January 5/19 1976 Mayor and Council /I I~ ~ I ~ J. ~ ~ 365 MAYOR'S OATH OF OFFICE I, Arthur T. Bacon, do solemnly swear that I will well and truly demean myself as Mayor of the City of Smyrna for the ensuing term, and that I will faithfully enforce the Charter and Ordinances of said City to the best of my ability, without fear or favor, and in all my actions as MAYOR act as I believe for the best interest of the said City. So help me God. ~ -rL6~ Mayor, Arthur T. Bacon (Seal) COUNCILMAN I, James E. Tolleson, do solemnly swear that I will well and truly demean myself as Councilman of the City of Smyrna for the ensuing term, and that I will faithfully enforce the Charter and Ordinances of said City to the best of my ability, without fear or favor, and in all my actions as COUNCILMAN act as I believe for the best interest of the said City. So help me God. ~f~ Councilman Ward #1 . il James E. Tolleson (Seal) Subscribed and sworn to before me this h day 0 January, 1976 COUNCILMAN I, William F. Darby, do solemnly swear that I will well and truly demean myself as Councilman of the City of Smyrna for the ensuing term, and that I will faithfully enforce the Charter and Ordinances of said City to the best of my ability, without fear or favor, and in all my actions as COUNCILMAN act as I believe for the best interest of the said City. So help me God. UA;t/~ ;f fr~ Councilman Ward #2 William F. Darby (Seal) 366 COUNCILMAN ~ I, Jerry Mills, do solemnly swear that I will well and truly demean myself as Councilman of the City of Smyrna for the ensuing term, and that I will faithfully enforce the Charter and Ordinances of said City to the best of my ability, without fear or favor, and in all my actions as COUNCILMAN act as I believe for the best interest of the said City. So help me God. , / Seal COUNCILMAN ~ I, Homer Kuhl, do solemnly swear that I will well and truly demean myself as Councilman of the City of Smyrna for the ensuing term, and that I will faithfully enforce the Charter and Ordinances of said City to the best of my ability, without fear or favor, and in all my actions as COUNCILMAN act as I believe for the best interest of the said City. So help me God. ~4~~ Councilman Ward #j Homer Kuhl Seal Subscribed me this 5t J COUNCILMAN .~ I I, C. o. Canada, do solemnly swear that I will well and truly demean myself as Councilman of the City of Smyrna for the ensuing term, and that I will faithfully enforce the Charter and Ordinances of said City to the best of my ability, without fear or favor, and in all my actions as COUNCILMAN act as I believe for the best interest of the said City. So help me God. (!-A!C~ Councilman Ward #5 ~ C. O. Canada ~ - ~~ Q Seal Subscribed and sworn me this 5th day of J ~ o u ~ ~ 367 COUNCILMAN I, Elbert Coalson, do solemnly swear that I will well and truly demean myself as Councilman of the City of Smyrna for the ensuing term, and that I will faithfully enforce the Charter and Ordinances of said City to the best of my ability, without fear or favor, and in all my actions as COUNCILMAN act as I believe for the best interest of the said City. So help me God. ~~~ ? Councilman Ward 116 Elbert Coalson Seal Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of anuary, 1976 COUNCILMAN I, Rem B. Bennett, Jr., do solemnly swear that I will well and truly demean myself as Councilman of the City of Smyrnaffor the ensuing term, and that I will faithfully enforce the Charter and Ordinances of said City to the best of my ability, without fear or favor, and in all my actions as COUNCILMAN act as I believe for the best interest of the said City. So help me God. ~~~~ uncilman Ward /17 em B. Bennett, Jr. Seal Subscribed and sworn me this 5th day of J CITY CLERK I, Willouise C. Spivey , do solemnly swear that I will well and truly demean myself as City Clerk of the City of Smyrna for the ensuing term, and that I will faithfully enforce the Charter and Ordinances of said City to the best of my ability, without fear or favor, and in all my actions as CITY CLERK act as I believe for the best interest of the said City. So help me God. dZ' < . c/ '~./C/...-t'!...... ~ e City Clerk Willouise C. Spivey ~~~/ Seal Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of anuary, 1976 ~~ ~ ~v +- V 368 CITY ATTORNEY I, Charles E. Camp , do solemnly swear that I will well and truly demean myself as City Attorney of the City of Smyrna for the ensuing term, and that I will faithfully enforce the Charter and Ordinances of ~aid City to the best of my ability, without fear or favor, and in all my actions as CITY ATTORNEY act as I believe for the best interest of the said City. So help me God. .;/ ~ 7 City Attorney Charles E. Camp Seal Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of January, 1976 .6 ,0 ;' COURT RECORDER I, C. V. Reeves , do solemnly swear that I will well and truly demean myself as Court Recorder of the City of Smyrna for the ensuing term, and that I will faithfully enforce the Charter and Ordinances of said City to the best of my ability, without fear or favor, and in all my actions as COURT RECORDER act as I believe for the best interest of said City. So help me God. ~ Court Recorder C. V. Reeves Seal Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of January,1I!976 ~ 369 The first meeting in the new year was held at City Hall, Smyrna. Georgia pursuant to the Charter on January 5. 1976 and called to order by Mayor John Porterfield at :30 otclock P All Council members were present. Also present were L. W. Charles. Retir City Clerk. Willouise Spivey, Acting City Clerk. Nora Proctor. Clerk. Bob Birchfield istrative Assistant. Lee Silver. Director of Parks and Recreation. David. Supt. of Public Works. Berl Tate City Attorney, Leon Hood. Building Inspector L. W. Boring, Electrical Inspector. W. L. Westbrook. Plumbing Inspector. A. L Coleman. Heating and Air Conditioning Inspector. C. C. Porterfield. Retiring Fire Chief. Don Atkineo ing Fire Chief. a representative from Mayes. Sudderth and Etheredge and repres tives of the press. Invocation was given by Reverend Russell Mann, followed by the Pledge to the Flag. Marston Tuck made a motion to execute a deed to Mrs. Myrtice Spink. 1587 Roswell Street. for the abandoned beside her property. Jerry Mills seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. On motion by Forster Puffe. seconded by . O. Canada. the minutes of November 3. 1915 were approved as submitted. Vote on the motion was unanimous. motion by Jerry Mills. seconded by Elbert Coalson. the minutes of November 8 1975 were approved as submitted. Vote on the motion was unanimous. On motion by Forster Puffe. seconded by Earle Cochran the minutes of November 17 1975 were approved as submitted. Vote the mot~on was unanimous. On motion by . O. Canada. seconded by Earle Cochran, 15th, 19th and 29th. 1915 were approved as subm~tted. unanimous the m~nutes of December 1st. Vote on the motion was Canada reminded all councilmen to sign the minute book. Earle Cochran made a motion override the Mayorts veto of December 16. 1915. The motion was seconded by :Marston Tuck. The motion lost on a four to three vote. Voting for the motion was Earle Cochran. Marston Tuck. Jerry Mills and Forster Puffe. Voting aga~nst the motion was Homer Kuhl. C. O. Canada and Elbert Coalson. Earl Cochran made motion to suspend the Police Ch~ef until the investigation was completed stating that Councilman Canada had mentioned suspension in a previous meeting. Mayor Porterfield ruled this mot~on was out of order. since no motion could be made at the last meeting of an administrat~on. unless action could be final~zed at that meeting. :Marston Tuck asked of Transportation cont the orig~nal request. Porterfield and L. W. Charles to sign the Department o resurface 3.67 miles of streets. since they signed The Mayor agreed and the contracts were signed. :Mayor Porterfield expressed his thanks for the cooperation g~ven h~m administrat~on. espec~ that of the city employees. He also L. W. Charles. retiring Clerk and C. C. Porterfield. retir~ng Fire Department. and them for their many years of serv~ce to during his Mr. of the the City. Meeting adjourned at The of the new administration was called to order at 1:50 P.M. by order of . was Court. of office for the new Mayor of City by Judge Luther L. Hames. Jr., of Mayor then recognized all the oath of office to the seven councilmen as follows: James Wm. F. Jerry Homer Ward 1 C. O. Canada Ward 5 Darby Ward 2 E. R. Coalson Ward 6 Ward 3 Rem B. Bennett. Jr. Ward 7 Ward 4 The first official act of the new administration was to appoint the C V. Reeves Charles E. Willouise C. City Judge City Attorney City Clerk Mayor Bacon made the for city inspectors: Gene Hoaster L. Inspector Inspector L. A. L. Air Inspector motioned that all recommended appointments be approved. motion and the vote Homer Kuhl on as by Jerry Mills. by Pro-tem. The vote was six for Mayor the following committee assignments: Fire Police Homer Kuhl Jim E. R. C. O. Canada Bennett Mills Bacon Finance Water Sanitation Recreation Defense Alcoholic will be later. the present business license vote was unanimous. C. o. Jerry bad on Fire Station #3 the building is to Jerry called a meeting of committee for Tuesday afternoon. 8:00 P.M. ) 311 scheduled mid-month of Mayor and Council was held at City Georgia on January 19. . and called to order at 7 30 o'clock P . Bacon. All Council members were present. pivey. City Clerk. Charles E. Camp, City Attorney, e Assistant J. E. David. Supt. Public Works. Sherry tion Director. Don Atkinson. Acting Fire Chief. Gene George Hardy of Mayes. Sudderth and Etheredge and Invocation was given by C. O. Canada. followed by the pledge to the flag. No action under Citizen reports. Mr. Glynn Jones. representing the Jones Intercable. Inc., appeared before Mayor and Council requesting approval of transfer of the Smyrna Cable TV franchise. Mr. Jones stated the sale of the to Cobb County Cablevision Associates. to whom Mayor and Council granted a of the franchise on December 1. 1975. subject to all did not go through. Mr. Jones stated that Jones Intercable. Inc.. was ing wi Cable TV (Anaconda) to purchase. They did not presen of action at improvements would be made. After discussion a motion was made Kuhl to approve the sale of the franchise. consummation of the sa en Jones Intercable. Inc and Smyrna Cable TV . subject to all being paid. Mr Kuhl also requested a meeting of the Jones Intercable officials and the council. within 30 days. to discuss their intentions of improving the service. Jerry Mills seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous On motion was C. O. Canada. seconded by for s Tax Service at Mills. a residential business license Waylsnd Court. The vote was unanimous. Bill and (b) meeting. C. O. ment is for the motion that we request bids for (a) two out-door warning sirens. of the two sirens. to be opened at the February 16. 1976 Canada seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. This equip- Civil Defense Department. Mayor Bacon stated there was a vacancy on the Civil Service Board and three vacancies on the Planning and Zoning Board. He asked all councilmen to submit names of eligible citizens. especially in the wards not now represented on the board. and they would be discussed Saturday morning before the regular meeting. No commercial building permits to be approved. C. O. Canada'reported the building at classes and that grassing would be Springs Park was now being used for as soon as the weather permits. the heating system had been installed in the new fire station nicely. He said the building two or weeks. Cement had been poured He is to meet with the contractor to work Jerry Mi~ls building and work on should be completely finished for the back drive and had frozen out this problem. Mills repo to Bacon and requested another lett repairs on Fire Station No. 2 had been given cost statement Saturday. Bill Darby the contractor reference to these repairs. County had promised to furnish and install the pipe for He is to set up a meeting with Gene Jackson of Cobb County this week. final approval was received January 12 1976 by D. O. T. 3. miles of streets. James David stated Crabbe Paving Company was contract and should begin work this week. weather permitting. Mayor Bacon stated two suits had been filed against the City. (1) Johnny Pastic former City of Smyrna policemen William Allen and J. L. McCollum and R. L. Ruff against the City of Smyrna. Jerry Mills made a motion the City be Camp. City Attorney, and all be turned over to him. the motion and the vote was stated he board in the City. we had a good they do; also. together from on the was six stating he as the new by Jerry Mills. a Nathan Brown~ II. was voted against:. Vote Jerry M:f.lls to amend 79 exemptioIl to to that on October No. the disabled. A letter Thompson. Jerry Mills body. be made. a and the vote and Council amendment supporting this amendment is made a motion that a copy of the minutes of this meeting. in received as members to go over everyone start working March. a C. o. that: signs be erected on the motion and the vote Rem made on Way. It was Barrett asking and at 8 47 P.M. January . 1976 30080 Dear Senator Thompson: the ResO'1utiO'n to' provide a $6~000 exemptiO'n residents O'f Smyrna; the Mayor and CO'unci.l and i.t is O'piniO'n that this to the above citizens. Based :imate1y figures now availab1e to' us the cost wou1d be approx- 200 per year. We your efforts in worki.ng toward the betterment of our community. MAYOR CITY COUNCIL SMYRNA