April 3/17, 1972 Council Meeting Page 59 APRIL 3. 1972 The regular meeting of Mayor and Council was held pursuant to the Charter at City Hall. Georgia. April 3. 1972. at 7:30 o'clock P. M. Mayor John C. presided and all Councilmen were present except C. O. Canada of Ward No.5 who was in the hospital. Also present were: L. W. Charles. City Clerk. D. s. Jackson. Asst. City Clerk. George H. Kreeger. for City Attorney Berl T. Tate, N. Proctor. J. E. David, Public Works Supt., V. M. Broyles, Asst. Works Supt., C. C. Porterfield, Fire Chief, Leon Hood. Building Inspector. W. L. Westbrook. Plumbing Inspector. George Hardy, Con- sultant Engineer. and a representative of the Atlanta Constitution. Marietta Journal and WBIE. Invocation was given by Councilman Homer Kuhl. Under Citizen Reports. the Sm~rna Jaycees requested a permit to hold the Jonquil Parade on April 22. 1972. The was granted on motion by Forster Puffe. seconded by Marston Tuck. and voted unanimously. Mayor Porterfield requested the route of the parade be given to Jack Miles, Police Chairman. Plumbing Inspector W. L. Westbrook. along with representatives of the developers of Plumtree Apartments and manufacturers of a certain type of plastic and several plumbers. appeared before Mayor and Council in the interest of approval to use the pipe (samples were submitted) above only, as a test ect in Plumtree Apartments. Mr. Westbrook that the City and DeKalb County had approved use of the pipe and it was also approved by the Southern Standard Plumbing Code. A of the manufacturer of the pipe stated it was guaranteed for fifty years. Councilman Arthur T. Bacon ~ moved the use of the pipe, above ground only. be approved for the Plumtree Apart- ~ ment Project as a test case, to be evaluated and reported on by the plumbing inspector. The motion was seconded by Marston Tuck and voted unanimously. Mr. George Dooley. the new manager of Belmont Bowling Center. extended an invi- tation to all city employees to visi the bowling center and to attend a party to be held on April 19. at 6:30 P. , for city employees. D. Scott Jackson and V. M. Broyles were named as coordinators for the party. A zoning was held. per application made by Mrs. A. P. Jones. to rezone property in Land Lot 849 Herodian Way at the intersection of U. S. Highway No. 41. from District commercial to District C-l co=nercial. Plans were submitted for a convenience type store to be erected on the property. Councilman Forster Puffe moved the request be granted to rezone the property from District "c" to C-l. restricted to the plans and specifications submitted. The motion was seconded by Jack Miles. Vote on the motion was five for.the rezoning, Arthur T. Bacon. abstained. A hearing was held. per application of Nich Souris. to rezone property in Land Lot 559. Spring Street. from R-l Residential to District C-2. electrical contractor. On motion by Forster Puffe, seconded by E. R. Coalson. the request for rezoning from R-l residential to District C-2 was restricted to the occupancy of an electric company. office and Vote on the motion was unanimous. Commercial building permits were submitted by building inspector Leon Hood and upon his recommendation. the following action is recorded: (1) S. C. Carter. repair building 2822 Atlanta Street. motion by Marston Tuck. seconded by Jack Miles. Approved unanimously on (2) 84 Lumber Company. 2971 Atlanta Street. erect 40' high lighted sign. unanimously on motion by Homer Kuhl, seconded by Arthur T. Bacon. Approved (3) Leon Rood. 2485 Spring Drive, request for side yard set back variance and add car port. Approved on unanimous vote on motion by Marston Tuck. seconded by Arthur T. Bacon. subject to receipt of letter from Donald O. Plott Sr. signed and notarized, stating he had no objection to the variance in set inspector Leon Hood requested Council adopt the Southern Building Code code of the City Smyrna. Marston Tuck motioned the Southern Code be officially as the building code for the city. including latest edition. The motion was seconded by Homer Kuhl and vote on the was unanimous. ~/ Application of Mo-bil Oil Company for a self-service gasoline station was deferred to the next meeting. page 60 OF APRIL 3, 1972 MEETING) on Self-Service Gas Stations, was also to obtain copies of state requirements. Councilman Forster Puffe reported the committee planned to complete all negoti- ations on by the end of April. 1972. Mr. treets Committee follow- ing Mr. George project. would be last two 1, 1972. ruction had begun on the east side sewer been received; however, he had been told they Hardy estimated the completion date as the stated the temporary plant should be ready by May described by Mr. Green Acres-Trailwood area drainage problem, out, some of the curbs would be raised and rains in the area to determine if were tin did not agree that these measures would rfield requested Mr. Broyles to check further Martin and to open up the channel and remove the Councilman David had recommended c funds be incl and Public Works Superintendent James E. Woodlawn Terrace and Spring Street and em be deferred to next year and cover the costs. incomplete specifications, all bids be re- Public Works. Homer Kuhl seconded On motion by Forster Puffe, seconded will be let--these bids to be opened at the motion was unanimous. pro;jector.and screen :Eo:!? the Crown Camera Exchange Screen $520.00 69.52 Calhoun Company (Model 1552) (Model 1550) $725.00 $665.00 (Alternate) 84.15 73.85 (Alternate) bids were referred back to the police committee and the next meeting. The motion was ported the low bid of Triple "E" Equipment on the I ton Econoroll static roller and trailer in purchase order was being issued. 2 multi-family dwellings, was deferred in the The proposed deferred. Jack Miles, application for a privilege Dunn, Big Star Grocery Store b Drive. The vote was five to one. seconded by Forster Puffe, application for a was granted for S. Lyle Dunn, Big Star Grocery The vote was five to one, Homer Kuhl opposed. Homer Kuhl motioned tqe maps showing ward reapportionment submitted to each Councilman. It was reported Councilman given his verbal from the hospital on this date. seconded by Jack and voted unanimously. The number called out as follows: be as C. O. Canada had The motion was in each ward was Page 61 (CONTINUATION OF APRIL 3, 1972 MEETING) The vote was four to two. Voting for the motion. Marston Tuck, Forster Puffe. Jack Miles and Arhtur T. Bacon. Voting against the motion. Homer Kuhl and E. R. Coalson. Ward No. 1 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 5 Ward No. 7 2725 2745 2739 2696 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 4 Ward No. 6 2733 2738 2781 Total 19,157 (based on 1970 census) It was also called out in Council that the plans would have to be sent to the Justice Department for approval. Councilman Marston Tuck called a meeting of the water and sewer com- mittees for Monday, April 10. 1972. at 7:30 P. M. Mayor J. C. Porterfield stated he would sit in for Councilman C. O. Canada in the event he was not able to attend. The cost for a mail drop near the entrance door of City Hall was discussed. Mosler Safe Company had quoted a cost of $407.00. It was agreed by Council that a drop could be installed for less. Building inspector Leon Hood was requested to submit a figure on installing the mail drop. Finance Chairman Homer Kuhl stated he would call a meeting of the and sewerage treatment committees within the next few days. an other meetings by departments. Mr. Kuhl requested all department expenditures closely and to start work on the 1972-73 budgets for June 19. 1972. sanitation set up s to watch On motion Jack Miles. seconded by Forster Puffe. the March 6. 1972 Minutes were as submitted. The vote was four for approval. Marston Tuck and Arthur T. Bacon abstained. Appointment of a City of Smyrna Planning Board was deferred. Appointment of a City of Smyrna Pension Committee consisting City Attorney, City Clerk. two members of Council and two out as follows: Mayor John C. Porterfield, City Attorney Clerk. L. W. Charles. Councilmen Forster Puffe and Homer Kuhl. Supt. James E. David. and Secretary, Nora Proctor. of the Mayor. were called T. Tate, City Public Works Councilman Arthur T. Bacon, on recommendation of the sanitation committee, motioned that the sanitation department be authorized to ticket books for dumping fees, to be sold at City Hall. The fee $10.00 for a 2 1/2 ton truck and $2.50 for a pick up truck. The motion was seconded by Forster Puffe and voted unanimously. (Memo: Residents and merchants of City of Smyrna. no charge.) Mayor John C. Porterfield stated the City of Smyrna had been asked by the City of Kennesaw to take part in the parade on April 11, 1972. and all Councilmen were invited to ride in the parade. Councilman Forster Puffe stated members of the safety committee had brought to his attention that in the year or so any on the job not exceeding $10.00 had been paid by City and not to Workman's Compensation Company and he requested the amount be raised to $25.00. since very few if any charges. are $10.00 or less. After further discussion. this matter was referred to the City Attorney for checkout before final action is taken. Councilman Marston Tuck reported the fire marshall had been requested to make a report on self-service gasoline stations and the report was submitted. motion Arthur T. Bacon, Prohibit Solicitation of person or convic a fine of .00 and/or of violation of any other ordinance of Vote on the motion was unanimous. The Forster Puffe. the Ordinance to cles. was amended to read. "any this ordinance shall be subject to the same manner as persons convicted said City for a maximum of 90 days." meeting adjourned at 10:21 P. M. Page 62 APRIL 17. 1972 Council was held at City P. M. Mayor John C. C. O. Canada of D. S. Jackson. Asst. Attorney Berl T. Tate. N. . Donald O. Atkinson. Hood, Building ntative of the Atlanta vacation. Invocation was given by L. W. Boring. Electrical Inspector. ed before Mayor and Apartments be flowers. alley was up. Mayor would be contacted 972 was the date set for the zoning Street. from R-l to C-l. The and carried by unanimous vote. on property located at ted the owner for retail There was a question as to by Forster Puffe, seconded to the May 1. 1972 Leon Hood n Tuck. Arthur T. Bacon. Cherokee Homer Kuhl. cost of $35.00 for insta11ing a was continued. and Mr. Reed was deeds on the Road and the that Council 1isted tructed on ing water to d that an report wou1d be Ga. $2699.87 $2 .70 $2 .91 Page 63 APRIL 17. 1972 On motion by Forester Puffe the bids were referred back to the committee with authority to act on the low bid if it met all , or back to the next Council meeting. The motion was by Homer and voted Jack Miles. on the recommendation of the police committee. that the Bell & Howell 16 mm sound projector and screen be purchased from the Calhoun Company in the amount of $798.85, less 2% net, thirty days. The motion was seconded by Marston Tuck and carried by unanimous vote. Councilman Marston Tuck read a Fire Marshall, regarding his The report was in objection to C. Porterfield requested a each councilman in order that prior to calling a meeting with Donald Atkinson. gasoline stations. this type gasoline station. Mayor John of the state requirements be furnished requirements could be studied further the oil representatives in the near future. Mr. John Kidd of Kidd and Associates spoke briefly to Mayor and Council on a proposed of Smyrna map of the future. Mr. Kidd stated the map would be by the May 1. 1972 meeting. Mr. Raymond Reed appeared before Mayor and Council and requested a for a sales office and used car lot to be erected on his at 3041 South Cobb Drive. in Land Lot 379; the property en zoned C-l approximately 7 years ago. This was referred back to the City Clerk for clarification on zoning. (The permit was issued 4-18172). Consultant Engineer George Hardy stated all easements had been signed for the sewer line on the east side and the line was under construction. The anticipated date for completion of the lift station was called out as June 1, 1972 and tie in the county sewage facilities as of May 1. 1972. Amendment to the R-2 Apartment Zoning Density Ordinance was deferred to the next meeting. The Noise Ordinance was also deferred to a future meeting. There was no discussion on amendments to the Malt Beverage Ordinance. Ordinances covering Public Drunkeness. Shop Lifting. Parking Trucks in Excess of 3/4 Ton and Parking of Trailers were deferred. The City Attorney was asked to be working on these ordinances. Revision of Police Department Rules and Gegulations was also deferred. Purchase of "Ordinance Form Books". mostly covering ordinances approved by state laws~ for all police officers to carry in the patrol cars, _ was deferred. Marston Tuck submitted water and sewer increases for apartment, units for Council The new rates are as follows: Apartments are billed each water at 100% of the units available for occupancy on the d reading. Each apartment unit will be billed a minimum of $3. ly for water. The minimum bi11 will be for 3,000 gallons per unit. On each billing. 3,000 g nit will be deducted from the water r . as covered the illing. A11 consumption over the min" ons for all collective1y, will be billed at .50/1000 gallons. are ,billed each month for City sewer, based on 100% of the available for occupancy on the day of the water reading. a charge of $2.00 per unit. Councilman Tuck motioned the above rates be approved effective with the first meter after May 1. 1972. Counci1man E. R. Coa1son seconded the motion which carried by unanimous vote. New rates for residential and commercial establishments will be submitted at the May 1 and 15 meetings. All Councilmen were requested to submit in writing. along with resume if possible, names of persons recommended for the parks and recreation commission to Mr. C. O. Canada. Page 64 APRIL 17. 1972 ed the following Councilmen to the City T. Bacon, Jack Miles and Forster that these Councilmen make a study of board and make recommendations at the for on a malt and wine Bavarian Inn) Dual registration and reapportionment of wards was reported in work. March 1972 and nine months cumulative were deferred had been authorized to t the northeast corner the corporate a was seconded abstained. petition that the of Spring Road the City of Arthur T. Bacon by Jack Miles Mayor the Louis children to fire truck would be available for parade. the Fire Department for their work on and also stated that Kennesaw Mayor his thanks. e Chairman Homer Kuhl reminded all Councilmen to start work on the Meeting adjourned 10:00 P. M. *************************************