December 16, 1974 Mayor and Council
December 16. 1974
t due to
and Council was held in
to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M.
All Councilmen were present except Earle
illness. Also were L. W. Charles.
Clerk. Bob Administrative Asst..
David. Works Supt., Leon Hood. Building Inspector.
Parks and Recreation. James Yagadics. Consultant Engineer.
the press.
Invocation was given by Councilman E. R. Coalson.
Under from Citizens". Mr. Richard Kitchens appeared before Mayor and Council
a bad e problem on Campbell Road. Councilman Forster Puffe
that:: Mr. meet with the Streets Committee at 10:00 A.M.. Saturday
morning. December 21. in order to try to find a solution to the problem.
A zoning hearing was held on property located in Land Lot 847. 880. 846 and 881. at
the southeast corner of Spring Street and Hargrove. from 0-1 to G-C. approximately one
acre of a 6.2 plot of Mr. John Hathcoat appeared before Mayor and Council to
answer any quest request for It was noted the Planning
and Zoning Board al of the rezoning. further discussion. C O.
'oned r one from O-I to G-C be approved. restricted to a
ion. seconded the motion which carried five to one. Marston
located in Land Lot 452. and known per present
Road. from F-C to L-C. for the purpose of a dental
represented the petitioner. Max C. Gantt. Mrs. Head stated
the house would be brick veneered. the
an area to accommodate spaces would be
from F-C to L-C on by Forster Puffe, seconded
a dental ~ab. Vote on the motion was unanimous.
Lums Restaurant. South Cobb Drive. from Edward Green
on Motion Forster Puffe. seconded by C. O.
A. Farmer was stating he had checked all
rger and knew of no reason the application should
e to one. Homer Kuhl opposed.
A management
and Concord
on Cherokee Road. the 4-Lane Highway,
k was approved on motion by Forster Puf
er from Lt. r was also submitted regarding Mr.
application should not be approved. The
he had met with the committee and Mr. McMurrian in regard
and dancing only for Tsen Internationale located at
that the bus:iness license be set at $100.00. Mr. Kuhl
license on the cond:it:ions that the place of
that they have security people during houss of
a list sf all 0 rectors. Forster
ada stated he wa ect:ion of a sign
Forster Puffe amended tion to include that
Fire Prevention Bureau and Building Inspector prior
Homer Kuhl seconded the motion. C. O. Canada
on Tuck seconded the motion. Voting to table:
Voting the motion to table:
e. Mayor rterfield broke the tie
tlhe amendment only was unanimous. Vote on the
$100.00 and license be issued only with stipu-
r the motion Homer Kuhl. Forster Puffe and
motion Jerry Mills. C. O. Canada and Marston Tuck.
ing for the motion.
give the PIa
reet from R-
ing map. The
on Fuller Street thought their
al since it was
error was made on the zoning map.
d Zoning Board permission to
future commercial if they thought
motion was seconded by Marston Tuck and
been installed on Concord Road.
Forster Puffe
(Continuation of December 16th Minutes)
motioned that a
Jerry Millis
turn on redH be installed on the light at King Street to Concord.
the motion which carried by unanimous vote.
Street Committee Chariman Forster Puffe ~tated he should have a recommendation on
the traffic light at Spring and Road at the next meeting.
Mayor John Porterfield stated a meeting hsd been held with Mr. Musgrove of the Depart-
ment of Transportation regarding the annual road allotment ror Smyrna and learned that
the State had considered Concord Road in this year's allotment; however~ members of
the dspartment will look over the City's request and make recommendations to Mr.
Musgrove on the 1975 allotment.
Mayor Porterfield further reported that the next
of South Cobb Drive from the City limits to 285
Atlanta Street was discussed and it was suggested
as a City or County contract.
of letting of bids for widening
be done in the Spring; also that
that the widening project be handled
Commereial building permits were submitted by building inspector Leon Hood and upon
his recommendations the following action is recorded:
(1) Ronald D. Head. renovate structure at 1050 Concord Road ror the purpose of a
dental lab. Dr. Head also requested a 10' front variance. The 10' variance
was on motion by Jerry Mills, seconded C. O. Canada. The vote was five
to one. Homer Kuhl opposed. Marston Tuck motioned that Council the request
for renovation subject to the structure being brought up to the code standards,
brick veneered . adequate parking in rear paved. and the shrubbery
be left as is on side and across the or the property as a bufrer. Forster
Puffe seconded the motion which carried on a rive to one vote, Homer Kuhl opposed.
(2) Pizza Hut. Inc., 2520 Atlanta Street (formerly Hood Oil requested a 15'
variance from Atlanta Street and rear yard variance of 28'. Mr. Hood"submitted a
letter from Mr. Bernard Halpern stating he had no objection to the Pizza Hut property
abutting the Western Auto property. The variance were granted on motion by C. O.
Canada. seconded by Marston Tuck. The vote was unanimous. Plans for the Pizza Hut
building were submitted and approved by unanimous vote on motion by Jerry Mills,
seconded by C. O. Canada.
(3) The service station in Grant City was
motion by Jerry Mills. seconded by Forster Puffe.
Tuck opposed.
as a self service station on
The vote was five to one~ Marston
(4) Mobil Oil Company. requested of service station at the corner of Spring
and Hargrove Road. The plans were as submitted on motion by C. O. Canada,
seconded by Jerry Mills. Vote on the motion was unanimous.
(5) Inspector Leon Hood read a letter from John F. Dobson,
Mrs. Gloria . owner of property at 1566 Street,
structure be boarded up as a temporary measure repairs. C. O.
permission be granted to have the doors and boarded with plywood for a
period of sixty days pro~ided it is boarded up within fifteen Jerry Mills
seconded the motion. Forster Puffe amended the motion to board up the structure
for ninety days. Homer Kuhl seconded the motion which lost on a two to four vote.
Voting for the motion. Forster Puffe and Homer Kuhl. against the motion.
C. O. Canada. Mills, E. R. Coalson and Marston Tuck. vote was called on the
main motion to up for sixty days which carried by unanimous vote.
In the absence of Police Committee Chairman Earle Cochran. Mayor 30hn Porterfie~d
reported that the committee had learned that a proposal on radio maintenance for the
Fire Department. similar to the one for the Police Department, had been made by
Motorola in July or August which had not been acted upon. Therefore when both
were considered. the committee recommended the low bid of .00 per month
by Motorola to cover both Police and Fire maintenance. Jim Hiatt. Pro Service and
Sales. objected stating no one had contacted him in regard to a bid for Fire Department
equipment and that he was the low bidder on Police radio maintenance. Marston Tuck
also stated he had not been contacted. The bids were referred back to the police
committee for further study instructions the fire department committee be notified
of the meeting and a recomm ion be made at the next Council meeting.
Councilman C. O. Canada stated a
the going rate in other are
his rate to $2.00 instead of 1.00
seconded the motion which carried
of $2.00
day for impounded vehicles was
that Mr. Driver be allowed to adjust
or wrecked cars. Marston Tuck
day for
unanimous vote.
Lee Silver. Parks and Recreation Director. that the contract for King Spring
Park would be signed this week and upon receipt of the signed contract. work would begir
(Continuation of December 16th Minutes)
within five days.
On motion by C. O. Canada~ seconded
ation were approved as submitted.
Forster Puffe. the By Laws for Parks and Recre-
vote was unanimous.
Per information received from the Georgia Association. Councilman Homer
Kuhl ~eported that pursuant to Georgia Laws. 1 . p. 924. effective January 1_ 1975_
cities may levy a business license tax on banking associations and federal savings
and loan aasociation based on the amount of money loaned annually at a rate set
forth in the Volume Rate Schedule. Mr. Kuhl motioned the business license tax be
adopted. Forster Puffe seconded the motion which carried by a vote of five. C. O.
Canada was away from the Council Dable at the time of the vote.
City Attorney
no meeting on
work on the current house bill was in progress. there had been
Model City Charter. and there was no other leg:i.slation at this time.
Councilman Marston Tuck motioned that the amended Rules and Regulations for the Fire
Department be adopted as submitted. printed and distributed to all officers and fire
department personnel. The motion was seconded by E. R. Coalson and vote on the motion
was unanimous.
Councilman Homer Kuhl called a meeting with department heads for Wednesday afternoon.
4:30 o'clock P.M.. to discuss the Fair Labor Standards Act.
Mayor Joho Porterfield stated the 201 Facility Plan had been discussed at the December
7. 1974 meeting and he recommended its adoption. Forster Puffe motioned the plan
be adopted. C. O. Canada seconded the motion which carried by a five to one vote.
Marston Tuck opposed.
Councilman Homer Kuhl moved that City Hall be closed one-half day December 24 and all
day on December 25 in observance of Christmas Holidays. Forster Puffe seconded the
motion and the vote was unanimous. Homer Kuhl motioned that City Hall be closed
January 1. 1975. C. O. Canada seconded the motion which carried by unanimous vote.
Councilman C. O. Canada motioned that the Little League ball field at Brinkley Park
be named the Bill Hambrick field in homor of Bill Hambrick. E. R. Coalson seconded
the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Jerry Mills suggested that homestead
Attorney Berl T. Tate to check on
be increased to $3000.00.
exemption on county level.
Councilman Forster Puffe motioned that $1300.00 be appropriated from Contingency Fund
for emp~oyees Christmas benefit fund. Jerry Mi~ls seconded the motion which was voted
Councilman Marston Tuck moved that Council go on record as sending condolences to
the family of Lt. James D. Crumbley.
Porterfield stated he would notify the Police Department in regard to a
house numbers on the curb and coming back later for donations. that
a permit from Mayor and Council if they continue the practice.
Finance Chairman Homer Kuhl reported that U. S. Treasury Bills
7.45 had been changed to savings certificates at an interest rate of
interest of
The meeting adjourned at 10:05 P. M.