08-01-1955 Regular MeetingThe regular meeting of the Mayor and Council was held August 1, 1955
at the City Hall at 7:45 P.M. Mayor James E. Quarles presiding with
the following councilmen present: N. E. Brenner, John S. Collier,
Jean E. Johnson, V. R. aiddall and A.' T.7. Poston.
Minutes of the July meetings read.
Motion Jean E. Johnson seconded N. F. Brenner to adopt minutes as read.
Voted unanimous.
Mayor Quarles recommended that,the meeting be discontinued at 9:15 P.M.
so members can attend the Teen -Age Carnival at the Belmont Hills
Shopping Center.
-Mr. A. T. Lee of Stephens Street requested information as to when
Stephens Street would be paved from Davis to Mann Street. Also the
problem of surface water draining on his property be investigated.
Referred to Mr. Grist to check and see what could be done.
Mr. C. B. Jones Jr. of 399 Ridgecrest Road requested a hearing before
Police Committee. Hearing granted and time set for Wednesday,
7 : 30 P.M.., August 2, 1955.
Mayor Quarles read letter of resignation of Fire Chief John Thomas.
Motion .John S. Collier seconded Jean F. Johnson to accept with
regret the resignation of Chief John Thomas, Voting for - Collier,
Brenner, Poston and Johnson. Voting against - Siddall.
.Letter of July 20, 1955 from Mrs. ;Palter Abbott read.
Councilman Collier retired.
?lotion N. E. Brenner seconded Jean ^. Johnson that the'Norkmen's
Compensation Insurance Police stay. as is until nej,:t year and to be
paid immediately. Voting for: Poston, .Johnson, Brenner,Against: Siddall.
Councilman Collier returned.
Bids for new Garbage truck and body reviewed.
Notion Jean F. Johnson seconded 317. F. Brenner that the General Fund
borrow from the Water Revenue Fund (to be replaced by Decenber 20,
1955) �,6,421.16 to purchase new 400 GMC garbage truck and 1'6 cu.yd.
Pak-Mo Garbage Collection Unit. Voted unanimous.
Motion John S. Collier seconded A. r,". Poston that 1,17ayor Quarles be
authori ed to sign contract with M. H. Tatum of Tatum Lumber Company
concerning the construction of a building to house the Volunteer
Fire Department Ambulance. Voted unanimous.
Motion N. E. Erenner seconded Jean r. Johnson to continue meeting
August 5, 1955, 8:00 P. T1. Voted unanimous.
Meeting ad j ournled.
MVames E. Quarles Clerk: Tdirs. . e en Baldwin
Councilman: N. E. Brenner Councilman: John S. Collier
Councilman: Jean F.-Johnson Councilman: A. nT. Poston
/;M J
Counc' man: . R. Sidaal