March 10/24, 1975 Mayor and Council 305 10 1975 Council was held pursuant to the Charter at March 10. 1975. and called to order at 7:30 P. M. orterfield. All Councilmen were present. y Clerk. Willouise Spivey, Assistant City Clerk. stant. Nora Procto Lee Silver. J. E. David, Public Works intendent. Leon Hood. Consultant Engineer. and members of the press. Invocation was given by Councilman Homer Ruhl. Mr. W. D. Hearn on rezoning property etter addressed to Mayor and Council minutes of September 3. 1964. in to office or professional building. if action taken on May 15. 1967 by ions, applied to the entire track of the Tenneco Oil Company. Mayor . effective March 1. 1974. shows Attorney Berl to annex property known as 171 Pat motion by Homer Ruhl. seconded by This property will become a zoning classifi.cation of R-20. parcels of land in LL 666. on Elmwood Drive by Jerry Mills. seconded by Forster s. This property. being parts of Lots #1. under the existing Cobb County Glen Robinson. III and Thomas L. Fricks to Road from R-15. to O.I. was declared out of to the City of Smyrne Zoning Ordinance reapplying for rezoning. unless Mayor and Canada made a motion the zoning fee of Forster Puffe seconded the motion and the and Council O.I motion and Homer initiate a rehearing to rezone the petitioners paying the the vote was four for. and Ruhl voted against the motion. the Zoning Ordinance of the sentence of Article XV. Section F. C (Future Commercial) Future Commercial District and the vote was unanimous. ter the last property VII~ Section onded the motion to Article VII. Use motion and the vote was XIII. a section 1306-(d) to read as follows: a user to with minimum set back or sting Forster Puffe seconded Height Requirements in Column 6. m.aking luding paving unanimous. 306 (Continuation of March 10, 1975 Minutes) There were no Commercial bUlldlng permits to come before council. Leon Hood. Building Inspector, reported he had received a letter from the Manager of Kentucky Fried Chicken stating the structure located at 2422 Ventura Place would be demolished this month. Mr. Hood also reported that Mr. J. I. Moore had purchased the property at 1566 Spring Street and will completely renovate. the structure. A building permit will be issued this week. Attorney Berl Tate stated that a Mr. Johnson had contacted him, asking to set up a meeting to go over the property owned by Mark Turner on Cherokee Trail, and make a list of what must be done to bring the house up to standard. Jerry Mills stating the a letter had been received from Joe McHarg and Don Wells station would be repaired and brought up to specifications. Mayor John C. Porterfield read a letter from Dr. R. D. Weber, Clerk of the Civil Service Board. stating the Board voted to award the new position of Captain of Police to Lt. Kent R. Sims. Forster Puffe motioned that Kent R. Sims be promoted to the rank of After discussion. in which Jerry Mills the promotional used, and Msrston Tuck discussed the of all the officers taking the test. the motion was seconded by Homer Kuhl and the vote was five for and two against. Marston Tuck and Jerry Mills voted against the motion. Mayor John C. Porterfield asked of Council on the appointment of Frank Johnson to the Smyrna Merit to replace Norman Brenner. who had resigned. This appointment was made by Winston and James the other two Merit Board members, effective February . 1975. Jerry motioned the appointment of Frank Johnson to the Smyrna Merit Board be approved. Elbert Coalson seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Homer Kuhl made a motion that Alvin Beaty be hired as Purchasing Agent for the City at a salary of $10.000 annually. effective March 17. 1975. Forster Puffe seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Homer Kuhl reveiwed the financial statements and explained some of the expenditures. He asked that each chairman hold the line on expenditures. Mayor Porterfield asked Elbert Coalson to look into the purchase of a low boy tractor. Homer Kuhl asked that all 75-76 budgets be prepared and turned in by 15. 1975.' to be finalized and June 16. 1975. Mayor reminded all Councilmen to hold as low as possihle. Homer Kuhl made a motion to TS889 Check signer and seconded the motion. this f:tscal year, the vote motion. waive specifications and for $1.208.00. less discussion on whether to was six to one. Forster a Burroughs Clarence Canada the equipment voted sgainst the Marston Tuck made a motion to reject all bids received for the two-way radio for Civil Derense Department Forster Puffe seconded the motion and the vote was unanimoua. Marston Tuck motioned to purchase a General Electric Scanner on a State Contract for $1.143.74. Elbert Coalson seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Marston Tuck reported the D. O. T. recommendations ror traffic lights at Spring Street and Farmstead would cost from $12,000 to $14,000. The committee recommend- ed that 8" lamps be installed at Farmstead. with loop. and leave the intersection with the old , at a cost of $500.00 The light at the park road would n9t be system. Homer Kuhl reported he had no report from A. R. C. on the personnel evaluation study as yet. but would contact them thls week. Lee Silver reported the King Spring Park had a Priority 1/:1 rating, but the amount of funds is not known at this time. Lee Silver also reported tha Smyrna Parks and Recreation Department hsd been swarded a Sponsorship for a Girl Scout Troup for the retarded. 307 (Continuation March 10. 1975 Minutes) On motion by Homer Kuhl. seconded by Forster Puffe. the minutes of February 3. 1975 were approved as submitted on the motion was unanimous. On motion by Earle Cochran. seconded by Clarence Canada. the minutes of February 17, 1975 were approved as submitted. Vote on the motion was unanimous. On motion by C. O. 1975 were approved Mills. the minutes of February 18. motion was unanimous. On motion by Forster Puff meeting of November 21 was unanimous. seconded by C. o. . the minutes of the Special were approved as submitted. Vote on the motion John Porterfield t the Nati Federal e Sharing minor changes. only good news they could report from Conference in Washington was that reenacted for another year. with Homer Kuhl reported was no good news he regulate muni workshop on Collective Bargaining and there the Federal Goverment is attempting to relations. Earle Cochran attended the workshop on L.E.A.A. Funds and reported only cities of population of 30.000 0 receive these funds. The initial allotment of L.E.A.A. Funds was cut ,000. Forster Puffe attended probably would be ex on CETA Funding. He reported these funds The Smyrna Optimis Mayor and Coucil. March 29. 1975 is of "Youth in Government was welcomed by attend the Council Meeting of March 24. 1975 and Visitation Day. Mayor Porterfield presented le~ter from the of Perry. Georgia. along with resolution referring to crime and :tn the State of Georgia. e r resolution. On motion by Jerry Mills, te to this resolution was unanimous Marston Tuck this resolution be a part of the minutes of this meeti.ng. C. O. for C Earle Cochran stated they would attend the Seminar held at the Marriott Motor Hotel. March 19-20. 1975. . Jerry Mills lmembers. by C. O. Canada. permission was given the :tonal Foundation of the March of Dimes. to s Walkathon on March 22. 1975. They will e Road to South Cobb Drive. Vote on the motion was unanimous. in the DeMolay Parade. 11:00 A. M. bids for wrecker service for the as lsst year. with the exception that copy of their insurance The present bert Coal After Marston Tuck voted motion. B:tds by E. R. Coalson. Council voted unanimously Circus Program~ at a coat of $150.00 aa tbe Civil Defense at a salary of $20.00 per month. Galloup. but delayed any ******************** 308 March 24. 1975 The regu~ar~y schedu~ed mid-month meeting of Mayor and Council was he~d at Ha~~ Smyrna. , March 24. 1975, and cal~ed to order at 7:30 0 P. by officer Mayor John Porterfie~d. AI~ Councilmen were present. Also present were L. W. Charles. City Clerk. Wi~louise . Assistant City C~erk. Nora Proctor. C~erk. Leroy Si~ver. Director Parks and Recreation. J. E. David. of Public Works. Joe Briggs. Consultant Engineer. and a representative of the press. Invocation was given by Councilman Homer Kuh~. Mayor John Porterfield commented on the destruction of the tornados in the surrounding areas and recommended that emergency equipment be kept in mind when budgets are prepared. Mayor Porterfie~d a~so stated that on bfurch 15. 1915 the fire rating for the City of Smyrna was ~owered to Class 6. and recommended that every effort be made to ~ower the rating to Class 5. this year. if possible. Councilman Marston Tuck reported that Mr. James Farley and eight vo~unteer civi~ defense personnel had worked a~~ day in the At~anta area helping At~anta civil defense and po~ice in the various areas struck by tornados. A permit was requested by George Hanson of the Smyrna Jaycees for a parade to be held Saturday. MaF 3. 1975 which wou~d be the end of Jonqui~ week. On motion by Marston Tuck, seconded by Jerry Mills. the permit was granted by unanimous vote. ~'!:r. Hanson invited the Mayor and all Councilmen to ride in the parade and stated he would furnish Mr. Cochran a copy of the exact route the parade would take. There were no reports from citizens. Four sea~ed bids were received for wrecker service for the City of Smyrna. The bids were opened. read. and are recorded as follows: Barrows Enterprises Billy Howard Drivers :'Servr:lece Crain Service Car & smal~ trucks impounde4 by police Large trucks. over two tons garbage . ~oaded Lali!'ge garbage trucks. empty Po~ice cars towed to city garage Charge installing spare tire & service cal~ on Po~ice cars HaVe wrecker large to handle trucks Have 24 hour service. 7 days Ins. Company Great R. L. Location of storage, vehicles 900 1285 201 Dixie Cost of storage per day 309 March 24. 1975 Minutes) All b~ds were referred meeting. the garage committee for recommendat~on at the next tted by build~ng inspector Leon Hood and action is recorded~ Fire Department and Mills motioned the carried by a vote 0 quested Joe Jackson in order that he migh the~r service stations Concord Road. 2610 4~Lane en ~nspected by the d approval. Jerry the motion which Councilman Homer Kuhl re- elephone number Leon Hood reported on the 2422 Ventura Place: House 1566 Spring Street: 3350 Campbell Road: to the structure. that he at least finish 879 Cherokee Trail: been able to meet with structures: demolished. local resident has been done ~n ed to contact who will repair it. the room being added the owner again and ask had called a stated ha would times but had not the structure. station in Ocalla Florida. Pictures of Mills stated the was just what we would be 3600 to 3700 square o $95. On the recommendation he plans be approved for the Smyrna Station seconded by Homer Kuhl and the vote was Department Committee should act as the construction ion. Inspector. revision of the electri- items on the administrative financial Councilmen and Department Heads to continue ld be no problem regarding House Bill r. the homestead exemption was held up Council met with ARC officials laSt week ed adoption of which carried by unanimous Club had changed the 1 and requested that he be on April 12. He stated a total act as City Clerk. one as Asst. City rtment. four to the Fire Department. one rector, one as Recreation Supervisor. one ic Works. 3 0 (Continua tion of March 24, 1975 ]<linu tes) application must be made prior to April 1. 1975. C. O. Canada stated that would host the 5th District Parks and Recrea- tion Meeting on June 18, . at 10:00 A. M. He stated 75 would be in attendance and urged the Mayor and all Councilmen to attend possible. Lee Silver reminded Mayor and Council of the Easter Egg Hunt to be held at Jon- quil Park on Friday, March 28, 1975 at 4:30 o'clock P. M. C. O. Canada also announced that a Parks and Recreation Board of Commissioners workshop would be held in Roswell, Georgia. April 24. 1975. Lee Silver that senior citizen attendance was up to 75 daily and was expanding. that he was looking into the purchase of a bus to defray cost of transportation. and that the senior citizens bazzar would be on April 1 in the park between City Hall and the Police Station. C. O. Canada motioned that the park between City Hall and the Police Station be named "Centennial Park". The motion was seconded by Jerry Mil.ls and the vote was unanimous. Forster Puffe asked what was being done in regard to delinquent taxes. Berl Tate stated that fi fa's had been filed on all apartment complexes and large businesses that were delinquent. The question of how to collect sanitation from residents who are not on city water was also discussed. Berl Tate he would check the ordinance to determine if this could be handled through Recorder's Court. Mr. Tate further stated he would check into the possibil.ity of back billing commercial establishments who have been imporperly billed for a number of years for sewerage. Mr. Puffe commented on the meeting with the Cobb County Commissioners and others regarding an increase in water and sewerage rates. possibly by Jul.y. City Attor- ney Berl Tate was asked to check the contract filed with the county on sewerage treatment. Marston Tuck motioned that the old police radios in the basement of the police station be transferred to the Civil Defense department. Jerry Mills seconded the motion which carried by unanimous vote. On motion by Marston Tuck authorization was given to have Cobb Heating and Air Conditioning install a return air vent in the Civil. Defense office. at a cost of $126.80. to be paid from the contingency fund. The motion was seconded by Jerry Mills and vote on the motion was unanimous. Marston Tuck commented on the accident last Friday involving a city vehicle and requested that all drivers be re-evaluated. He also requested that a copy of all. lit~gationa the City of Smyrna be available at the next Council meeting. Mayor stated he would take care of th~s. An up-to-date code book for the City of Smyrna was discussed. On motion by Homer Kuhl., seconded by Forster Puffe. the Municipal Code Corporation of Tallahassee. Florida, was awarded the contract in the amount of $6.750 which would cover the cost of fifty hooks and fifty binders. Vote on the motion was unanimous. It was reported the job would take fourteen months to . and all Councilman were urged to all working sessions. Forster recommended that $1500.00 be pa~d from this year's fiscal budget ~f work had progressed to that point by June 30. Homer Kuhl reported that 4800 to 5000 books were checked out of the library monthly. The meet~ng adjourned at 9:15 P. M. ~ .,/ ~ , '-' .,rl~ "-I .., 311 (Continuation of March 24, 1975) ~ <!. . {>...$;Jl.:. r& J. C. PORTERFIELD J MAYOR MARSTON TUCK, COUNCILMAN WARD #1 t JE 114 ~~~ ~~~~~ EARLE COCHRAN, COUNCILMAN WARD 117