08-20-1955 Special Meeting233
Motion N. .E. Brenner seconded J. S. Collier that the4regular meeting
of Mayor and Council be postponed till Tuesday, September 6, 1955
on account of the holiday. Voted unanimous.
Motion N.*E. Brenner, seconded A. Td. Poston to adjourn..Voted unanimous.
M-eeting adjourned.
Ma6Vr James E. Quarles Clerk: Mrs. Helen Baldwin
Councilman: N. E. Brenner Councilman: John S. Collier
Councilman: A. 14. Poston Councilman: Jean E. Johnson
A special meeting of the Mayor and Council was held August 20, 1955
at 6:30 P. M. at the City Hall. Mayor James E. Quarles presiding
with the following councilmen present: N. E. Brenner, John S. Collies.'
A. M. Poston, V. R. Siddall and Jean E. Johnson. City Attorney
Harold S. Willingham was present.
A lenGthly discussion was held on the pro and cons of a Bond election.
Motion John S. Collier seconded Jean E. Johnson. The following
attached bond ordinance was -unanimously adopted.
Motion N. E. Brenner seconded .Jean E. Johnson that the contract from
Robinson Humphrey be accepted by City and Mayor be authorized to
sign same on behalf and clerk authorized to attest Mayors signature
and fix city seal. Voted unanimous.
Motion Jean E. Johnson seconded Johh S. Collier that Water and Sewerage
Committee be given authority to negotiate and purchase a boon or
jack to handle pipe. Voted unanimous.
Motion by N. E. Brenner seconded Jean E. Johnson to adjourn. Meeting
M yo James F. Quarles Clerk. Mrs. Helen Baldwin
Councilman: N. E. Brenner
Councilman: A. M. Poston
114;4;); 44�j
Counci m n• V. R. Siddall
Councilman: John S. Collier
Councilman: Jean E. Johnson
2 3 d
do solemnly swear that I will'
well and truly demead myself as Toliceman of the City of Smyrna,
and that I will faithfully enforce the Charter and Ordinances of
said Cityto the best of my ability, without fear or favor and
in all action as Policeman act as I believe for. the best interest
of the City. So help me God.
Seal "
Subscribed and Sworn to bef ore me
this loth day of September , 1955
Z; ea4rae�� do solemnly swear that I will
well and truly Mmead myself as Special Policeman of the City of
Smyrna and that I will .faithfully enforce the Charter and Or-
dinances of said City` to the best of my ability without fear
or favor and in all action as Policeman act as. 1 believe for the
best interest of the -City. So helg me God.
Subscribed and Sworn to before me
this -loth day of September, 1955
I, - .. er, el -- do solemnly swear that I
will well and truly d mead myself as 5pbeial Policeman of the
City -of Smyrna and that I will fait'�)fully enforce -the Charter
and Ordinances of said City to the best of my ability without
fear or favor and in all action as Policeman act as I believe
for the best interest of the City. So help me God.
Subscribed and Sworn to before me
this 1 9th day of Ootbbet r, 1955