01-04-1971 Regular MeetingJANUARY 4, 1971 Z 3z
The regular meeting of Mayor and Council was held pursuant to the
Charter at•City•Hall, Smyrna;'Georgia, January 4, 197;
at 7-:30
o'clock ,P:M. Mayor Harold L. ,Smith presided -and all-kouncil Members
were present. -Also present were -City -Clerk..L. W. Charles, D. Scott
Jackson, N: Proctor, J. E. David, City Attorney G: W.•Carreker, Leon
Hood, Fire Chief C. C; Porterfield, Bill -Grier of Mayes, Sudderth
and Etheredge', and a representative of the Marietta Journal and
Invocation was' by Councilman Homer Kuhl, and Pledge to the=Flag
was led by Councilman Marston Tuck., r
Commercial•buiiding permits were submitted by building inspector'
Leon Hood and upon his recommendations the following action -Is
1. Request frorri McArthurConcrete Company; Lusk Drive to build
a 40' X 601'-concrete bdlek•-storage building. Permit apprdved
unanimously on motion by Marston Tuck, seconded by C..O•.
2. Request from Corner Grill,-2834 Atlanta Street, to remove --the
,'Coca-Cola sign and replace it with a Pabst -Blue Ribbon beer
sign. Approved on motion by"Arthur-T. Bacon, seconded by • -
Lm C. 0. Canada. Fos the motion, Arthur T. Bacon, C. 0. Canada,
d� Hubert -'Black;' J. P. White }and Marston Tuck., Homer Kuhl -voted
against 'the .motion. J.-C.-Porterfield abstained. - •-'• -•
U Building inspector Leon Hood reporting on-the•'coordinating of
V building and related permits,,,stated ,he -had not,had an opportunity'
to talk''witli- the other inspectors;, -however,. he could forsee',. -,
several problems if the City required `tiiat:•all permits be• pur=o
chased at the time the building permit was issued. Mr. Hood
stated that,most,-builders sub-contract•the-electrical, plumbing
and heating and air conditioning, and -these permits are usually
obtained after the building permit -is issued. Mr. Hood also
stated the other inspectors could check the building permits at
any time. ,-Mayor Harold L. Smith recommended that Mr. Hood
meet with the other inspectors and report back at the next meeting.
Mayor Harold L.-Smith reported: (a) no progress on Atlanta
Street widening, (b) there had been no response from the
County Commissioners in regard to the City's proposal to par-
ticipate in the Eastside Sewer Prbject; J(c) that we are�-in the
process of acquiring -rights -of -way on aConcord and Love Street;
(d) a meeting is scheduled for January 12., 1971, to appoint
committees to work on the downtown restoration program; (e)
the 1971 House -Bill is -being prepared and will be completed6
by the next meeting; (f ) the' initial installation of under -
round garbage cans has been completed (total number installed
299); however, due to the widening project, the cans on Concord
Road would-be installed at a lateradate. ' Each --Councilman was. -
asked, to make a .list of flo tang 'cans orr'cans -to be moved-•i'n his
ward and submit a- copy of •,Rb •olidt to City Hall and V. M. Broyles';
(g) there had been no response from Mr. Johnson on the third lane
on South Cobb and Concord Road.
Report on.the siren for the -Fire Department was deferred to't he
next meeting.
Finance Chairman Hubert Black stated his committee would meet
within the next- few days to work on departmenta-l' adjustments, ,
especially salary adjustments in the sanitatidn department due --
to the late.start'in can installation., and -would make recommendations
at the next -meeting. It was -also brought out the •*e Brawner .and
Reed, properties purchased by the City -were not -budgeted; therefore,
the income and expenses a -re •fairly close at ---the present time.'
The December 7th and 19th, 1970 minutes of Mayor and Council were `
approved as submitted,and amended on motion'by J. C. Porterfield,
seconded a ftn by Homer Kuhl. The vote was unanimous.
Mayor Harold L. Smith stated that he had received a request from
Southern Bell for an easement for underground conduit on Lynhurst
Road at Manson Avenue. The easement was granted on motion by Hubert
Black, seconded by Arthur T. Bacon. The vote was unanimous.
(Continuation of January 4, 1971 Meeting)
Councilman Arthur T. Bacon reported that the 1961 garbage truck
and the 1964*'gar_
bage truck were in very bad condition. He stated,
he had received a quotation from Heard Equipment Company i'or a
Garwood 20'cu. yd. garbage truck for $14,630, less trade-in of
the two old trucks for $3,200, net`amount.'$11,430. It was the
consensus of Mayor and Council.that the purchase'of another `
garbage truck should be on a bid;'basis. Councilman Arthur T.
Bacon motioned that we secure bids for a new garbage truck, less
trade-in, equivalent to the Garwood Model L. P. 270, 20 cu., yd.,,
capacity, delivery within thirty, days, and' -bids to be opened
Saturday, January 16, 1971, at the'mid=month meeting of Mayor and
Council, The motion was seconded„by,J. C. Porterfield and .voted
unanimously. y -
CouncilmanoArhtur T. Bacon also submitted a bill from Mike Westmoreland in ,the amount of $600;to cover the expense of;
the auger,,etd. purchased for the.installation of the first
fifty garbage cans. Councilman Bacon stated he thought $600
was excessive,.but recommended -in -the form of a motion that the
City pay Mr. Westmoreland $360 to cove,r'•his expenses. The -motion
was seconded ,by;,C. O.,,Canada.,and. vote on_'the motion .was •unanimous.
A retirement plan for the police department was submitted '6,
Councilman J. P.,Whiie•; however, after discussion by Council the
plan was referred totthe insurance committee chairmaned by
Councilman J. C. Porterfield for study along with other retire-
ment plans the committee already has under consideration for
all City employees. The committee will•make recommendations to
Council prior,to approvai of the 1971-72 budgets.
The parking problem on Memorial Place. -(three businesses) was
discussed by Council and referred to,Co_u_ncilman J. C. Porterfield
for negotiations with the owners.
Councilman C. 0. Canada reported the pump was broken down at
Hickory Acres Drive lift station and repairs were @gtimate8"at
$700.' Mr. Canada motioned that Council approve the purchase
of a new pump. The motion was seconded by Arthur T. Bacon and voted
unanimously. ,
Councilman HomerJKuhl stated he would talk with Mr. Johnson,,
again in regard to dredging of'Stone,.Creek. J. E. David to
remove tree and .build wall.
The trailerL.parke,d in rear of the Ence Station at Belmont Hills
Shopping`Ce•nier, was referred to,the police committee for check
Councilman Homer, Kuhl motioned;,that„C,ouncil se-cure,bids to -.be,
opened,•l1-16z71 for the ,demolition,,of,,the-;;Reed,,house.. The motion;,.,,
was seconded by Marston -Tuck and voted unanimously.
Meeting adjourned 8:48 P.M. ,
JAIvUARY 16, 1971
The regularly.'scheduled mid-month,meeting of Mayor and Council
was held at City Hall, Smyrna, Georgia, on January 16, 1971'
and called.to order by presiding officer Mayor Harold L. Smith.
at 9:30 of"clock A,.M. All Council Members were present except
Ward. #1 Councilman J. P. White, 'and ,Ward #5 ,Councilman C. 00-
Canada. Also present were City Clerk L.;W. Charles, City Attorney.
G. W. Carreker, D. Scott Jackson, Leon Hood, J. E. David, N.
Pvoctor, Bill Grier of Mayes,`Sudderth and Etheredge, and a!
represeritati•ve of the Marietta press•, and WBIE. a
Invocation' -was by Councilman Hubert Black and Pledge of Allegiance
to the Flag was
_ L
led by Marston Tuck:,