04-15-1974 Regular Meeting242
APRIL 15, 1974
The regularly scheduled mid -month meeting of Mayor and Council was
held at City Hall, Smyrna, Georgia on April 15, 1974, at 7:30 o'clock
P. 21. Mayor J. Porterfield presided: All Councilmen were present.
Also present were Willouise Spivey, Assistant City Clerk; Bibb Burchfield
Administrative Assistant; Vora Proctor, Clerk; J. E. David, Supt.
Public Works; Leon Hood, Building Inspector; Don Atkinson, Assistant
Fire Chief; Joe Briggs•of Mayes, Sudderth and Etheredge, and a
representative of the press. L. W. Charles was absent due to illness.
Invocation was given by Councilman Homer Kuhl.
Mr. Jerry Hughes appeared before Mayor and Council requesting per-
mission for the Jonquil Parade, May 11, 1974. Starting,time is 12:00
o'clock noon, forming on Ward Street, east on Cherokee'Road, south
on Atlanta Road to Jonquil Plaza. Marston Tuck made a moticn the
req u est be granted. Earl Cochran seconded the motion' and the vote
was unanimous.
Elbert Coalson made a motion to approve the
Parade for June 1., 1974, beginning at 9:00
Drive -In, south on Atlanta Road to Cherokee
Drive, south to Concord Road, Concord Road
-Jonquil Park. Clarence Canada seconded the
Smyrna Girls Softball \
o'clock A. M. at Smyrna
Road, to South Cobb
to Spring Street to'
motion and the vote was
Zoning hearings: A zoning hearing was held on property located at
the corner of Concord Road and Hollis Street from F-C to GaC. 9. M.
Chamblee and J. B. Dunton requested this zoning in order to erect
a five -bay garage.on the property.. No one was present to oppose
the zoning, although Councilman Homer Kuhl stated several citizens
had contacted him, asking the zoning not be approved, and he was
acting in their behalf. After discussion Homer Kuhl made a motion
the zoning be denied. Earle Cochran seconded the motion and the
vote was unanimous.'
A zoning hearing was held on property owned by Dr. Ralph W. Price
at the Corner of Concord Road and Pine Street, from L-C to G-C.
This zoning -was req-aested in order that Dr. Price could rent the
second floor of his building for a florist, sale of potted.plants.
After discussion C. 0. Canada made a motion to rezone this property
from L-C to G-C. The motion was seconded by Jerry Mills. The motion
was'withdra-,an: Marston Tuck motioned the zoning be changed frog,
L-C to 0-I, with the stipulation that no additional green houses
be constructed. Jerry Mills seconded the motion and the vote was
four for and three against. Marston Tuck, Elbert Coalson, C. 0.
Canada and Jerry Mills voted for the motion; Homer Kuhl, Earle Cochran
and Forster Puf £e voted against.
A zoning hearing was held on property owned by E. J. ft&i�y, fronting
on Concord Road and McCauley Road, from F-C to G-C. Mr. Crary
requested this zoning in order to use the existing house as an antique
shope for the present time. The attorney representing Mr. Crary
stated an eye clinic was being planned for this property, with
construction beginning in approximately twelve months. Mayor Porter-
field explained the restrictions on this portion of Concord Road
and advised the attorney that we had no provisions for temporary
zoning. After discussion Homer Kuhl made a motion the zoning be
denied. Earle Cochran seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
The Bonding License request by Morris Willis was deferred to the next
meeting. Recommendations had not been received from the police depart-
Homer Kuhl made a motion the hearing date for Recorders Court Appeal
for Paul Steven White be May 6,-1974. C. 0. Canada seconded the
motion and the vote was unanimous.
(Continuation of April 15, 1974 meeting)
Commercial building permits were submitted by building inspector
Leon Hood and upon his recommendations the following action is recorded:
(1) Fox Photo -Mat requested permission to erect a metal building,
30 X 301, in Grant City Shopping Center on _South Cobb Drive, to be
used as a photo processing Drive -up Store. Mr. Hood stated other
buildings of this type were in the City and recommended the permit.
be approved. C. 0. Canada made a inotion this building permit be
approved. Earle Cochran seconded the motion and the•vote was unanimous.
(2) The,Church of God', located 'on Old Concord Road between South
Cobb Drive and Jones Shaw Road, requested a permit to build a new
Church building behind the existing building which will be torn down.
Jerry Mills made a motion the permit•be approved, subject to approval
by the Fire Prevention Bureau and the City Engineer. Forster Puffe
seconded the motion. After discussion, the motion was withdrawn.
Fire Marshall Don Atkinson stated the nearest fire plug was 1000
feet from the building site and there was only a 211 service line on
Old Concord Road. Mayor Porterfield asked James David to check the
cost of installing an 8" water line and have recommendations at
the next meeting.
(3) R. L. Fullerton, 3279 Isoline Way, requested a' side yard variance
to within one foot of the property line of Otis Phillips.' Mr.
Fullerton wants to enclose his carport and build a garage near the
property line. Leon Hood read a letter from Otis Phillips giving
his permission for'the garage tb be built within one foot of his
property. After discussion Forster Puffe made a motion the variance
be granted. Jerry Mills seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Mayor Porterfield read a letter from James David stating a new
alternator had been ordered and will be installed at the Woodland
Afts Apartment sewer station as soon as it is received. Leon Hood
reported that repairs were•under'way at the.apartment complex.
Bids were opened for the lighting of'two softball fields at Jonquil
Park. Four bids were received and are recorded as follows:
Southeastern Electric Co.
Box 93784,Atla.,Ga. 30318 80 lamps complete - $44.60 ea: - $3,568.00
The Electric Supply Co.
751 Trabert Street_ '
Atlanta,'Georgia 30318 80 lamps complete - $44.26 ea. - $3,540.80
Smyrna Lighting & Supply `
1625 Love Street
Smyrna, Georgia 30080 80 lamps complete - $44.30 ea. - $3,944.00
Thompson Wilson Company '
1380 English Street
Atlanta; Georgia 30318 80-lamps complete - $43.00 ea. - $3,440.00
C. 0. Canada made a motion to accept the low bid from ThMoson Wilson
Company, in the amount of $3,440.00. Earle Cochran seconded the
motion and the vote -wag unanimous.
C. 0. Canada recommended we contract the installation of these lights
and if the coat is less than `$500, it be handled by the Parks and
Recreation Committee.
C. 0. Canada reported we•received nine applications for the position
of Parks Director. Of these nine, three applicants were interviewed.
The Parks and Recreation Committee, voted unanimously, to hire LeRoy
Silver, who is at present under contract to Georgia College,
Milledgeville, Georgia, until May 31, 1974. C. 0. Canada -made a
motion LeRoy Silver be hired as Parks Director as -of June 3, 1974.
Homer Kuhl seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Mayor Porterfield reported progress was good on South Cobb Drive„
and that work was being done on Concord -Love. He stated the State
Department of Transportation had advised'him they would not pay
for sidewalks along Concord -Love. He'recommended we request a
meeting with Mr. :'iusgrove to plead our case, since sidewalks along
Concord Road was a necessity, and if the State did not pay for
them the City would be forced to. Jim David said a four foot
i 244
I (Continuation of ."April 15, 1974 meeting)
sidewalk would cost $10,000, a five foot would be $12,500. Forster
Puffe recommended we tall: with Mr. Musgrove about the sidewalks
on Concord, also a third lane on Atlanta Road from Hawthorne Street
to Powder Springs Street. mayor. Porterfield asked George Kreeger
to set up a meeting with Mr. Musgrove as soon as possible.
Marston Tuck reported the new fire station almost finished and said
they would move in and start operating this week.
Mayor Porterfield called a meeting for Tuesday, April 23, 1974, at
7:30 P. M. to study the sign ordinance and the Major Thoroughfare
All Councilmen were asked to attend a meeting with the Planning and
Zoning Commission Monday, April 22, 1974, at 7:00 P. M. at City
Mayor Porterfield reported that he, C. 0. Canada, Jerry Mills and
Forster Puffe met with ARC Officials with reference to the Smyrna
Mental Health Hospital. ARC asked for more information and another
meeting was set for 1:00 o'clock P. M. April 24, 1974, and all
,l Councilmen were urged to attend.
Homer Kuhl reported the committee had a copy of the proposed self
�r service gas station ordinance and a,meeting would be called this
Mayor Porterfield reported he still had not been able to contact
Ernest Barrett about the dog lease law.
Forster Puffe requested Mayes, Sudderth and Etheredge to make a
survey of Atlanta Road from Spring Street to Powder Springs Street,
for use in widening the east side.
Homer Kuhl made a motion the City of Smyrna become a part of the.
C-Mar Credit Union. Forster Puffe seconded the motion and the vote
was unanimous.
Elbert Coalson made a motion that Mayor and Council initiate a
hearing for the rezoning of the Koningsmavk.property from R-1 to
F-C. Earle Cochran seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Meeting adjourned at 9:38 P. M.
G -
3Ahn C. Porterfi ld, Mayor
Marston Tuck, Councilman Ward #1
euZ 66���
15harles . CMv Clerk
For tpr Puff e, Courfclman Wa
Homer Kyh