02-22-1958 Continued Recessed Meetingt
February 22, 1958
Continuation,of the recessed February 15,,1958 meeting was.held February 22,1958
at 9:00 A. M. at City Hall with Mayor J. M. Gibson presiding and the following
Councilmen present: Messrs. George Kreeger, J. V. Brcoks, J. B. Ables, J. B.
Rhodes, W. B. Sanders, R. H. Wood, and L. C. Dodd.
Motion made by J. B. Rhodes that City Clerk be given permission to arrange
an agenda for those.exkra curricular meetings to be held in thi.s•council room.
Seconded by J. B. Ables.. Voted unanimous. .
Motion made by J. B. Rhodes to accept the recommendations as presented by the
police department and fire department for uniforms. Seconded by J. B. Ables.
Voted unanimous.
Motion made by L. C. Dodd.to transfer $15,000.00 from Water-Torks and Sewerage
Extension Fund to Construction Fund. Seconded.by,J. B. Rhodes. Voted unanimous,
Motion made by J. B. Rhodes to open bids for sanitary equipment to see if they
met with council approval. Seconded by L. C. Dodd. Voted unanimous.
J. B. Rhodes recommended and made motion that the,Mayor further investigate and
come up with his recommendations for the sanitary equipment. Seconded by W. B.
Sanders. Voted unanimous.
Motion made by George Kreeger,that the City Attorney Draw up an ordinance to not
let.any second-hand house or other structures be moved into the city limits of
Smyrna, Seconded.by J. V. Brooks. Voted unanimous.
Mayor recommended that the zoning committee make restrictions for every section
of the city.
J. B. Ables.recommended that.dangerous crossing sign be placed 50 yards back
on Atlanta Street and stop sign at railroad on Hawthorne.
Motion made by J. B. Ables that we pick up deceased animals at $1.00 per head
as requested by Dr. Christopher. Seconded by R. H. Wood. Voted unanimous.
Motion made by George Kreeger to rescind the previous action of Council and
Engineer,in reference to parking on Spring Street and parking be restricted
at peak hours on Spring between Atlanta Street.and railroad with no parking
from 4 to 6:30 P. M. Seconded by R. H. Wood. Voting for: George Kreeger, R. H.
Wood, W. B. Sanders and J. B. Ables. Voting against: J. B. Rhodes, L. Cu. Dodd
and J. V. Brooks. • , I.
�W. B. Sanders recommended that in the case of Mr. Hosea, 111 Magnolia Drive
we charge him„for month of January, that we deduct 11 thousand gallons from
his bill (amount that went through his meter from Thursday to Monday, due to
Street cave in causing break in pipe.)
Motion made by J. B. Rhodes that Mr. Hosea be charged with water for the month
of January, based on the average bill for the three preceeding months. Sedonded
by George Kreeger. Voted unanimous.
Mayor asked council to table the City Recorder for further study..
Motion made by W. B. Sanders that a committee be appointed to review the app-
lications that are in file for the City Recorder. Seconded by J. B. 'A es.
Voted unanimous. Mayor appointed committee of himself, J. B. Rhodes, George
Kreeger and J. V. Brooks.
,OTotion made by J. B. Rhodes that the Mayor appoint committee to negotiate ex-
penditure of those funds for municipal building and expansion of building.
,Seconded by George Kreeger. Voted unanimous.
I7ayox Gibson appointed the committee of himself, J. B. Ables, L. C. Dodd., Geo.
Kreeger and J. B. Rhodes and called its first meeting for 3 P. M. Sunday at
the City Hall, February 23, 1958 and to have recommendations ready for council
next Saturday for addition or new building or expansion of old municipal build-
`Motion made by George Kreeger to adopt recommendations as presented by License
Committee with the one change. (Soft drink bottling companies be changed to
$100.00 per yeas.) Seconded by J. V. Brooks. Voting for: George Kreeger, J.V.
Continuation of February 22, 1958
Brooks, J. B. Ables, J. B. Rhodes and R. H. Wood. Voting against: L. C. Dodd.
Motion made by L. C. Dodd to pay bills for the July 31st.audit. Seconded by
J. V. Brooks. Toted unanimous.
Motion made by J. B. Rhodes to recess meeting until 9:00 A. M. next Saturday,
March 1, 1958. Seconded by R. H. Wood. .Voted unanimous.. ,
March 1, 1958
Continuation of the meeting recessed February 22, 1958 was called to order
Saturday March 1, 1958 at 9:00.A. M. Mayor Gibson presided with all councilmen
present. Mir. Kreeger was excused during morning session.
Notion made by J. V Brooks to.increase.the salary of Mr. R. J. DeBoard from
$235-W per month to $250.00 per month, effective January 1, 1958. Seconded
by R. H. Wood. Voted unanimous.
Mr. E. C. Eaton presented a complaint to Council in regards to the paving.cost
on Corn Road and overcharge on waterline on Dunn Street. This was referred to
the Finance Committee, L. C. Dodd for consideration.
Motion made by J. B. Rhodes to accept the 1958 Business License rates as set
forth in the attached list. Seconded by L. C.. Dodd. Voted unanimous.
Motion was made by J. B. Rhodes to appoint Mr. A. M. Poston as Agent of Record
and to act as our technician and alocate premium and insurance coverages,
Seconded. by L. C. Dodd. Voting for: J. B. Rhodes, J. B. Brooks, J. B. Ables,
R. H. Wood and L. C. Dodd. Voting against: W. B. Sanders.
It was requested that L. C. Dodd and Mr. Poston evaluate our insurance needs
and report to Council with recommendations. . IT
Motion made by J. V. Brooks to adopt ordinance as drawn up by City Attorney,
G. Conley Ingram, in regards to moving buildings into the city of Smyrna. -
Ordinance attached. Seconded by J. B. Rhodes. Voted unanimous.
Motion made by J. B. Able s. to: collect water bills or.discontinue services.
for Ventura, Inc. Seconded by W. B. Sanders. Voted unanimous. .
Motion made by J. B. Rhodes to acquire immediately the traffic signal needed.
at Spring Street and Atlanta Street intersection. Seconded by J. B. Ables.
Voted unanimous.
Recommendation of Mayor Gibson that we accept the Building Inspector and Fire -
Marshall's recommendation that the property owner of the building at 111 North
Atlanta Street be hereby notified that buildings reparis must start within
th•rty(30) days. Condemnation proceedings will result in non-compliance.
Motion to this effect made by Mr. L. C. Dodd. Seconded by Mr. J. B. Rhodes. -
Voted unanimous..(Letter to owner of property mailed 3-12-58)
The building Inspector and L. C. Dodd were asked to bring to Council the sug-
gested rates for change in building permits.
Lotion was made by J. B. Rhodes that the Mayor negotiate.for the.purchase of
desired piece of equipment(garbage truck) and bring before the Council next
Saturday. Seconded by George Kreeger. Voted unanimous.
It was recommended that the City Attorney draw up an ordinance on leash laws
for dogs.
It was requested.that the City Engineer check the easements on the Baldwin
property which was brought before Council by Mr. W . A. Ward.
City Engineer was requested to make report on all costs of moving lift station
on South Cobb Drive and report back to Council March 3, 1958.
Motion was made by J. B. Rhodes to negotiate with Mr. Thompson for the right-of-
way,for the road by Ward Park until next Saturday and then do something. Seconded
by R. H. Wood. Voted unanimous.