October 7/21, 1974 Mayor and Council 1 Invocation Councilman Homer Kuhl. law in From the county~ t- Mr.. Richard stated that of' vich was inf'ormed s wou l d Counci Intersection Mr.. ly Street" Mr.. 'the his 'the Farmstead Condomini Buil Inspector ( i' ( The nuetion of October 7th and businesses.. are also the Si d Can1:er.. an bil 1s received which did include renovation and ture and Mr.. the to the General COi1!llson i1!Ind the where additioni1!ll tri1!lnsf'erred f'rom the The was seconded needed in Revenue E" R.. 'the minutes of was unanimous.. ll' 1 the minutes of the meeting submitted" Vote on motion Recreation Commission" Mr.. Eason and Homer had uni1!lnimous.. the matter th Mr.. Arnold of his The motion was seconded Marston Tuck the Parks and Recrei1!ltion Directoris lyi' since sal of pment Gene M.. the arei1!l The at Hh M.. October i' 1 or Hail Earl Cochr<!ln lot across ng i n <!Ind Zonin Bo<!lrd <!I t tend ive <!Idvi <!Ind motioned th<!lt thi l<!1ced on a call b<!lsis.. The was unanimous.. shout know them the f'01 action i Councilmen of the ribbon on Church Street <!It 10; 0.. Silver on around f'or the A.. M.. ll' October the progrem f'or e= Senior 1