07-16-1973 Mid-Monthly MeetingPAGE 171 (Continuation of July 2, 1973 meeting) Ward•#5 and #7 will be moving in the near future. On motion by Forster Puffe, seconded by Marston Tuck, the Jaycees were granted permission to use Ward and Cobb Parks, August 17, 18, and 19 for tournaments. Vote on the motion was unanimous. City At Berl T. Tate stated he had received no response from his letter to Quinton King regarding the unpaid apartment unit business license fees for 1973. J. E. David stated that J. E. Lovern Construction Company had informed him they should be in position to start work on the Spring Drive sanitary -sewer collector in two weeks. Approval of June 4 and 18 Minutes was deferred. Councilman Homer Kuhl motioned that Perry and Pate be approved to audit the City's records for the amount of $2500, the same amount they were paid in 1972. Marston Tuck seconded the motion which carried by unanimous vote. On motion by E. R. Coalson, seconded by C. 0. Canada, authority was granted to open bids on a new dump truck and new pick up truck at the July 16, 1973 meeting. Vote on the motion was unanimous. On motion by C. 0. Canada the following items were declared surplused: Elgin Sweeper, 1959 Ford trash truck, 1960 1/2 ton pick up (Sanitation Dept.), and 1961 1/2 ton pick up (Water Dept.) Mr. Canada's motion further stated that separate bids on the surplused equipment be accepted for opening at the July 16, 1973 meeting. Arthur T. Bacon seconded the motion which carried by unanimous vote. (Memo: J. E. David and Vic Broyles to handle bids.) Councilman Jack Miles reported that patrol car #15 involved in an accident June 29 was totaled, and no orders for a new car could be placed at this time. Mr. Mile' further stated he had learned :there was a police patrol car on loan to the Georgia Police Academy which had been turned back in to Wade Ford Company,,which would be available for purchase. The car is a 1972 model with 27,939 miles and the cost would be $2375. Councilman Miles motioned that the City purchase the 1972 model from Wade Ford subject to committee and garage approval. Councilman Arthur T. Bacon seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. On-mot#on by Jack Miles, seconded by Forster Puffe, permission was granted for residents of Foxcliff Coutt to hold a street party on July 7. Vote on the motion was unanimous. Councilman Forster Puffe moved that all City employees wear safety belts and shoulder straps while driving City vehicles. Councilman Marston Tuck motioned this be tabled to the next meeting. E. R. Coalson seconded the motion. Voting for the motion to table: Marston Tuck, E. R. Coalson, Jack Miles, Arthur T. Bacon and C. 0. Canada. Voting against the motion Homer Kuhl and Forster Puffe. Mayor Porterfield recommended that a special meeting of the safety committee be called for Thursday, July 5, to discuss this matter. Building Inspector Leon Hood and J. E. David were requested to checkout a trailer located at Love Street and Atlanta Street. Meeting adjourned at 9:5,3 P.. M. JULY 16, 1973 The mid -month meeting of Mayor and Council was held at City Hall, Smyrna, Georgia, on July '16, 1973 and called to order at 7:30 P. M.,by.Mayor J. C.,Porterfield. All Councilmen were present except Jack Miles of Ward #7 who was on vacation. Also present were L. W. Charles, City Clerk, Willouise Spivey, Asst. City Clerk, Berl Tate, City Attorney, Leon Hood, Building Inspector, N. Proctor, Clerk, Vic Broyles, Asst. Supt. Public Works, Dick Willis, Consultant -Engineer, and a representative of the Marietta Journal. Invocation .was given by.Councilman Homer Kuhl. Under Item One of the Agenda, Citizens Reports, Mr. James Chamblee submitted a legal description of property located at 1073 Concord Road at Hollis Street, and requested that Council set a date to rezone the property from "C" to C-2. PAGE 172 (Continuation of July 16, 1973 meeting) On motion by Marston Tuck, seconded by C. 0. Canada, August 20, 1973 was the date set for the zoning hearing for the purpose of a tire and alignment shop. Vote'on'the'moti6n was unanimous. A petition signed by Ola Turley was submitted with a request that the property described below'be'arinexed into the''corporate limits of the City of Smyrna. "All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 315 of the 17th District, 2nd Section, Cobb County, Georgia, and being all of said land lot, comprising 40 acres, more or less."! On motion by Arthur T. Bacon, seconded by Forster Puffe, the land -was annexed into;_the corporate limits as requested. Vote on the motion was unanimous. ' A zoning hearing was held on property located at 196 Pat Mell Road, from R-1 to District "C", Mr. Harold C. Miles, owner. 'There was no opposition to the rezoning. On motion by E. R. Coalson, seconded by Arthur T. Bacon, the property was'zoned from R-1 to District '.'C" as advertised. The vote on the motion was unanimous. A zoning hearing was held on property located in Land Lot 305 from R-1 to R-2 Condominiums. Attorney Bob Flournoy represented the petitioner, Mr. Martin E. Spatz. Mr. Les Clayton, architect, submitted a colored sketch of the proposed 93 units. Mr. Flournoy stated condominiums were already under construction on forty-three acres west of Land Lot 305 and this would be the best use for the property. Mr. Dick Ruben was spokesman for approximately thirty residents of the Hickory Acres' subdivision who appeared before Council objecting to the condominiums because of over crowding of schools, lack of recreational facilities, traffic congestion, etc. After further discussion, Councilman Homer Kuhl stated it was his 6pinion that vacant R-2 property should be developed first, and motioned that the petition to rezone be denied. Councilman C. 0. Canada seconded the motion which carried by unanimous vote. On motion by Marston Tuck, seconded by Forster Puffe, August 6, 1973,was the date set for a zoning hearing from R-1 to R-2 (Lots 67,and 68) 1114 Church Street. Vote on the motion was unanimous. On'motion by Marston Tuck, seconded by Forster Puffe, August 6, 1973 was the date set for a zoning hearing on property located at 1559 Roswell Street, from R-1 to District "C". Vote on the motion was unanimous. Mrs. UH. Phillips requested Council approval to place a mobile home on her property located at 1524 Walker Street for her mother in law, Mrs. Lillie Quattlebaum, a heart patient. A letter was submitted signed by Mrs. Quattlebaum's doctor stating because of Mrs. Quattlebaum's medical problems she'should not live alone. A petition signed by -residents within the required 'distance was also submitted. On motion by Forster Puffe, seconded by Marston Tuck, the request was granted. Vote on the motion was unanimous. (Mrs. Phillips stated she under- stood the permit must be renewed annually.) 1 Councilman E. R. Coalson reported the house moved to Cherokee Trail by Mark Turner had not been completed. Councilman Arthur T. Bacon moved that Mr. Turner be cited into Recorder's Court on Thursday of this week. The motion was seconded by Marston Tuck and voted unanimously. Commercial building permits were submitted by building inspector Leon Hood and upon his recommendations the following action is recorded: (1) Spring Street Baptist Church: Application to construct recreational building behind present structure, two story with full basement. Mr. Hood stated the Fire Department had approved the plans. On motion by Marston Tuck, seconded by Homer Kuhl, the permit was approved. Vote on the motion was unanimous. (2) Smyrna Pentecostal Holiness Church: Build new church, 810 Church Street. Mr. Hood stated the Fire Department had approved the plans and they met all the building codes. On motion by Homer Kuhl, seconded by C. 0. Canada, the permit was approved. Vote on the motion was unanimous. (3) Harry E. Garner: Submitted application for 72 apartment units to be con- structed on Belmont Circle, Land Lot 446. Mr. Hood stated the apartments would be frame type`structures with aluminum siding, and the plans had been approved by the Fire Department. An office building was proposed for the portion of land + facing Atlanta Street, according to Mr. Garner, this property to be developed ` at a later date. On motion by Arthur T. Bacon, seconded by Marston Tuck, the application was approved. Vote on the motion was unanimous. (4) In response to checkout by the building inspector of trailer parked at Love and Spring•Street,.Mr. Robert I. King appeared before Mayor and•Council and stated he had been instructed by his company, Concrete Specialists of America Company, to -get an office trailer immediately, until, land was located PAGE 173 (Continuation of July 16, 1973 meeting) to build a shop anduoffice. Mr. King requested a temporary permit of three to five months to keep the trailer at its present location. Councilman Forster Puffe moved a temporary permit of ninety days.be granted to Mr. King for the trailer for office use, provided all vehicles are parked in the rear. Council- man Marston Tuck -seconded the motion which carried by unanimous vote. Mr. King also -stated he,would have the junked car located on the property moved. Bids were opened on sale of; police car #14 and are recorded as follows: Marietta -Auto Wholesalers $350.00 John's Used Cars 400.00 B. L. P. Motors 401.00 Auto Parts Wholesale 469.99 Howard Stroud Auto Sales 500.00 On motion by C. 0. Canada, the high bid of Howard Stroud Auto Sales was accepted. The motion was seconded by Forster Puffe and voted unanimously. Bids were opened on the Fleming -Street Sanitary Sewer Collector and are recorded as follows: J. E. Lovern Construction Co. $15,016.75 Smyrna, Georgia B & B Pipe Line Company $18,785.00 College Park, Georgia, The bids, were•referred to.the Consultant Engineers for checkout to specifications and report back at the next,meeting. , Bids were opened on a new dump truck for the Water Department and are recorded as follows: Strother Ford, Marietta $ 6,684.00 Capital Ford Truck Sales,Atlanta $ 6,159.74 On motion by Marston Tuck the bids were referred to the Water.Committee for checkout and authority to act on low_ bid. The motion was seconded by Arthur T. Bacon and voted unanimously. One bid,was received on arnew Datsun pick-up truck,for the Water Department from,Fouts Bros.. Datsun Sales, Smyrna, Georgia, in the amount of $2,662.50•. E. R. Coalson motioned that the bid from Fouts Bros. be accepted. The motions was seconded by'C. 0. Canada and voted unanimously. Item #15, Tabulation on.Bids - Surplused Equipment, was deferred to the next meeting: Item #16, Drainage - Concord Gardens and Old Smyrna Village Apartments - was deferred to the.next meeting.; There was no report on a meeting with the Department of Transportation on the Atlanta Street widening project. Water line installation was reported in work on Love -Concord. It was reported that work would begin Thursday, July 19, to complete resurfacing of Powder Springs Street and Highland Drive would be next. It was also reported by Vic Broyles that at least 50 feet would have,to be paved on Hargrove Road prior to installation of the traffic light. Consultant Engineer, Dick Willis, stated that water line installation would begin on South Cobb Drive as soon as Love -Concord is completed. A permit for a mobile office for Cobb Bank and Trust Company, 1041 Cherokee Road, was requested. On motion by Marston_Tuck, seconded by E. R. Coalson, the permit -.for the mobile office was approved for a period of six months. Vote on the motion was unanimous. Councilman Forster Puffe stated that he,and Bill Blount met with Mr.•Mathis, Mr. Whitfield and Mr. Johnson, of the Cobb County School Board on July 9, 1973 in regard to a location for the Civic Center. Mr. Puffe reported that the School Board wanted a survey of the land across from Nash School and motioned that Mayes', Sudderth and Etheredge.be authorized to make the survey (boundary PAGE 174 (Continuation of July 16, 1973 meeting) ' location only,).. ,The,, motion: was... seconded. by ; Marston Tuck and vote• • on.* the motion } was unanimous.. .iMr:..Puffenfurther...reported the,.Boardwanted to,•know what- the, - building would consist iof:-and, t of course,.. nothing is^definitex•at--this time; however, Sam Turriglio is working on this. On motion by Homer Kuhl, seconded by C. 0. Canada, Mr. C. W. Eason, Concord Circle, was approved as Parks and Recreation Commission member from Ward A. Vote on the motion was unanimous. (Memo: to fill present vacancy.) On motion by C. 0. Canada, seconded by Arthur T. Bacon, Terry Clayton, 885 Wayland Court, was -,-approved as Parks and Recreation Commission member from Ward #5, effective August 15, to fill vacancy caused by Mr. Jernigan resigning as of that date. Vote on the motion was unanimous. Safety Committee Chairman Forster Puffe reported that the only argument by department heads on city employees wearing seat belts when driving city vehicles was the length of time buckling and unbuckling. He further stated Chief Drake -had no objection at the time of the safety meeting nor when he talked to him later. Mayor J. C. Porterfield stated he felt all employees should be urged to wear them but did not think it should be mandatory. Councilman Forster Puffe motioned that all city employees be required if to wear seat belts and shoulder belts when driving city.vehicles. The motion died for the lack of a second. It was reported that work would begin on the Spring Drive Sanitary Sewer Collector on July 19, 1973. City Attorney Berl T. Tate was requested to review the City Ordinance on Sales of Pornograhpic Literature and make recommendations on any needed changes at the next meeting. " Mayor J. C. Porterfield`stated the budget set up for the Cobb County Tax Study Committee was $10,000.00 and Smyrna's share of the budget would be $1290.73; also, that if the study did not use the entire budget the unused portion would be divided and refunded in the same manner. Councilman Homer Kuhl motioned that the amount of $1290.73 be approved for the Cobb County Tax Study Committee and paid -.from the Contingency Fund. The motion was seconded by C: 0. Canada and vote on the motion was unanimous. Mayor Porterfield also requested that Bill Stewart be furnished a record of all expenditures of the past two years for all departments other than the water department by the end of this week. June.Council Meeting Minutes were approved by unanimous voteas follows: June 4, on motion by Homer Kuhl, seconded by Forster Puffe. 1 June 18, on motion by Homer Kuhl, seconded by Forster Puffe. June 20, on motion by Homer Kuhl, seconded by Arthur T. Bacon. Mayor J. C. Porterfield called a meeting following the opening of bids for the new fire station on July 30, 1973 to discuss changes in the radio set up for the Fire Department. A Planning and Zoning Ordinance meeting was also set up for Tuesday, July 24, at 7'30 P. M. Councilman C. 0. Canada reminded Mayor and Council that Smyrna is hosting the State Tournament for the Pony League on July 30, 1973 at,Cobb Park and motioned that $100 be approved for:�a full page ad in the program. The motion was seconded by Arthur T. Bacon which carried by unanimous vote. Parking of cars at Jonquil Park by construction workers was referred to C. 0. Canada for checkout and recommendations. A motion was made by E. R. Coalson,to request bids on a new pick-up truck for Supt. of Public Works J. E. David, the bids to be opened August 6, 1973 and restricted to Chevrolet.dealers only. The motion was seconded by Forster Puffe and vote on the motion was unanimous. Councilman Marston Tuck requested that a list of all companies sent a bid request, be furnished to each Councilman prior to opening of the bids. Councilman Homer Kuhl reported on his meeting with Mr. Layne of Litton Automated Business Machines in regard to water billing. He stated tests would be run in November ;"`.-,., PAGE 175 (Continuation of July 16, 1973)meeting) r - . ( . and December and water billing on the machine would begin in January, 1974. The billing will be' -done in five daya' rather" thh:h the""sevens if' on` the machine used at the pteserit 1 time: -The" to`t&1- cos't': P:r&gr'amming" $900. bb,"clerk to'" clime � to City Hall, $900.00, credit '$300.00; inakiAg a final 6618t of` $1500:00'. ` 'Mr."Kuhl"moved that the $1506.00 be authorizedZto program the water on the Litton machine. Forster Puffe seconded the motion which carried by unanimous vote. Councilman Forster Puffe motioned that the City of Smyrna officially disband the Volunteer Fire Department -immediately. Councilman Marston Tuck stated the Volunteer Fireman were holding regular meetings and he was of the opinion that at least one had joined the Fireman's Pension Fund. Councilman C. 0. Canada motioned this be tabled until the next meeting. Councilman ArthurTT. Bacon seconded the motion which carried by unanimous vote. Building Inspector Leon Hood was requested to check on signs at Fence Craft Industries and Sister Christian Palmistry on Cherokee Road "and have the signs removed, if necessary.�I On motion by Forster Puffe, seconded by Homer Kuhl, Lot 6, Block G, Wood Valley Drive, was deleted from all tax records. Fifteen feet on the west side to be dedicated to Mr. Shakelford, Lot #5, and the remainder is dedicated to the City of Smyrna for a right of way. The above property being located at the intersection of Wood Valley Drive and Highview Drive. Vote on the motion was unanimous. .* The Meeting adjourned at 10:35 P. M. „�� 111 1 / OHN C. PORTERFiILD,�i e• MARSTON TUCK, COUNCILMAN WARD #1 all,n��_ --]A 6L-C-0-1 ARTHUR T.'BACON, COUNCILMAN WAp #3� C. 0. CANADA?, COUNCILMAN WARD #5 (JACK) NORMAN MILES, COUNCILMAN WARD # 7 ` 00, L. W. HART CITY CLERJ 6z-,- d,�, R PUFFE, COUN WARS #2 l HOMER KUHL, e CO CILMAN