09-21-1955 Special Meeting2,39
A special meeting of the Mayor and Council was held September
210 1955 at 7:30 P,M.. at the City Hall. Mayor James E. Quarles
presiding with the following Councilmen present: N. E. Brenner.,
John S. Collier, and A.,M. Poston.
Motion N. E. Brenners seconded John S1. Collier that the pr6perty
of E. W. Chastain, Sr. located on south side of Corn Road as
described in Legal Notice attached to these minutes be Zoned for
industry. V.oted unanimous.
, 1957"
The following rules and regulations for the coming election were
adopted as provided by the amendments to the Charter:
Election of One'Mayor and Seven Councilmen for the term beginning
January 2, 1956 will be held 11ovember 5.. 1955., as provided by the
Charter of the City of Smyrna. Hours of the Election shall be
from 9:00 A.M. to 7:00 P. M. Deadline for registration of voters
shall be the 20th day of October 19559 as provided by the charter of
said City.. Deadline for qualification of Mayoraand Councilmen
shall be the 20th day of October, 5:00 P.M. as provided by the
Charter of said city.
On or before such date all persons offering themselves shall file
a written notice *ith the,clerk of said city setting forth their
date and place of birth, period of residence in the City of Smyrna.,
and a statement that they possess all the qualifications required
by said charter kor Mayor and Councilmen of said City.
It was further ordained that rules and regulations for contesting
election are the same as set forth in the Georgia.C.ode for State
Motion N'. E. Brenner seconded A. M. Poston that HenrZ Westbrooks be
app'binted as registrars in place of Charles Wright who has leF—tcity.
Voted unanimous. h
Motion N. E. Brenner seconded John S. Collier that City Enginee']�, be
sent to the Georgia Municipal Association.- Annual.meeting,at Albany
with all expenses paid by City and Mrs. Baldwin if. she can attend,
Voted unanimous.
A. V. Bolton spokesman for the Auxiliary Policeman called attention
to the need for another car and 2 men for the Police force.
motion N. F. Brenner seconded A. M. Poston to adjourn. Voted unanimous,
b=j ourned.
aYor�' —James E. Quarl
is Clerk:' Mrs. Helen Baldwin
Councilman: John S. Collier
Councilman: A. M. Poston
Councilman: N. F. Brenner