09-21-1970 Regular Meeting(Continuation of the September 8, 1970 meeting)
3 2
Councilman-C. 0. Canada commented on the garage budget stating'
several items had been charged to the garage that should have been c
capital; also work orders are no,(# being rdaintained and an
accurate rec6rd can be kept on each vehicle.
A complaint to Ward 5 Councilman C. 0. Canada by a citizen in his
ward on the f in6rease in taxi ratbs was brought before Council. It
was believ6&'the Smyrna Taxi CoTdpan�y,had changed ownership. This
matter'r'eferred-to D. Scott Jackson for checkout.
Councilman Hubert Black reported that he had received a reply
from the'gta-te'Highway Department regqrding the Christmas
decorations that had beien proposed for five entrances into the
City and,the request was denied.
Mayor ka ' rold L. Smith reported that the eight school patrol
ladies had now been transferred to Cobb County and the county
had agre48 to a6cept a grant frbm th6'City of Smyrna in the
amount of $4100 which was the amount budgeted for salaries and
uniforms for the school patrol from July 1 through December-31,
1970. on motion by Homer Kuhl, seconded b� Hubert Black, authoi-,ity
was granted to transfer the $4100 to Cobb County to cover salaries
and uniforms for the school patrol ladies through December 31, 1970.
City Attorn6y G. W. Carreker reported that he is currently working
on a shop lifting ordiance for the City of Smyrna and it will be
ready for the next Council meeting.
Mayor Harold L. Smith recommendeddthat Council set a date, at
this meeting, for a public hearing to be held at the earlie6t date
possible to make a change in the zoning ordinance which would
prohibit apartmentssbeing built on C class property. The date of
October 5, 1970, was called out as the date of the public heaiing
on motion by Marston Tuck. The motion was seconded by C. 0.,
Canada and v6ted unanimously. The petition was referred to the
City Attorney to prepard for advertisin��.
Fire Department Chatrman Ma:�stofnl Tuck re�orted 12 alarms during
the month of August with $640 damage.
Mr. Tuck also stated he would like to recommend in the form of
a motion that the Paleks and R6cre'ation'Department sent out bids
for two,rest robms, one in Cobb Park aAd 6hb in.Brinkley Park,
to be mailed September 15 and t9'-be opened in Council October 5,
1970. The motion was seconded"'by Hom6r Kuhl and voted unanimously.
Councilman J. C. Porterfield re�orted another bill had been
received from Travelers in the amount of $2,644; and this would be
the last bill under the assigned risk Policy covering the period
April 27, 1969 to Apkil 26, 1970.
On motion by Homer Kuhl, seconded by Marston Tuck, the 1970
audit was adopted as submitted. The vote was unanimous.
Meeting �djourned 10:35 P.M. -1
_111C."Ir -Is In, 811C. J'S IN"Ir
September 21, 197.0 ,
The regularly scheduled mid -month meeting of Mayor and Council
was held at City Hall, Smyrna,.Georgia, on September 21, 1970 at
7:30 otclock p.m. The meeting was called to order.by presiding
officer Mayor Harold L. Smith. All Councilmen were present except
C. 0. Canada -of Ward #c% Also_present: City Attorney G. W-. Carrbker,
D. Scott ' Jackson, J. E. David,,Leon Hood', Truett Grogan, V. M.
Broyles, and� 'a.-re,presentative-,of the Atlanta Journal, Marietta
Daily Journal and WBIE, I
(C'ontinuation of September 21, -1970 meeting)
Invocation w'as by Electrical Inspector Truett Grogan.
A Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Singleton were present. Mayor Harold
L. Smith related to Council the*story of how, due to a sewerage sto
stop up in the Mohawk Place area7, two residents had suffered
extensive damage due to sewage backing up into the lower levels
of two houses. He reported that'this had happened several
times in the -past and that J. E. 'David was in the process of
insta-11ing-a-check valve to insurei.thait this would not octur
A Mr. James'dhan_oler and John A. burry were present to conte's.,t-
the decision of Chief of Police Robert L. Drake in denying them
a permit to 6'erate a taxi within the.,corporate limits of the
p r
City of Smyrna. In discussion, hntd wiih their insistencel, Mayor
Harold L. Smith read and gave full details of their past,police
r 0 '6.
ec'rd Aft�r' furtl�er discussion amo'n'g'Council,'and upon
separa_te motions of Councilman J P. White, and on seconds by
Marston Tuck, the decision of ClHelf Robert L. Drake to deny
the taxi permitssof both James'"Chandler and John Curry was
uphpld'by unanimous votes.
Upon motlon,ot Homer Kuhl ana secnnd 'of J.'C. P - ort6rfield,
the vote was unanimous to accept the petition of Tenneco Oil
Company to annex the property located at the southwebt corner
of'U.S. Whighway and Hargrove'R6ad 'in LL 848 and 879, this.
property to'be made a part of Ward #1. The petitioner agrees
to abide by all ordinances, codes'and regulations o�f the city'
and to pay the City of Smyrna regular taxes for the year 1972
on this property, or an amount equivalent thereto for services
rendered. J
Mr. Tom Humphrey, representative of Tenneco Oil Company, was
present with the request that Tenneco be allowed to tie into
the City of Smyrna sewer facility'located within the Heritage
Trace Apartments complex. Mr. Humphrey stated that his company
had reached agreement with Kassuba Development Corporation
allowing them proper easements to tie into the City of Smyrna
sewer at'that point, entirely at Tenneco Oil Company's expense.
Mr. J. E. David stated that'he had checked plans submitted and
that everything seemed to be in order. Upon motion of
Homer Kuhl,'seconded by J. C. Porterfield, the vote was
unanimou I s I to"allow Tenneco to tie'into*t'he City of Smyrna,,
sewer system at their own expense and to waive the normal
City of §,myrna' sewer tap fee. Ail work connected with seiwei�
tie-in mentioned above to be done per specifications of the*
City of Smyrna and subject to ins ection by City Engineer.
A reiuest was made by Mrs. Lind " a Ross to i�ezone property located
at 871 Cherokee Trail from the pr6sent-District C commercial to
C-1, professional office. Upon*motion by Marston Tuck, and
on second by Arthur Bacon, hearing date for consideration of the
/I ezoning was set for October 5, 1970. Vote'on the motion wa's
Upon motion of Marston Wck, the City Attorney was requested
to draw up a lease for signing by the Mayor and City Clerk upon
receipt in City Hall of a registered plat of the property to be
used by the Smyrna Athletic Association, a 301 x 50t tract of
land located behinq and to the west of the tennis courts at
Ward Park. The motion further states that we lease this
property to the Smyrna Athletic Association for use, and only for
use by them, for the purpose of dressing rooms, storage facilities
and meeting facilities, and for the involvement of the youth of
this community 'for a period of ten' -years at'$1.00 per year with
a ten year renewal option; the Smyrna Athletic Association to
furnish the survey of the land -and it*any time the City so'
desires them to remove the building, a prefabricated metal type
structure, fronfthe City property, the SAA has the right to -a -
notice of 90 days and salvage rights of the building. The aboye
described motion of Marston Tuck,*'sedonded by J. P. White was
approved by unanimous vote.
Commercial building permits were submitted by building inspector
Leon Hood and upon his recommendations, the following action is
'(Continuation of September 21, 1970 meeting)
(1) Request by Mr. Tax to locate a trailer for office purposes
in the Belmont Hills Shopping Center'per plat submitted,
was appz!oved by unanimous v,ote on motion of J. C.
'Porterfiel� seconded by J.' P. White.
(2)=Request from Artistic Neon Sign Company to install 2k".
individual illuminated jetter�s'on front of building of the
Top Value Redemption Store spelling out Top Value Stamps.
The request was approved by unanimous'vote upon motion of
Marston Tuck, and second by ArtHur Bacon.
(3) Mr. Bob Seamon, as owner of Rain, Inc., and the architect,
Doug Allen, presented plans for a screen type fence to
be Installed in front of 578 Cherokee Road from four feet
in front of the house, this b6ing'within'the required 50'.
foot set back, Mr. Seamonrreque'sted a variance of require-
ment,s. After discussion among Mayor and Council &s to
intent and design and the exact location of said fence,
Mr. Seamon was told that he ebuld not eiect the fence�or,
-sign or add to the structure in any':way thns causing the
required 50 foot set back to -be infiinged upon. on motion
by Homer Kuhl, seconded by J. C. Porterfield, request for
variance in set back was denied by unanimous vote.
Committee report on bids for tires, tubes and service was deferred
until meeting of October 5. 1970.
Councilman Homer Kuhl motioned that we go into an agreement with
L.) Evan Wrecking Company, Marietta, Georgia, to remove the old
poli6e station'. -building and the property across the street
acquired by the City (formerly'known as the Brawner property)'
for the amount -of $2500-00. Motion was'seconded by Marston Tuck
and approved by unanimous vote.
J. E. David reported that the county'drag line had arrived and
work was in progress. He stated that the drag line was too large
to get into the Brookview Gardens drea but would start immediately
below the apartment complex. Mri. David agreed to �ry'to'get
the county�-,scoop which would be small en6ugh to get into the
Brookview Gardens complex.
Sanitation Supervisor Vic Broyles reported that appvoximately
800 -cans had been installed and most problems encountered with
the installation of the underground'garb_age cans.had been
ironed out. Mr. Broyles indicat� that progress was satisfactory
at prbsent.
Mr. 13royles,submitted-a rough draft of a proposed'sanitation
ordinance for the,City of Smyrna'requesting that Mayor and ,
Council review and make changes if necessary in order that the
ordinance may,be-approved at the October 5, 1970 meeting.
Mayor Smith referred the ordinance -to the sanitation committee to
meet with the City Attorney for checkout and report at the
October 5-Council,maeting.
Mayor Harold L.'Smith subtitted a draft of the proposed animal
control ordinance. After some disnussion of the ordinance it
was agreed to set -the penalty covered under Section 12'of the
ordinance of any person convicted of violation of the provisions
and terms of the -ordinance at a fine not exceed-$100.00 plus
cost. Mayor -Smith stated that the Attorne� had drawn up the
ordinance and he considered it to be proper and workable and
that such -changes as had been noted.by Council previously were
incorporated. Mayor Smith stated that an agreement would have
to be worked out with the county for them -to pick,�tup animals,
inside the corporate limits of Smyrha. :Upon motion of Homer,
Kuhl and on s,ecorid by Arthur Bacon, the attached animal control
ordinance was passed by unanimous vote, to be effective November
1, 1970.
City Att6r�ney G:I,W. Carreker pres'ented coples.of a Shop Lifting
Ordinance' --to Mayor and Council at the rqquest of Mayor H..L.
SrAth. Mayor Smith referred the'-o'rdinance'to a committee,made
up of tHe,City Attorney, the entire pol'ice'committee, police C'higf
and -judge for study and report back at the'October 5, 1970 mee-tin7g.
(Contfinuation of September 21, 1970 meeting)
Mayor Smitl�-re'pbrted that the ad' ha� been published nottfying
the -citizens of the hearing to,bq� he"ld at City Hall on
October 5.,-1970'concerning�the'-prop6�e,d amendr�ent.to regu'la-
tions,contained in Section 6'and IQ 6f the �myrna
Comprehenslve� Zoning Ordinance..
Mayo.rl Smith 2�eported that the- new gar_age,-building was
progressiiig-an'd that he.would have a report at the next
meeting.- I
Councilman Homer Kuhl presented preliminiary plans to'Council
for ieview ' 'dftthe Love Street - Conc6rd Road connector
advis ' ing Council that there were -several areas that shou-1d
be carefully'studies before Coiincil approvIal of the plans --
In particiiiar,,he mentioned such areas as the inte'rsectio'n* of
Medlin7Street and Concord Road. 'doahcilman'Kuhl stated ' -
that it 'was believed by he and-bther members of the committee
that"we 'could work out something to use less right-of-way
on the -southwest cornerthereby enroaching less on :bhe . I
Roberson�'prioperty._ Also mentiohed were such deta"ils as the
relocation*of utilities both above and below ground and
who would be responsible for the expense of moving same.
In-�regard to -detouring of traffic,while Concord Road is
closed for construction Mr. Kuhl stated that the recommen-
dation thus far was a pa'ir of one way streets, making Church
Street one way in an eastward direction and'Bank Street one
way in -a western direction, with'p�oper signalization at the,
City's expense 'to handle the bvel-16ad,of,,traffic on these
streets. Counc�ilman Kuhl-movd�-thait we approve the preliminary
plans with the changes that haVe be,en'mefitioned to be worked
out with the people involved. The motion was ieconded by
Hubert Black and approved on unani mous vote.
Councilman Homer Kuhl reported that the coraiiittee composed of
himself, J. C.'Porterfield, C. 0. Canada, and Mayor Harold ',
L. Smith -met w'ith Mayes, Sudderth & Etheredge, Inc., Consultant
Engineers, in an effort to get proposals from them for providing
an engineering service to the City. The engineering firm presented
were,th,ose Pontaining all the amendments that Council had
suggested. Afte - r discussion among Council, a motion was made by
Homer Kuhl, secohded by J. C.'Pbrterfield, to authorize Mayor
Smith to sign the -contract; therefore, going into agre.ement with
Mayes, Sudderth'and Etheredge, Consulting Enginee'ring Company,
to represent the City of Smyrna in all engineering areas, effective
October 1, 1970. (This agreement -to be made a part of Minutes
of thi's meeting.) Mayor Smith stated that we would be gaining'
services now�desired, but now lacking, at somewhat less cost
to the City. He also stated that we had been promised more
prompt attention in all engineering matters.
Mayor Smith stated that Cobb County had 6ompleted the design
work necessary on the Atlanta Street wiaening and that Mayor
and Council had tentatively approved the design work at an,
informal meeting held one S ' aturday morning a few weeks back -
and that J. E. David had been n6t1fied to have Rensley-Schmidt
pick up the design work from the''county,and prepare the
necessary plats and surveys aliowiiig us to proceed with the
Atlanta -Street �roject. The Mayor state'd'it had been three
weeks since Hensley -Schmidt had been -notified but to
his knowledge.Hensley-Schmidt had not contacted or ptcked up
the design wohk from the count' and started on the project.
On motion by Mar"'ston Tuck, second by'Hubert Black, and voted
unanimously, Councilman Kuhl was given full authority to cancel
contract awarded to Hensley -Schmidt on the Atlanta Street project,
if, upon checli on September 22, 1970 he found that Hensley- .
Schmidt not already started said project. Upon cancellation of
the contract with Hensley -Schmidt as mentioned above, the motion
also gave authority to Mr., Kuhl t�o award the c6ntract to
Mayes,- Sudderth ' and Etheredge Consultant Engineers. The Mayor
stated that a- copy of the contract would-be put on file and
made available'to all Councilmenupon signing by bo,.t
�h parties.
Councilman Homer Kuhl stated that the street committee had
reviewed.the situation at Ann Road and Nancy Circle and had
found that fairly extensive repaft work needed to be done. The
(Continuation of September 21, �976 meeting)
Committe also determined that it was the liability of the City
at this time to make such repairs. Councilman,Kuhl stated that
be bad gotten a cost estimate and that,the bid in the amount -
of $2837-90 from C. W. Matthews Contracting Company was
within that cost estimate and considered by the committee to
be a good price. On motion by Homer Kuhl, seconded by J. P.
White, the contract was awarded to C. W. Matthews Contracting
Company in the amount of $2837-90 for repair to Nancy Ci,r1cle
and Ann Road. The motion was approved on unanimous vote..
Councilman J. C. Porterfield reported that he had contacted
Dr. A:btress recommended the standard Insurance physical plus
andelectrocardiogram and chest x-ray; the chest x-ray could be
obtained from the county health center at no charge. Dr.
Artress further stated hisfee for a physical would be $15-00,
plus $10.00 for electrocardibgram, makihg a total of. $25-00.—
A motion was made by J. C. Porterfield, secoAded by Marston Tuck,
that we require said pre -employment physicals on all fire and
police employees, to be effective immediately. Vote on the
motion was unanimous. (Physical to be taken' after the Civil
Service Board has,recommended employment of incTividual.)
Ll� -
It was reported by J. E. David that the Bobanon Creek digester
had been cleaned out, certain valves replaced, and all work
under the contract should be completed this week.
On motion '6y J C. Porterfield, seconded by Homer Kuhl the
minutes of Aug�st 3 and Aiigust 17, 1970 meetings were approved
as submitted and corrected. The vote was unanimous.
D. Scott Jackson stated that he had checked the taxi rates
being used against those approved by Council found in the
minutes of 2-16-70 and could find no differences. I
Mayor Harold L. Smith stated that he had received a proposal
from Public Research and Management, Inc., an Atlanta firm,
regarding Charter revisions and Ordi ' nance codifications
for the City of Smyrna at a cost not to exceed $6,840-00.
Mayor Smith appointed Hubert Black, Chairman, J. P. White,
D. Scott Jackson and himself to study the proposal and
report back at the first meeting in November 1970.
J. E. David reported that the street sweeper was in operation.
Councilman J. C. Porterfield stated that he had received a
report from Fred Gillespie, North American Life and Casuilty
Company, stating that there would be no additional premium for
hospitalization coverage that cur employees now have; however,
said letter quoted additional rates required to provide for
additional services that had been mentioned to the agent by
some City employees. Mayor Smith asked Councilman Porterfield
to study the report and make his recommendations at the October
5, 1970 meeting.
Mayor Harold L. Smith read a copy of attached letter from
Plumbing Inspector W. L. Westbrook to Daniel Plumbing & Heating
Company concerning the last 160 feet of sewer line at Wills
High School installed by above named company contvary to thia
wishes of the plumbing inspector and covered up without
inspection. Mayor Smith stated that Mr. Westbrook had not
received any reply from Daniel Plumbing and Heating Company
and was concerned about further problems that the City might
become involved with. Councilman J. C. PoPterfield agreed to
take the letter and check with Jimmy Howard of the Cobb County
Board of Education to see what action they had taken and to
request the Board of Education to withhold payment until
corrections are made.
Councilman Marston Tuck read a letter from A. P. Black, President
of the Georgia State Firemen's Association, asking that Assistant
Fire Chief, Don Atkinson, serve as District Vice President of
the 7th Congressional District for the year 1970-71.
Mayor Harold L. Smith stated that he had received a proposal
from Technical Programming Associates for providing computer
services to the City of Smyrna. Referred to Hubert Black
for Study and report back.
& 1
(`�Co tinua,tion.of September 21, 1970 meeting)
Motion,was made to adjourn by,Horder Kuhl, seconded by Arthur-
Bacon..,;The tim6 10:07 P.M.
Next Coun�ll �eeting October '5'-, 1'970'.
7717": ILMAY W =2
P 0 BOX 163
SMYRNA, GA., 30080
PHONE 436-6288
AO'IKX 030AL 4010=
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P. 0 BOX 163
PHONE 436-6268
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SMYRNA�. GA., 30080
P 0 BOX 163
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�HONM 438-6288'
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(Adopted 9-21-70 Meeting).