01-06-1975 Regular MeetingV i
January 6, 1975
;ularly scheduled meeting of Mayor and Council was held pursuant to the
at City Hall, Smyrna, Georgia, January 6, 1975, and called to order at
clock P. M. by presiding officer Mayor John Porterfield. All councilmen
were present. Also present were: L. W. Charles, City Clerk; Willouise Spivey,
Asst. City Clerk; Nora Proctor, Clerk; Lee Siver, Director of Parks and
Recreation; J. E. David, public Works Supt.; Leon Hood, Building Inspector;
C. C. Porterfield, Chief of Fire Department; Donald Atkinson, Asst. Fire Chief;
C. J. Sanford, Lt. Fire Prevention Bureau; Joe Griggs, Consultant Engineer; and
representatives of the press.
Invocation was given by Councilman Homer Kuhl.
Mr. L. E. Gaskins, 2831 Sherwood Road, appeared before Mayor and Council under
Citizens reports, and stated that when the property located at 2820 Cobb Lane
was zoned for Northwest Exterminating Company, it was for office use only from
9:00 A. M. until 5:00 P. M.; however, for the past two weeks they have started
operations around 7:00 A. M. and between twelve and fifteen trucks have been
parked at the place of business. Mr. Gaskins wanted to know what could be done
about the problem. Mayor Porterfield stated he had received several telephone
calls in regard to the same complaint and asked Leon Hood, Building Inspector,
to get a copy of the Minutes when the property was rezoned and remind Mr. Phillips
of these restrictions, which included a buffer zone, and inform him he must
comply with all restrictions or cease operations. Councilman Earle Cochran
volunteered to accompany Mr. Hood to the premises on January 7, 1975.
Commercial building permits were submitted by building inspector Leon Hood and
upon his recommendations the following action is recorded:
(1) Mrs. Shirley Russell, 2659 Rollingview Drive, requested permission to build
an addition onto her peesent home extending to her property line adjoining 2642
Rollingview Drive which would require a nine foot variance. Mr. Hood presented
a letter signed by Mr. C. W. Shaw, Jr., owner of property location at 2642
Rollingview Drive, stating he had no objection to the addition. Councilman
Marston Tuck moved the request be approved if Mr. Shaw is the property owner
of the adjoining property. Councilman Jerry Mills seconded the motion which
carried by unanimous vote.
(2) Citgo Service Station, 2112 South Cobb Drive, requested permission to change
the station to a self service station. Mr. Hood stated the Fire Department had
reviewed the plans and made recommendations in writing as to all changes to be
made in order that the plans would comply with the ordinance on self service
stations. The request was approved on motion by Jerry Mills subject to the
approval not interferring with pending court action against the station for
operating thirteen days in December as a regular station and without a business
license. The motion was seconded by C. 0. Canada and carried by a six to one
vote. Marston Tuck opposed.
Councilman Forster Puffe reported that he had -received a recommendation from the
Department of Transportation on the traffic light at Spring Road and Campbell Road
but recommended the matter be referred back to the committee for further study.
Councilman Earle Cochran asked that the radio maintenance contract be referred back to
the committee since the Police and Fire Committee had not been able to meet -and make
recommendations on the contract.
Parks and Recreation Director, Lee Silver, reported that he had met with four
representatives of A. R. C. two weeks ago to discuss the New Community Development
Act. He stated that Smyrna was not one of the original grant cities entitled to
this grant; however, $1.7 million would be available to small cities in the metro
Atlanta area this year and some $6 million would be available next year.
Mayor Porterfield stated he would talk with John Kidd of Kidd and Associates this
week as to whether Smyrna is qualified to receive the grant, if favorable, working
session would be set up for 7:30 P.M., Monday evening, January 13, 1975.
Parks and Recreation Director Lee Silver reported that the motor graders were
working at King Spring Park at the present time and the work was ahead of schedule.
Mayor John Porterfield reported that not one commissioner was present at the Cobb
County tax Study Committee meeting and a second meeting :had been set up for Thursday,
January 9, 1975, at 7:30 o'clock.P. M., and he understood Mr. Ernest Barrett, Commission
Chairman, would be present. Mayor Porterfield and Councilman Homer Kuhl will attend
the January 9, 1975 meeting.
(Continuation of January 6th Minutes)
Forster Puffe, reporting for Bob Birchfield, stated that delinquent water and
sanitation accounts for apartments had been reduced from $34,421.75 to $11,298.75;
three apartment units had paid in full, two had promised to pay within the next
few days, and two complexes having financial problems had approched the committee
with plans to make payments. Bob Birchfield was requested to contact the owners
of the apartments who had riot paid giving them a schedule of time and how they are
to pay, or have the water discontinued.
Financial reports were discussed by Finance Chairman Homer Kuhl:
(1) Administratives Budget: Over on supplies and equipment contracts which
should balance out over a period of months.
(2) Garage Budget: Over on gasoline - the increase in price, not having been
included when the budgets were prepared. Mr. Kuhl is to check to determine if
prices have been lowered since November.
(3) Library: Mr. Kuhl has requested Mrs. Jones to hold her orders to approximat-
ely $500.00 to $600.00 for the next three months in order that she can stay with-
in the $1,000.00 per month allotted for books.
(4) Fire Department: Salaries in the budget were not set up to include three
pay periods in November and it will take a few months to balance out.
Tax Collections through December 31, 1974 were reported as $857,256.54, leaving a
balance of $128,351.00 uncollected.
On motion by Councilman Earle Cochran, seconded by Councilman Jerry Mills, the
November 4, 1974 minutes were adopted as submitted. Vote on the motion was un-
On motion by Councilman Forster Puffe, seconded by Councilman Jerry Mills, the
Minutes of November 18, 1974 were adopted as submitted. Vote on the motion was
On motion by Councilman Forster Puffe, seconded by Councilman Earle Cochran, the
minutes of December 2, 1974 were adopted as submitted and corrected. Vote on the
motion was unanimous.
On motion by Jerry Mills, seconded by Forster Puffe, the Minutes of December 16, 1974
were adopted as submitted. Vote on the motion was unanimous.
City Attorney Bert T. Tate had no report on the dog leash law as of this meeting.
Councilman Marston Tuck and Jerry Mills reported dogs running in packs in their wards,
and neither felt they had received the cooperation they should have from Cobb County.
Mayor John Porterfield stated he would find out what commissioner was in charge and
try to get him to meet with himself and Council on Saturday morning.
The Agenda
having been completed,
the following action
is reported:
(1) Mayor John Porterfield thanked each Councilman
for his support during the
past year and stated the following changes would be
made on the various committees
for the
year 1975:
Water Committee:
Forster Puffe
C. 0. Canada & Marston Tuck
E. R. Coalson
Earle Cochran, Marston Tuck
C. 0. Canada
Jerry Mills, E. R. Coalson
Marston Tuck
Jerry Mills, Forster Puffe
Civil Defense:
Marston Tuck
Jerry Mills, Homer Kuhl
Jerry Mills
Homer Kuhl, C. 0. Canada
Mayor John Porterfield reminded Council that the 33rd Cobb County Chamber of Commerce
Annual Meeting and Dinner would be held at the Hyatt Regency on January 17, 1975, at
7:00 o'clock P. M., and asked who could attend. Councilman C. 0. Canada, Forster
Puffe, Marston Tuck, Homer Kuhl, and the Mayor stated they would attend.
Councilmen were also reminded of the Governor's Inaguration, reception and Ball to be
held on January 14, 1975.
Mayor John Porterfield recommended that a Distinguished Service Award in honor of the
late Lt. James Crumbley be awarded to Mrs. Crumbley at the next Council Meeting.
Marston Tuck moved that Mrs. Crumbley be escorted to the meeting to receive the plaque
and to be escorted home. Jerry Mills seconded the motion which carried by unanimous
It was reported that W. R. Ridgley would be retiring at the end of the month and City
Hall was requested to notify each Councilman of the retirement date.
(Continuation of January 6, 1975 Minutes) 294
On motion by Councilman Jerry Mills, seconded by Forster Puffe, it was agreed that
Mayor and Council would send a Resolution asking that a public hearing he held on
discontinuance of "The Piedmont", effective January 31, 1975, between Washington,
D. C. and Atlanta, Georgia, at Toccoa, Georgia, Gainesville, Georgia and Atlanta,
Georgia. Vote on the motion was unanimous.
A meeting of the Police and Fire Committee was called for 10:00 A. M. Saturday
The meeting adjourned at 8:40 P. M.
January 20, 1975
The regularly scheduled mid -month meeting of Mayor and Council was held at City
Hall, Smyrna, Georgia, on January 20, 1975, and called to order at 7:30 o'clock
P. M. by presiding officer Mayor John C. Porterfield. All Councilmen were present.
Also present were L. W. Charles, City Clerk, Willouise Spivey, Asst. City Clerk
Nora Proctor, Clerk, Lee Silver, Director of Parks and Recreation, Leon Hood,
Building Inspector, J. E. David, Supt. Public Works, Gordon Harden, Counsultant
Engineer, and members of the press. Bob Burchfield was absent.
Invocation was given by Councilman Homer Kuhl.
Capt. Richard Waits, of the Metro Arson Investigators Association, presented a
Proclamation to Mrs. James D. Crumbley, in recognition of the outstanding job done
by the late Lt. James D. Crumbley, of the Smyrna Fire Prevention Bureau, in working
with the Metro Arson Association. Mayor John Porterfield, on behalf of the City of
Smyrna, also presented a plaque to Mrs. Crumbley in honor of the late Lt. Crumbley.
No one appeared before Council under Agenda Item, Reports from Citizens.
No commercial building permits were submitted for Council action.
Public.Works Supt. J�_E. David reported that sidewalks on Concord Road were about
one half completed and all work on the sidewalks should be completed in about one
week. Mr. David stated the clean up work would be done by the City and buffing out
of the stop signs on the street was in progress.
Councilman Marston Tuck reported the committee was in the process of securing bids
on the traffic light at Spring Road and Campbell Road and report would be submitted
at the next meeting.
A contract on maintenance of police and fire radio equipment was discussed. Police —
Committee Chairman Earle Cochran recommended that Motorola be given the contract for
$300.00 per month since all the equipment was Motorola; although Pro Service had sub-
mitted a bid of $214.00 per month for the two departments. Councilman Marston Tuck
moved that the contract be awarded, for the two departments, to the same company.
Councilman C. 0. Canada seconded the motion which carried by unanimous vote. Mr. Jim
Hiatt of Pro Service, stated that if an engineer was necessary, the engineer would
be secured at his expense. Councilman Forster Puffe stated that if Pro Service was
awarded the contract he would like for Mr. Hiatt to agree to no more than two hours
for a service call and four hours to have the equipment in operation again. Mayor
Porterfield stated this clause was included in the request for bids. Councilman
Marston Tuck moved that the contract for both the Police and Fire Departments be
awarded to Pro Service for $214.00 per month effective this date, for a period of
twelve months. Jerry Mills seconded the motion. The vote was six for the motion,
Earle Cochran opposed. The Attorney ruled that at any time Pro Service does not
comply to the specifications of the contract it may be cancelled.
Parks and Recreation Director, Lee Silver reported that 20% of the work at King
Spring Park, Phase I, was complete, and he was applying for a new B.O.R. contract
for Phase II.
Councilman Forster Puffe recommended in the form of a motion that delinquent water
and sanitation bills, due in most part, from people who had moved from the City, in
the amount of $2,140.43 be charged off as bad debts and turned over to a collection
agency, effective February 1, 1975. Jerry Mills seconded the motion which carried
by unanimous vote.
It was agreed that the delinquent accounts be turned over to C.A.B. Agency, headed
by Ed Chupp, at 50% of whatever he collects, effective February 1, 1975.