05-02-1977 Regular MeetingMay 2, 1977
The regular scheduled meeting of Mayor and Council was held pursuant to the
Charter at City Hall, Smyrna, Georgia, on May 2, 1977. The meeting was called
to order by presiding officer Mayor Arthur Bacon at 7:30 o'clock P.M. All
Councilmen were present. Also present was Attorney Chuck Camp, City Clerk
Willouise Spivey, Controller Ron Egger, Director of Parks and Recreation Lee
Silver, Police Chief Everett Little, Fire Chief Don Atkinson, Inspector David
Granade, Director of Public Works Jim David, and representatives of the press.
Invocation was given by Councilman Homer Kuhl, followed by the pledge to the Flag.
Citizens Reports: (1) Jack Clark reported to Mayor and'Council he had a letter
from Katherine M. and Eugene A. Reeves, owners of the Old Smyrna Village Apart-
ments accusing his 13-year old son Jerry of criminal activities. He stated
the letter was brought to him by Detectives Danny Drake and Lt. David Farmer.
Mr. Clark said the letter stated complaints had been filed with the Smyrna Police
Department but Chief Little had said his department did not have anything on it.
He wanted to know what criminal activities his soon had been accused of and why
the Smyrna City Detectives delivered the letter for Mr. and Mrs. Reeves. Homer
Kuhl asked Chief Little to explain what happened. Chief Little stated he thought
there had been a misrepresentation of the interpretation of the accusations of
Mr. Clark's son as to criminal action. He quoted the letter as stating that
due to criminal activities in the apartment area, but does not say who, they were
requesting certain people stay out. The procedure used is not the policy of the
present police department, although he learned it had been done in the past, but
would not be handled in this manner in the future. He stated the police depart-
ment would be making investigations but would not be delivering letters. Chief
Little stated he took full responsibility and apologized to Mr. Clark, promising
it would not happen again. He assured Mr. Clark this letter did not state his
son had done any criminal action, but that criminal action has been done in the
apartment project, and for that reason the owners are requesting that certain
people stay out. The letter read in part: "Due to complaints which I have
received and which have been filed with the Smyrna Police Department regarding
criminal activities on the premises of Old Smyrna Village Apartments..."
The police department has had some complaints and they are investigating, but
this letter does not accuse Mr. Clark's son of criminal action. Mr. Clark said he
thought what made the Reeves' mad was that people used the road through the
apartments as a thoroughfare. It was brought out that Aline Wolfe Drive on one
side of the project and Medlin Street on another side belonged to the city. The
road through the apartments belong to the Reeves, but when the complex was
developed it was agreed the road through the apartments would be open to traffic.
Mrs. J. L. Williams, whose son received a similar letter from the Reeves, asked
if a written complaint had been filed against these children. Chief Little
stated a written complaint had been made about the activity in the apartment
(2) Mayor Bacon read part of a letter received from the L & N Railroad with
reference to the closing of the Powder Springs Street grade crossing. It is the
recommendation of the L & N Railroad this crossing be closed. This will be
discussed at a later date.
(3) George Williams and Allen Potter of the Optimist Club stated they would like
to have the Student Government Day on May 14, 1977 from 9:00 A.M. until 12:00
noon. Mayor and Council will meet with the students on Saturday morning and tour
the police, fire, library and public works departments. They will also attend
the council meeting on the 16th.
Judy T. Bassett, 1208 Daniel Drive requested a residential business license to
arrange flowers for the Smyrna Hospital Gift Shop. She had a,petition signed by
all the neighbors within 300 feet of her home. Bill Darby made a motion the
license be granted. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Annexation - J. Shawn Cochran requested property located in LL 555, Lot 13, known
as 3511 Lee Street be annexed into the city. Rem Bennett made a motion this
property be annexed and become a part of Ward 2. Bill Darby seconded the motion
and the vote was unanimous.
Commercial building permits were submitted by Inspector David Granade and upon
his recommendation the following action is recorded:
(1) Mrs. Mabel Tate, Tates Town House, 636 Cherokee Road, requested a zoning
variance in order to open an antique shop, in the same building formerly used
(Continuation of May 2, 1977 Meeting)
as a beauty shop. Elbert Coalson made a motion the variance be granted. Rem
Bennett seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Elbert Coalson made a motion the parade permit for the Smyrna Girl's Softball
Association for May 14, 1977, 8:30 A.M. be approved. Jim Tolleson seconded
the motion and the vote was unanimous. The parade route will be from Smyrna
Drive -In on Atlanta Road to Spring Road to Jonquil Park.
Homer Kuhl made a motion the minutes of April 4, 1977 be approved as submitted.
Jim Tolleson seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Homer Kuhl made a motion the minutes of April 18, 1977 be approved as submitted.
Jim Tolleson seconded the motion and the vote was six for and one abstention.
Jerry Mills abstained.
Committee Reports: Jim Tolleson read a letter from Plantation Lighting, Inc.
appealing a letter from Fire Chief Donald Atkinson with reference to a ticket of
violation of Article 1, Section 1.5, Paragraph (f) - Fire Hydrant, dated April
28, 1977. Jim Tolleson stated the plans for the building were approved, specifying
a fire hydrant would be installed. The building is completed but the fire hydrant
has not been installed. Mr. David Kaplan, owner, explained that the plans
specifying the fire hydrant went to the builder, the builder assumed the sprinkler
contractor was going to put it in, and the sprinkler contractor thought the
builder would put it in; therefore it was overlooked. He stated when Lt. Sanford
asked him a couple of weeks ago if he had his fire hydrant in he honestly thought
he meant the siamese hydrant. He immediately phoned and requested the siamese
hydrant be put in at once. He said he thought Lt. Sanford believed he was trying
to be devious, but that he certainly was not, it was an honest mistake. He also
stated they have just moved in the new building which cost in excess of $150,000,
had spent $3500 to hook up a sewer which he did not expect, spent $6000 for an
FM water meter and that at this point they do not have over $3000 to install a
fire hydrant. He stated they are keeping 60 or 70 employees busy on a four -day
work week, and plan to employ another 40 or 50 within another twelve months. He
asked if the fire hydrant on Pinecrest Circle could be activited to serve his
plant for the present. He stated his plant was completely covered with a
sprinkler system, on an 8" water meter. He stated that according to the fire
department he must immediately close down and fire 65 employees or put in a fire
hydrant. He only needs about 60 days, or until he could catch his breath finan-
cially from the move. Homer Kuhl asked Mr. Kaplan if he could pay the cost of
labor if the city would pay for the material for the hydrant, repayable in 60
days. Mr. Kaplan said he could. Mr. Kuhl made a motion the city buy the material,
approximately $2140.00, repayable in 60 days, and Mr. Kaplan will pay the labor.
Rem Bennett seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Jim Tolleson made
a motion the citation be wai`vered until May 12, 1977. Rem Bennett seconded the
motion and the vote was unanimous.
Jim Tolleson read three quotes for a new mower for the parks department as
O'Neals Power Equipment - YR48 Yazoo, 16 HP Cast Iron Briggs Eng. $2160.00
YR60 Yazoo, 12.5 HP, Wisconsin Cast Iron Eng. $2445.00
Stovall & Company, Inc. - Kut-Kwick Model H1600-48" (16 HP-48" cut with sulky)
Kut-Kwick Model H1600-60" (16 HP-60" cut with sulky)
Electric Starter - add to either $ 240.00
Case - Tractor Model 222H $1471.00
J-46 48" Mower 270.00
(J-44 44" Mower as alternate
in stock cost $176.96)
Jim Tolleson made a motion these quotes be turned over to committee with authority
to act on the best quote. Homer Kuhl seconded the motion and the vote was six
for and one abstention. Elbert Coalson abstained. This equipment to be paid
from Revenue Sharing funds. 'It
Jim Tolleson stated he would like to make arrangements for the dog catcher to
work more Saturdays, nights and even Sundays, because people were letting their
dogs out for longer periods since the time change. Rem Bennett told Mr. Tolleson
(Continuation of May 2, 1977 Meeting)
that if he would make a list of the streets where dogs were usually out, and
at what time, Jerry would know where and when to go and his hours could be worked
Jim Tolleson also stated that carport sale signs were on poles all over town
and he wanted to know what could be done to help the Inspector enforce the sign
ordinance. Chief Little said the police department was picking up signs, and
would work closely with Mr. Granade, but that was not what they were out there
Jim Tolleson stated he was in the process of contacting the Pastor of the First
Baptist Church about installing some steps between the library and the church,
hoping they will allow us to use the parking lot for parking. Homer Kuhl stated
this could not be done, due to insurance liability. Jim then asked if the
grass spot behind the library could be moved, giving more parking spaces. Jim
David will check this out and give an estimate of the cost at the next meeting.
Rem Bennett suggested removing the water tank but was advised the cost was pro-
Bill Darby asked why we did not receive bids on the workmans compensation
insurance. Jerry Mills advised that since we were under the assigned risk clause
we could not put it up for bids, and it had always been handled by committee,
which only appoints the agent. Mr. Darby stated he thought this should be
approved by entire Mayor and Council, since it was a $30,000 expenditure; Jerry
Mills stated it was first awarded to one company and then changed back to the
company who had it last year. Mr. Darby objected to the way it was handled.
Jerry Mills made a motion that in the future the agent awarded the workmans
compensation insurance be approved by entire Mayor and Council. Homer Kuhl
seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Jerry Mills stated that he had been informed the traffic signal for Fire Station
#3 was shipped last Friday.
Homer Kuhl made a motion the Code of Ordinance prepared by Municipal Code
Corporation be approved as printed. Bill Darby seconded the motion and the vote
was unanimous.
Mr. Kuhl stated'the..financial-positi6n for;_the city:f6t.•the next three months_
was critical and urged everyone to cut expenses where possible. Also, that
budgets be turned in as soon as possible. Budget meetings will be held next week.
Elbert Coalson reported the residents of Pasadena Place requested the city in-
stall a "No through traffic" sign at the corner of Pasadena Place and Glendale
Circle. Mr. Coalson made a motion "No through traffic" sign be placed at Pasadena
Place and Glendale Circle. C. 0. Canada seconded the motion and the vote was
Rem Bennett made a motion that all city employees be permitted to have a library
card from the city library. Elbert Coalson seconded the motion. During dis-
cussion, Jerry Mills stated council had agreed to think about..this for a couple
of weeks. Vote on the motion was five for and two against. Homer Kuhl and
Jerry Mills voted against the motion.
Fire Chief Don Atkinson announced the Emergency Medical Training Course is
starting May 17, 1977 at the Vocational School. Twenty has signed up and they
state they can take -twenty-five. He asked if any other department would be
interested in taking this course. Police Chief Little stated they would take
the other five slots.
David Granade stated we have a problem of the sign companies turning the flashing
signs on during weekends, also the contractors who work only on weekends to
avoid paying for a business license. He stated he had talked with the Mayor
about taking off.on Wednesdays and working on Saturdays. He also read his request
written November 23, 1976 with reference to hiring one full-time employee to work
under his direct supervision, to help enforce the sign ordinance. Mr. Kuhl
stated we cannot hire anyone at this time.
No citizen input.
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M.