06-28-1971 Called MeetingQ9 ' (CONTINUATION OF ,DUNE 21, 1971 MEETING) . $890.80, and Hunber-Knepshield, $609.00. Vote on.the,motion was unanimous. _. Councilman Homer Kuhl motioned that the treasury bills totaling $335,000.00 maturing at the Bank of Smyrna Thrugday, June 21�, 1971, be rolled over at 4.94 percent to mature December 23, 1971,: Motion seconded by J,;u P. White and voted unanimously. J i •J Meeting adjourned 11:00 P. M. Called meeting, Monday, June 28, 1971. J imam 28, 19711 A called meeting of Mayor and Council was held in City Hall, Smyrna, Georgia, dt 7:00 o1cl6ck P.M., June 28, 1971, for'the purpose of approving the budgets for'the fiscal year•'1971-72, All Council Members were present�^.except C.Q. Canada of' Wbxrd #5- and. J. P. White of Ward #2. Invocation was given by Councilman Hubert Black. Finance Chairman�Hube'rt Black called out tYie total' amount of each d.ppartment budget as follows: ` 1971-72 Budgets Administrative $ 186.0519.42 J u Garage 76,967.60 j Library _ ' 41,956.08 Maintenance 48,032,44 Civil Defense_ 16,884..36 Streets 112,817.84 Police 271,712.86 Fire _ 2.01,183.44 77 • �_ Sanitation 194,368.20 Sewerage Treatment 51,574.76 Parks 91, 566.14 v $i;294.,383.14 Water ' $ '351,573.04 The new pay scale for the police and fire departments was discussed. Councilman Homer Kuhl stated `that'he was'not entirely satisfied with the amount of the budgets and the amount of some... of the raises, and was not sure this was the solution to some of our problems; however, Mr. Kuhl further stated ' he was` for the up -grading of the positions and'the personnel if we can get the job done. Mr Kuhl was of the opinion that during the.next few months a close contact should be maintained with these departments to see that the proper job is done for the fnoney-being paid out, Mayor Harold Smith stated he had already discussed this matter with Lt. Young and a meeting'of'Mayor and Council with each department would be held telling them what will be expected_'of the two departments. (CONTINUATION OF JUNE 28, 1971 TING) 393 A meeting was scheduled for this purpose on Thursday night, July 8, 1971; the meeting with fire department personnel was set for 6:30 otclock P.M. at the fire station, and 7:00 o'clock. P.M. with police department personnel at the police station. Councilman Homer Kuhl further commented that not a very large contingency fund is set up; therefore, he hoped that all department heads would watch their budgets carefully, and stay within the budgets at all times. Counci-loran Hubert Black stated he thought all budgets were realistic and he did not believe any of the budgets should operate in the red during; the next fiscal year. --t The new pay scale -.for the police and fire departments is as follows: Fi re` Dept.. Pot ice Dept.. Starting 3 Mos. 1 Yr. 2 Yrs. 3 Yrs. 4 Yrs. ¢ 1_0 15 5 Yrsr.+ Yrs Yrs 28 Yrs. i Fireman Policeman $500 $525 $550 $575 $600 $625 $650 5% 3% 2% Lt. Sgt. 600 -- 630 t. 660 690 720 750 5% 3% 2% Capt. Lt. 650 -, 680 710 740 770 800 5% 3% 2% 41 L0 M Chief, Capt. 700 -- 730 760 790 820 850 5% 3% 2% Chief Chief 750 -- 780 i 810 -840 870 - 900 �— '5* 3% - 2%. Annual raises will be on the first of the month, following service anniversary, except those employees who's sei"vice aniversary falls on the first day of the month at which time schedule raises will be effective. An additional $15.00 monthly will be paid to the following: Police: Detectives (2.); Fire: Fire Inspectors (2.), Engineers (2), Secretary (1). NOTE: It was the intent of the salary review committee, as appointed by the Mayor, that at each increase in starting salary, an across the board raise, of like amount, be granted to all police and fire personnel. Councilman MarstonrJuck motioned the budgets be adopted along'with the pay scale as submitted. The motion was seconded by Hubert Black and voted unanimously. -� Mayor Harold Smith stated individual increases in the other departments would be submitted at the July 6, 1971 meeting. Mayor Harold Smith stated he had hoped to report a recommendation on the sewerage problem on the east side; however, in the absence of Joe Sims it might be necessary to get together informerly to agree on something regarding this project. Mayor Smith also stated he had discussed the Atlanta Street project with Commissioner Ernest Barrett who insisted that county had not been accepted by the St6te Highway Department.. Mayor Smith said Mr. Barrett would contact Joe Sims this week and report back to him before the next Council -meeting, Tuesday, July 6, 1971. Finance Chairman Hubert Black motioned that $80,000 be transferred from the General Fund inves-tment to the Water Revenue Fund investment in payment of a loan made in November 1970. The motion was seconded by Homer Kuhl and voted unanimously. a Meeting adjourned 7:57 P.M. ARTHUR T. BACON, COUNCI Y. 3 C.O. CANADA, OUNCIL N WARD 9, 44CK, CO=ILMAN 14TARD-7-- r ' 1 1 � I ' -CITY _GLETK • VVV ). O [ Cr (t j 7 J. F. WHITE,COUEGILMAN WARD7— HOVERi CJA . D�:6 JULY 6, 1971 r Pursuant to the Charter; a(regula,r meeting of -Mayor and',Council, City of Smyrna, was held at City Hall, Smyrna, Georgia, on July 6, i'71•. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M. by presiding officer Mayor Harold L. Smith. All Councilmen were..present. Also present: City Clerk L. W. Charles, City Attorney G. W. Carreker•, Tax Assessor D. Scott Jackson, Public Works Supt. J. E. David, N. Proctor,[ George Hardy of Mayes, Sudderth and Etheredge, and a representative of the Marietta Journal and WBIE. Invocation was by Councilman Hubert Black. - In the first order of business, Attorney Charles Cole, rep,resen,ting Miss Nancy Dunlap, operator of .the-"Pet-A-Torium", located at 2670 South Cobb Drive, stated he thought complaints in regard to dogs being kePt overnight on the premises and being a nuisance to residents in the area.; was mostly due to a misunderstanding between the former owner and Miss Dunlap as to the type business permitted under the business license issued by the City,. -A-peti.tion signed by approximately 150 people favoring the continued opera^tion,by Mi;ssaDunlap,(and —` an..agreement as to how the-bus'knes5ould.be conducted i•n the future, were Isubmtt-ted to Council _,__Lt.>tvas the. consensu�sr,of, Mayor'. and Council 4 that- if M-i ss) Y Dun1'ap operates the . bus i ness':as ca_l 1'ed out_ in the agreement , there would ' be, no cause for complaints® The agreement called out the following: (1) Grooming services (which include bathing, clipping and general grooming of animals belonging to others); (2) Sale of pet supplies (whi-ch would include any items involved in the care, maintenance and feeding of petsl; (31t,,.Sale of those dogs belonging to.said Owner, including the puppies -of said dogs; but that said Owner would limit adult dogs permanently on the premises to not more than 10; (4) Stud services, but no female dogs belonging to,others would be kept on said premises overnight; (5) No boarding of dogs on a commercial basis; however, dogs to be groomed may, for convenience, be kept on the premises overnight; (6) Dogs would be allowed only in front of the said premises. ZONING HEARINGS Action on five zoning hearings is recorded as follows: 1. The Paul Champion property located on Roswell Road, Land Lot 634, was rezoned from county district C to R-2 City of Smyrna. There was no opposition to the rezoning. On motion by Councilman Homer Kuhl the property was rezoned as advertised. The motion was seconded by Hubert Black. The vote was six to one,