April 5/19, 1976 Mayor and Council
of Mayor and Counci1 was he1d pursuant to the Charter at City
. Apri1 5. 1976. snd ca11ed order at :30 0'c10ck P
or Arthur T. Bacon. A11 Counci1men were present. A1so present
. City C1erk. Char1es E. Camp. City Attorney. Birchfie1d.
stant. Lee Si1ver Parks and Recreation Director. Gene Roaster
Don Atkinson. Chief. James . David. Superintendent of
Works and representatives of the press.
Invocation was given by Romer Kuh1. f0110wed by the P1edge to the F1ag.
Turner of 920 Cherokee Trai1 appeared before Mayor and Counci1 with
remova1 of a fence. serving as a buffer. behind McDona1da
Turner stated the fence was removed the middle of February.
f from her back yard. that she had no privacy and a go-cart had
her carport. She requested that McDona1ds be required to erect
It was stated that McDona1ds did have another fence on order. Mayor
Turner to give him one week to take care of this situation.
C. C Lee. owner of Smyrna Fence Company. stated that he had erected a chain-1ink
fence across the front yard of Jerry Parks On Guthrie Street. He stated that he
was unaware of Artic1e 501.10 of our zoning ordinance. prohibiting the installation of
a fence of this type in a front also that he should have applied for a permit.
ru1es this wou1d have to go before the Planning and Zoning
y in turn would recommend to Mayor and Council. Mr. Lee asked what
with the subpoena he had received. Mayor Bacon. with consent from
agreed to postpone court action for two weeks.
Lane appeared before Mayor and Council to appeal
on March 4~ 1976. The charges were listed as a1tered
act~ unsafe vehicle. Trooper Carey Hilton of
he was following a trail of blue smoke coming
le. the car had been jacked up and the bumper
tires were slick. Crowe stated the car was
oing to have it repaired. After discussion,
ecision of Recorder's Court be upheld. Bill Darby
was unanimous.
H. L. McDaniell property on Spring Street at
presented by Bill Alexander. The rezoning
an office and warehouse. or distribution
Mr. Alexander stated there wou1d be no
be shipped by UPS. there would be
5. 197
brought out that if
street. Kuhl
motion vote was
Street the building would be too close to the
a motion to deny the permit. Jim Tolleson seconded the
he had
the vote
Fuerst of 2574 Evergreen Trail requested a back yard variance in order
to his home. He a letter from Wyatt E. Duzenburg stating
to Mr. Fuerst within 25' of his property line. C. O.
a motion the permit be issued. Elbert Coalson seconded the motion and
was unanimous.
of gasoline.
their new
to convert the Service Station at the corner of Atlanta
Road to a self-service is being held. This application
the last meeting. After discussion Attorney Camp advised that in his
would have to issue a license to Shell Oil Company. same type
in effect before the moratorium, to reopen this station for the sale
also advised that a license be issued to American Oil for
at the intersection of Cobb Parkway and Hargrove Road. since a
was issued to build the self-service station before the moratorium
];layor Arthur
Darby. They
Bacon appointed a committee of three to study the Motor Fuel Dispensing
They are as follows: C. O. Canada. Chairman. Jim Tolleson and Bill
are to report their findings at the next council meeting.
for the Case Garden Tractor with attachments. to be used in the Parks
opened. read and are recorded as follows:
$ 925.00
made a motion the
with authority to act
be turned over to the Parks and Recreation
on the low bid.
stated he thought he could better serve the City of
is now serving. rather than in the position of Assistant
had talked with several of the councilmen and they agreed.
the committee had met and it was a unanimous decision that an Assistant
not be appointed at this time. He made this in the form of motion
by C. Canada. The vote was six to one. Jerry Mills voted
Cha:i.'l"man of the Streets Committee. reported they met with the
the Pinehill Drive area concerning the drainage problems. He stated
Construction Company had to clean out the creek. at $25.
included operator and time. at total cost of approximately
Work on the project will start this week. after easements have been
each residence whose property could be damaged. This expense will be
State Grants.
made a motion to erect a "no right turn" sign off Glenroy onto Spring
west also to erect a "no right turn" sign onto Glenroy off Spring
Road going south. Elbert Coalson seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Rem made a motion to erect a "no right turn on red" sign Dunton Street
onto Concord Homer Kuhl seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
he thought
list of the
ordinances needed to be amended and he gave
amendments he recommended. These will be brought up
Mills that the dedication
at the new fire station
in and work on repairs to Fire Station
Repairs should be completed within weeks.
motion to surplus one 1974 Ford Torino (old police car).
the motion and the unanimous. The car will be
opened at the next council meeting.
March 1. 1976 be approved as prepared and
and the vote was unanimous.
C. O. Canada made a motion the minutes or March 22~ 1916 be approved as prepared
and submitted Homer Kuhl seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Homer Kuhl stated we still approximate1y outstanding on the tax
books and would recommend the next council meeting that action be taken. He
also warned that income would be short for the next three months.
Mr. Kuhl advised that Wallace Pate would like to meet with Mayor and Council Saturday
morning at 9:00 A.M. to go over the year end audit. The and Council of the
last administration are also invited to attend. All members said they could
attend the meeting.
Mayor Bacon requested all councilmen to work with the committees to which they are
appointed more specifica1ly. work as a committee and not try to be a committee
of one. He also demanded they contact the chairman or any committee if they have a
question. and not meddle into the committees to which they are not appointed. He
stated he thought this had caused a lot of trouble in the past and he certainly
that we could now settle down and work together as a group for the better-
ment of the city.
Rufus Guthrie presented an application to annex lO.OS acres at the corner of King
Springs Road and South Cobb Drive. for the purpose of building a shopping center. He
had a certirication of zoning rrom Cobb County showing this property is presently
zoned for a planned center. Jim Tolleson made a motion. seconded Rem
Bennett. to table this unti1 they had time to study it. After discussion
on whether or not this property was contingent to the city limits. Rem Bennett with-
drew his second. The motion died for lack of a second. Jerry Mills made a motion to
annex the lO. acres at the corner of King Springs Road and South Cobb Drive.
Homer seconded the motion and the vote was 6 to one. Jim Tolleson voted against
the motion.
E1bert Coalson reported were out of garbage cans and it was putting a burden on
the department. Mayor Bacon said he called about these cans and they promised a
shipment would be made immediately_
C Canada advised the Little League Opening Day would be April 17. 1976. The
parade would start at 11 45 A.M. at the Smyrna Drive-In. He asked Darby to
arrange for a police escort for the parade.
C. O. Canada made a motion we purchase another trophy case. similar to the one we
now have ror $340.00. Homer Kuhl seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
said this trophy case would be charged to the Parks Department.
made several requesta to Cobb County for an additional
at Ar School but had been turned down. Re asked the Mayor to
ve the State Patrol on Spring periodically. The Mayor stated they
on one or two days notice any time he requested. He wants everyone
are not setting up a speed trap, only trying to enforce the 40
Jim Tolleson stated that since the appeals were over he would like to make a motion
that the Internal Affairs Report be turned over to the Grand Jury for possible
criminal Jerry Mills seconded the motion. Mr. Mills asked Attorney Camp
if the of the report would be released once the hearings are over.
Attorney Camp replied he had to check with Judge Hames about that. but he was not
ls would not be made to Cobb County Superior Court and he was sure
carried the time allotted to Homer asked the
if the tapes of the Service Appeals be made available the
Grand Jury if the Internal Affairs Report was turned over to them. Attorney Camp
they would. Jim Tolleson restated his motion to read that the Internal
as well as the tapes from the Civil Service Appeals. be turned over
Jury for investigation for possible criminal charges after all appeals
exhausted. Jerry Mil1s seconded the motion the vote was unanimous.
made a motion we have a public on the self-service motor fuel
nce. Jerry Mills seconded the and the vote was unanimous.
t for 7 P . Tuesday. April 20. 1976.
at 9 50 p
was held
at 7:30
AJ_so present were City
Lee Silver. Parks and
Inspector. Don Atkinson. Fire Chief.
Department and representatives of the press.
on April 19.
Arthur T. Bacon.
E. Camp. Willouise
Director. Gene Hoaster.
Supervisor of the Water
Invocation was given by Rev. Martin of the Spring Street Baptist Church. followed
by the Pledge to the Flag.
Under citizens repO'rt Attorney Fred Bostick commented on the prO'blems we had had in
and suggestedi:O' MayO'r and Council that when anew chief was
take definite steps to demand proper discipline and establish and
of command through the chief.
E. Y. the L & trains were blocking the crossing at
Street for as long as or fifty minutes at the time. He asked
that we contact & N and have the trains rescheduled. freeing the crossing for
the Black Christian Nat:ional Church requested a solicitO'rs permit to
fO'r the church. Attorney Camp is checking the ord:inance and will
a mO'tion to apprO've the application for a transfer O'f the malt
wine retail package license for Hand:i-Mart. Inc., 1687 Street
to' the new manager. Dav:id Lawrence Mosher. Jerry Mills seconded the mot:Lon and
the vote was six to one. Homer Kuhl opposed.
motion the application for the sale of malt
Grocery, Concord Road be approved.
Homer Kuh1. the number
to' nearby residence. Homer Kuhl made a motiO'n this
unt:il the distance requirements were checked. Elbert Coalson
motion and the vote was six to one. Jim Tolleson opposed.
was subm:itted for a malt beverage and wine retail l:icense for
Colpnial Store on South Cobb Drive at K:ing Springs ROad. Bacon
if we could :issue a license. pending annexatibninto the city.
had a l.etter the Georgia Power COIllpany requesting their
be annexed. also the Fulton Bank. who owns the corner property is mail:ing
th:is corner be annexed. 11iI1::'Ien both these are annexed.
at the corner of Spr:ings Road and South Cobb will be
city l_imits. any question as to annexation of this
malt and requested is for a Store
on this site. Bill a motion
. pending the contiguous property being :into the city.
the motion. discussion Al Cochran. representing the
Bapt:ist Church. the 1egality of issuing a ma1t beverage
to annexation building. It was stated this met all.
for a malt license. The motion were
lIomer made a malt beverage license be Rem
Bennett seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
a motion the
for Unc1e
Station. C.
Kuhl opposed.
for a malt beverage
Ltd.. Cobb Parkway at
O. Canada seconded the motion and the vot:.e
inspector Gene
is recorded:
onto Spring Church
reaubm:i tted. Martin plans
the addition would building
Also they were recommending a flat roof. entrance to
not be to the stre~t. but open into the parking Upon the
of the building . Elbert Coalson made a motion the permit
Bennett seconded mot:ion and the vote was unanimous.
S. Logan of 4122 Fawn Lane requested a side yard variance of one (l)
foot in order to build an enclosed garage. A letter was presented from his next
door neighbor. James A. Waid of 4134 Fawn Lane. stating he had no objection to
Logan an enclosed garage within nine feet of the common property
line. Rem Bennett made a motion the variance be granted. Jerry Mills seconded
the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Bids received the 1914 Ford Torino (surplused police car) were opened. read and
are recorded as fol10ws
William H. Summer
Dennie Stone
Geo. D. Greathouse
662 Rita Street. Marietta
l290 Spring Street. Smyrna
301. 50
201. 00
83 Chert Road. Marietta
Bids were referred to the garage committee with authority to accept the high bid.
Rem Bennett made a motion the following ordinance amendments be approved:
(1) It shall be unlawful for any group or individual to
obstruct or by depositing leaves. trash. garbage. or any other
material within enclosed catch basins. storm sewers. easements or road right of ways.
(2) 8-6002-Al It shall be unlawful
any streets of the City of
traffic or any unsightly condition. This
dirt. sand. grave1. mud. or any other foreign
the Superintendent of Streets to constitute a
for any individual or group to deposit
that shall cause an obstacle to
shall apply to leaves. trash.
materia1. left to the discretion .of
(3) - Henceforth it shall be unlawful for any group or individual
to or drainage on recorded easements by the installation of any
fence or any permanent structure. Where fences or any permanent structure exists
on any city easement and it becomes necessary to remove said items from the ease-
ments the expense of the reconstruction and reinstallation of said items shall be
the responsibility of the property owners.
of Streets
B5 Upon violations of the
1. and lS-6002-B4 coming to
the accused in
date of mailing
foregoing ordinsnces numbered
the attention of the Superintendent
of the condition whereupon the
said notice to correct the
If the condition has not been corrected within said lO day period, the Superintendent
of Streets sha11 cite the accused to appear in Recorder's Court for the City of
When, in the discretion of the Superintendent of Streets. such condition constitutes
a danger to public or private property, he shall take such steps as are necessary
to correct said condition. without regard to notice.
Upon conviction in Recorder's
fine not exceed a sum
taken Superintendent
Court the minimum fine shall be $25.00 and the maximum
to $300. plus the cost any corrective action
C. O. Canada seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Rem Bennett made a motion stop sign be erected on Cherrydale Drive at Highview
Drive. Elbert Coalson .econded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Bennett made a motion a stop sign be erected on Magnolia Drive at Lake Drive.
Elbert seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
. O. Canada stated the committee studying the Motor Fuel Dispensing pumps ordinance
had report date for the public hearing was set for May 4. 1976 at 6:
ated the Optimist Club was sponsoring a "Youth Government" program
would attend the Council meeting of 3. and meet with all
rday morning. 8 1976. He asked all councilmen to participate.
hanked Mayor and Council for clearing up some trouble spots in 5.
He asked that ordinances made clearer. easier for the layman to understand
when proposed.
(Continuation of April 19. 1976 Meeting)
E. Y.
by the
be done to
and he was looking
a bad traffic
through to North
that problem. He
into this.
was caused by the private
Lake Road. He asked that
also stated he had talked with
reported thesan:itation department was getting a lot of com-
the trucks not getting all the trash. Re asked that all citizens
us during the spring cleanup period.
(2) C. O. Canada reported King Springs Park would open April 26th and we needed
a sound system. Jerry Mills made a motion to turn this purchase over to the Parks
and Recreation Committee. with authority to purchase a PA System, not to exceed
$500.00. Elbert Coalson seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
(3) C.O. Canada stated that city employees from several departments had formed
another team and asked who would pay the registration fee. After
discussion it was decided this fee would be paid from the General fund.
Girl's Softball Parade will be Saturday, May
Drive In at 8::30 A.M.
. 1976. beginning
The Pony League season begins Saturday morning at
:45 A.M.
(6) Canada stated the Southeastern Pony League Tournament, thirteen
be held at Cobb Park snd we needed to pave the parking area near the
all along the side of the fence. C. O. Canada made a motion we put
to pave the parking area of Cobb Park. to be opened May 3. 1976. Romer
seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Canada stated the Hall Annex building needed to be treated for
One price of $400.00 the initial treatment and $50. annl.1ally
received. C. 0>. Canada made a motion to get two more estimates.
Homer Kuhl the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Silver reported King
Park ball fields would open at 7:00 P.M.
(9) Homer Kuhl presented an application for a residential business license from
Jack M. Martin. 1449 Walker Street to operate an upholstery shop :in his home.
Jerry Mills made a motion the license be issued. with the stipulation there would
be no outside work. Bill Darby seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
with him.
Kuhl stated that if
C. O. Canada said the
had their budgets ready to get in touch
for the Parks department was complete.
to the fence erected by . C. Lee across the front
Perks on Guthrie . Jerry Mills reported he had talked with
he stated he would remove the fence and erect one that meets our
Mills. on recommendation of Fire Chief Don Atkinson. made a motion to
Cochran as Assistant Fire Chief. Bill Darby seconded the motion
vote was unanimous.
Mills stated that
been worked out.
and Council met last
council was united and
and felt all
for the better-
read a letter"
that acting
was running Smooth
signed by approximately per
John Young was doing a good job
of the
and they would
T01leson said the creek
more of the park
seconded by Jerry
$499. Vote on the
behind Jonquil Park needed to be rerouted in
. making it usable. A was made by
to have the creek rerouted at a cost not
was unanimous.
:a:'eported that
Dunn and Eddie Bessette are to
at the Gainesville Junior College
Meeting adjourned.
~ 1;6~
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