12-20-1971 Mid-Monthly MeetingPAGE 34 DECEMBER 20, 1971 The mid -month meeting of Mayor and Council was held at City Hall, Smyrna, Georgia, on December 20,1971 and called to order at 7:30 P. M. by presiding officer Harold L. Smith. All Council Members were present. Also present: L. W. Charles, City Clerk, D. Scott Jackson, Tax Assessor, G. W. Carreker, City Attorney, J. E. David Public Work6HSupt., C. C. Porterfield, Fire Chief, Leon Hood, Building Inspector, N. Proctor, George Hardy of Mayes, Sudderth and Etheredge, and a representative of the Atlanta Journal, Marietta Journal and WBIE. Invocation was by Councilman Hubert Black. Under Citizens Reports, Mrs. Norma P. Leese appeared before Mayor and Council requesting the zoning on property located at 696 Cherokee Road be changed from C to C-l. Mrs. Leese also requested the Snoop Shop (ceramics) be allowed to continue operating until the hearing. On motion by.J. C. Porterfield, seconded by Hubert Black, the date for the zoning hearing was set for January 17,1972, and the request of Mrs. Leese to have the shop remain open until the zoning hearing was granted. Vote on the motion was unanimous Mr. Bud Mosley represented the petitioner on the zoning hearing on property located in Land Lot 559 (New Spring Road) from C-1 to C-2 for the purpose of operating a �,.retail building materials store. Mr. Mosley stated the business would be a cash and carry building materials store and there would be an entrance on Spring Road and one from the shopping center. J. C. Porterfield motioned the property be rezoned from C-1 to C-2, restricted to a retail building materials store and related items. The motion was seconded by C. 0. Canada and voted unanimously. Building Inspector Leon Hood submitted plans for the building materials store in Land Lot 559 and recommended approval subject to inspection by the fire department. On motion by Arthur T. Bacon, seconded by Marston Tuck, the permit was approved on unanimous vote. Properties advertised as Parcel #1, #2, and #3, located on Ventura Road and Ventura Place, were rezoned from C-2 to C-1, on motion by J. C. Porterfield, seconded by Homer Kuhl. Vote on the motion was unanimous. There was no opposition to the rezoning. Mr. Paul J. Brown, Dr. Robert Kushner, Dr. Lewis Belifante, and. -Mr. Walter Carey, Architect, represented the petitioners for the zoning hearing on property located inLand Lots 483 and 526 between McCauley and King Springs, from R-1 to R-2, restricted to a hospital and professional office buildings. The proposed 102 bed hospital would employ approximately 250 people and would be a full service hospital except for thedelivery of babies. Aproximately 130 citizens appeared before Mayor and Council in opposition to.the zoning. Attorney Al Cochran was spokesman for the group and submitted a petition signed by approximately 206 people in the area, a copy of a bill to be presented by Senator Cy Chapman in the 1972 General Assembly, and a copy of a report by the Metropolitan Atlanta Council for Health. Homer Kuhl motioned that the petition to rezone this property, restricted to a hospital and professional office buildings, be denied. Marston Tuck seconded the motion and the vote for denial was unanimous. In addition to the building permit for the building materials store, Building Inspector Leon Hood submitted the following applications and upon his recom- mendations, action is recorded as follows: (a) Remodel upstairs of Bradfield Building, 2818 Atlanta Street. Approved unanimously on motion by J. C. Porterfield, seconded by C. 0. Canada. (b) Texaco .sign, 750 Cherokee Street. Mr. Hicks and Mr. Anderson stated they were unaware they were supposed to obtain a permit for the sign before it was installed. Most of the Council Members were of the opinion the sign was much too big for the area; however, after further discussion, Marston Tuck motioned the sign permit be granted including a waiver in the distance from a residence and the size of the sign. The motion was seconded by Hubert Black and voted unanimously. PAGE 85 (CONTINUATION OF DECEMBER 20, 1971) Marston Tuck read a letter from Chief Robert L. Drake regarding the promotion of four patrolmen to Sergeants. The persons recommended were: Dean Christman J. L. McCollum Larry F. Segars Curtis C. Cook Mr. Tuck motioned the four patrolmen listed above be elevated to the rank of Sergeant, effective December 1, 1971. The motion was seconded by J. P. White and voted unanimously. One bid on employees' group insurance was submitted by the Life Insurance Company of Virginia. One bid had previously been submitted by Kennesaw Life Insurance Company. Both Bids were referred to committee for study and recommendations. A request by Kassuba Development Corporation to close Woodlawn Terrace to the public was discussed. Marston Tuck motioned the road be closed to the public at the turn around, the City retain ownership of the road, and the paving remain the same. The motion was seconded by Arthur T. Bacon. The vote -was six to one, Homer Kuhl opposed. The road will remain open for use of fire trucks, garbage pick up, maintenance trucks, etc. The kassuba Corporation will give the City of Smyrna aii easement to the road after it is closed. Councilman Marston Tuck reported a fire truck purchased for West Jackson Fire District, Hoschton, Georgia had been returned to the vendor, Charles L. McLarty Company, and was for sale for $23,500. The original cost of the truck was $27,500 and it had only been used twice. Mr. Tuck motioned that the City purchase the 750 gallon fire truck from the McLarty Company for $23,500. Arthur T. Bacon seconded the motion. The motion carried six to one, J. P. White abstained. Councilman J. P. White motioned that the salary for Councilmen be adjusted from $150 per month to $200 per month, and the salary for Mayor be changed from $250 to $325 per month, effective July 1, 1972. The motion was seconded by C. 0. Canada. The motion carried four to three. For the motion J. P. White, Arthur T. Bacon, J. C. Porterfield, and C. 0. Canada. Opposed, Hubert Black, Marston Tuck and Homer Kuhl. On.motion by.Hubert Black, and second of Marston Tuck, authority was granted to trabsfer $90,000 from the Water Revenue Fund to.the General Fund, as needed during.the first quarter of 1972. The temporary loan will be repaid to the Water Revenue Fund. Vote on the motion was unanimous. The December 6, 1971 minutes were approved as submitted on motion by J. C. Porterfield, seconded by J. P. White. Vote on the motion was unanimous. Mayor Harold L. Smith stated the January 3, 1972 Council Meeting to complete old business would be held at 7:00 o'clock P. M. Arthur T. Bacon reported the B. F. Reed house on.Clifton Road was still unfinished and he had received many complaints from neighbors in the area. This item was referred to J. C. Porterfield and the new City Attorney. City Attorney G. W Carreker commenting verbally on the Love -Concord widening project stated that all records of the State Highway Department show a forty foot right-of-way but the City of Smyrna has no conveyance of a forty foot right-of- way dedicated to the City. Mr. Carreker Further reminded Council that other suits pending, namely, Officer Tarver and Rain, Inc., should be turned over to the newly appointed City Attorney. The meeting adjourned at 10:08 P. M. PAGE 36 (CONTINUATION OF DECEMBER 20, 1971) MARSTON TUCK, COUNCILMAN WARD # 1 ARTHUR T. BACON, COUNCILMAN WARD # 3 C: 0. CAN , COUNCILMAN WARD '-'--- HUBERT BLACK, COUNCILMAN WARD #7 L. W. CHARLES, CITY CLERK J. P. WHITE, COUNCILMAN WARD #2 HOMER KUHL, CO CILMAN WARD #4 C. PORTERFI D, COUNCILMAN WAR61-6 MAYOR'S OATH OF OFFICE — I, John C. Porterfield, do solemnly swear that I will well and truly demean myself as Mayor of the City of Smyrna for the ensuing term, and that I will faithfully enforce the Charter and Ordinances of said City to the best of my ability, without fear or favor, and in all my actions as MAYOR act as I believe for the best interest of the said City. So help me God. 0 0 ✓w C_ Mayor John C. Porter 'eld Seal Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of January, 1_972 Judge, Cobb County Superio Court COUNCILMAN I, Marston Tuck, do solemnly swear that I will well and truly demean myself as Councilman of the City of Smyrna for the ensuing term, and that I will faithfully enforce the Charter and Ordinances of said City to the best of my ability, without fear or favor, and in all my actions as COUNCILMAN act as I believe for the best interest of the said City. So help me God. Councilman Ward #1 Marston Tuck Seal Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of January, 1972 Judge, Cobb County Superio Court r 1 COUNCILMAN I, Forster Puffe,.do solemnly swear that I will well and truly demean myself as Councilman of the City of Smyrna for the ensuing term, and that I will faithfully enforce the Charter and Ordinances of said City to the best of my ability; without fear or favor, and in all my actions as COUNCILMAN act as I believe for the best interest of the said City. So help me God. ---� Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of January, 1972 FOR Forster Puffe Seal _r 1 COUNCILMAN I. Arthur Bacon, do solemnly swear that I will well and truly demean myself as Councilman of the City of Smyrna for the ensuing term, and that I will faithfully enforce the Charter and Ordinances of said City to the best of my ability, without fear or favor, and in all my actions as COUNCILMAN act as I believe for the best interest of the s aia City. So help me God. Councilman Ward Arthur Bacon Seal Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of January, 1972 Judge, Cobb County �Supe�rio;7--Court COUNCILMAN I, Homer Kuhl, do solemnly swear that I•will well and truly demean myself as Councilman of the City of Smyrna 'for the ensuing term, and that I will faithfully enforce the Charter and Ordinances of said City to the best of my ability, without fear or.'favor, and in all my actions as COUNCILMAN act as 'I believe. for the best interest of the said City. So help me God. Councilman Ward #4 Homer Kuhl Seal Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of January, 1972 Judge, Cobb County Superior 15 urt COUNCILMAN I, C. 0. Canada, do solemnly swear that I will well and truly demean myself as Councilman of the City of Smyrna for the ensuing term, and that I will faithfully enforce the Charter and Ordinances of said City to the best of my ability, without fear or favor, and in all my actions as COUNCILMAN act as I believe for the best in-te-rest of the said City. So help me God. councilman w C. 0. Canada Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of January, 1972 J ge, Cobb County Superio Court Seal COUN C I IMAM I, Elbert Coalson, do solemnly swear that I will well and truly demean myself as Councilman of the City of Smyrna for the ensuing term, and that I will faithfully enforce the Charter and Ordinances of said City to the best of my ability, without fear or favor, and in all my actions as COUNCILMAN act as I believe for the best �--. interest of the said City. So help me God. oun c i lm an Ward #6 Elbert Coalson Seal y1 Subscribed and sworn. to' before me this 3rd day of January, 1972 Judge, Cobb County Superior urt 3"$ RIOWulA-Z -` I, Norman Miles, do solemnly swear that I will well and truly demean <frs myself as Councilman of the City of Smyrna for the ensuing term, and that I will faithfully enforce the Charter and Ordinances of said -'� City to the best of my ability, without fear or favor, and in all my actions as COUNCILMAN act as I believe for the best interest of the said City. So help me God. Councilman Ward #7 Norman Miles Seal Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of January, 1972 Judge, Cobb County Superior urt CITY CLERK I, L. W. Charles, do solemnly swear that I will well and truly demean myself as City Clerk of the City of Smyrna for the ensuing term, and that I will faithfully enforce the Charter and Ordinances of said City to the best of my ability, without fear or favor, and in all,my actions as CITY CLERK act as I believe for the best interest of the said City. So help me God. City Clerk L. W. Charles Seal Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of January, 1972 u ge, Cobb my Superior urt CITY ATTORNEY I, Berl T. Tate , do solemnly swear that I will well and truly demean myself as City Attorney of the. City of Smyrna for the ensuing term, and that I will faithfully enforce the Charter and Ordinances of said City to the best of my ability, without fear or favor, and in all my actions as CITY ATTORNEY act as I believe for the best interest of .the said City. So help me God. f L L. ty' Attorney fi 1 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of January, 1972 Judge, Cobb County Superio ourt COURT RECORDER 9 I, C_ V_ Reeves , do solemnly swear that I will well and truly demean myself as Court Recorder of the City of Smyrna for the ensuing term, and that I will faithfully enforce the Charter and Ordinances of said City to the best of my ability, without fear or favor, and in all my actions as COURT RECORDER act as I believe for the best interest of the said City. So help me God. Court Recorder Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of January, 1972 /iW—I W�_. e . I— ...j