11-19-1973 Regular MeetingPAGE 195
(Continuation of November 5, 1973 meeting)
Mayor John Porterfield reported the unofficial opinion poll showed the citizens wanted
to keep the two year term as,it is at the presbnt time.
Mayor Porterfield reminded Councilmen of the Cobb Municipal Association dinner to be
held December 11, 1973, at the Marietta Country Club, wives invited, and asked'that all
1 notify City Clerk L. W. Charles at the next meeting who would attend in order that
reservations could be made.
A meeting of the street committee was set up for Tuesday P. M. after the planning and
zoning meeting.
On motion by JackrMiles, seconded by Forster Puffe, a hearing date was set for December
3, 1973 to consider rezoning property located at 3016 Atlanta Street from R-1 to District
%". The vote was unanimous.
On motion by Jack Miles, seconded by Forster Puffe, December 3, 1973 was the date set
to consider rezoning property located at 3020 Atlanta Street from R-1 residential to
C-1 commercial.
The meeting adjourned at 9:04 P. M.
NOVEMBER 19, 1973
The regularly scheduled mid -month meeting of Mayor and Council was held at City Hall,
Smyrna, Georgia, on November 19, 1973, at 7:30 o'clock P. M. Mayor John C. Porterfield
presided. All Councilmen were present. Also present were: L. W. Charles, City Clerk,
Willouise Spivey, Asst. City Clerk, N. Proctor, Clerk, V. M. Broyles, Asst. Supt. of
Public Works, Leon Hood, Building Inspector, Joe Briggs, Consultant Engineer, and a
representative of the Marietta press.
Invocation was given by Councilman Homer Kuhl.
Mr. Judson M. Strickland appeared before Mayor and Council iri-reference to blocking of
the alley at 2968 Atlanta Street by construction trucks. Mayor J. C. Porterfield stated
he had been inccontact with the people blocking the alley and had informed them if they
were to continue their present operation they should ask for a zoning change to commercial
There were no petitions for zonings or annexations.
Commercial building permits were submitted by building inspector Leon Hood and upon his
recommendations the following action is recorded.
(1) American Oil Company, 2711 South Cobb Drive, renovation of present structure. On
motion by Marston Tuck, seconded by C. 0. Candda, the permit was approved by unanimous
Building Inspector Leon Hood reported that to his knowledge no improvementshhad been
made at 877 Cherokee Trail by Mark Turner except brick wall ties hadA een installed above
the picture window; also, that Mr. Turner did not show up at the last hearing of Recorder's
Court. Mr. Hood further stated that Mr. Turner had informed him that Mr. Turner's attorney
had told him not -to accept further contempt of court warrants. It was recommended that
the building at 877 Cherokee Trail be condemned and 30 days be allowed to movedthe
structure or give Mr. Turner 30 days to bring the building up to the building code. No
action taken. It was further agreed the contempt of court order would be served on Mr.
Turner and that he be fined $200.00 per week until settlement is made. City Attorney
Berl T. Tate stated he would work with building inspector Leon Hood in reference to
Southern Building Code regulations.
It was recommended that the retainage fee due Nichols Contracting Company for work done
on Love -Concord be withheld until the fire plugs are realigned. Consultant Engineer, Joe
Briggs, stated they had received notice of release of liens against Nichols Contracting
Company on Love -Concord and South Cobb Drive, and there was very little left for Nichols
to do to receive the 10% retainer fee. It was estimated it would be two weeks before
Southern Bell and Electrovision completed their work on Love -Concord. It was reported
that all work on South Cobb Drive was two weeks behind schedule.
The following speed limits, in conjunction with recommendations from the Department of
Transportation, were adopted:
Smyrna City Limits (Brawners Hospital) to Spring Street: 45 miles per hour,
From Spring Street to Cherokee Street: 35 miles per hour,
From Smyrna City Limits (Spring Street to Bordeaux Apartments): 50 miles per hour,
PAGE 196
(Continuation of November 19, 1973 meeting)
And Spring Street Atlanta Street to U. S. 41): 40 miles 1 p g ( per hour.
A motion was made by Forster Puffe to adopt the above listed speed limits. The motion
L was seconded by Homer Kuhl and the vote was unanimous.
Mayor J. C. Porterfield stated a_.meeting would beheld Tuesday, November 20,,at 2:.30 -
P. M. with Mr. Musgrove of the Department of Transportation; and urged all who could- {
to attend. _ -
On motion by Finance Chairman Homer Kuhl, seconded by E..-R.: Coalson, authority was
granted to purchase a 955-L Caterpillar.Traxcavator, from Yancey Brothers Company, the
lower bidder, at a cost of $33,870.00, to be financed at the lowest rate that can be
obtained. Vote on the motion was unanimous.
A report on the ri6w fire station, east side branch, was deferred to the next meeting.
By -Laws for the new Bill Ward Civic Center were adopted as.submitted on motion by Forster
Puffe, seconded by C. 0. Canada. Vote on the motion was unanimous.
Fence bids for three parks were submitted, read, and are recorded as follows:
Brinkley Jonquil Whitfield
Circle A Fences, Marietta, Ga. $1254.64 $1118.72 (Combined with Brinkley)
Acme Fence Company, Smyrna, Ga. 1666.00 100.00 $677.00 I
AAA Smyrna Fence Company, Smyrna, Ga, 582.00 175.00 575.00�
Fence Craft Ind., Smyrna, Ga. 1098.00 1997.00 (Combined with Jonquil)
All bids were referred to the Parks Chairman for recommendations at the next meeting.
Mayor J. C. Porterfield stated that a letter would be sent to each department head out-
lining suggested measures in conserving energy in the City as follows:
(1) Other than emergency vehicles, 50 miles per hour speed limit.
('2) Each department head to report on how that particular department can conserve fuel.
(3) Speedometer readings on each city vehicle to be recorded at the beginning of each
month, beginning December 1, 1973. j
Councilman C. 0. Canada stated he would ask -the garage committee to make recommendations
within the next two weeks as to how to conserve on fuel --locking of all gas caps was
mentioned. Turning off lights at the tennis courts was referred to police chairman Jack
Miles to be handled through the police department.
December 10, 1973, at 7:00 o'clock P. M. was the date set for a public.hearing on the
reading of the new Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. The motion was made by Jack Miles,
seconded by Arthur T. Bacon, and the vote was unanimous. Per a ruling by.City Attorney
Berl T. Tate, adoption of, and effective date of the ordinance, could be decided -upon
at a later meeting.
Finance Chairman Homer Kuhl cautioned all chairmen and department heads to stay.within
their budgets if at all possible.
Finance Chairman Homer Kuhl reported a Purchase Order had been issued for the new
Burroughs accounting machine, and the old machine had been repaired and had been in
operation one full day.
Those reporting they and their wives would attend the CMA Annual Meeting to be held at the
Marietta Country Club, December 11, 1973, at 7:00 P. M. were: J. C. Porterfield, Forster
Puffe, Jack Miles, Arthur T.,Bacon, C. 0. Canada, Homer Kuhl, Elbert Coalson, Marston
Tuck, Jerry Mills, Earle Cochran, and L. W. Charles.
On the recommendation of Mayor John C. Porterfield, and on motion by C. 0. Canada,
seconded by Marston Tuck, a bid in the amount of $499.00 from Signs, Inc. was accepted
to refinish the four "Welcome to Smyrna" signs located on Spring Street, Atlanta Street,
South Cobb Drive and Belmont Shopping Center. Vote on the motion was unanimous.
On motion by C. 0. Canada, seconded by Homer Kuhl, Mayor J. C. Porterfield was authorized
to prepare a resolution to be mailed to Governor Jimmy Carter and the Board of Regents
recommending that Kennesaw Jr. College be made a four year College. Vote on the motion
was unanimous.
Councilman Homer Kuhl motioned that City Hall be closed Thursday and Friday in observance
of Thanksgiving Day. C. 0. Canada seconded the motion which carried by unanimous vote.
PAGE 197
(Continuation of November 19, 1973 meeting)
I Mayor J. C. Porterfield
� y stated he would still like a skeleton crew to work on Friday
and Saturday.
Finance Chairman Homer Kuhl called for a finance.committee meeting to beheld November
Tl 26, 1973, at 7:00 o'clock P. M. All Councilmen were invited.
I� The meeting adjourned at 8:40 P. M.
n /�