11-06-1957 Special Meeting_3 .
Mayor: James E. Quarles
Councilmen: N. E. Brenner
Zounci]man: M M. Scarbrough
CityClerk: Helen Baldwin
Councilman: J. E, Johnson
Councilman: R. H. Wood
A Special meeting of Mayor and Council was held November 6, 1957, 7:00 P. M.
at the City Hall. Mayor J. E. Quarles presiding with the following-C;ufidilmen
presentx J. B. Ables, N. E. Brenner, J. B. Rhodes, D. M. Scarbrough and H. T.
Attorney Willingham gave a photostats n copy of repairs on equipment submitted ✓
by A. V. Bolton along with'a proposed contract. Copy of each attached to these
minutes and made a part thereof. '
Mayor Quarles asked Harold Willingp8mity Attorney in his opinion ie council placing 1/
themselves in jepordy if they come to any agreement with Bolton where City funds
are paid to him to adjust equities in the question of the m achinery.
Mr. Willingham stated that in his opinion Mayor and Council have authority to
adjust equities involved in light of the facts and the exercise: of a sound
discresion Mr. Willingham read the legal contract that had been drawn up.
Mr. Gibson arose from the audience and addressed Mayor and Council and stated
that what he was saying was not as an incoming Mayor but as a tax payer. He
sjrated he had gone into the matter and had'checked into the Charter in the
past two days and stated that from what he had heard all was wrong. He also
stated tha£ as former Mayor he had used Mr. Willingham legal aditi.ce and had
always found him right. He Stated that the machinery should be back to -the
City the 15th day of this month. He said the matter had been 1116gal from the
beginning and as a tax payer he is going to see that all the money will be
put back into the treasury he asked Mayor and Council to think before they
made a discussion again . He.requested that the machinery be returned to the
City by the 15th of the month...
Motion was made by Brenner second Scarbrough that a legal contract be drawn
up by the City Attorney agreeing for the City of Smyrna to pay Mr. Bolton
$4361.14 that he return the equipment back to the City in good condition
:immediately. Voted unanimous.
Ables asked was Mr. Willingham' opinion.good enough for City contract Mr. Ables
stated that it was not good enough forAim. /
rAbles made an ammendment to the motion that the decision be deferred until we v
can -get more legal advice as to whether council would be held liable forthe
action in the negotations in the settlement with'Mr. Bolton.
,Mr. Rhodes made an ammendment to the motion; that in the resolve matter be
deferred until on or after January 6, 1958.
Vote on Mr. Rhodes ammendment was taken first.: One for- 5 opposed.
Vote on Mr. Ables ammendment was taken. Motion carriedwith Rhodes abstaining.
Mayor Quarles asked to be instructed by council from whom he should obtain
fiiore legal information.
Councilman Ables made a motion that Mr. Willingham be instructed to ask for
further legal adivice from our attorney General in this matter. Motion:'carried ,.t`:-
Second by Scarbrough. Rhodes abstaining.
Brenner made a motion to adjourn, second by Rhodes.
Meeting adjourned.
o'r: Jmes E. Quarles
ounc an: T., B. Ab es
ouncilmm : J. 15, Rhodes
Councilman: H. T, Westbrooks
Asst. Clerk: 011ie Williamson
ouncilnan: N. E. Brenner
Councilman: D. M. Sc rough
The regular meeting of Mayor and Council was held December 2, 1957 8-P.M. at the
City Hall. Mayor James E. Quarles presiding with the following councilmen presdnti
J.B. Ables, N.E. Brenner, J.E. Johnson, J.B.`%Rhodes, D.M. Scarbrough, H.T. West -
brooks and R.H. Wood.
Motion by D.M. Scarbrough, seconded by J.B. Rhodes to accept minutes as read.
Voted unanimous.
W.B. Sanders as Councilman.elect had two matters to bring before council.
1. The high water bills of the summer where the customers were informed at that
time not to pay until the bills were checked and then they would be informed
if an adjustment would be made.
2. Curb and gutter bills on McLendon -Street. The property owners had been
instructed'not to pay.
C.J. Fouts requested the property located at'242 S. Atlanta Street of G.F. Brown
be zoned for business.
Motion by J.B. Rhodes, seconded by R.H. Wood that the lst Monday in February be
set for the hearing on the request of G.F. Brown to rezone his property located
on the North West corner of S. Atlanta and Love Street or 242'S. Atlanta Street.
Voted unanimous.
Police Chief M.C. Tanner informed council of the violating of the City and State
Ordinance and laws by Smyrna Beer Package Store on Bank Street by selling beer
to a minor. Mr. wigley the propertier had discharged the employee who committed'
the violation.
Motion by J.B.'Ables, seconded by R.H. Wood that the business licens6 of the
Smyrna Beer Package Store be revolked. Voting for - Wood and Ables . Voting
against - Johnson, Westbrooks, Rhodes, Brenner and Scarbrough.
Motion by J.B. Rhodes, seconded by D.M. Scarbrough that the business license of
Wigleys Smyrna Beer Package°Store bd suspended for 60 days and the suspension
be suspended subject to being caught the second time for any violation of City _
or State laws at which time the Police Chief would automatically padlock his '
door for 60 days. Voted unanimous. '
Mayor Quarles read letter from -Cobb County Chamber of Commerce inviting the '
Mayor and Council to participate in the parade honoring, -the 125th=anniversary
of the f6unding of Cobb County.
Motion by J.B. Ables, seconded by D.M. Scarbrough that Luke Boring bid for $140.00
to install the Christmas lights be accepted and Mr. Boring authorized to install
said lights immediately. Voted unanimous.
Motion by J.B. Rhodes, seconded by D.M. Scarbrough that the City Attorney be
authorized to draw up lease with Tom Northcutt leasing a dual pump for a period
of six (6) months for the consideration of One dollar ($1.00) with no further
expenditure connected with this transaction on the part of the city. Voted