03-24-1975 Regular MeetingMarch 24, 1975
The regularly scheduled mid -month meeting of Mayor and Council was held
at City Hall, Smyrna, Georgia, March 24, 1975, and called to order at
7:30 o'clock P. M. by presiding officer Mayor John Porterfield. All C,
Councilmen were present. Also present were L. W. Charles, City Clerk,
Willouise Spivey, Assistant City Clerk; Nora Proctor, Clerk, Leroy Silver,
Director of Parks and Recreation, J. E. David, Superintendent of Public Works,
Joe Briggs, Consultant Engineer, and a representative of the press.
Invocation was given by Councilman Homer Kuhl.
Mayor John Porterfield commented on the destruction of the tornados in the'
surrounding areas and recommended that emergency equipment be kept in mind
when budgets are prepared.
Mayor Porterfield also stated that on March 15, 1975 the fire rating for the
City of Smyrna was lowered to Class 6, and recommended that every effort be
made to lower the rating to Class 5, this year, if possible.
Councilman Marston Tuck reported that Mr. James Farley and eight volunteer
civil defense personnel had worked all day in the Atlanta area helping Atlanta
civil defense and police in the various areas struck by tornados.
A permit was requested by George Hanson of the Smyrna Jaycees for a parade to be
held Saturday, May 3, 1975 which would be the end of Jonquil week. On motion
by Marston Tuck, seconded by Jerry Mills, the permit was granted by unanimous
vote. Mr. Hanson invited the Mayor and all Councilmen to ride in the parade
and stated he would furnish Mr. Cochran a copy of the exact route the parade
would take.
There were no reports from citizens.
Four sealed bids were received for wrecker service for the City of Smyrna, The
bids were opened, read, and are recorded as follows:
Car & small trucks
impounded by police
Large trucks, over
two tons
Large garbage
trucks, loaded
Large garbage
trucks, empty
Police cars towed
to city garage
Charge installing
spare tire &
service call on
Police cars
Have wrecker large
enough to handle
garbage trucks
Have 24 hour
service, 7 days
Ins. Company
Location of
storage, vehicles
Cost of storage
per day
Barrows BillyDrivers
Enterprises Howard DService
$10.00 $ 7.50 $10.00
R. L.
1.50 2.00
$ 7.50
201 Dixie
(Continuation of March 24, 1975 Minutes)
All bids were referred to the garage committee for recommendation at the next
' Commercial building permits were submitted by building inspector Leon Hood and
upon his recommendation the following action is recorded:
Tenneco Oil Company requested permission to convert four of their service stations
to self service. The locations are 902 Cherokee Road, 1166 Concord Road, 2610 4-Lane
r Highway, 2410 South Cobb Drive, Mr. Hood stated the plans had been inspected by the
Fire Department and they met all building codes and he recommended approval. Jerry
Mills motioned the permits be approved. Forster Puffe seconded the motion which
carried by a vote of six to one, Marston Tuck opposed. Councilman Homer Kuhl re-
quested Joe Jackson, representative for Tenneco, to leave his telephone number
in order that he might be contacted if there sh6fild'be any~questions:
Leon Hood reported on the following structures:
2422 Ventura Place: House being demolished.
1566 Spring Street: House sold to local resident who will repair it.
3350 Campbell Road: Very little has been done in finishing the room being added
to the structure. Mr. Hood was requested to contact the owner again and ask
that he at least finish the exterior.
879 Cherokee Trail: Mr. Hood stated he had called a couple times but had not
been able to meet with the man who had stated he would finish the structure.
Jerry Mills submitted plans of a fire station in Ocalla, Florida. Pictures of
the station were also submitted. Mr. Mills stated the facility was just what we
need here in Smyrna with minor changes. The building would be 3600 to 3700 square
feet and the extimated cost would be $85,000 to $95,000. On the recommendation
of the committee, Mr. Mills motioned the plans be approved for the Smyrna Station
with certain changes. The motion was seconded by Homer Kuhl and the vote was
' unanimous.
Council agreed that*the Fire Department Committee should act as the construction
committee in building the new station.
Due to the absence of L. W. Boring, Electrical Inspector, revision of the electri-
cal code was deferred to the next meeting.
Willouise Spivey was asked to check out four items on the administrative financial
report. Mayor Porterfield asked all Councilmen and Department Heads to continue
to try to stay within their budgets.
Attorney Berl T. Tate stated there would be no problem regarding House Bill
annexations and tax assessments; however, the homestead exemption was held up
too long to get approval this year.
Mayor John Porterfield stated he and Council met with ARC officials last week
+' and reviewed the job descriptions they had prepared and recommended adoption of
y Section 1 and 2 (460). Homer Kuhl seconded the motion which carried by unanimous
r vote.
I Mayor Porterfield stated that a complete description of the pay scales prepared
by ARC was included in the-booklet,•,a copy of'which-'had-�-bedn_distrib6ted to -each
Councilman, and asked that both Method 1 and Method 2 be reviewed carefully.
Mayor Porterfield recommended Method 2 and stated he hoped it could be adopted
within the next thirty days. He suggested that each Councilman meet with each
department head and go over the scales carefully, then set up a meeting with the
Mayor and Finance Committee for approval one at a time, then all be adopted at
the same time. The above did no include the Police, Fire and Civil Defense.
Mayor Porterfield reminded Council that the Smyrna Optimist Club had changed the
r dates of "Youth in Government" to April 7 and April 12 and requested that he be
notified if any Councilman could not be present on April 12. He stated a total
of 22 youth would participate and one would act as City Clerk, one as Asst. City
Clerk, four would go to the Police Department, four to the Fire Department, one
would act as Parks and Recreation Director, one as Recreation Supervisor, one
would go the library and two to Public Works.
1 Mayor Porterfield reported that recently the federal government released 701
funds in the amount of $50,000,000 and Georgia would be allotted approximately
' $250,000. Mayor Porterfield recommended the City apply for funds for an annexation
stud subdivision regulations stud and housing element stud which would mean
y� g Y� g y
$11,800 would be paid from federal funds and $6,200 would be paid from City funds.
Homer Kuhl moved that the City apply for 701 funds as indicated above. C. 0.
Canada seconded the motion which carried by unanimous vote. It was noted that
C 7
(Continuation of March 24, 1975 Minutes)
application must be made prior to April 1, 1975. I
C. 0. Canada stated that Smyrna would host
tion Meeting on June 18, 1975, at 10:00 A.
would be in attendance and urged the Mayor
the 5th District Parks and Recrea-
M. He stated approximately 75 people 'I
and all Councilmen to attend if possible.
Lee Silver reminded Mayor and Council of the Easter Egg Hunt to be held at Jon- I
quil Park on Friday, March 28, 1975 at 4:30 o'clock P. M.
C. 0. Canada also announced that a Parks and Recreation Board of Commissioners
workshop would be held in Roswell, Georgia, April 24, 1975.
Lee Silver reported that senior citizen attendance was up to 75 daily and was
expanding, that he was looking into the purchase of a bus to help defray cost of
transportation, and that the senior citizens bazzar would be held on April 1 in
the park between City Hall and the Police Station.
C. 0. Canada motioned that the park between City Hall and the Police Station be
named "Centennial Park". The motion was seconded by Jerry Mills and the vote was
Forster Puffe asked what was being done in regard to delinquent taxes. Berl Tate
stated that fi fa's had been filed on all apartment complexes and large businesses
that were delinquent.
The question of how to collect sanitation charges from residents who are not on
city water was also discussed. Berl Tate stated he would check the ordinance to
determine if this could be handled through Recorder's Court. Mr. Tate further
stated he would check into the possibility of back billing commercial establishments
who have been imporperly billed for a number of years for sewerage.
Mr. Puffe commented on the meeting with the Cobb County Commissioners and others
regarding an increase in water and sewerage rates, possibly by July. City Attor-
ney Berl Tate was asked to check the contract filed with the county on sewerage
Marston Tuck motioned that the old police radios in the basement of the police
station be transferred to the Civil Defense department. Jerry Mills seconded
the motion which carried by unanimous vote.
On motion by Marston Tuck authorization was given to have Cobb Heating and Air
Conditioning install a return air vent in the Civil Defense office, at a cost of
$126.80, to be paid from the contingency fund. The motion was seconded by Jerry
Mills and vote on the motion was unanimous.
Marston Tuck commented on the accident last Friday involving a city vehicle and
requested that all drivers be re-evaluated. He also requested that a copy of all
litigations against the City of Smyrna be available at the next Council meeting.
Mayor Porterfield stated he would take care of this.
An up-to-date code book for the City of Smyrna was discussed. On motion by Homer
Kuhl, seconded by Forster Puffe, the'Municipal-Code Corporation of Tallahassee,
Florida, was awarded the contract in the amount of $6,750 which would cover the
cost of fifty books and fifty binders. Vote on the motion was unanimous. It was
reported the job would take approximately fourteen months to complete, and all
Councilman were urged to attend all working sessions. Forster Puffe recommended
that $1500.00,be paid from this year's fiscal budget if work had progressed to that
point by June 30.r
Homer Kuhl reported that 4800 to 5000 books were checked out of the library monthly.
The meeting adjourned at 9:15 P. M.
(Continuation of March 24, 1975)
C . P.