10-06-1952 Regular MeetingThe regular meeting of -the Mayor and Council met at the City
Hall Oct. 6, 1952 7:45 p.m. Mayor Pro-tem C. 11. Hamby,'pre-
siding with the following Councilmen present; G. R. Yarbrough,
Eugene Rice and C. C. Terrell.
Minutes of previous regular meeting read. Motion by C. C.
Terrell seconded by Eugene Rice to approve minutes as read.
Voted unanimous.
Several citizens from Anderson Circle came before Council
in regards to the paving of their street which had been ap?
proved 14 months ago. Mr. Heck to be contacted as to when
could be paved.
Mr. John Hodgson, 210 Stephens St., came before Council in regard
to a drainage condition which was ruining his property and had
been promised by the Council over a year ago to be corrected.
Mr. Rice to investigate and take action for correction.
Mr. Herdis Mulkey 651 McLinden Ave., ask Council for license to
' open a day nur<ery at his home for children 6 mos. to 6 yrs.
After investigation Or. Mulkey to be advised bf action.
Letter read from Raymon A. Mulkey in behalf of Mr. Roy Howard
property whose yard -is being damaged from heavy rains.'
Motion by C. C. Terrell seconded by G.-R. Yarbrough that Council
authorize Mr. Rice take necessary action for correction of this
situation and be given permission for the use of the-bulldozier
if necessary. Voted unanimous.
Mayor Pro-tem C. M. Hamby recommend that immediate steps be taken
in regards to the possible use of pump in spring to be used in
the pumping of septic tank recently installed at Bennett Sub-
_ Petition from residents of Evelyn Manor Subdivision to abolish
out house located near project. Decision of Council if out '
house is located in city, ordinance to abolis]T out houses to be
complied with and if located outside city to be referred to
County Health Dept.
A letter from the South -Eastern Underwriters Association dated
June 27th with, suggested recor.IInendations to the city in order to
give adequate fire protection. Council decided that a special
meeting be held to consider these recommendations in the near
Mr. Rice in the absence of Harry Mitchell, churn of electrical
board read recommendations from the electrical board. 'Recom-
mendations to -be voted upon at a time when the electrical in-
spector could be present to explain the recommendations.
-Motion by C. C. Terrell seconded by Eugene Rice that sec. 6 of
the Rules and Regulations governing electrical wiring as adopted
Feb. 1951 should be amended to read as follows: • •
An -electrical permit -shall be issued to cover only one designated
job. Each permit shall apply to only one building. Any issuance
of electrical *permits shall be made only to a licensed electrical
contractor, or any person or individual doing work at his own
home. Voting for C. C. Terrell and Eugene Rice. Not voting
G. R. Yarbrough. Motion carried.
Motion by Eugene Rice seconded by C. C. Terrell that finance com-
mittee be instructed to contact H. W. Richards, Carrolton by phone-
in regards to collecting past due account. Vote& unanimous.•
Motion by C. C. Terrell seconded by Eugene Rice to recess meeting
until Thursday night 7:45 p.m. Oct. 92 1952.
Meeting recessed.
atzL 01-
Mayor Pro-tem
G . (R . Yarbr ougUj
C. C. Terrell
Eugene Rice
Continuation of regular meeting October 9, 1952, 7:45 p.m.
Mayor Pro-tem., C. M. Hamby presiding with the following'Council-
men present; Harry Mitchell, Eugene Rice, G. R. Yarbrough and
Co C. Terrell.
Recommendations of electrical board read by Councilman Harry
Mitchell, churn of electrical board.
Motion by C. C. Terrell seconded by Harry Mitchell to adopt a-
mendments as read. Amendments attached to these minutes and made
a part thereof. Voting for Harry Mitchell, Glenn Yarbrough,
and C. C.,Terrell. Not voting, Eugene Rice. Motion carried.
Mr. H. P. McCollum, supt.,water dept. ask -Council to give Homer
Prather a full time job. No action taken but will be given con-
Motion by C. C. Terrell seconded by Harry Mitchell to accept check
for paving in full from Bennett Realty Co., without interest charge
(Mr. Bennett failed to receite first notice) Voted unanimous.
Motion by Councilman Terrell that no interest ':charge be made to
checks received for paving on Hamby St., due to the fact the paving
was'''nob; affording to ordinance passed. Voted unanimous.
City Attorney Harold Willingham gave report on application for
Federal Grant. Letters from FFHA and Weiderman and Singleton
read and filed.
Mr. Willi igham instructed by Council to send letters to builders
inquiring"as to present status of building from July 1950 also
anticipated building.
Motion by C.qC. Terrell seconded by Glen Yarbrough authorizing City
Attorney to draft ordinance to validate $100,000.00 Water and Sewer
revenue certificates and to provide in such ordinance additional
$100,000.00 water and sewerage revenue certificates which may be
issued at a future time on equal preference basis. Vote unanimous.
Motion by Eugene Rice seconded by Harry Mitchell to pay utility bills
and any other bill necessary to save discount. Voted unanimous.
Motion by C. C. Terrell seconded by Harry Mitchell to recess meeting
until Monday night Oct, 132 1952, 7:45 p.m. Voted unanimous.
Meeting recessed
Mayor Pro-tem C. M. Hamby
Clerk ,
G. C. Terrell
Eugene Rice