since the building would be only 35 feet from the right-of- of Cobb Parkway. Sims DuFee of Foto-Mat stated they were IIO' from the of Cobb Parkway. Jerry Mills made a motion the variance and building pproved subject to receipt of a letter from Tenneco Oil. stating they have no objections. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. (Continuation of May 3. 1976 Mr. use a from T & E Clothing Outlet giving their permission for restrooms. (5) A permit was by Chambers Associates. Inc. to a 40 x 132' to Food Giant at 2370 South Cobb Drive. The plans have been reviewed by the building inspector and the Fire Marshall's office and he it be approved. Jerry Mills made a motion the permit be approved. seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. and Bill (1) Jim Tolleson stated council was contemplating collecting water deposits - that a service charge would be details have not been worked out as yet. All deposits on hand of Complete be returned. Tolleson stated the Poll should be mailed this Friday. they plesse be filled out and returned. He asked stated that council had been in office about four a few people in the city seem to think they know more than the elected officials do. and that if these elected officials have the the in mind they would their meetings with the elected offials try to aid us causing turmoil. He we could not straighten out over- has taken several to take place. of the Smyrna have the let the present council hand1e in and that would be advantageous to city. any ideas about how to mske this city a better place I would appreciate one of the and airing their published in tbe week with regards council meeting. a letter I resd about that he possibly some of the police this letter. I the newspaper and the man who wrote me some of the people and show that coercing took place. it to I made Chief into th:is article signing to stated F:ire Station #l had been painted on the and Fire Station #2 repsirs are 75 percent complete and should be finished two or three weeks. (5) on F:ire M1lls stated he saw JI2 and that he He stated the and Council with Don We11s Contrscting Company station accord:ing to the were not suitable for the building but was (6) Mills stated he and and that the All b:ids will be the will bid on the to be picked up been on the Insurance be:ing drawn up. The specifi- next week to send out to the wi11 meet and one plan The specifications will the City bidders. snd to set over them for and a date w:ill be set drawn up by the and Council. A copy Saturday morning. Mr. Mills Attorney. be given each He were progressing real in the street Broyles and Randy Jones for their (8) Walker was made a motion a stop sign be erected at the :interSection of and Wslker Court. Jerry Mil1s seconded the motion snd'the vote reported the Drive that on Englewood had been cnt down earlier wou1d be the early 399 (Continuation of May 3, 1976 (II) Elbert Coalson asked that residents please be patient ss everyone was spring cleaning and the pickups were heavy. that some Boy Scout Troops and other groups had expressed a in the cleanup drive. with trash pickups Mr. Kuhl advised desire to participate (12) C. O. Cansda reported that he~ Mayor Bacon. Lee Silver. Bill Darby and several Cobb County Legislators met with Commissioner Joe Tanner of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources about a grant for King Springs Park. (13) Mr. Canada stated he had talked with Charlie Jones about the paving at Cobb Park from Bsnk Street to Powder Springs Road. (14) Mr. Canada stated there were overflow crowds at King Springs Park for the opening games$ but there was not enough parking places. He slso asked Mayor and Council to support the two city teams by attending their gemes. (15) Jim Tolleson said the park ranger was giving warning tickets at Argyle and some signs needed to be put up. (16) Homer Kuhl reported rour departments were :in the red but the budgets were looking better and he thanked sll council ror their cooperation. (17) Homer Kuhl all councilmen to get approval rrom Mayor and Council before turning things OVer to the City Attorney. C. O. Canada made a motion to Elbert Coalson seconded the the minutes or April 7, 1976 as emended. and the vote was unanimous. C. O. Canada made a motion the minutes of April 19. 1976 be approved as submitted. Jerry Mills seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Willouise Spivey stated that Burl Tate promised to give us s list of the suits against the City that he has before the next council meeting. Attorney Cemp advised we had received a Writ of Certiorari with reference to the Bill Hsyes case and asked approval of Council to get s copy of the trans- cript of the Civil Service hearings. C. O. Canada msde a motion we get a copy of this transcript. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion. Vote on the motion was five to one. Jerry Mills voted sgainst. Mills mede a motion to give the City Attorney approval to take action on all and garnishment forms. C. O. Canada seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Sue Brissey stated she was that no councilmen had msde a public state- ment the police department and she stated they had gotten no or sre doing. She also was concerned the policemen not get enough thought this should be a priority item. Homer Kuhl stated the police department of Smyrna receives more consideration than any other department in the Bill advised we have a police committee who has been working and Be thought it unwise to ~ake rules and regulations thst a new Chief might want to change. A citizen asked about the financial report and was advised by Mr. Kuhl they were hard to read but he was welcome to see them any time. Thomas Williams stated his home insurance went up 30 percent because of the noise from the military planes. citizen stated a police car was parked at the home of Glen McCullers much the time. A traffic problem was reported at Jones Shaw Rosd and Old Concord Road. was referred to the street committee. This if Larry McDonald had done anything about the traffic around the His aide is working on this. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. ****************************** 7:30 Also present was Si~ver~ E. and Council was he~d pursuant to the 17. 1976~ and called to order at Bacon. All councilmen were present. Chuck Camp. City Attorney, Willouise Spivey. City Clerk. Lee Recreation Director. Gene Roaster. Building Inspector. James of Public Works and representatives of the press. The Invocation was given by Councilman Elbert Coalson. followed by the pledge to the Flag. There was no action under citizens reports. Chairman of the Civil Service Board read a letter to of the letter i.sas follows: "Honorable Mayor Smyrna. Georgi.a: The Ci.vi.l Service Board of the as descrived in SectiOn 77, Paragraph 9. Sub paragraph Law for the of submission to council the names consideration to the vacancy as chief of the to that duty we submit the following nsmes selected in Thomas Lewis Buski.rk. Jr. (2) Harry W. Kinsella Submitted by Bob Burchfi.eld. the Clerk. Frank Johnson~ Winston C. :Roy Free." Bill made a motion these applications be turned poli.ce committee for interviews and recommendations back to and full Council as soon as Homer Kuhl seconded the motion was unanimous. files on the three men were turned over Rem Bennett thanked Mr. Johnson. Mr. Burger and Mr. Free for time and hard work. and Counci.l. of . Sm.yrna of the of three the Cobb a moti.on to 2819 Ivanhoe Lane, would be used. Homer Kuhl County Health Depsrtment. a residential business li.cense to Mrs. Anne catering service. with the stipulation only Mills seconded the motion and the vote was McPherson to give us a copy of from Rem one made a motion to Crestwood Jerry Mills resi.dential business apashion Design & Interior the motion and the vote was Bids for conditioni.ng a part of the King Springs Park buildings were opened. read and recorded as follows: Co. Co. Co. Co. $2711.50 2797.00 3297 . 00 2690.00 turned over to committee the spec:ifications. permits were submitted by building recommendations the following action is (I) and Hopper of Styles the e~isting sta.ted tha.t and be motion requested a permit to build located at 3485 South Drive. plans they would not meet them out. Rem Bennett checkout: had been made. Elbert was unani.mous. addition The this a building in the the plana and the from South Cobb Citgo Elbert Coalson made motion and the vote of recommended (2) A made to Fire A letter was their restroom Jerry Mills a the was unanimous. to use the G.B.A. consoles on vote was unanimous. to buy a motion the 401 (Continuation or May 17. 1976 Bill Darby we receive bids to be opened st the next council meeting for Civil Funds) Radio System for a six ststion console. cross mute. intercom. line compensation kit. time mute. supervisory control. tone alert. foot switch. hesdset adapted. Bill Darby made a motion bids be requested for the above listed equipment. Jerry Mills seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Mayor Bacon stated he met with John Kidde Friday. and had met with the Planning Board earlier~ and thst Mr. Kidde was going to work up a report of what it would cost the citizens who are completely surrounded by the city, to come into the city. He will prepare an outlay as to how we should approach these citizens and we will have the ~act cost. He should have this information to us within the next two or three days. Rem Bennett Court. One second sign Jerry Mills a motion a stop sign be put up at Walker Street and Walker was approved at this intersection earlier. This would be the intersection. one on Walker Street. the other on Walker Court. seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Rem Bennett stated the traffic on McCauley Drive was almost as heavy as on King Springs and he requested a four-way stop sign be put at McCauley Drive and Oakdale Drive. This increase in traffic is due to the opening of King Springs Park. C. O. Canada made a motion a four-way stop sign be put at McCauley Drive and Oakdale Drive. Jerry Mills seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. C. da reported the public hearing on the Fuel Dispensing ordinance was at representatives of seven major oil companies. No full service st sentatives were present. He stated that since the moratorium was on Msy 2lst. he would like a meeting with full council to study the ordinance The bid was awsrded to C. W. Mstthews - $4.490.30. street coordinate this job with David Granade (2) Exterminat monthly contract Homer Kuhl made a bidder. for $290. on building seconded emotion Initial treatment of the City Hall Annex. City Ha11. King Springs Buildings and Canteen. id be awarded to All Pro Exterminators, the low itial treatment at City Ha11 Annex, $25.00 renewal o monthly charge for pest control. Jerry Mills ote was unsnimous. (3) (Cedar Jerry Mills made a motion the bid be awarded to the der. Window Hardware & Service for a total of $326.45. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Jerry Mills made a motion the bid be awarded bidder of $365.50. Homer KuhI seconded the motion Rem Bennett aSKed all council to study a proposal for a sidewalk on the esst side of McCauley Drive from Concord Road. The estimated cost is a little over $19,000. Mr. Bennett stated the sidewalk was needed immediately to take care of the citizens walking to King Springs Park this summer. Jerry Mills reported the proposal to amend the Constitution to provide a home- stead of $6.000.00 from all City of Smyrna ad valorem taxes for residents the City of Smyrna who are dissbled and those with income of less thsn $6.000.00 had been passed by the General Assembly, and would be listed on the ballot in the November General Election. He urged all councilmen to work for the passage of this amendment. made a motion to hear Mr. Jerry the next council tion. Camp stated since he was instructed to remove Mr. Mills withdrew his motion and Parks appesl of Recorder's Court . June 7. 1976. C. O. Canada date cou1d possibly put Mr. Parks the fence within 30 days or be C. O. Canada withdrew his second. (Continuation of May 17. 1976 to the date of hearing the seconded the motion and be Rem G.M.A. Convention. the date of second 2lst to June 28. 1976. C. O. Canada unanimous. final approval of the 1976-77 budgets would be made at the last a motion the first . due to the 4th of July unanimous. in July be changed from C. O. Canada to Mayor that and the Cobb of streets. a meeting with the of Commissioners Bacon asked all councilmen to attend. on our motion the Elbert would be May 31. for seconded the motion and the vote wss unanimous. for a class west the fire low Vote a and for the collection of funds of the motion be A service for water. sewer and sanitation services. - A $25 customers for water. for water. ustomers A $3.00 per unit apply for any new apartment serv:ices. serv:ice 403 (Continuation of May 17, 1976 - 6:00 p.m. to 00 a.m. service reconnect charge shal1 a.m. and any legal City water, sewer san1tation service. service w1ll be re-estab11shed. 8:00 a.m. to Saturday. A $20.00s'ervice connect shall app en the 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday Saturday ror the purpose or re-establishing water. sewer and sanitation The account must be made current berore service can be re-established. and any 1egal City ho11day. A between the hours or 6:00 p.m. to for the purpose of re-establishing The account must be made current berore 00 t on Sunday and legal san1tation service. re-established. . m. to 8: 00 a.m., Sunday and legsl City holidays. A $25.00 shall apply between the hours or 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. Holidays for the purpose or re-establishing water. sewer and The account shall be made current before service csn be - 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 connect unit) p.m. Monday through Saturday and sanitation service. The be re-established .m. Monday A $2.00 service apply between :00 a.m. to 6:00 ror the purpose of re-establishing water. sewer sccount must be made current before service can - 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. Sunday and Legal City holiday. A $3.00 connect charge unit) shall apply between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. on Sunday and legal City holidays for the purpose of re-establishing water. sewer and sanitat10n service. The account shall be made current before service can be re-established." The motion was seconded by Jerry Mills and the vote was unanimous. (4) Jim Tolleson made a motion adopt the following A water metering dev1ce shall be required for each . apartment complex customer." Bill Darby seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. (5) Jim Tolleson made a motion to adopt the following Any individual who shall turn on. or cause to be on. water same hss been terminated by the City of Smyrna. or prior to establishment, shall upon conviction be fined not to exceed $300.00." Jerry Mills seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. (6) Bill Darby asked to correct action taken earlier with reference to tout ror Civil Defense Equipment. Mr. moved to rescend the e on Item B approval to accept bids on a radio system ror a six station ross mute. line compensation kit. timed mute. supervisory one alert. foot switch end headset sdapted. Homer Kuhl seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Bill Darby made a motion to receive bids on radio encoder and warning receiver recorders. to be opened at the next meeting. Homer Kuhl seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Mills reported the Rules and Regulation book for employees. other than fire department. had been completed and reviewed by council. ARC book free or charge if we will furnish the psper. They should be this week or next. cemmittee hss the specirications tion from the two previous carriers. specifications ready to be picked up insurance companies next week. and are waiting on information should by representatives of (9) Jerry Mills reported Fire Station #2 is complete. Mills reported he had received a call about the drive behind ths at Ward Psrk. next to the apartments. The complaint was the intained the street. and could it be paved. e apartment owner had been approached about nothing about the paving. and the city had no control (Continuation of May 17. 1976 (ll) Je:t"ry Mills advised thst the City can issue a buildi.ng plain if the individual for the variance engineering firm stating they can build in that: problem. This is covered in an ordi.nance dated February 0~ (12) cautioned held this made an June 28. .only what is full council would meet stated he had a from the Fulton National Bank requesting .of 4+ acres at the corner of King Springs Road and Drive. moti.on was made by Homer Kuhl to annex this property. After the motion snd second were Mr. Georgia Power had requested their King . LL 529. be into the City. This property Mr. Kuhl a motion property be annexed. Bill motion and vote was unanimous. This will be a part .of (14) seres wss and Homer Kuhl stated the FultDn National Bank had requested corner of King Road and South Cabb Drive. LL Homer Kuhl ta annex praperty. Jerry Mills seconded was unanimous. This will be a part .of Wsrd 2. of 4+ A motion the matian Silver reported SmyrnaCammunity Thestre presents "Kiss Me Kate" this Friday and Saturday. (16) Softball Tournament this week-end at King Springs Park. (17) Swimming Paal .opens 24th. with same fees as last year. (IS) Lee Silver thanked the Civil Defense personnel for their help at Field Day. Canada made s motian we adapt the resolution to request any Federal may became available. Jerry Mills seconded the motian and unanimous. Coalsan read a letter from Mr. Teague. manager .of Post Spring and A~artments with reference to the charge fer garbsge service. Mr. Mr. Caalson that he. Jim Dsvid and Jack Eudy had an appointment next Wednesday. and he haped something could be worked aut. Jim asied the Mayor to check with Mr. Teague abaut the timer and shades court. (21) Coalson stated his budget was ready. stated that Joe was present. and intended to ask a p~ece .of property in the flood pla~n. He Wants to and the sale is contingent to the city giv~ng He was the city could not give approval a Reglstered Surveyor or the Corp of Engineers. for a buy a of the and he Bennett reported on the a bank was washing $2000.00. the mot~on and the creek dredging in the Pinehill Dr~ve area ~t would be necessary to r~f-raf it. at put this in the form of a mot~on. Jerry vote was unanimous. and a Rem Bennett reported the St:ate .had conducted a study .or the intersection .or Jones Shaw and Old Concord Road and would be in shartly. at the w~th us Bacon reported the Clean-up Day May 22nd. council authorize objecting to the Jim Tolleson secanded a the laws and the 405 u, School in behalf of 3rd Army Band present Hundred Ysars Lee Silver for his help and support at at 9: A meeting of and Council was held at City Hall, Smyrna. 22. 1976 at 10:00 A.M. for the purpose of hearing an appeal of the of Recorder's Court. Case 77. Jerry Parks. waS called were Spivey, City 406 presiding officer Mayor Arthur T. Bacon. present was Charles E. Camp, City Attorney Clark. Attorney . Parks stated that one-third of the chain- wss up when Mr. bought the property from Arnold Thomas. Jerry Parks was sworn in by Attorney Clark. Camp asked if Recorder's Court. He was fence was brought up or discussed in it was not. Anita for the stated that an application was not filled out She stated that Jerry Parks did come into of the fence ordinance. He was shown this not erect a chain-link fence scross his front of the fence. was to install. asked to was was prior yard. and stated he thought the City of Smyrna fence infringed upon the rights of Mr. Parks. and he Court be overturned. a motion that with evidence heard in Recorders the appeal to council. the decision of Recorders seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. at A.M.