02-01-1971 Regular Meeting3ra6 FEBRUARY 1, 1971
The regular meeting of Mayor and,.Council was held pursuant to.)the
Charter at,City Ball, Smyrna,,Georgia,.February 1, 1971, at 7:30,
otclock P.M.,, Mayor Harold L. Smith presided and all Council Mem-
bers were, present. except Arthur T Bacon, of4 1Jard.,#3 who wa.s, absent
due to illness. Also present were City Clerk L. W. Charles, City
Attorney G.'W., Carreker, D. Scott Jackson', Tax Assessor, J..--E. David,
Supt. Public Works, N. Proctor, Leon Hood, Bill Grier of Mayes,
Sudderth and Etheredge, and a representative of the Marietta Journal
and WBIE.
Invocation was by Pete Wood and Presentation of the Colors was by
Boy Scouts from Den 4, Pack 524, led by Teddy Turner.
Mr. Milton Lef/loff of Public Research and Management appeared before
Council and gave a trief report on how the proposed Codification of tt
Ordinances would be set up for the City of Smyrna. Mr. Lefkoff i
stated that special ordinances, would not be included; however, a
list of these would be compiled as they go over the records for, all
ordinances. All local amendments to the -Georgia Constitution -pertain-
ing to the City of Smyrna would be included, all existing ordinances would
be included in the code, and all questionable items would be pulled
and checked. A dummy copy was passed out to Mayor and Council for
study. $4,840 was the price quoted for fifty copies of the updated
Codification of Ordinances for the City.
Mr.,,Pete Wood appeared before Council, as -spokesman for several citizen's
of Bennett Woods opposing a proposal to modify the City zoning
ordinancef- to allow a skating rink to be built in a C-1 commercial
area. Public hearing on amending or changing C-1 local commercial
district of the Smyrna Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance to include
skating rinks will be held February 15, 1971.
e Jul -Le Craw Company requested.annexation of five acres on
U. S. 41 directly across from Bordeaux West; adjacent to property
presently owned by the L�!Craw Company,'and completely surrounded by
the corporate limits of the City except for the 4-Lane Highway.
On motion by Councilman Marston Tuck, the above described property
was annexed into the corporate limits of the City of Smyrna and made
a part of Ward ;#1. The motion was seconded by Councilman J. C.
Porterfield and vote on the motion was unanimous. The property is
presently classified C-1.
A request was made by R. E. Hightower; Sr. and Dewey Howard -to
annex 6.44 acres and 1.55 acres, extending fgam existing City_1-imits
in rear of Shopping Center on Spring Road, back to the railroad and
to 285. Councilman Marston Tuck motioned that both tracts be annexed
into the City and made a part of Ward #1. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Homer Kuhl and voted unanimously. The present zoning
is R-1.
A petition was submitted to Council requesting a zoning change of the
B. F. Reed Property on Atlanta Street which -is now zoned District
C to a C-2 classification for a retail lumber yard. A hearing date
for the cbatge in zoning of the B. F. Reed property was called out
as March 1, 1971 on motion by J. C. Porterfield, seconded by Hubert
Black and voted unanimously. -
Commercial building permits were submitted by building inspector
Leon Hood and upon his recommendations the following action is recorded:
1: Request for permit to build a 701 X 120� doctors building
(Phychiatric Clinic) adjacent to present facilities, just south of
Brawnerts Hospital. Councilman John C. Porterfield motioned the
building permit be approved subject to check out of ownership, if
ownership is same as Brawnerts, approval is granted. If ownership
is different, the permit must be returned to Council for further action.
The motion was seconded by J. P. White=,and voted unanimously.
A request was made by Ronald A. Brown, Atlanta, Georgia, for a permit
to pour a concrete pad for redreational facilities on Old Concord
Road at Pizza Inn. Issuance of permit granted, no inspection required.
Building inspector Leon Hood stated he had checked with Mr. B. F.
Reed, Clifton Circle, and learned the inside of the structure was
complete and the outside would be completed just as soon as weather
would permit.
(Continuation of FEBRUARY.1,.1971)-
A request was submitted to Council for a variance on two vacant lots
on Hill Street'from'one 50 foot lot and one 100 foot lot to two 75 foot
lots. Mr. DeWeese further stated the variance could be two 87 foot lots
provided the City could quit claim a 24 foot strip (formerly called
McGriff Street) and never used as a street, to the owners of the property.
Mayor Harold L. Smith recommended Council check out the 24 foot strip and
` asked Mr. Del4eese to rdturn to Council meeting'two weeks at which time
a decision could be reached.
On motion by Councilman"C. 0. Canada the low" bid -from L. F. Owens Construc
tion Company for the Bir'dbj.'Street sewerage' bro ject in,the amount of
$14,004.05 was accepted. The motion wa's seconded by J. C. Porterfield.
The vote was unanimous.
Under Mayor's Reports, the following action'is recorded:
a. A number of garbage cans need to be relocated, and we still have
some problems with floating cans due to .the",rains: . Mayor Smith re-
minded all Councilmen lto report the problems inea.ch ward,
b. On the Downtown Redevelopment Program, Mayor Smith reported that
property owners on Atlanta Street are being`contacted and as soon as
lS� the two chairmen receive enough information another meeting will be
cN called.
21J .
Lzr C. No information has been received from the county on the Animal
Control Act. Mayor Harold Smith stated'that Mr. Ernest Barrett will
meet with the CobbMunicipal Associatiori''on'February 9, 1971, and
at that time will pr"obably make a proposal t'o each Mayor. In the
meantime, Mayor Smith:. said he would check with local veternarians who
might be interested; ifannothing can be worked out•with the county.
d. Councilman' ,Homer Kuhl reported he had talked to Mr. Bob Sutton who
stated he would get'in touch with the State Highway Department as soon
as possible on the Atlanta Street widening project. However, Mr. Kuhl
stated he would like to meet with the -street committee this week as
it may be necessary to make other arrangements,
-e. Councilman Homer Kuhl reported that contacts on the right-of-way
If deeds for Concord and Love Street project have been favorable and
placing stakes on the property is in process.
f. Councilman Homer Kuhl'reported that Mr. Jdhnson of the State high-
way Department had`promised`the third lane at doncord and South Cobb
would be completed.n Mai�ch,`1971. Also; the dredging at Stone Creek and
Bank would be doneaat fhat_time. '
L Mayor Harold L. Smith brought up a number of items to be considered
for amendment to the City Charter: (1) `the -appointment of a Civil
Service Board Clerk,,already approved by Council, (2) discussed but not
approved by Mayor and Council, extending the length of term of office
of Mayor and Council to four years, and a pay raise for Mayor and Council
to be effective January 1, 1972, (3) annexations of nine parcels of land
into the corporated limits of the City of-Smy'rna,City Attorney G. W.
Carreker stated he would have copies of all annexations prepared and
ready for the legislative delegation and Mayor and Council on Thursday.
Councilman Homer Kuhl motioned that the length'of office of Mayor and
Councilrr6main as it is -at present. The motion was seconded by J. P.
White. The motion grid second was withdrawn as being out of order if no
change was to be made. 'Councilmen C, C: Canada; J r-;P. White, and J. C.
Porterfield and Homer Kuhl also stated -they were against any increase
in salaries
Mayor Harold L. Srriith-stated a meeting had been set up with the Water
Quality Control Board for February 9, 1971-and that he, Councilman
C. 0. Canada, and some other selected people would attend. The pro-
posal of Cobb County on the eastside aewerage project, abandonment of
the Church Street plant and up -dating of-B`ohanon Plant would be
Councilman J. C. Porterfield stated the insurance committee met last
r week with a representative of the Georgia Municipal Association who
explained to,the committee the joint employees retirement system.
Twenty-six cities have availed themselves of pension plans which are
available. The system is based on salary, length of service and.xtied
in with Rocial security benefits., The fee for the plan was called out
(Continuation of FEBRUARY 1, 1971)
as $300. Councilman J. C. Porterfield motioned that Council approve
$300 expenditure to the Georgia Municipal Associatlon'for the purpose
of obtaining a retirement„ plan and cost figures for study. The
motion.was seconded by J. P. White.- Vote,,on,the,motion was unanimous.
Councilman,Hubert Black motioned that Coucil proceed with the -plan
to have City ordinances codified at a cost''' ofI�,840 subject to the fi:
nance committee "receiving assurance we receive proper information on
special ordinances. The motion was secondedb y*Councilman Marston
Tuck. The vote was five to one. Councilman J.,P., White opposed.
Councilman J. C. Porterfield brought to the attention of Mayor and Coun-
cil the unsightly condition oftthe refuse receptacles around the Cit;
placed at various points by Dixie Enterprises on a five year contrac-
basis. Councilman Porterfield motioned tliat 'Dix.ie Enterprises be
advised of the unsightly condition and poor maintenance of the o
containers and given thirty days to correct the situation.
Councilman J. d. Porterfield stated one new truck was set up in the
water department budget, Nhd requested,opening of bids on February
15, 1971 meeting.
Councilman J. P.' Whlte�,Pdp •rted-la full compliment of personnel in
the police department; 30 men and one clerk, and that delivery
of the new cars was expected soon.
Councilman Homer Kuhl requested in the form of a motion that a report
on the police de.par.tment be submitted at the next Council meeting.
The motion was 'seconded�by CouncilmanMarston Tuck'.and voted unanimous -
ly. (Refers to districting of police,areas.) ,-J
Councilman C.�•0. Canada announced that mounting and, balancing of
police tires would be handled by the garage within the next few
Mr. Canada stated ra •.balanc,ing machine and tire, changer had been
at a cost of $600.001. �.
Meeting adjourned 9.:32 P.M.
FEBRUARY 15, 1971 u « , :1
The regularly scheduled midFmonth meeting of Mayor and Council was
held at City Hall, Smyrna, Georgia, on February 15, 1971 at 7:30
o'clock, P.M. The meeting was called to order 'by presiding officer Mayor
Harold Smith and all Councilmen were present, Also present were City
Attorney G. W. Carreker, D. Scott Jackson, J.E. David, Leon Hood,
N. Proctor, C. C. Porterfield Don Atkinson and a representative of
the Mareitta Journal and WBIE. City Clerk L. W. Charles was out of
town attending the annual Clerks and Finance Officer`s meeting in Athens.
Invocation was by Dr. Boyd Israel and Mayor Harold L. Smith led the
Pledge to the Flag.
Under Citizen Reports,.Councilman J. C. Porterfield submitted for
Bill Stewart ,�copy of a petition from the Cobb County Commissioners
of Roads and Revenues concerning the rezoning of'the triangle property
(Concord and North Cooper Lake Road). The`C�-1 zoning was approved
with the stipulation that the C-1 development would not be permitted
until such time that fifteen.single dwellings .had''been completed on the
adjacent property and subject to the proposedshoppingcenter per plans
submitted at the December.1963 meeting.' J
Amdndment to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance to include a classi-
fication for a skating rink was next on the Agenda. It was brought
out that skating rinks.in the cotnty were placed in classification
comparable to the C-2 zoning of the City. Charles "Pete" Wood spoke in
opposition to skating rinks being placed 1n a C-1 district. Councilman
Hubert Black -motioned -,that we place the calssification of a skating rink
in a C-2 area and approve a fee of $200 for an'annual business license:
The moti on was s*e'd6hded- (,,The Motioh 'and'
second was withdrai it cdhd"Councilman Hubert% Blac'kMet i6H6d` that, the`'
'cl"ass ificati:on be dropped Trom' the `proposed ame`n'dm6nt TTze
motion was seconded by' Councilman Marston `Tuck.' A rrtotiori to''`readver-
tise for the purpose of a chang5 in the ,zoning ordinance to indludO