05-04-1970 Regular MeetingMAY 4, 1970 r
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Thr regular meeting of Mayor and Council was held pursuant
to the Charter in City Hall, Smyrna, Georgia, May 4,1970,
at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Mayor Harold L. Smith presided and all
Council Members were present. Staff members present: D.
Scott Jackson, J.E. David, N. Proctor, W.M. Broyles, C.C.
Porterfield, Elmer Wester, Leon Hood and Truett Grogan.
Also in attendance were John Irish of the Atlanta Journal,
and a representative of the Marietta press and WBIE. City
Clerk L.W. Charles absent due to illness.
Invocation was given by Councilman Hubert Black of Ward No. 7.
Mayor Harold L: Smith noted the first item on the agenda
under Citizen Repouts referred to Mr. Pete Mangum who had
requested the City purchase an ad in the Cobb County Directory
end Guide. The Mayor stated no action had been taken at the
present time; however, consideration would be given the
request and Mr. Mangum would be notified of the decision
at a. later date.
Mr. Phagan Durham, 1510 Spring Street, appeared before
Council in regard to a citation to appear in Recorder's
Court on April 30,1970. As a result of the court citation,
Mr. Durham was given one week to move a Welsh pony outside
21J the city limits. Mr. Durham stated he has had the pony for
W more than ten years, that the Cobb County Health Department
has inspected his property and approved of the horse being
U kept on the premises, and also that since the horse was
purchased prior to the time the original horse ordinance
was adopted, he felt the grandfather clause should apply
and he should be allowed to keep the pony on his property.
Afte.rifurther discussion, J.C. Porterfield motioned that
the citation issued to Mr. Durham be withdrawn, based on
past action in this case, and the grandfather clause applyt
to this particular horse. The motion was seconded by
C.O. Cand.da. The vote was six for the motion; J.P. White
Councilman Marston Tuck introdueed a Mr. East of Ward.No. 1
who stated his son had raised chickens as a 4-H project
and recently a neighbor had complained of the odor. Mayor
Smith referred the matter to City Attorney for checkout
of city ordinance and Mr. Tuck to follow through; -.and -notify
Mr. East of decision.
Mrs. H.E. Puckett appeared before Council with request for
sewerage on Birch Street. J.E. David reported he is working
on cost estimates at.this lime and Mayorr•Harold L. Smith
stated he hoped money could be set up in the new fiscal
budget to cover this expenditure.
Mrs. Picklesimer of Birch Street complained of a bad drainage
problem caused by the slope of land since Potter & Company
and Sexton Tire Company had built their new buildings on
South Cobb Drive. This item referred to City Engineer for
Councilman Arthur Bacon reported on underground garbage
containers stating the'sanitation committee had studied the
system thoroughly and the committee had agreed unanimously
that the underground system should be installed. Mr. Bacon
further motioned we adopt the underground garbage system
contingent upon it being in final approved budget. The
motion was seconded by Hubert Black. Councilman J.g. White
reported he had mailed out questionnaries regarding the
underground system'and fifty-two were against and forty-one
for the new system. He also listed several objections to
the system and stated he could not vote for it until all
financial priorities were established. Mr. Gabel of Roswell
Street reported he thought the new system would be one of
the best things we could have. Vote on the motion to
install the underground system was six to one, J.P. White
(Continuation of May 4, 1970 Meeting)
Commercial building permits were brought before Council by
building inspector Leon Hood as follows:
1. Thomas W. Smith, 1015 Hillsdale Street, request for waiver
of one foot from side property line. Affidavit was
submitted by adjoining property owner that he had no
objection.. Motion by C.O. Canada to approve the
variance -was seconded by J.C. Porterfield and voted
2. Alterman Bros., renovate Big Apple Store, So. Cobb and
Jones Shaw. Name to be changed to Food Gian. Renovatmn
involves moving counters and building overhang on front
of store for sign. Approved unanimously on motion by
J. C. Porterfield, seconded by C.O. Canada.
3. Smyrna Phillips 66Love at Atlanta Street, repair
concrete wall and roof area. Approved on motion by
Marston Tuck, seconded by J.P. White. The vote was
4. Food Giant, So. Cobb and Jones Shaw, replace sign in
front of store. Approved unanimously on motion by
Marston Tuck, seconded by J.P. White.
5. Restaurant Nest Door, South Cobb Drive, sign above
building. Approved unanimously on motion by J.P. White,
seconded by J.P. White.
Next item on the agenda was opening of sealed bids for new
chairs for Council Members as follows:
10 Chairs- Black Mfg. Co. #106-SC Each Total
Office Sales and Service $80.00 $800.00
Ivan Allen $89.90 $899.00
Hallmart Office Supply $68.58 $685.80
Hubert Black moved we accept the low bid of Hallmart Office
Supply Company in the amount of $685.80 Motion seconded
by Homer Kuhl and voted unanimously.
Councilman J.P. White reported that two police patrol
cars could be purchased from Newnan Motor Company at the
same price cars are sold to the State Patrol, $2355.25
each. Marston Tuck motioned we waive the bid procedure
of purchasing police cars. The motion was seconded by
J. P. White and the vote was unanimous. J.P. White theh
motioned that the City purchase two new police cars from the
Newnan Motor Company at $2355.25 each with the understanding
the Plymouth would be sold after delivery of the new cars.
Delivery expected to be within four to six weeks. The
motion was seconded by Homem.Kuhl and voted unanimous.
Joe Bork of Hensley -Schmidt, Inc. reported some work had
been done on a new estimate for the Eastside sewage
facility; however, he had no figures to submit at this
Mayor Harold L. Smith read a letter dated April 30,1970 from
Hensley -Schmidt, Inc. listing non-conformance to subdivision
regulations on final plat of Unit Four of Green Forest
Subdivision, such as, (1) bearing or deflection angles should
be shown on interior lot line:;�, (2) drainage easement should
also serve as utility easement, (3) drainage and utility
easements should be tied in by dimensions to lot lines or
lot corners for lots 10 thru 14, (4) location and description
of survey monuments or iron pins should be indicated, plus
other recommendations. Mayor Harold L. Smith referred
above to City Attorney, Building Inspector and J.E. David
to work with the developer in making corrections, and
report back to Council at next meeting.
The modular home ordinance was deferred to next meeting.
(Continuation of May 4,1970 Meeting)
Councilman Homer Kuhl -reported he had talked to Mr. Parish
of the State Highway Department and we should have re-
quirements for rights -of -way on Love Street and Concord
Road in about two weeks. Mr. Kuhl stated he had redeived
a lqbter regarding requirements of rights -of -way on Atlanta
Street and motioned that we authorize Hensley -Schmidt, Inc.
to start drawing up plats and surveying of the 35 parcels
on Atlatna Street from Love to Old Spring at a cost of
$3500.00. The motion was seconded by J.P. White and
voted unanimously. Concerning other road projects, Mr.
Kuhl stated South Cobb Drive has been completed except for
the y&llow lines which would require a waiting period of
three to four weeks, also there was a possibility the
third lane could be extended further south from Hess
Service Station to Grant City property.
Dredging of Stonecreek from Brookview Apartments to Old
Concord Road was the next item discussed. J.E. David
reported Mr. Logan had been contacted regarding easement
through his property; however, before the county could
begin dredging the trees would have to be cleared out. On
motion by Hubert Black, seconded by Arthur Bacon, an ex-
penditure up to $500 was authorized for cutting down
the trees; the cost to be paid from State Grants fund.
Vote on the motion was unanimous.
J.F. David reported the drainage problem, Creatwood and
Navaho had been taken care of; correction of the problem
with the creek at 3418 and 3422 Creatwood Trail in progress;
and the pipe had been installed on Alexander Street.
Councilman John C. Porterfield reported another meeting had
been scheduled for Saturday, 10:00 A.M., on the employee
retirement plan, at which time, a representative of the
insurance company would be present to answer any questions;
also, in regard to tha Workmen's Compenshtion insurance, the
City is covered, premium to be paid upon receipt of bill.
City Attorney I.W. Carreker reported: (1) work in progress
on letter from Civil Defense Director regarding liability
insurance coverage; (2) the petition fbr annexation of land
on Pat Mell Road is ready for signatures. Mayor Harold L.
Smith will contact John Fowler regarding signing of the
petition; (3) the dog leash ordinance in work.
The malt beverage application for Mrs. Virgina';, Knight,
Old Hickory House, (formerly Hickory Corral) was approved
on motion by .Arthur Bacon,'seconded by J.-Z. White. The
vote was five to two. Voting for the motion, Arthur Bacon,
J.P. White, J.C. Porterfield, C.O. Canada and Marston Tuck.
Voting against the motion Homer Kuhl and Hubert Black.
Mayor Harold L. Smith reported the defective plumbing in
the police station had been corrected.
Janitorial service for City Hall, police station, library
and Jonquil Room was discussed in Council. On motion by J.P.
White, seconded by Marston Tuck, authorization was given for
letting of separate bids for above buildings. Vote on the
motion was unanimous. Mayor Harold L. Smith named Hubert
Black, Chairman, J.P. White and Marston Tuck as a committee
to secure the bids for opening June 1, 1970.
It was reported by Mayor Smith that the cost of the sidewalks
on Reed Road was approximately $19,000. In checking with
the county he learned there was $9,000 in the sidewalk
bond fund that was allocated to Smyrna that had not been
used. This item on agenda for May 5, 1970 Commission
meeting and no problem forseen in recovery of the $9,000.
J.C. Porterfield reported the safe driving classes for the
police department had been completed and classes for the
fire department and other drivers would be completed May 12.
(Continuation of May 4,1970 Meeting)
Mr. Hicks of North American Aerosol Company appeared before
Council asking that his company be given a ten day extension
to purchase business license due to the owner of the company
being out of town for that length of time. Arthur Bacon
motioned the extension of ten day be granted. The motion
was seconded by Marston Tuck and voted unanimous. In further
discussion of delinquent licenses, City Attorney G. W. Carreker
stated we can not legally hold up a business license for
payment of ad valorem tax. Citations were authors-ked
to be issued by the police deparment for business licenses
only. On motion by Marston Tuck, seconded by Homer Kuhl,
authority was granted to issue'Fi-Fa's for delinquent ad
valorem taxes and advertise property for sale. Vote was
unanimous. Councilman J.P. White was asked to select one
person in the police department to checkion business licenses.
Councilman Hubert Black reported that Allstate Insurance
Company did not have a business license and had refused
to pay premium tax as set up in the city ordinance., Referred
to chairman of the police committee for appropriate action.
On motion by Marston Tuck,,seconded by C.O. Canada., and voted
unanimously, permission was given for the First United
Methodist Church to hold a'rummage sale at Belmont Hills
Shopping Center May 9, 1970.
Councilman Hubert Black requested budgets for all departments
be handed to him at next Council meeting.
Councilman Marston Tuck motioned that we purchase the rescue
unit for the fire department as per sealed bid received April
6 from the low bidder John Smith Chevrolet in Atlanta. This
item to be included in next fiscal budget but must be
ordered before May.9. The price $3165.77 with trade in.
The motion was seconded by Arthur Bacon and voted unanimously.
Councilman Marston Tuck also motioned that Council reverse
the decision of April 20, 1970 and purchase the new pick
up truck for the parks deparment from Trade City Motor Com-
panyrather than John Smith Chevrolet since Trade City would
allow $250.00 for trade in of 1951 Ford truck with option
that the City of Smyrna oould repurchase the 1951 Ford
truck for $220.00, plus the fact the City would have a five
year warranty. with Trade City Motor Company. The motion
was seconded by Hubert Black. Motion Carried. For the
motion Marston Truck, Hubert Black, J.P. White, Arthur
Bacon. Voting against the motion, Homer Kuhl and J.C.
Porterfield. C.O. Canada abstained. Delivery of the truck
to be made after June 1, 1970; however, to be paid from
the current budget.
In further action, Councilman Marston Tuck, (1) reported
the Fire Department answered 54 alarms during April, (2)
submitted a letter from Castellaw Funeral Home offering am-
bulance service to the City of Smyrna on a no charge
basis for standby emergency service, (3) submitted letter
from Mr. W.C. Burger, Chairman of the Merit Board, recommending
that Lester Dilbeck and Dennie C. Stone be promoted to the
rank of lieutenant, effective July 1, 1970. Councilman
Marston Tuck motioned that these two men be promoted to the
rank of lieutenant, effective July 1, 1970. The motion
was seconded by J.P. White and voted unanimous. (4) reported
old automobiles, tires and automobile parts at 1380 Roswell
Street. Referred to chairman of the police committee. (5)l,
requested permission to organize soft ball team comprised
of city employees. On Motion By C.O. Canada, seconded by
Marston Tuck, this referred to parks and recreation
committee with authority to act. Voted unanimous.
J.C. Porterfield motioned Sanford Place be made one way
effective the day school is out. Motion seconded by C.O.
Canada and carried.
Councilman Hubert Black brought up old water records at
library with reques they be moved or disposed of as library 01
needed the space. The Mayor referred this item to Hubert
Black and J.P. White for recommendation.
(Continuation of May 4,1970 Meeting) 2 9 9
On Motion by Hubert Black, seconded by J.C. Porterfield,
approval was given for any employee of the"City to participate
in two weeks military maneuvers, be paid the difference
between military pay and regular city pay, and that he
not be penalized for vacation time.- The vote was unanimous.
Council agreed, on C.O. Canada's regues, to send Wm. Steve
Knox to a two-day sewerage school at the University of
Georgia with expenses paid, approximate cost $50.00.
Meeting adjourned 10:31P.M. Next Meeting May 18,1970.
May 18,1970
The mid -month meeting of Mayor and Council was held at City
Hall, May 18, 1970, and called to order by presiding officer
Mayor Harold L. Smith at 7:30 o'clock P.M. All Council
Members were present except Councilman John C. Porterfield
and Homer Kuhl. City Clerk L. W. Charles was absent due
to illness and J.E. David was on vacation. Others present:
D. Scott Jackson, G.W. Carrkere, N. Proctor, Leon Hood,
W.L. Westbrook, Truett Grogan, Cliff Drennon, Jim Farley,
t1J Joe Bork of Hensley -Schmidt, and a representative of the
Marietta Journal and WBIE.
Invocation was by Rev. J.T. McHan of the Sharon Baptist
David Conally, representing the owner of Smyrna Springs
Apartments, appeared before Council asking permission to
place apartment signs on the city right-of-way. Mr. 6nnnally
was informed this would b6nin violation of the sign or-
dinance and the proper procedure would be for him to get
permission from a property owner to place the sign on his
property and then make application for a permit at City
A residential business license permit was approved for a
one -chair beauty shop at 1129 Powder Springs for Mrs.
Gloria Watson. A petition was submitted with signatures
from all residents within the required radius stating:;
they had no objections. Mrs Watson was informed there
would be no on street parking, no signs, and no employees.
The permit was approved unanimously on motion by Arthur
Bacon, seconded by Marston Tuck.
Building Inspector Leon Hood submitted application for
Colite Industries, Inc. for a four by fourteen double faced
lighted sign for Avco Finance Company located at �552
South Cobb Drive. The application was approved unanimously
on motion by Marston Tuck, seconded by J.P. White.
Deletion of sale of malt beverage stamps was the next item
to be considered by Council City Attorney G. W. Carreker
reported the 1964 malt beverageordinance states stamps
must nr drvutrly syysvhrf yo rsvh infibifusl vonysinrt snf
trbidion og yhr otfinsnvr in 1967_made no mention of
deletion of stamps, and further that all rules, ordinances
and regulations of said city not in conflict with this
ordinance, shall be and remain in full force and effect.
Councilman J.P. White reported one malt beverage application
for Johnny Reb Food Store, Cherokee Road, Was being processed;
application of T.C. Stanford of Pizza Inn withdrawn and
another application submitted; application for Smyrna
Recreation Center withdrawn.
Securance of bids for tires for city vehicles was deferred
pending completion of compiling necessary information;
however, in the meantime, it was recommended that three
prices be obtained for the purchase Sf all tires. -