07-01-1968 Regular Meeting152
JULY 19 1968
The regular meeting of Mayor and Council per City of Smyrna Charter
was held.at City Hall July 1; 1968.. The meeting was called to
order at 7:30 o!clock•P. M. by Mayor G. W: Kreeger. All Council
Members in attendance, also, Building Inspector C. M. Hamby, Public
Works Superintendent J.-E. David, Tax Assessor D. Scott Jackson,
and the press. -L. W. Charles, City Clerk, absent on vacation.
In the first order of business, the zoning petition of R. C. Louder-
milk and A. P. Jones cache up for hearing. The petition requested
the applicants property, lying and being in land lot 810 of the
17th District and on the.east side of Woodruff Drive, be rezoned
from R-l-to C-1 commercial. The petitioners.were represented by
Mr. W. 0. Moore, Agent. There was no one present in opposition
of,the above zoning. -A motion by J. B. Ables to rezone said
property from R-1 to C-1 commercial was seconded by Councilman
Bill Stewart and approved by unanimous vote.
On the recommendation.of the building inspector, the following
permits were approved for issuance on unanimous vote:
1. One 5'x6' lighted sign on Thrift Way Food Store, Approved for
issuance on motion by J. B. Ables, seconded by C. 0. Canada.
2. A 61x9' building for Star Photo pick.up station to be erected
at Belmont Hills Shopping Center. Approved for issuance on
motion by C. W. Armour, seconded by Bill Stewart.
Bids on the East Side Apartment project were not available for
opening.. This item deferred.until July 15 meeting; however, Mr.
Waldrop of Hensley -Schmidt reported that he had worked up some
tenative figures. $29,000 for sewer and.force main and $31,500
for the paving of the 28 foot wide road for a total of approximately
$60, 500-.
A report was . given__by. Homer Kuhl as to_ findings of the committee
appointed by Mayor Kreeger to investigate stipulations.set forth in
a letter from Dr. Thompson of the Cobb County Health Department
concerning conditions at the Belmont Inn -Restaurant. It was re-
ported by Mr. Kuhl.that.contrary to statements made by Mrs. Burnside,
the owner, conditions still existed such as stove vents clogged and
stove generally dirty. Mr. Kuhl's inspection was made June 18, 1968.
Mr. Kuhl stated that the present owners were in the process of selling
out and it was recommended .that Mr. Kuhl inform the new owners or
prospective buyers of existing conditions.
J. E. David reported that curbs at Powder 'Springs and Ward Streets
had been back.fiiled and work was completed.
A report was made by Mr. Hamby of the findings of the committee
appointed by Mayor Kreeger to investigate existing conditions at
one house on Ventura Place -and one house on Elizabeth Street. Mr.
Hamby stated that the house on Elizabeth Street was beyon4, repair
and should be condemned; however, there was some question as to the
owner. Mr. Kreeger asked Scott Jackson to check out owndrship and-.
report back, further action to be taken at that time.. Mr. Hamby
said that -the house on Ventura Place could be repaired to satis-
factory condition without major expenditures and recommended that
the owner be required to repair and clean up premises. Councilman
C.-O. Canada -stated that cars had been moved, grass cut, and
windows boarded up as of June 30. This action on the Ventura
Place location was considered satisfactory at,present. '
Councilman C. W. Armour -reported that he had had Mr. Broyles check
out and report on the washing of Complete Garbage -trucks near the
creek bank resulting in garbage floating downstream. -into the City
Park. Mr. Broyles stated that in his estimation these conditions
did not exist, that trucks were washed-out on the -inside before
leavin* the county dump and that outside washing of the trucks was
approximately three hundred feet from creek and that water should
be absorbed by the ground before reaching creek. Mr. Armour also
reported that a letter had been received from Cobb County Health
Department, Mr. James M. Womack, which agreed with the findings of
Mr. Broyles and.according to Mr. Womack's letter, sanitation con-
ditions of the Smyrna Hills Drive location were satisfactory.
(Continuation of July 1, 19618 Meeting)
On motion by Mr. John Porterfield and seconded by Homer Kuhl, it
was voted unanimous to transfer $5,000 from'the General Fund to
the Extension and Construction Fund. Main items causing deficit
were Argyle Estates service lines and fittings and meter boxes
from Griffin -Foundry.
Mayor Kreeger stated that he had received a letter from the State
Highway Department, Mr. W. S. Derrick, -concerning the request of
the City .of _Smyrna for permission to change, operating 'schedule of
the signal at South Cobb -Wisteria Lane and McCauley Road. The
letter generally -stated that according to traffic count there was
not sufficient flow of_traffic at this time to warrant any changes
in operating schedule by the State Highway Department..
Departmental budgets for the fiscal year 1968-69 were approved
as follows:
Civil Defense
Treatment Plant
Total.1968-69 General -Fund
Operating Budget
$ 1359201.00
58 203.50
• $ 8159638450
The above on motion of Councilman Homer Kuhl, seconded by John`
Porterfield, and voted unanimous. --
Clerical __part-time in, the water_department�.budget *as changed-_ from
$1,170 to $800.. The $8.00 .:to beset _up as ' follows :. $200 each month
for the months of July' August, January and February.
On motion by Homer Kuhl the Water Department Bud et for 1968-69
was -approved -in the amount of $267,042.18, plus 18,350..00 capital,
making a total of $275,391.18.
Adoption of the new Police and Fire Department wage scale was on
motion of J.. B. Ables, seconded by Homer Kuhl, and_made a part of
Minutes of above dated meeting as follows: r
Chief - $50.00.per month above Assistant Chief - Maximum $750.00
As8t. Chief - $50.00-per month above highest Capt. or.Sgt.-Max. $700.00
Capt. or Sgt.-$50...00 per month above highest.Patrolman - Max. $650.00
Patrolman - $450.00 minimum - $600.00 maximum'
Personnel -now employed will receive increases�as shown on attached
work sheet. An annual increase _of $25.00.'on July 1--each year tbre-
after until they reach maximum.
All salary increases will be made on -January 1 and July 1. To be
eligible for an increase on either of these dates an employee must
have"worked at least one f{ill-quarter•prior to the date. Subject
to this condition a new employee will receive'two $25.00 increases
during his -first year then become eligible -for an annual increase
until he reaches -the maximum.
Motion by Homer Kuhl, seconded by J. B: Ables; to adjourn. The
time 8:08 P. M.