July 7/21/28 August 4/18, 1975 Mayor and Council JULY 28. 1975 A publ~c hear~ng on the C~ty of Smyrna S~gn Ord~nance was held at C~ty Hall. Smyrna. Georg~a. July 28. 1975. Mayor John C. Porterfield called the meet~ng to order at 7:30 P. M. All Councilmen were present; also. L. W. Charles. C~ty Clerk, Bob Burchf~eld. Adm~nistrat~ve Assistant and ~epresentat~ves of the press. Several ownera and representat~ves of s~gn compan~es attended the hear- ing. The ord~nance was read aloud and d~scussed at lenght. A motion was made and seconded to adopt the ordinance as read and amended. Vote on the mot~on was unani:mous. Meet~ng adjourned at 10:10 P. M. 336 AUGUST 4. 1975 The regularly scheduled meeting of Mayor and Council was held pursuant to the Charter at City Hall. Smyrna. August 4. 1975. and called to order at 7:30 o'clock P. M. by presiding Mayor John Porterfield. All councilmen were present with the exception of Earle Cochran, who was out of town. and Homer Kuhl was on vacation. Also present were L. W. Charles. C~ty Clerk. Willouise Spivey. Asst. C~ty Clerk, Nora Proctor. Clerk. Berl Tate. City Attorney. Vie Broyles Asst. Supt. of Public Works. Leon Rood. Building Inspector and representa- tives of the press. Invocat~on was given by Councilman Elbert Coalson. followed by the Pledge of Alleg~ance. Mayor Porterf~eld Tom Corso w~th a C~tizen Award" ~n appreciation for the work and cooperation he has g~ven the city, espec~ally h~s ~nterest ~n the Senior C~t~zens Program. Mayor Porterf~eld stated the Senior C~tizens outgrew the~r room at the Canteen and Mr. Corso was ~nstrumental ~n obta~n~ng parm~ssion for them to use the American Legion building. Mr. Corso also accepted a Serv~ce Award" presented to the Amer~can Leg~on Post 160. by Mayor Porterfield. Mr. Ted Ramsey, spokesman for the Cobb Parkway Association. appeared before Mayor and Counc~l to request support ~n U. S. 41, or the Fourlane H~ghway. to Cobb Parkway. Mr. Ramsey stated they need a vote of conf~dence from the e~ty of Smyrna off~c~ala to send the State Department of Transportat~on. He stated the Cobb County Chamber of Commerce. as well as other bodies ~n the county. were supporting the Comm~ttee. Marston Tuck made a motion a resolut~on. in favor of renaming U. S. 41 Fourlane H~ghway to Cobb Parkway, be and sent to the State Highway Department. Jerry M~lls seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Approval of a request by Mr. James M. Dean. to erect a fence on c~ty property on Green Forest Lane was deferred. s~nce Mr. Dean was not at the meeting. Leon Hood. Build~ng Inspector. stated he rece~ved a letter from K. T;. Dornbush w~th reference to the Stephens Woods Apartments. also copies of letters to the Insurance Company of North Amer~ca and Mrs. Judy P~lgrim. res~dent manager. Mr. Dornbush stated he had requestad Insurance Company o~ ~orth Amer~ca to state the~r ~ntent~ons violat~ons one and two. wh~ch are as follows: (1) S~mulated br~cks off and buckling on exterior ends of each bu~ld~ng. and (2) Wood tr~m needs and He sa~d RUD was hold~ng $65 000 ~n escrow, and ~f the Insurance Company not to h~s letter h~s Attorney would start legal act~on to get RUD to forf~t the amount of money nacessary to bring the bu~ldings up to our specif~cat~ons. Mr. Dornbush stated that v~olations three, four. f~ve and s~x. are be~ng taken care of the res~dent manager. These v~olat~ons are (3) vert~cal openings ~n electrical heat~ng rooms must be closed. (4) door ~n washeteria broken, (5) storage of combust~ble mater~als in mechan~cal room in washeter~a. and (6) gutters and down spouts need Mr. Dornbush ~s to contact Leon Hood weekly and adv~se h~ to the progress Jerry M~lla made a mot~on the Resolut~on owners ~n the FEDERAL RENT SUPPLEMENT the mot~on and the vote was unanimous. minutes and ~s as follows: approving partic~pat~on by local hous~ng be approved. Forster Puf~e seconded Resolut~on is to beoome a part of these Resolut~on approv~ng part~c~pation by local hous~ng owners ~n the FEDERAL RENT SUPPLEMENT program. WHEREAS. under the prov~s~ons of sect~on 101 of the Rousing and Unban Act of 1965 Secretary of Housing and Urban Development ~s to enter ~nto contract to make rent auppli.ment pay- ment to certa~n qual~fied hous~ng owners on behalf of qualif~ed low ~ncome fam~lies who are elderly or WHEREAS. prov~s~ons of sa~d section cannot be made available to housing owners ~n certa~n localit~es unless the govern~ng body of the local~t~es has by resolut~on g~ven approval for such part~cipat~on ~n the Federal Rent Supplement Now. THEREFORE ~t so resolved by the Mayor and Counc~l of the C~ty of Smyrna as follows; Approval ~s hereby Supplement program ~n Smyrna. Georg~a. S~gned: L. W. Charles C~ty Clerk. Smyrna. Georgia for part~c~pation ~n the Rent Stephens Woods Apartments of property located .~ Forster Puffe made a mot~on to hold a publ~c hear~ng September 8. 1975 to amend (Cont~nuation of August 4, 1975 Meeting) 337 the Southern Bu~ld~ng Code. perta~ning to im~tation or fac~m~le br~ck. Marston Tuck seconded the mot~on and the vote was unan~mous. Mayor Porterfield reported that he, Earle Cochran and Chief Robert Drake met with W. P. Winkenhofer with regards to emergency ambulance serv~ce in the C~ty. He stated · had emergenc~es for the past two weeks and felt we . submitted two bu~ld~ng permit requests llow~ng act~on is recorded: cks requeated a to bu~ld an auto body shop ce stat~on. South Cobb Dr~ve. Mr. Hood stated by the F~re Department and met all requ~rements and he Mills made a mot~on the perm~t be approved. the vote was unani:mous. (2) The Welcome All for an add~t~on to the~r sanctuary on Old Concord stated they had perm~ss~on from Zayres and Jack 160r parking. Mr. Hood rec-c:mwended the perm~t be approv- by the F~re Inspect~on Bureau. Marston Tuck made a motion Elbert Coalson seconded the mot~on and the vote was unanimous. the plans had been approved recommended they be C. Bapt~st Church requested a Road. A spokesman for the Boone to use their ed. pending f~nal the permit be approved. Mayor Porterf~eld reported the Smyrna Bicentenn~al Comm~ttee off~ce is located at 1021 Cherokee Road, Suite I. in Belmont Center. The first project :is a "street dance" from 7:30 to . M., ~n the Jonqu~l Shopp~ng Center lot. A mo erry Mills, seconded by Forster Puffe. the c~ty contr~bute $ ray the cost of Labor Day festivities. Vote on the mot~on was unanimous. The Arner~can Leg~on w~ll aerve barbecue and Mayor asked the and support of evaryone to make the B~centennial cele- brat~on a great success. The meeting to achedule purchas~ng of cap~tol be called at a later date. due to the absence form Revenue Sharing will Homer Kuhl. Jerry M~lls grading atakes were up on Concord Road for the Wests~de F~re that grad~ng could start th~s week. B~ds w~ll be opened 00 o'clock A. M. Marston Tuck stated a contractor had told a set of plans from the Architects. that they did more and d~d not th~nk ~t feas~ble to pr~nt more. Mayor Porterf~eld Mr. Tuck would give hi:m the name of the contractor he would see that of plans. on K~ng Spr~ng Park was reported as good. tha the contract C. O. Canada comm~ttee of space ~n the we have a contract for sale. ~n the amount of $72.500 Inc. to the C~ty of for of Street. The contract l~st $70.000 land funiture. contract to be closed on or before from the U. S. D~str~ct Court. Pacemaker of one room ~n the bu~ld~ng to store ~nventory approx~mately four to s~x months. Forster Puffe be stolen or damagad and the c~ty would id a Hold Harmless agreement cou1d be be no problem. Jerry M~lls made a motion s~gned for the purchase of th~s property. vote was unan~mous. The Mayor appointed a . C. O. Canada and Elbert Coalson to recommend ~t be ut~l~zed to the best advantage. tha 1974-75 fiscal aud~t be completed ~n August. Mayor he thought. cons~der~ng the economy, we had fa~rly good yes'J;, budget On mot:~on were C. O. Canada. seconded as prepared and Jerry Mills. the minutes of July 7. 1975 Vote on the motion was unan~mous. O. Vote the m~nutes of July 21. 1975 the mot~on was unani:mous. Cookout - Tournament Bid Open~ng . M.. Askew Park P. M. Ward Park 00 A. M. - C~ty Hall re Stat~on 11 3 1975 1975 1975 Meeting adjourned at 8 43. 338 AUGUST 9. 1975 As advert~sed. a meet~ng of August 9. 1975 at 10:00 A. M. The meet~ng was called to order sent except Homer Kuhl. who was and Council was held at C~ty Hall. Smyrna. Georgia, the purpose of open~ng bids on F~re Stat~on No.3. by Mayor J. C. Porterfield. All Counc~lmen were pre- on vacation. Jack Patterson. Arch~tact with the f~rm Bothwell, Jenk~ns, Slay & Assoc~ation. ad- vised the contractors in attendence that we needed two f~gures. cost plus percentage and the max~mum cost. Some contractors stated they d~d not understand the specs for the cost percentage f~gure. Earle Cochran made a mot~on the max~mum cost f~gures on b~ds be read. and the city would negotiate w~th the low max~mum cost bidders. Jerry M~lls seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Bids were opened and read as follows: Campan~ Construction Company J. R. Campbell Construct~on Company Ch~lds Construction Company George Clark Construct~on Company Gem City Construct~on Company Hazlett and Hancock Construction Co. Jonqu~l Construct~on Company J. Franklin Lee Construct~on Co. Gene McKie General Contractor Mesaer Construction Company Montgomery Ives. Inc. Mountain Builders Singleton Enterpr~ses Sm~th & Cothr~n. Inc. Venture Construct~on Company Metro Steel $158.000.00 126,384.00 243,984.00 125.600.00 113,834.87 120,000.00 109.267.30 98.800.00 120,608.00 146,290.00 109.618.00 125,068.00 126.180.00 131.600.00 131.265.00 140,400.00 All b~ds were g~ven to the Arch~tects for their rev~ew and recommendat~on at the next counc~l meet~ng. Contractors who secured plans, but did not subm~t b~ds. are as follows: Roe Construction Co., T. L. B. Associates, Inc.. Don O. Wells Construction Co., and W~lson Mitchell. Contractors. San~tation rates and san~tation from county res~dents on the fr~nge areas of the c~ty waa d~scussed. Forster stated accord~ng to sanitat~on billings. for July, we woul collect the $400,000 ant~c~pated for the next f~scal year. Mayor Porterf~eld we moniter san~tation collect~ons for at least two months before any action is taken. Jerry Mills reported that letters had been Street who still have not tapped on to the a l~st of these homes be sent to Mayes. reply~ ~n writ~ng. ~f they can or cannot sent to the sewer l.~ne. and successfully tap several res~dences on Fleming Porterf~eld asked that . and request that they on to the ex~st~ng sewer line. C. O. Canada reported ths "Smyrna won the State Softball Chempionsh~p. E. Garner, owner of property on Cherokee Road. asked ~f there was any way he get this zoned for a cl.othing store. This zon~ng was den~ed and he ~t would be twelve months before he could reapply. Mayor adv~sed Mr. Garner that he thought ha knew someone who would rent the bu~ld~ng under the ex~st~ng zon~ng. Meet~ng adjourned at 10:30 A. M. August 18. 1975 The regularly scheduled mid-monthly of Mayor and Counc~l was held at C~ty Hall. Georg~a. August 18. 1975. and to order at 7:30 o'clock P. M. by pres~d~ng Mayor John Porterfield. All Counc~lmen were present except Forster Puffe. Also present were Willou~se Asst. City Clerk. Lee S~lver. D~rector of Parka and Recreat~on. J~m Dav~d. Supt:. Public Works. Leon Rood. Bu~ld~ng Inspector. Berl Tate. Attorney. Don Atk~naon. Asa~stant Fire Ch~ef. Chuck Holmes of Bothwell. Jenk~ns. 1St Assoc~ates and of the press. L. W. Charles.. City Clerk was absent due to ~llness. Invocat~on was g~ven by Councilman Homer Kuhl. followed by the Pledge of Alleg~ance. (Cont~nuation of August 18, 1974 Meeting) 339 Lee S~lver ~ntr Mr. George Will~ams. an off~cial of the Smyrna Girls Softball Associat~on. Trop s were presented to Mayor and Counc~l by the Following: . coach of 13 and 14 year Trophy for Runner-up ~n District. and Reece Hyde, coaches of year age group. Trophy for 1st Place Vernon Maney. coaches of the Sen~or Girls Team. (2) North rea and (3) p. All the Mayor. Counc~l. and the Girls Softball Associat~on. for r~ng tournaments. They also commended Lee ector. f~eld commended the g~rls and h member of G~rls Team was presented a State Champions were presented key chains. Mr. Sm~th of Beaver of homes ~n also r appeared before Mayor and Council with reference to He had pictures taken during the last flooding. Mr. er, which he thought was caused a broken sewer ed Jim David to contact Gene Jackson the County t. possibly a box culvert, could be put under Cherokee for a broken sewer line. also the s~lt left ~n back yards Sm~th l~ne. and Road. along Mr. Dav~d is to check the creek. W~li~ams of H C~rcle reported he was st~ll dra~nage problems. He Puffe the problem and had been on it. J~m David is to cont the county to see if they approved a box culvert for th~s locat~on. Earle Cochran ~s to fence on the c~ty r s M. Dean of Green Forest Lane w~th reference to a awarded to J. tecta Bothwell. Jenkins. Slay and Assoc~ates re- ~re Station be awarded to J. Frankl~n Lee Con- ion the b~d for the Westside Fire Stat~on be Lee Construct~on Company, for $98,800.00 on a cost plus basis, d for through the C. O. Canada seconded the Marston Tuck the company wou1d put up a letter from ng and Walker stat~ng J. Franklin e bond cred:it w~th Home Company to f~le and performance bond if ~l grant a 10 foot front yard variance and a 7 ts~de F~re Stat~on on Concord Road. Earle Cochran Jerry M~lls aeconded the mot~on and the aubm~tted by Leon Hood. Bu~1d:ing and upon g act~on was taken: (1) The Union 77 Service Station. and Powder Street. requested a perm~t to to a stat~on. Mr. Hood stated the all requirements and he ra- ~on the approved. Tuck opposed. Place, for a two foot Mr. Hood read a 1etter from Mr. Mackinaw P1ace. g~v~ng thair perm~ss~on to bu~ld 1ine. Jerry M~lls made a mot~on the seconded the mot~on and the vote was unan~mous. Earle Cochran seconded the mot~on (2) A request was presanted from S e ~ a C. the the K~ng Spr~ng Park. hopefu11y the ~ng. curb~ng would be soon. the concrete s1ab be erected tommrrow. when the ground dried Marston Tuck Docket (12313 Coalaon seconded hear the appea1 of W~ll~am D. Lester, counc~1 meet~ng. September 8. 1975. Elbert unan~mous . Associates, presented a status report on the Re presented a of the c~ty w~th the areas of the c~ty ~n. as a data and would have more concrete facta at to a draft to present by the midd1e of September aOth. The for cap~tal expense was set for 340 (Cont~nuation of August 18, 1975 Meeting) The Comm~ttee recommended in the C~ty Hall Annex to be as follows: offices on the s~de of the would be used by the purchas~ng department. off~ces on the to be used by Parks and Recreation. A malt beverage management change was for P~zza Inn. Inc., 2282 Old Concord Road from Donald MacCamp to Rugh E. Miller. A letter from Lt. Dav~d Farmer stated he had completed a records check on E. Miller and found no reason why th~s manage- ment should not be Jerr~ Mills made a mot~on the management change from to Hugh E. M~ller be granted. C. O. Canada seconded the mot~on and the vote was to two. Homer Kuhl and Earle Cochran voted against the mot~on. Lee Silver a decal made up for the Parks and Recreation Depar~ment.He asked Mayor Counc~l to approve the decal, also perm~ss~on to place the decals on Parks and Recreat~on vehicles and bu~ldings. C. O. Canada made a mot~on the de- cals be approved and perm~ss~on be to place them on veh~cles and build~ngs. Jerry Mills seconded the mot~on the vote was unan~mous. In celebrat~oft of the B~centenn~al. Lee S~lver asked perm~ssion to plant a Chr~stmas tree ~n Centenn~al Park to be decorated each year. Perm~ss~on was granted. Earle Cochran sa~d the auxilIary pol~ce would handle security at the B~centennial Danca on Labor Day. Jerry Mills read a letter from Mayes. Sudderth and Ethredge. Inc., w~th reference to sewer tap-ons on Fleming Street. stat~ng they would g~ve us a wr~tten report as soon as poss~ble. Jerry M~llS reported he had met w~th members of the Downtown Ant~que Assoc~ation. made up of Ant~que dealers in the area. w~th reference to the cost of the~r busineas l~censes. Mayor aa~d all fees would be rev~ewed before the end of the year. These antique dealers also reported to Mr. Mills that business people from outside the city were contacting c~tizens and setting up garage sales, wh~ch was hurt~ng the~r bus~ness. Earle Cochran read a request from Sherry Reeves to close Bank Street from Atlanta Road to K~ng S t on October II and 12, from 10:00 A. M. to 6:00 P. M. for the Antique s and Crafts Show. Mr. Cochran stated that two (2) bus~nesses were on th~s sect~on of Bank Street and we could not close the ent~re area on Saturday the 11th. A mot~on was made by Earle Cochran. seconded by Marston Tuck. "to cloae Bank Street from the Hall Annex to K~ng Street on Saturday and from Atlanta Road to K~ng Street on the 12th. Vote on the motion was unan~mous. Marston Tuck reported the C~ty of Smyrna would get $50,000 for street pav~ng. highway eng~neer w~ll be here th~s week to work w~th Jim Dav~d on the survey. A state eld asked Mr. Tuck to check w~th the h~ghway department on the status of ening. Tuck made a motion to request sealed bids for a truck for the street to be opened at the next regular counc~l meet~ng. Homer Kuhl seconded the motion and the vote was unan~moua. Meet~ng adjourned at 8:52 P. M.