05-19-1975 Regular Meeting(Continuation of May 5, 1975 Meeting) 321 3. For any fine or any bond forfeiture�of more than $50.00 but not mort than $100.00, $5.00 4. For any fine or any bond forfeiture of more than $100.00 and up 5%. The above court cost to be paid'to the Georgia Peace Officers Annuity and Benefit fund, effective May 8,"1975. The motion was seconded by Homer Kuhl, and the vote was six to one, Jerry Rills, opposed. Marston Tuck motioned that anyone who requests permission to see detailed records of any action taken by Council or performed by City personnel make an appointment to see such records. The motion was seconded by Jerry Mills and the vote was unanimous. Marston Tuck motioned that the bids procedure be waived and have the generator (one - half the size of the one now in the police department) be repaired by the Dixie Engine Company, at a cost of $1300.00. Homer Kuhl seconded the motion which carried by unanimous vote. Marston Tuck motioned that a meeting be held Saturday morning at 9:30 A. M. with Mayor and Council and developers of Post Spring Apartments regarding the fence at the apartments which has not been completed. Mayor Porterfield stated he would contact the developers on the lights at the Tennis Courts. Annexation,of a piece of property behind the King Williams building was disucssed. No action was taken. The sign ordinance is to be on the Agenda for the next meeting. The meeting adjourned at 10:10 P. M. May 19, 1975 The regularly scheduled mid -month meeting of Mayor and Council was held in City Hall, Smyrna, Georgia, May 19, 1975, and called to order at 7:30 o'clock P. M. by presiding officer Mayor John Porterfield. All Councilmen were present. Also present were L. W. Charles, City Clerk, Willouise Spivey, Asst. City Clerk, Nora Pr6 tor, Clerk, J..E. David, Public Works Supt., Lee Silver, Director of Parks and Recreation, George Harden, Consultant Engineer, and representatives of the press. Invocation was given by Councilman Homer Kuhl, followed by Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The following action is recorded under Citizens Reports: (1) Mrs. Opal Anderson, representing members of'the Smyrna Federated Women's Club, Inc., commended Parks dnd Recreation Director LeroySilver for the wonderful job he has done in the Parks Department. Mrs. Anderson also introduced members of the Smyrna Women's Club, giving a brief history of the Club stating it was the oldest civic club in Smyrna having been organized in 1925. Mrs. Anderson requested that the City paint the club building and have the grass cut.Mrs. Anderson, on behalf of the Club,pre- sented a check to Mayor and Council in the amount of $5,000 to be used in construction of the new Smyrna Civic Center with the following stipulations (1) The City agrees to contribute the sum of $5,000 to be used in construction of the Civic Center. (2) When completed, the Smyrna Women's Club be entitled to use same for meeting purposes, (3) That if construction of the Civic Center has not been completed with three years from date of this agreement, that said $5,000 shall be refunded to the Smyrna Women's Club, (4) That no modification or change be made in the agreement except in writing and agreed to by both parties. Councilman Forster Puffe moved that the check for the Civic Center be accepted by Council per agreement above signed by both parties. The motion was seconded by Homer Kuhl and the vote was unanimous. (2) A representative of American Legion Post #160 stated the Legion facilities would be availablekto the Smyrna Women's Club. X3) Councilman Earle Cochran presented a citation of appreciation to T. C. Ledbetter for completion of fifteen years service in the Auxiliary Police Department. The award was signed by the National President of the American Federation of Police. (4) Mrs. Sam M. Coffey requested a permit to operate a business in her home located at 1726 Mohawk Place for the purpose of making leather goods. A petition was sub- mitted signed by all residents within 300' stating they had no objection. The permit was approved on motion by Forster Puffe, seconded by Marston Tuck. Vote on the motion was unanimous. (5) Jerry Mills motioned that the old fire engine parked behind the fire station be (Continuation of May 19, 1975 Meeting) 322 be donated to American Legion Post #160. The motion was seconded by Homer Kuhl and the vote was unanimous. Sealed bids on Phase #1, curbing and paving of King Spring Park were opened, read and are recorded as follows: Blount Construction Company, Atlanta, Georgia $28,419.80 Stewart Brothers, Inc. 26,771.80 C. W. Matthews, Marietta, Georgia 26,538.40 MacDougald Warren, Atlanta, Georgia 29,751.60 McIntosh Company, Atlanta, Georgia 30,704.40 Jerry Mills motioned that the bids be referred to the parks committee with authority to act on the low bid, subject to check out by the engineering firm. Earle Cochran seconded the motion which carried by unanimous vote. City Attorney Berl T. Tate reported that the rehearing scheduled on the uniform beer tax act had been denied by the State Supreme Court, therefore, Council had no alter- native but to increase the tax in Smyrna. Earle Cochran motioned that the beer tax on a 12oz. case be increased to $1.20 per state law and that other sizes be increased to proportion to the 12 oz. size. Jerry Mills seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. On recommendation of the police committee, Earle Cochran motioned that the low bid of Hub Motor Company be accepted for three new patrol cars in the amount of $4,316.93 each. Homer Kuhl seconded the motion which carried by unanimous vote. Marston Tuck reported that Mike Westmoreland had -been contacted today and should start work on the grading and grassing of front yard areas on Concord Road tomorrow. There were no commercial building permits to come before Council. Parks Director Lee Silver stated that the parks committee and commission had met and recommended the employment of Johnnie R. Welborn as parks ranger, effective May 22, 1975, at a starting salary of $675.00 per month. Mr. Silver stated that arrangements had been made through the Department of Natural Resources for Mr. Welborn to go to Red Top State Park and spend several days with their park ranger for indoctrination (mandate training course to be arranged later by Mr. Cochran), that Council approval would be necessary for'Mr. Welborn to wear a Smyrna Police badge, and a walkie talkie would be needed. Mr. Silver also recommended a certain type uniform for the parks ranger and had one available for Council approval. Earle Cochran motioned that the recommendations of the Parks and Recreation Director be accepted to employ Mr. Johnnie R. Welborn at a salary of $675.00 per month effective May 22, 1975, and that he be authorized to wear a Smyrna Police Badge. The motion was seconded by E. R. Coalson and the vote was unanimous. Jack Eudy reported that he had been working with the owners of property on South Cobb ,= Drive in regard to cleaning up the premises and he thought everything was working out and there had been quite a bit of improvement. Mr. Canada stated he would know within the next few days whether William Becker would deed the strip of land between South Cobb Drive and Birch Street to the City. Jerry Mills stated he had talked with four architects and recommended Bothwell, Jenkins and Slay draw up the plans for the new fire station at a cost of 5% of the project, or approximately $4900.00, this being the lowest price quoted by the four firms. Mr. Mills motioned that Bothwell, Jenkins and Slay be awarded the contract to draw up the plans. C. 0. Canada seconded the motion which carried by unanimous vote. It was reported that the amendment to the Smyrna Fire Prevention Code should be ready for approval at the next meeting. Jerry Mills stated another meeting had been called to further consider fire lanes for the city. On request by Mr. Kirkpatrick and on motion by Homer Kuhl, seconded by Jerry Mills, a parcel of land, approximately 2.2 acres in Land Lots 445 and 446, at the rear of the King Williams Building and bordering on Woodland Trail and Belmont Circle was annexed into the City limits under the nearest Cobb County zoning. Vote on the motion was five f6r the motion, with two unexcused absences. Annexed propertyllocated in and made a part of Smyrna Ward #6. Bids on lighting of King Spring Park are to opened at the June 16, 1975 meeting. City Attorney Berl T. Tate stated that as soon as he received an opinion from the Attorney General he would prepare a letter on billiard and pool rooms and mail copies (Continuation of May 19, 1975 Meeting) 323 to Mayor and Council and the police department. Recommendations on increase in water services was deferred to the next meeting. Finance Chairman Homer' -Kuhl stated the budgets should be ready for submission at the next council meeting and for approval at the June 16 meetjing. It was agreed.that the City would not participate in the Bicentennial Publication. It was reported that bids for the new King Spring Park Building would be opened on May 27, 1975, at 9:00 A. M., and then referred to the consultant engineering firm for re- commendations at the next meeting. Jerry Mills read a Resolution submitted by Mrs. Judy Pilgrim of Stephens Woods Apartment requesting Council approval for participation in the Federal Rent Supplement program in order to rent 20% of the apartments to qualified low income families who are elderly, handicapped, displaced victims of natural disaster, or occupants,of substandard hous- ing. Jerry -Mills motioned the Resolution be adopted. Forster Puffe seconded the motion. After discussion, Forster moved that this item be tabled until the next meet- ing. Vote on the motion was unanimous. It was the recommendation of Mayor and Council that any citizen who desired to pay the first and second half ad volorem taxes be permitted to do so, by issuing a regular re- ceipt for the second half and informing each customer that there is a possibility of a slight adjustment when the 1975 Cobb County tax digest is received. It was recommended by Jerry Mills that Bob Birchf ield work closely with Leon Hood in interpreting various codes pertaining to certain areas in the City, as well as, the Southern Building Code. Earle Cochran motioned that a stop sign be erected at the intersection of Shirley Street and Crestview Drive, the sign to be facing Crestview. C. 0. Canada seconded the motion which carried by unanimous vote. Earle Cochran stated he hoped to have information by the next meeting regarding use of radar in the city. Mr. Richard S. Humphries, 2916 Strathmoor, appeared before Council complaining about the noise and lighting from the tennis courts at Post Properties•Apartments. Mayor John Porterfield stated he had contacted the owners of the apartments and they had indicated they would be willing to cooperate and would order an automatic timer to cut off the lights at a certain hour. Mayor Porterfield stated he would foll6w through and contact Mr. Humphries on Tuesday. On motion by Forster Puffe, seconded by C. 0. Canada, it was agreed that City Hallbbe closed Monday, May 26, 1975 in observance of National Memorial Day. The vote was unanimous. Councilman Homer Kuhl motioned that sealed bids be requested for a metal building 50' X 100" X 18' to be used by the purchasing department, the bids to be opened on June 2, 1975. Jerry Mills seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. C. 0. Canada stated there were quite a few flood lights from the ball fields not needed any longer and motioned they be surplused and donated to various churches. Mayor Porterfield stated he would recommend Council look closely at the needs of the City before any action is taken. The motion was withdrawn. The meeting adjourned at 9:04 P. M. Arm if h/ ORN C. PORTERF1 D, MAYOR L. W. CHARLES, C MARSTON TUCK, COUNCILMAN WARD #1 r WARD #3 C. 0. CANADA,,COUNCILMAN WARD #5 FOR, rW PUFFE, C HOMER KUHL, COU, ILMAN WARD #4 X2_ E B RT COALSON, COUNCILMAN WARD #6 EARLE COCHRAN, COUNCILMAN WARD #7