October 1/15 , 1973 Mayor and Council Meeting PAGE 188 OCTOBER 1, 1973 meeting of Mayor and Council was held pursuant to the Charter on October the Council Chamber at City Hall. Mayor John C. Porterfield called the orde 7:30 o'clock P. M. All Councilmen were present. Also present City Clerk, Willouise Spivey, Asst. City Clerk, N. Proctor, Asst. Public Works Supt., Leon Hood, Building Inspector, Dick ineer, and a representative of the Marietta press. Invocation was given by Councilman Homer Kuhl. Mr. Fred DoSantos, representing Everest Realty, petitioner requesting rezoning of 40 acres in Land Lot 315 from R-l to R-2 condominiums, asked that the hearing be post- poned or continued until the new City of Smyrna zoning ordinance has been approved. Mayor Hohn C. Porterfield stated the hearing could not be continued but told Mr. DoSantos the petition could be withdrawn and there would be no waiting period on a future hearing. Mr. Fred DoSantos withdrew the request for the zoning hearing. Mr. Ken Nix, representing a very large number of citizens who were present to oppose the rezoning, asked when the new ordinance would be completed and was told it would probably be complete in December of this year. stated on closing ciff of Navaho Trail was continued from a previous meeting. te stated he could see no reason why the street could not be , builder of the apartment project adjacent to Navaho Trail, street would h no effect on financing of the project. Council- o Trail be closed at the end of the street The motion was seconded by Marston Tuck and the Mr. Ray Newton stated he would install a fence or whatever was the apartment project and Navaho Trail. adjacent vote was appropriate between A problem at Sioux Path was referred to V. M. Broyles for correction or ions. Councilman Forster Puffe motioned that the fOllowing streets he closed: (Ward 1) Barbara Lane, east Barbara Lane, west Drive. (Ward 2) Navaho Trail. northeast Navaho Trail. southwest Mohawk Place, west Shawnee Place. southeast Shawnee Place. northwest Sioux Path. north Shawnee Trail. south Ashwood Drive, east Argyle Drive. east Hickory Place. south Ann Road. northeast west side northwest (Ward 7) Fawn Lane. south (Ward 6) Green Acres Drive. east Benmac Road, west Councilman Marston Tuck seconded the motion. City Attorney Berl T. Tate ruled that rights-of-ways would be abandoned if these streets a.re closed. and suggested a street be made before a final decision is reached. each Councilman check out the streets in his be feasible. Councilman C. O. Canada next meeting. Councilman E. R. Coalson seconded vote. itted by building inspector Leon Hood and upon tion is recorded: al of a building permit for 144 apartment units. Canada motioned the permit be approved. Council- ich carried by unanimous vote. and Fleming Street. Approved on motion The vote was unanimous. eauty salon. 3230 South Cobb Drive, in Grant Bacon, seconded by C. O. Canada. The vote was unanimous. . ft. sign, (formerly Grants Store) Cobb Center. Forster Puffe, seconded by Jack Miles. Vote on the motion was unanimous. PAGE 189 (Continuation of October 1, 1973 meeting) (5) Building inspector Leon Hood stated Mr. Mark Turner did not appear in court on Thursday and his bond was forfieted. Mr. Hood stated that Mr. Turner would no be placed under another bond. On motion by Arthur T. Bacon, seconded by Forster Puffe, an application for a malt beverage pouring license was approved for John P. Randolph, Shakey's Pizza Parlor, 2526 South Cobb Drive. The motion carried. Voting for the motion was: Arthur T. Bacon, Forster Puffe, Jack Miles. E. R. Coalson, and Marston Tuck. Voting against the motion was Homer Ruhl and C. o. Canada abstained. Mr. appeared before Mayor and Council in regard to Project Concern, "Walk for and requested a permit and police escort from Cherokee and Atlanta Street, out Road to the city limits for all citizens interested in the walk. The walk will start at 7:00 o'clock A. M. on Saturday, November 3. The permit was approved on motion by Homer Kuhl, seconded by Jack Miles, and the motion,:carr:ied by unanimous vote. Mr. Tanner was asked to work with Police Chairman Jack Miles in to the police escort. Mr. Robert E. McDuff appeared before Mayor and Council in regard to a 165' high, 16 story home for the Elderly. Mr. McDuff stated the 248 unit structure would be non- sectarian and the proposed site for the Home would be on Church of Christ property at the intersection of South Cobb Drive and Church Street. Mayor John C. Porterfield stated he admired the Church for undertaking the project. Mayor Porterfield further stated that safety would be the number one factor and stated he and all Council members would study this factor along with the new zoning ofdinance. As soon as the study has been completed Mayor Porterfield stated he would notify Mr. McDuff and request that he and all board members meet with city officials on the proposal. On motion by Jack Miles. seconded by C. O. Canada, opinion poll to be voted on at the next election, November 3, will be worded as follows: 1. Should the Charter of the City of Smyrna be amended to provide for four (4) year terms for the Mayor and members of the City Council beginning with the term commencing on January" 1976? Yes No 2. Should the Charter of the City of Smyrna be amended to provide for four (4) year staggered terms for the Mayor and members of the City Council beginning with the term commencing on January, 1976? Yes 3. Should the Mayor and members of the Council of the City of Smyrna cOtttinue to be elected for terms of two (2) years as they presently are? No Repair of sidewalk at TV Ana~ysts, 2844 Atlanta Street. was referred to J. E. David. A meeting was called for Saturday, 9:30 A. M., to review the audit for the past fiscal year with the auditors. Mayor Porterfield reminded Council of the 7th Dicstrict meeting of G.M.A. to be held in Rome, October 23, at the Ramada Inn, and stated he would like to have as many Council Members as could attend the meeting. Mayor Porterfield stated he would like to have the names of all who could attend by Saturday in order that reservations could be made. ~' On motion by C. O. Canada, seconded by Forster Puffe, a bid submitted Neal in the amount of $500.00 was accepted to refinish the floor and at the Teen Canteen. Vote on the motion was unanimous. Charles W. the walls Appointment of three new members of the Parks and Recreation Commission was post- poned tb the next meeting in o~der that the appointments could be discussed with board members at the Wednesday night meeting. The meeting adjourned at 9:02 P. M. PAGE 190 OCTOBER 15, 1973 regularly scheduled mid-month meeting of Mayor and Council was held at City Hall, gia, on October IS, 1973, and called to order at 7:30 o'clock P. M. by ficer Mayor John C. Porterfield. All Councilmen were present. Also present were: L. .W. Charles, City Clerk, Willouise Spivey, Asst. City Clerk, N. Procotr, Clerk, J. E. Dav~d. Public Works Supt., V. M. Broyles, Asst. Public Works Supt., Dick Willis. Consultant Engineer, Leon Hood, Building Inspector. 'and a representative of the Marietta press. Invocation was given by Councilman Homer Kuh1. In the first order of business, Mayor John C. Porterfield read a letter from Mrs. Charlene Q. Forrester requesting a hearing date be set to rezone property 1.ocated at ive from C-l restricted off:ice and professional to C-l restricted office, . sales and installation. for the purpose of an office and sales room for g Post" with installation of the hitches in the double garage. On motion by Forster Puffe, seconded by Arthur T. Bacon. the hearing date for the rezoning was set for November 5, 1973. Vote on the motion was unanimous. At the request of Mrs. Bobby Hopper, and on motion by Forster Puffe, seconded by Arthur T. Bacon, a hearing date was set for November 5, 1973 to consider rezoning property located at 3485 South Cobb Drive from District C to C-l commercial for the purpose of operating a beauty shop. Vote on the motion was unanimous. Commercial building perm:its were submitted by building inspector Leon Hood and upon his recommendations the following action is recorded: (1) McArthur's Day Care Center, 1138 Concord Road: Addition to house and enclose carport. On motion by Homer Ruhl, seconded by Arthur T. Bacon, the permit was approved by unanimous vote. (2) Botany Bay, conversion of Sandy's Drive~In to flower and plant retail shop. The permit requested approval of a canopy in the front which would require a set back waiver, and a canopy on each side of the present structure. The canopies on each side of the motion by C. O. Canada, seconded by Marston Tuck. Vote on Inspector Leon Hood was asked to inspect the property and obtain exact measurements on the front portion; also. if possible, to find out the exact loeation of the proposed Fu1.ton Federal Building and make recommendations at the next meeting of the canopy for the front of the building. Public Works Supt. J. E. David reported the Nichols Contracting Company would complete their work on Love-Concord this week, power poles had been installed, and installation of lines would begin next week. Mr. David further reported that C. W. Matthews Con- tracting Company was scheduled to begin the paving in two weeks. at which time, the road would be closed. Progress on South Cobb Drive was reported as very good. Hickory Acres Drive was reported as being completed. Councilman C. O. Canada stated many citizens of the Acres area had expressed their appreciation of the paving job. Councilman would cost from Mo Funds. E. R. radio system Department. new high band base station for the Fire Department motioned that the city purchase the equipment $16,027.75. to be paid from Federal Revenue Sharing and the vote was unanimous. The present e Department was designated to be used by the Public Works listed ~quipment was quoted as being needed: 1 Remote Adapter for GE Station 175.00 1. C73MHB3l40 Base Station Tl T2 Rl l!U 1,455.00 1 TDD6073 Antenna 200.00 1. TDN6062A Transmission Line 133.00 1 3.110.00 50.00 1 with 3 1. dual receive PAGE 191 (Continuation of October 15, 1973 meeting) QTY. 8 T73BBA3190K -- 100 watt Solid State Four Frequency Capability One F?equency Active 6,728.00 3 H33RRB3130 -- 5 Watt Portables Two Frequency Capability One Frequency Active with Rapid Cha?ge Battery 2,382.00 3 Rapid Charge Chargers 231.00 2 Remote Desk Sets with two frequency capability (-$10.00 each for single frequency) One for new fire station One for Civil Defense 550.00 Installation TOTAL $16.027.75 It was reported by Councilman Marston Tuck that the metal sides for the new fire station were expected within the next week. On motion by E. R. Coalson, Mrs. Clara H. Henderson, 657 Kennesaw Drive was appointed as a member of the Parks and "Recreation Commission to fill the vacancy Ward /16. C. O. Canada seconded the motion. The appointment was for a term of three years. Vote on the motion was unanimous. On motion by Marston Tuck, seconded by C. O. Canada, Mrs. Marion Wi1helm was reappointed to the Parks and Recreation Commission as a member from Ward #1 for a period of three years. Vote on the motion was unanimous. On motion by C. O. Canada, seconded by Marston Tuck, Terry Clayton, 885 Wayland Ct., agrees to serve on the Parks and Recreation Commission as a member from Wa?d #5. Vote on the motion was unanimous. On motion hy Forster Puffe, seconded by Homer Kuhl, the September 10. 1973 minutes of Mayor and Council were approved as submitted. The vote was unanimous. On mot:lon by Forster Puffe, seconded by Homer Kuhl, the Sep~ember 24. 1973 minutes were approved as submitted. The vote was unanimous. The Agenda being completed. the following act:lon is recorded: (1) Mayor John C. Porterfield, Councilmen C. O. Canada, AFthur T. Bacon, Homer Kuhl, Marston Tuck, and C:lty Clerk L. W. Charles reported they would attend the 7th District G. M. A. meeting to be held in Rome, Georgia on October 23, 1973. (2) Mayor John C. Porterfield stated the L & N Railroad had requested that Hawthorne crossover be closed all day October 17 and until noon on October 18 for authorized track and other maintenance. Mayor Porterfield recommended that railroad be requested to close the crossing only between the morning and afternoon rush hours if possible, preferably between 9:00 A. M. and 3:00 P. M. On motion by Homer Kuhl, seconded by Jack Miles, Mrs. Willouise Spivey was appointed absentee ballot clerk for the General Election of the City of Smyrna to be held on November 3, 1973. Vote on the motion was unanimous. Councilman Jack Miles reported that police cars 11, 12, and 13 all had 60,000 miles at the present time and since it would take at least three months for delivery of new cars, motioned that bids be requested for three new patrol cars, limited to Fords and/or Tor:lnos, to be opened at the November 5, 1973 meeting. Councilman Forster Puffe seconded the motion which carried by unanimous vote. Councilman Forster Puffe recommended advertising the financial report in the press. City Attorney Berl T. Tate stated this had been done as required by law. Verlon Davis, 3180 Isoline Way, was appointed to the Library Board on motion by Forster Puffe, seconded by Jack Miles. to fill the vacancy in Ward #2. Vote on the motion was unanimous. Councilman Homer Kuhl stated he would have a report on the Day Care Center at 960 Powder Spr:lngs Street at the next meeting. PAGE 192 (Continuation of October 15, 1973 meeting) On motion by Homer Kuhl. seconded by Arthur T. Bacon. Judy Hawkins, 89~ McLinden Avenue, was approved as the fourth po~l worker in Ward #4. The vote was unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 8:27 P. M. ******************************** OCTOBER 27, 1973 A special meeting of Mayor and Counci~ was held at City Hall, Smyrna. Georgia, October 27, 1973, at 10:00 A. M. for the purpose of purchasing a park land site known as King Springs Road property. A motion was made by Councilman Homer Kuhl at ~0:2l to declare the meeting a regular called The motion was seconded by Councilman Arthur T. Bacon and carried by unanimous vote. Mayor J. C. Porterfield presided with all Councilmen present except Marston Tuck. Also present was City Clerk. L. W. Charles. During discussion of the undeveloped land on King Springs Road containing 19.5 acres. Councilman Homer Kuhl for the purchase of the property in the amount of Sixty Five Thousand Dol ars ($65,000.00) payable to Guardian Investment Company. The funds, ($65.000.00) for said purchase by City of Smyrna to be paid from Federal Revenue Sharing Fund Entitlement No. 1 and No. 2 prior to close out of contract. On Councilman Jack Miles second. the motion carried by unanimous vote. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 o'clock A. M. CERTIFIED ELECTION RETURNS OF REGULAR C:tTY HELD THIS THIRD DAY OF NOVEMBER 1973 We, the appointed Election Managers to conduct this election, declare the results: BLAKE A. THOMAS JOHN C. PORTERFIELD HOMER KUHL J.A:MES LEE 123 JIM SIERA 7 CLARENCE CANADA MARSTON TUCK 239 RICHARD MASKEVICH EDNA ODESSA COCHRAN 66 E. R. COALSON 64 FORSTER PUFFE 275 EARLE COCHRAN JERRY MILLS JIM HIATT C. B. NESTLEHUTT 16 BOB LYNN We, therefore certify to the Mayor and Council of the City of Smyrna, the Election om: MAYOR COUNCILMAN WARD 111 COUNCILMAN WARD 112 COUNCILMAN WARD It3 COUNCILMAN WARD 114 COUNCILMAN WARD 115 COUNCILMAN WARD 116 E. COUNCILMAN WARD 117 They having received a majority of the votes cast.