02-08-1958 Continued Recessed Meeting_53
February 3, 1958
The regular meeting of Mayor and Council was held February 3, 1958 at 7:00
P. M. at the City Hall. Mayor J. M. Gibson presided with the following
Councilmen present: Messrs. J. B. Ables, J. V. Brooks, L. C. Dodd, G. W.
Kreeger, J. B. Rhodes, W. B. Sanders and R. H. Wood.
Meeting called to order. Minutes of the.previous meetings in January 1958
were read. Some revisions were noted and corrections made.
Motion made by Mr. J. B. Rhodes to accept minutes as read except to add
amendment by J..B. Ables to increase beer retail license.to,$l,000.00.
This was added to the minutes and the vote on -amendment recorded (see Page
�"�No. 49) . Seconded by R. H. Wood. Voted unanimous.
� On move.by G. W. Kreeger, the following ordindree was unanimously adopted
on second by J. B. Ables.
(a) Electrical examinations to be held. third Tuesday of second
month of each quarter at 8:00'P. M.
(b) Any house with range panel or any house with 1000.or more
square feet shall have 100 amp. service.
(c) All commercial buildings shall be wired with rigid conduit
or tubing throughout.
(d) No permit to be issued on commercial buildings until a wiring
plan has been submitted to the City Hall for Electrical Board's
Adopted by Council this 3rd day of February 1958
Zoning Reouest, G. F. gown Property -South -Atlanta & Love ttreets.
Council unanimously rejected spot zoning as a policy and referred all spot
or unit zoning to the Planning and Zoning Commission. During the hearing
Mr. J. B. Rhodes moved the city set in force a phase to eliminate all spot
zoning by advertising a proposal to zone an area in downte m Smyrna along
Atlanta Avenue and Love Street and extending West beyond King Street, thence
in a.Northerly direction to Bank Street and East to intersection of Atlanta
Street. Motion tabled to next regular meeting.
Mr.. George Kreeger'moved and J. B. Ables seconded to adopt the recommendation
and reporf of Chairman W. M. Reed of the Planning and Zoning Commission which
Mayor. J. M. Gibson ruled, killed the application to spot zone the Love and
Atlanta Street site for commercial purposes.
On motion by R. H. Wood, seconded by G, W. Kreeger meeting was recessed to
Saturday, 10i00 A. M. February 8, 1958.
February 8, 1958
Continuation of the recessed February 3, 1.958 meeting was held February 8,
1958 at 9:00 A. M., Mayor J. M. Gibson presiding and the f ollcwing council-
men present: Messrs. George Kreeger, J. V. Brooks,`J. B. Abler, J. B.
Rhodes, W. B. Sanders, R. H. Wood and L. C. Dodd.
Motion made by R. H. Wood and seconded'by A. B. Ables to appoint Mr. Harry B.
Mi.tchell`as the Smyrna Representative to the Cobb County Recreation Authority
(Parks Board). Voted unanimous.
Recommendation by J. B. Rhodes to accept three (3) sealed bids for Police
and Fireman's uniforms.
Upon the recommendation of the Mayor a motion was made by Mr. J. B. Rhodes
seconded•by Mr. R. H. Wood that the garbage rates for business establish-
ments be changed to range from $3.00 to $15.CO based on services rendered.
Votedunanimous. Mayor Gibson to make survey.
Mayor Gibson appointed Mr. Geo. Kreeger to serve on a committee, with Mr.
R. H. Wood on the right-of-way for the park across from the Cherokee Med-
ical Center.
Mayor Gibson appointed a committee, Messrs. W. B. Sanders, L. C. Dodd; and
J. V. Brooks to make recommendations to Council on regards to some citizens
who are being charged two (2) water bills and two (2) garbage bills, due
Continuation of February 8, 1958
to the fact that, they have one, or. two rooms, rented out.
The License committee had no report. They were requested to complete license
report by next Saturday if possible. Soft drink trucks were told by Mayor
Gibson to come on,into city until something could be done about the license.
The committee was asked to make some adjustments for soft drinks licenses.
Motion, made by J. B. Ables to refer matter back to committee.. Seconded by
Geo. Kreeger. Voted unanimous.
Motion made by Geo. Kreeger to accept procedure of purchases as outlined and.
presented by L. C, Dodd. Seconded by J. B. Rhodes.. Voted unanimous.
9 .
A report was given by Chairman of Planning Commission, W. M. Reed on the ex-
tension and. zoning of the business district of Smyrna as per plat furnished
by the engineers.
Motion made by J. B. Ables that the planning commission in conjunction with
the city engineer draw up a plat for rezoning and.bring to council for study
and then return to council for hearing. This motion was seconded by W. B.
Sanders with an amendment to include that the"date be changed -to the 3rd of
March instead of the 22nd of February and that, the committee be instructed to
give plat to consider rezoning. Motion as amended was seconded by Geo. Kreeger.
Voted unanimous.
Motion made by J. B. Ables requesting that the Planning Commission in conjun-
tion with the city engineer draw up a plat and description of proposed pro-
perties and bring back,to council for study and. setting of hearing. Motion
seconded by Mr. R. H. Wood. Voting for Messrs. J.,B.°Ables and R. H. Wood.
Voting against: Messrs Geo. Kreeger, J. V. Brooks, J. B: Rhodes, W. B. Sanders
and L. C. Dodd.
Motion made by Geo. Kreeger to authorize the Planning Board to advertise this
hearing on the proposed zoning of the area outlined in this plan and date of
hearing to be set March 3rd at 7:00 P. M. Seconded by J. B. Rhodes. Voted un-
G. Conley Ingram read a letter requesting a hearing for A. J. Wills who was
charged.with installing plumbing fixtures without a license on Dec. 17, 1957.
Officer Poss read the charges. Attorney Ingram was -authorized. to notify the
attorney representing A. J. Wills that a hearing was set for next°Saturday.
Mayor Gibson recommended the appointment of a committee of three (3) to ne-
gotiate a loan with the bank for $35,000 to be paid. back by Dec. 31, 1958
and report back to council. J. B. Rhodes and L. C. Dodd'to°serve onlcom-
mittee with the Mayor.
Geo. Kreeger made motion that committee negotiate with bank to determine if
we"can borrow a sum of money up to $35,000 and the amount of interest.
Seconded by J. B. Brooks. Voted unanimous. '
Motion •made by R. H. Mood tb accept into the city limits the proposed sub-
division of Wm. A. (Bill) Ward and Wm. A. Shipp under the advisement of City
'Engineers that these engineering"conditions have been complied with. Wm.�A.
Z�Jard's sub -division to be approximately 112 acres, Land Lots #407,408,409�in
the 2nd section, 17th District. The Ern. A. Shipp sub-division'approximat.ely
50 acres, Land Lots #410 and 411 in the second Section of the 17th District
and which is known as the Margaret Bassin property. Secdn.ded by,J. B. Rhodes.
Voted unanimous. °
A report frog Hensley and Associates, Inc. made the following recommendations:
1. We therefore recommend that parking be removed from the'Nopth side of
Spring Street from Atlanta Street to the railroad. Secondly, that parking be
removed from Atlanta Street as'follows: East side from Spring Street to the
North property line extension of Bank Street. West side from Spring Street
to Concord Road. "
2. Street Marking -That three lanes be installed on Atlanta Street from Bank
Street south for a distance of approximately 200 ft. south of Spring Street
Fig. 1. That the center lane be marked for left turns only.
Continuation of February 8, 1958
3. Traffic Signal- That the existing signal be redesigned to provide a left
turn -straight through movement for south bound, traffic on Atlanta Street
Fig. 2. During the peak hour 18% of the south bound traffic Urished to turn
left. However, since only 4% of the north bound desire to turn left this
can be handled by providing a left turn storage lane but no special signal
Motion made by J. B. Rhodes to accept Engineer's report as read to include
No Parking from the south corner of Spring St. to parking lot entrance on
Concord Road. and. make purchase of new light to use at Atlanta St. & Spring
St. and use old light some other place. Seconded by J. B. Ables. Voted
unanimous. Copy of said recommendation attached and made a part of the
minutes thereof. ,
Attorney G. Conley Ingram read request from Homer Clackum's attorney for
compensation for his car. Motion made by J. B. Rhodes to refuse compensa-
tion. Motion seconded by Geo. Kreeger. Voted unanimous.
Motion made by J. B. Ables that salaries be set by department heads with the
authority to adjust salaries as they see fit as long as they stay within
their budget until March 31st and then realignment. Motion seconded. by J. B.
Rhodes with the amendment that each department head uses criterior in set-
ting rates of individuals, those minimums and maximums as set forth in the
finance department for the calendar year of 1957. Second to the amendment
by J. B. Ables. Voting for:. J. B. Ables, W. B. Sanders. Voting against:
J. B. Rhodes, L. C. Dodd, Geo. Kreeger and J. V. Brooks.
Motion made by W. B. Sanders that all changes in payroll, increase,or de-
crease, be made in writing. Seconded by L. C. Dodd. Voted unanimous.
Motion made by J. B. Ables to accept the following resolution ----
Section I
That all matters of discussion brought before Mayor and Council of said City
shall not be called to a vote by said governing body until such time that
all present members of said governing body shall have the opportunity and
time required to voice their opinion on the subject matter.
Section II
That section one of the subject resolution shall not restrict the discussion
time unless a prescribed time is agreed. upon by three fourtly of the members
of said governing body that are present at a regular or called meeting.
Section III
That Robert's Rules of Parliamentary order shall govern the preceedings,of,
the Council insofar as the same are applicable. , I,
:Section IV
That the rules contained in this .resolution are binding on the Mayor and
Council and can be altered only by motion, submitted at a meeting previous
to the one at vhich the vote is taken.
Section V
That the Mayor prepare an agenda of items that are to be brought before
A copy of the agenda is to be supplied to each Councilman at least three days
prior to a regular meeting. Special or called meetings may be an exception.
Seconded by R. H. Wood. Voting for: J. B. Ables, W. B. Sanders. Voting
against: J. V. Brooks, Geo. Kreeger, J. B. Rhodes, and L. C. Dodd. Abstain:
R. H. ?flood
Motion made by J. B. Rhodes to assign personnel to secure signatures on
easements for the Northcutt disposal plant.. Seconded by R. H. Wood. Voted
Motion was made by R. H. Wood to secure Mr. Lex Jolly to secure signatures
on easements at a salary not to exceed $150.00. Seconded by J. B. Ables
with the amendment to accept a salary called out by Mr. Jolly and not to
Continuation of February 8, 1958
exceed $150.00. Voted unanimous.
?otien made by R. H. Wood and seconded by Geo. Kreeger to negotiate with,Mr.
McCollum for rock for Church Street. Voted unanimous.
Motion was made by J. B. Rhodes to recess until next Saturday. February 15th
at 1:00 P. M. Seconded by R. H. Wood. Voted unanimous.
February 15, 1958
Continuation of the recessed February 8, 1958 meeting was held. February 15, 1958
at 1:00 P. M. at the City Hall. Mayor J. M. Gibson presiding and the following
councilmen present: Messrs. George Kreeger, J. B. Ables, J. B. Rhodes, R. H.
Wood,a nd L. C. Dodd. Councilman J. V. Brooks and Councilman W. B. Sanders Ere
Motion was made by J. B. Rhodes to authorize construction of signs and. that they
be approved by Chairman Wood and that he have the author.ity.to place,.these signs
inside the city parks and in such a manner as he deems necessary. Seconded by
.George Kreeger. Voted unanimous.
Durham Schane of Wootten, Long & Jones represented A. J. Wills at his hearing.
Mayor recommended that we refund, $27.00 too A., J.. Wills and dismiss case. and
that his company not,do business in the City of Smyrna for the next two.years.
George Kreeger made motion to this effect. Seconded by J. B. Rhodes. Voted
unanimous. . >
Motion made by J. B. Ables that Planning Committee give minutes of their mect_-
ing to council body as to recommendations and how they voted. Seconded by
R. H. Wood. Voted unanimous.
Motion made by L. C. Dodd to pay bi11 to Marietta Automotive Parts. Seconded
by R. H. Wood.. Voted unanimous.
Motion made by L. C. Dodd to pay every 1957 or prior bill next week and that
this council concur in whatever bank transfers are necessary. Seconded by J. B.
Rhodes. Voted unanimous.
Motion made by J. B. Rhodes that the Chief of Police and.Fire Chief select the
uniforms and companies in the best interest of Smyrna with approval of depart-
ment heads, and that these recommendations be brought to council for approval,
seconded by L. C. Dodd. Voted unanimous.
Committee J. B. Rhodes recommended that priviledge license be put under super-
vision or under survellance (least restrictions) and that proper application
be drawn up.
J. B; Ables made a motion to accept Mr. Rhodes recommendation. Seconded by
L. C. Dodd. Voted unanimous.
Committee J. B. Rhodes also made a recommendation that taxi license be set at
$200.00 per year and may operate as many as 10 cabs. $25.00 fee each for all
additional cabs for the year and this not be pro -rated.
Mayor Gibson recommended that we employ a man who has had bookkeeping experience
that he can be•trained by the City Clerk for overall supervision.
Motion made by L.C. Dodd to authorize to place in City Hall a full time account-
ant at the earliest- possible date at a rate of pay necessary and in reason to
get work done. Seconded by George Kreeger. Voted unanimcus..
Motion to recess until Saturday, February, February 22, 1958 at 9:00 A. M. by
J. B. Rhodes. Seconded by R. H. Wood.. Voted unanimous.