November 4/18 December 2, 1974 Mayor and Council CERTIFIED ELECTION RETURNS OF REGULAR CITY ELECTION HELD THIS FIRST DAY OF NOVEMBER 1975 We, the duly appointed election Managers to conduct this election, declare the following results: - FOR HAYOR ARTHUR T. BACON 1767 COUNCILMAN WARD #4 JAMES M. HAWKINS 219 ~ RAY BROOKS 118 JANES W. HOLHAN 39 FORSTER PUFFE 485 HOMER KUHL 275 MARSTON TUCK 988 COUNCILMAN WARD #5 COUNCILMAN WARD #1 CLARENCE O. CANADA 161 W. H. (BILL) BRISTOW 174 PAUL M. GREBE 43 JAMES E. TOLLESON 283 RICHARD MASKEVICH 84 COUNCIU1AN WARD #2 COUNCILMAN WARD #6 ALVIN D. BURCHFIELD 229 ELBERT R. COALSON 258 WH. F. (BILL) DARBY 350 GEORGE "RED" HANSEN 76 ...... ~, COUNCILMAN WARD #3 COUNCILMAN WARD #7 JERRY MILLS 313 REM B. BENNETT, JR. 495 HAROLD SMITH 300 We, therefore certify to the Mayor and Council of the City of Smyrna, the election of: MAYOR Arthur T. Bacon COUNCILMAN WARD 111 James E. Tolleson COUNCILMAN WARD If2 Hm. F. (Bill) Darby COUNCILMAN WARD #3 Jerry Mills COUNCILMAN WARD If4 Homer Kuhl ~ COUNCILMAN WARD #5 Clarence o. Canada COUNCILMAN WARD #6 Elbert R. Coalson COUNCILMAN WARD 117 Rem B. Bennett, Jr. They have received a majority of the votes cast. ~~ .,-.~~ /'- --:~ -1eUA'/ /Jp.dJ Chief Manager, Ward 111 Chief Manager, Ward #2 Chief Manager, Ward If3 Chief Manager, Ward #4 Chief Manager, Ward #5 Chief Manager, Ward #6 Chief Manager, Ward If7 ~h/, ~~ (ATTEST) L. W. CHARLES, CITY CLERK NOVEMBER 1, 1975 (DATE) - - - --- 281 NOVEMBER 4. 1974 The regularly acheduled meeting or Mayor and Council was held pursuant to the Charter at Smyrna~ Georgia, November 4. 1974. Mayor John Porterfield was absent. re present he meeting was called to order at 7:30 otclock P.M. by Mayor Pro Tem Counc Homer Ruhl. Also present were L. W. Charles~ k. Willouise Spivey. Asst. City Clerk. Bob Burchfield. Administrative t. Nora Proctor. Clerk. J. E. David. Supt. of Public Works, Leon Hood. Build tor. Joe Briggs. Consultant Engineer and repre- or the press. Silver was attending the Georgia Parks and Recreation ention in Savannah. Invocation was given by Councilman E. R. Coalson. Under Agenda Item No.2. Reports rrom Citizens. the following action is recorded: (1) Mr. Hiram Singleton. 2635 Old Concord Road. appeared before Council with a complaint abou the driving at 2600 South Cobb Drive. Mr. Singleton stated balls rrom the ing damaged his roor. broken a windshield on his truck. several windows doors had been broken. and he was deprived of use or his back yard. Building Inspector Leon Hood stated he had talked with Mr. James and was told that he. Mr. Rressley. would for any Mr Hood also a letter to Mr. Pressley e on temporary basis. using the left rather iving range. It was also reported that very rew, ir the net. Earle Cochran motioned that the business license ror the driving range be suspended tonight and that Mr. press:ley appear at the next Council meeting to show cause why it should not be revoked. Jerry Mills seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. It was also recommended that before a new license is issuedy the driving range be brought up to atandards. (2) red before Council with a complaint that due t the police had informed him he was in violation of a City speaker while preaching on the state right- at ter and requested permission to continue to on ty. Jerry Mills motioned that Rev. Rice be t te The motion was seconded by Forster P to on private owners. The vote was rour Tuck, Forster Puffe and E. R. Coalson. abstained. The noise ordinance was referred to andciclarification. signed petition. representing about 70 fami:lies. in regard to over capacity loaded trucks on Campbell students at Campbell High School parking on each side road at Aunt Fannys. making it unsare ror adults Forster Purfe motioned that "No th sides of Campbel:l Road from Atlanta Road . east and west sides. from Campbell Road to y E. R. Coalson and the vote was unanimous. act the police department in order that they he area. Mr. Pufre stated he would write Hr. High Schoo:l, giving reasons for the "No tive on a date that would give the students places. James David was requested to replace Ear1-e submit d a street list from Wards 3y 4 and 5 to can be used in certain sections of the City. There were no zoning petitions. hearings or annexations. package) and Grant A letter and knew or was five to beer (pouring) submitted by ed on motion by Forster Lt. A. Farmer was read stating no reason why the :licensea should one. Ear:le Cochran opposed. requested by Mr. McMurrian. 715 Concord Mr. Ruhl had been unable to contact him. today; thererore. it will the sidewalks will begin. 282 (Continuation or November 4th Minutes) (c) Traffic signals have not been received. (d) Councilman Homer Kuh:l to rollow up on request by the Post Office to have mai:l boxes installed at the street. There were no commercial building permits to come before Counci:l. The ordinance on Masseurs and Massage par:lors, tabled on October 21. 1974. was approved on motion by Homer Kuh:l. aeconded by Forster Puffe. The vote was five the motion, Earle Cochran opposed. October 7. 1974 minutes were approved on motion by Forster Puffe. as and corrected. Earle Cochran seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. The minutes of October 21. 1974 were approved as submitted on motion by Forster Puffe. seconded by Jerry Mi:l:ls. Vote on the motion was unanimous. It waa noted the summary of a:ll departments was omitted from the Financial statement. (This recap was made and placed in boxes of Councilmen on November 5. 1974). It was also brought out that the amount spent over budgetary figures on Association Dues and expense was due to the GMA Convention; that there waa no budget to cover the expenses. and the Library had received back orders on books which it to go over the amount The sixteen thousand ($16.000) in the red on sewer charge was also to the attention of Counci:l. Councilman Homer Kuhl stated we: have had sufficient experience to re-negotiate the percentage to be paid to the county. Six sealed bids on one police patrol car were opened. E. R. Coalson motioned the bids be turned over to the committee for check out or specifications and acceptance of the :low bid. Earle Cochran seconded the motion. After discussion and due to deviations rrom the agreed procedure in securing bids. Forster Puffe moved that the police committee be instructed to have the same dealers resubmit bids per cations ror opening at the next meeting. C. O. Canada seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Marston Tuck moved that all bids be cleared through Assistant Ci.ty Clerk. WilIauise Spivey, for checkout of wording. prior to bei.ng mailed. TJ;le IlWt:ion was seconded by C. O. Canada and the vote was unanimous. Marston Tuck requested Mrs. Spi.vey to type the proper procedure for securing bids and give a to each department head. A:lso to request that a copy of all bid requests be in each councilman's box. Tax collections through November 4. 1974 were reported as $196.911.48. A was called for 10:00 A.M. the year audi.t. Jerry Mills made. Mr. Kuhl stated this had been like to get together with other counci.l purchasing agent. morning. October 9. 1974~ to discuss departmental audits should also be by the finance committee and he wou:ld members in regard to this and proposed City Attorney BerI T. Tate stated he had not: been able to contact the :lawyer representi.ng the suit pending the Ci.ty in the amount of $200.00 but would try to contact him the Saturday meeting. Bob Burchfield was requested to give the to the preparat~on and submi.ssion of the Attorney all i.nrormation perti.nent Heuse Bill. E. R. Coalson stated we need to cut off water and collect overdue accounts. He was rererring to the $69.000 defi.cit on books at the present ti.me. In the absence of Lee Silver. Mr. Canada reported the Senior Citizens Center Open House a great success. with 125 in attendance. a:lso 80 citizens made the trip to Stone Mountain. The Holloween Carnival was also reported very successru:l with many calls complimenting the City 'en the Carniva:l. C. O. Canada moti.oned that permission be given to the Baptist Church to instal:l a light on the 25' missile at the.~church entrance. Jerry Mi.lls seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. J. E. David was requested to take station at 417 Willowbrook Drive. filled on Fawn Lane and should be the next meeting. the action to correct overflow of lift Mr. Cochran stated the hole had not been corrected. Mr. Cochran asked ror a at C. O. Canada recommedded that something be done about the manholes on Atlanta Road and Powder Springs. J. E. David stated the street department would take 283 (Continuation Or November _~th Minutea) the neceseary action on Powder Springs; however. the ones on Atlanta Road bel.ong to the company. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M. ************************* November 18. 1974 The regularly scheduled mid-month meeting or and Council. was held at City Hall.. Ge 18. 1974. and to order at 7:30 O' P.M. by Orf Mayor C. Porterfield. All Councilmen were Also present were L. W. Charles. City Clerk. Willouise Asst. City Clerk. Bob Burchfield. Administrative Assistant. Nora Proctor. Lee Silver. Director or Parks and ion. J. E. David. Supt. of Publ.ic Works. Leon Hood. Building Inspector kinson. Asst. Fire Chief. Joe Briggs. Consultant Engineer. and representatives or the press. Invocation was given by Councilman Homer Kuhl. Under Agenda Item. Reports rrom Citizens. Mr. Bennett complained of rats running up and down and across the street at Sou~h Cobb Drive and Ridgecrest - Property owned by L W. Boring. Mayor Porterfield stated he had contacted Mr. Boring and had been told he would have a tractor in Monday to plow up premises; however. due to weather conditions he apparently had been unable to have this done. Until this can be accomplished. J. E. David was requested to distribute rat posion on the premises. of the City where rats should be ed that pounds of rat posion had heen purchased Id be informed of any property where it should be Drive complained or and stated the paint It was reported that in the Carolyn Place areas over the week-end was the worst were working in the area. and did wake several wash their cars to preserve the paint. City Attorney Berl T. Tate was requested to have George H. Kreeger set up a meeting with D. O. T. Officials the first part of December in order to get certain streets paved. Mr. Jim Oates. President Councilman C. O. done in Parks and Rec Porterfield also congrat of the Georgia Recreation and Parks Soc~ety. presented ition-Lay Award on behalr of an outstanding job the City during the past sixteen years. Mayor Mr. Canada. to Annexation of approximat submitted by Georg The is located motion by requested Canada, was six acres of land in Land Lots 846. 847. 880 and 881. owner ox the property. was the next item or business. the intersection or Hargrove Road and Spring R<iad. On Marston Tuck. the property was annexed as d The vote was si~ for the annexation. C. O. :i1. table. Land Lot 381. 100' x 328', Concord Road to Smyrna a wests:ide rire station, on motion by Puffe. and made a part ox Vote on the A zoning hearing was held on J. T. Hicks. from F-C to L-C. followed on t chi1.dren usage or cars center. located at 955 Concord Road. requeated by the purpose of a Day Care Center. A discussion on Concord Road, driveway for the center. number of state approval. before businesa license is issued. al.so, e. Three persons appeared :in to the day . trafxic conditions and usage present structure. Ie Cochran motioned that the rsquest be approved. er. with a minimum of a 20' driveway. The motion was 1;the vote was six to one. Homer Kuh1. opposed. Distinguished Ssrvice Award to Mr. Melvin Ivey service as a membsr ox the Civil Derense Rescue 284 (Continuation of Movember 18th Minutes) Sealed bids for one new police patrol car were opened. read and are recorded as follows: Jim Tidwe1l Ford. Kennesaw. Ga. Beaudry Ford. Inc., Atlanta. Ga Wade Ford. Atlanta. Ga. Strother Ford, Marietta. Ga. Carey Paul Ford. Decatur. Ga. Earle Cochran motioned that Council accept checkout to E. R. Coalson unanimous vote. $4,039.39 $4.117.87 $3,928.00 $3,929.95 $4,035.55 the low bid of Wade Ford subject to seconded the motion which carried by ~t was that no one had been able to contact Mr. Wendell McMurrian in regard to opening a restaurant and dance facilities at 715 Concord Road. Councilman Homer Kuhl stated he wou1d check into the report that Mr. McMurrian was a1ready open and in operation. and ir true. they would be closed immediately. On the Concord Road project it was reported there had been no approval by D. O. T.. the trafric signals were in transit~ installation of sidewalks should begin in December. and there was no report on the status of mai1 boxes at the street. ~1ayor Porterfield is to write the Postmaster about this. On the Campbell Road area parking. it was reported "No placed on Campbell Road from Atlanta Road to Argyle Road. to Ann Road. The load limit signs had been ordered. been Road Forster Pufre read a 1etter from A & P Company stating the cost or instal1ing a flashing overhead light at Campbell , heading west at Nancy Circle, would be $875.00. and recommended this be done. Also. that a 25 miles enforced" sign be insta11ed at the west end of Nancy Circle. These being recommendations or A & P Signal Company. Mr. Puffe also recommended a flashing 1ight at Evergreen and Powder Springs at a cost or $495.00. as quoted by A & P Signal. Tuck recommended that the speed signs be installed on Campbell and defer the flashing until vascar is in operation in the City. Puffe motioned that overhead signal be installed at the intersection of Campbe11 Road and the easterly intersection or Nancy Circle. Jerry Mi11s seconded the motion. The motion 1ost. Forster Puffe and Jerry Mills for; Marston Tuck. E. R. Coalson. Homer Kuhl. Earle Cochran and C. O. Canada against. Forster Purfe motioned that a overhead be installed at and Powder Springs at~a cost of $495. The motion ror lack of a Leon Hood stated that James Pressley had submitted his business driving range to Bob Burchfield. Mr. Pressley was not present; Burchrie1d stated Mr. Pressley had indicated he would get the nets There were no commercial building permits to be brought berore Mayor and Counci1. A meeting was set for Thursday night. November 21. 1974 at 6:00 P. M. to discuss the riscal year audit with the auditors. City Attorney Berl T. Tate asked Bob Burchfield to submit to him a11 information pertaining to annexations for the 1974 House Bill as soon as possible. Councilman E. R. Coalson brought up delinquent water due the City. Attorney Berl Tate stated he would water to apartment units night. sanitation and water. Marston motioned a houses. The motion died for lack of a second. dererred to the Thursday night meeting. and sanitation bills a on cutting off deposits on be required on a1l sanitation deposits were Lee Silver. Parks and Recreation Director. (1) Opening night for "Arsenic and Old Middle School (2) He hoped that Georgia Heritage Trust Iegislation. the City would receive additional runds the parka. (3) Eight (8) firms had paid Mayes. Sudderth and Etheredge for p1ans for Phase 1 or the King Park. (4) Response to Senior Citi~ens Community Service Center had citizens; however due to the response as rollows: wou1d be December 5th at Grirfin program had been terrific. The Marietta-Cobb for 25 per day for Smyrna reva1uated their program and allowed 35 285 (Continuation of November 18th Minutes) meals per day ror Smyrna. Since the average wou1.d need to pick up the tab for 15 1975. C. O. Canada motioned $486.00 until January 1. 1975. the vote was unanimous. The above amount to is 50 per day. Mr. Silver stated the day, the program to be reviewed the City take care of the extra mea1s, Ear1.e Cochran seconded the motion and be charged to the Parks budget. J. E. David on that corrective action had been taken on the 1irt station Drive. Counci1man Forster Pufre stated that the Civic Center Committee recommended. and he motioned. that the Mayor write a letter to the Cobb County Board or Education advising them the City is no longer interested in the property on Ward Street for a Civic Center. since the City does not feel it can comply with the restrictions in the contract. The motion was seconded by C. O. Canada and the vote was unanimous. Bob Burchrie1.d reported that a sign company officials and the reference to a ordinance. A November 21. 1 Mr. Burchfield stated that Rennesaw were also interested in this ordinance. meeting had been held with commission of the was orficials of Cobb County, City of Marietta. with for 10i:leO A. M.. Powder Springs and Financial reports were deferred to the next meeting. Rec for tions ror City employees' we1fare were to be propared and submitted rsday night meeting. Ad Valorem taxes collected through November 18. 1974 was reported as $308,142.06. Mayor Porterfield reminded Council that bid opening on King Spring Park wou1d be Saturday moraing at 9:00 A. M. On motion Thursday. a skelet Vote on Earle Cochran. the City Hal1 is to be closed n of Thanksgiving. It was decided that t Firday and Saturday with compensatory time orf. J. E. David reported that some of the manholes on Powder Springs Street had been raised. Mayor Porterfield is to contact Southern Bell about those on Atlanta Street. Leon Hood was requested to determine ir he could get permission to tear down the house at 1566 Spring Street. Jerry Mills stated the Scho01 Board had agreed to reroute busses behind area of Nelaon Lane. Earle Cochran motioned that Council accept bids at the next council meeting on radio maintenance for police equipment. E. R. Coalson seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. one of the Abs01ute business unanimous vote. was having prob1ems with instructed to draw up a Akers Bonding Company. Earle Cochran motioned this be done suspended Homer Ruhl seconded the motion which carried by Forster Puffe namely Officers officers involved in a shoot out on November 10th; Roy and McCollum. to fence set back for the motion and the vote that the seven stipulations in be C. O. Canada st stipulations are as r0110ws: TO THE SET BACK PROVISIONS OF THE FARMSTEAD COMPLEX, AS THEY RELATE SIDE OF SAID PROPERTY. At a meeting with representatives of the rour closest homes on Rollingview Drive present (2 on each side of the street). and ownerS of aix adjacent Farmstead units. it was agreed to a11 the rear yard set back area or the Farmstead units on the north side. a to the dead end of the Rollingview Dr. 1. The renc further than 20' from the rear of the into the gates be included. but must have inside locks The fences ern cedar. exactly identical in construction to those already erected on the east line. adjacent to the park. Fences must t of t, said measurement starting at the level rear sliding glass door and running upward66'. rence wil1 extend all the way to the ground. of fencllLng over 6' in total lengbh. Also said was unanimous 2. 3. 286 (Continuation of November 18th Minutes) common applies to rear and side sections of rencing. and once the common height or 'is measured~ all fencing must meet this common height line. 4. Fences must be insta11ed within 60 days from erection of any permanent facilities. (The intia1 units with patios "etc". must be fenced by January 1. 1975). 5. No structures. lamps, bird feeders, etc., may extend above the 6' height of the fence. 6. No s10pe changes in the surronding ground area. 7. Within the fenced area. residents may on1y erect patios, decks, barbecue grills. and other simi1iar raci1ities. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M. ********************* / WAJID 115 ********************* December 2. 1974 The scheduled meeting of Mayor and Council was held pt:n::;suant to the Charter at City . Smyrna. Georgia. December 2. 1974 and called to order at 7:30 o'clock P. M. by officer John Porterfield. All Counci1men were present. Also present were L. W. Charles. City Cler~. Wi110uise Spivey. Aasistant City Clerk. Bob Burchfield. Administrative Assistant. Nora Proctor. C1erk. Lee Si1ver. Parks and Recreation Director. Vic Broyles. Asst. . Public Works. Leon Hood. Building In- spector. Joe Briggs, Consu1tant Engineer representatives of the press. James E. David was on vacation. Invocation was given by Counci1man Homer Kuh1. followed by the Pledge of Alleginace to the Flag. Colonel E. D. Underwood and Capt. National Guard. presented an areial photo of Smyrna. by the 159th Company Dobbins Air Force Bas:~ to Mayor and Council. Mayor Porterfield thanked Colonel Underwood and Capt. Walsh for the photo atating it would certainly be used. Mr. Robert Haller of Avondale Estates before Mayor and Council in regard to an appeal rrom Recorder's Court decision and payment or rine of $25.00. Mr. Haller stated he had been permitted a second with witness. Mr. Haller was charged with "rai1ure to stop at a stop ; at the second hearing Reeves charged him with "failure to at an intersection". Mr. HaLler his letter to John October 11. 'should be considered as an appea1 to appear Mayor and Council. however. he also admittee he had been informmed of the proper procedure to make an Since Mr. Ha11er stated in the letter he did not wish to continue an appeal left the case in the hands of Mayor and Council 287 (Continuation of December 2nd Minutes) for whatever consideration they could give him. it was not interpreted by Mayor Porterfield nor the City Attorney as a request for an appeal. Marston Tuck motioned the letter or October 11 be considered as an appeal. Forster Purre seconded the motion which lost on a three to four vote. Voting for the motion Forster Pufre. Marston Tuck and Jerry Mills. Voting against: the motion. Homer Kuhl, E. R. Coalson. C. O. Canada. and Earle Cochran. Mr. Bill Darby of Smyrna at the intersection On motion by Forster stipulation the drive Jaycees requested a permit ror Stocking Fund Drive". north side. and Spring Road. to be held December 7. 1974. seconded by E. R. Coalson. the permit was granted with the be manned by adults only. Vote on the motion was unanimous. On motion by Marston Tuck ssconded by Jerry Mills, the new Civil Defense Ordinance was adopted as submitted at the meeting. Vote on the motion was unanimous. On motion C. O. Canada. seconded by Homer Kuhl. the low bid of $65.746.05 submitted by Akin Clerk Company. submitted at the November 23. 1974 meeting of Mayor and Council. was ror Phase 1. Part 1. of the King Spring Park Development: also. the low bid of Ronoco Irrigation for Phase 1. Part 2. or King Spring Park in the amount of $13.985.00. Vote on the motion was unanimous. A zoning hearing was held on located in Land Lot 454 or the Smyrna Subdivision. South Cobb Drive and Drive. from F. C. to G. C. Mr. Gene Holster Mr. John Witt. petitioner. The purpose of the rezoning was for a wholesale compnay and T. V. shop. Marston Tuck moved the hearing be continued to the December 1 . Witt could be present The motion died ror 1ack of a second. The P Board recommended the approval of the rezoning. On motion ~y Ear1e Cochran. seconded by C. O. Canada. the was rezoned as with the stipulations that the driveway and parking area the required number be paved within six months and that ingress and Bgressoe rrom South Cobb Drive and Magbee. Vote on the motion was unanimous. A zoning hearing was Street. next east or store and office petitioners. located in Land Lot 447. Cherokee Road and Ward ion. from RM-12 to N-S. for deve10pment of a liquor Mr. W. D. Hearn, representing himselr and Mr. Robert F. Sasse and Council to answer any questions. The Planning of the rezoning. Jerry Mills motioned the rezon- seconded the motion which passed on four to three motion. Homer Kuhl, Jerry Mills. Ear1e Cochran and Marston motion. C~ 0 Canada. E. R. Coa1son and Forster Pufre. Bids were opened and and are racorded Pro Service Sales and Communications Motorola Communications on mobile radio mainteuance contract for the Police Depa $124.00 per .50 per . 00 per $182.35 per $200.00 per for checkout Service month month month month month of specificat Service. Inc. s to the p01ice committee the next meeting. Earle Cochran. Chairman or the Police committee. called a meeting of the Police Committee at 5:00 P.M.. December 3. 1974. submitted a commercial building permit request and upon action in recorded: . requested rront yard variance of 14' 4", and The variances were approved house on the inside be brought be used for a day care center. a six to one vote. HOmer Kuhl opposed. Forster Puffe reported that sidewalks on Concord Road have for Campbell Road has been ordered and no parking t up on Campbell Road. Tate was requested to check George H. Kreeger in regard to with the Department of Transportation as soon as possible. Kuhl called a meeting for 5:00 P.M. Wedneaday. December Mr. McMurrisn in regard to opening a restaurant and 288 (Continuation or December 2nd Minutes) CounciLman Forster Purre motioned that City employees be given two weeks vacation after one rull year of service with the City~ rather than one. to become effective January 1_ 1975. C. O. Canada seconded the motion which csrried by unanimous vote. Councilman Forster Puffe motioned to thirty days sick leave_ any and any unused sick January 1. 1975. C. to accumulate be paid to . the change to carried by unanimous that employees or the City be a1lowed unused sick leave after the leave ror 1974 be carried over to O. Canada seconded the motion which City Berl T. Tate stated he had received copies of annexations ror the City to be prepared the 1975 House Bi11 but wou1d 1ike to discuss the "Model City Charter" as prepared by G.M.A. with field, as we11 as. the civil service program for not Service. Mayor Porterfield stated he would ca11 a on the City Charter" with the Attorney and Finance Committee; however. wou1d like to wait until the ARC are made on the meeting regarding the civil service program. Amended Rules and Regulations for the Smyrna Fire Department were deferred to the next meeting. Ad Valorem tax collections through December 2. 1974 were reported as $364.560.00. Financial reports were also dererred to the next meeting. A meeting was ca1led ror 9:30 A.M. decisions regarding the Fair Labor . December 7, 1974. to discuss and make Act. Mayor John Porterfield however. asked all fiscal year. the City had finished another good year financially; to watch budgets carefully ror the remainder of this November Minutes was dererred to the next meeting. L. W. Charles to have made of a 201 Faci1ities and place a could be discussed at the for the next meeting. Mayor John Porterrield requested City Clerk letter received rrom Mr. Ernest Barrett copy in each Councilman's box in order that the Saturday Morning meeting and placed on the Agenda Lee Silver stated he hoped the Mayor and all Councilman could attend the opening night. December 5. of the play by the Smyrna Community Theatre. Mayor Porterrield stated the P01ice Department would hold their annual C~ristmas dinner on December 22. 1974. at Aunt Fanny's Cabin. at 5:30 P.M.~ and all Councilman were invited to attend. A meeting of the Police Committee was called ror 5:00 P.M., December 3. 1974. A meeting or the Streets Committee was ca1led immediately rollowing Council Mesting. On motion by Homer Kuhl. seconded by Earle Cochran. all they now stand. Vote on the motion was unanimous. were as motion by Forster Purre. seconded sign was approved at the intersection unanimous. Jerry Mills. the "Turn on Red, After Full Cherokee and Wsrd Street. Vote on the motion Councilman Marston Tuck remarked on the many calls he receives on the nuisance of dogs not being kept on a leash. nor contro11ed. in his Ward. It was reported that would be necessary to through CMA to change the county and city ordinances; however, it was hoped that the next two weeks information wou1d be available to submit to the City Attorney and Judge Reeves who are working on the problem~ On ~otion by Jerry Milla. seconded by Homer Kuhl. approval was the Police to pick up the business license of the Mens' Store. on South Drive. for failure to pay $352.00 iu delinquent water and sanitation fees. Vote on the motion was unanimous. ~ The meeting adjourned at 9:54 P.M. *********************