08-24-1953 Special Meeting132 A special meeting of the Mayor and Council was held Aug. 22, 1953 at the City Hall at 3:PI!i. for the purpose of accepting the resignation of Chief J.C._Hardy, po.liceman.Gene 1,1. Helms, and A.B. Kodnett dnd hi:�ino 3 policeman. The meeting; was presided over by, the Mayor Guye N. Duncan,with the following Counci lm n present, John Collier, C.M. Hamby., Harry Mitchell, Jr. and H.L. McEfityre. Motion, C.11. N_ariby, seconded by H.L. McEnt-re to accept Hardy(s resignation. Voting Unanimous. Motion, John Collier, seconded by H.L. McEntyre to accept Gene M... Helms and A.B. Hodnett Resignation. Voting unanimous. Motion, H.L. McEntyre, seconed by John Collier to hire -Grady Traylor as Policeman. Voting Unanimous. Notion by Harry Mitchell, seconded by C.11., Hamby to hire VI.L. Elkins as policeman. Voting uninimous. Motion by I;C::M. Hahb�,•&l seconded by H.L. McEntyre to promote C.B. May as Chief of Police. Voting unanimous. Motion by C.Y. Hamby, Seconed by Harry Mitchell Schwa):-tz as Policeman. Voting unanimous. All above hireing --effective August 22, 1953. Meeting adjourned. I, ayor, u . P uncan to hire Raymond Clerk: Helen Baldwin A special meeting of the Mayor and Council was held •August 24, 1953 7:45 P.M.•in the City Hall, for the purpose of discussing recreation facilities for the City of Smyrna. Meeting was presided over by Mayor Guye N. Duncan with the following Councilmen present, H.L. McEntyre, John Collier, Harry Mitchell, G.R. Yarbrough, and C.M. Hamby.anc! The meeting was attended by a representative of the different orgination of Smyrna and interested citizens. Marry Mitchell read and discussed the letter written to the Mayor and Council from Robert H. Taylor Associate. Attanhed to these minutes and made a part thereof. After a lenghty discussion Wednesday Sept 9, 1953 was set for the next meeting. Motion by C.M. Hamby, Seconded by H.L. McEntyre to adjourn. ,N Meeting Adjourned. \ ' ,\ ayor, IiU7 N,. Duncan Clerk, Helen Baldwin I- , e pt -kTi4=E-trWAA S--7?fiRG-HIT:@94-" ROBERT H. TAYLOR, ASSOCIATE 286 LEE STREET *. 295 157—PEAC-WTREE-STREET,—N-E. SMYRNA, GEORGIA ATLANTA 3, GEORGIA Phone 5-4687 --L-Amac6876— Cembere et . Counoil City of rm: Gimrgls * c ou,(m vvere cadle for the lkwor W mall of the MY 'Of ZxVM. in WrIbPHAUCS Idth the east and W'akthori 1 s to 40 a t`S 00mmilmis Uarry JQ1t b�ji*:0hsj=sn of the suildlusa ana Gmuds +effete* toreme, reading Mai or using tie "rep6ort T re a are req- 68t aona laxaxiw that and as tz: 2 . prOVAmrt s r's: semlwd Ana the bo Id- cost- astiMteS Aro ApprW t More a to U ertm47 vdU to uecosmr7 ..for e=at fi r * Z* T re does not reflect tLEa ' a e goo of the ufy softiar3/�!.C��4- tj'�f{j ab vanoz s ceavt7/ tr to o. a #t a� n rde w his firm shvU be -presentiod to tho CIty as It to needed* ` Z. The reporting 'bee not Jibe* a n-ther as to e t . w .a .. 4:.,�#� ' Y Prop&rty-jw ..- !. iM w vi. .. A. +ir yes %a 1w.4w -W -�m 4w .... Thai $ gvImIng p0,01 jj a eej �zd to- a�>_rt S popula ti,ou of `w mi a raves". t .$ tbam feilg Starr � the a ia�. SOMBOU anal -, fib. aftom daU Morin; the •fit a� "! Tho tiJrBSil° a 7�a9t'i a*et+;:1ea a ��` �fa't>'" airaaCtje' per$ $: r' aptba a -hallow aud and 36 ft* at the dimp * it to a bettutlfuUy dezigmed pool ith "White tit out ���t►� lightsw t3-1e rw a wla�t:ll ice* Sa .:aoR 'to aeon -sup textare 0 BALL PA 7,444*40 4randstanae for.. 704 . .... ,► :.. «..,�..» 6 7t d;r4© Looker rooms*' showa'r`s, rest raomsj cohoossions, 94200*00 Grading,, fOncexs, eto o, T o tat 0/�0,Y�i�'{��1I■11Mi1 /► MR. /W M #Y 41R W11A1 M M!9 U► QI N SM'. ir JAi M +wr a� G7�L!� Hot$ it is assumed that the 00a ty or City would perform the grading on- a east basis and that. the propert topography mould' be such that ggriindstands and othOr'buffai.ngs oould be, construated for usual average PrIoe ss CITY HATZ � .Property (aaaumi.ng ; th4 t property **46 : by the City out; ling Sty► will bo used and -that tho City V1111 purchase ad$aoent prdperty), :4074444 City Uall officaees and ,6thar 'Municipal aracba lnoluding: fire boaee to 466omdodate two tr'aotd'. 'Police departmont f `amall la i general'storage, 0ounoil :room, Vault,. city library , reps tiro ome oi;ty license, dapartm;n #, tax �issesoor, bookkeepi>►ag -department, city. engineer, -city auditor# street and gat Feral maintop ands deg artm t, and Che mbe' r of Commeroo 0141 4at3 4 Totayy \ f • rp! MN VIUY M 'M` AP M « M 40a.1AM 01450700600 SUMARY I t �y S� IMIng pool anal buildings 73«144,*00 Ball part`atid{ "build ingo ..- "7 0200#00 City Hall+r I'm, fire' department, library,,arylibrary,,etc . 46 7bb 4O. . T of a I" r w M " .r .0 � .w ' M. " «r w « « -W MCI, I Q i In the event that the) Uayor and Qounoil deol6o to raises funds for this pro foot, it is =ngpoolo tea that Oolorod. perspective, Qrnmings be made of thi 'bath house!, aonoaesioxi N1. " bt1ldi.ng, pity .hall and other buildings, of Interest* In ads» C -: dition to showing the Counoi.l the prOliminar-7146se for these, beauti.fa;l buildingwothe colored draviinge would help sell the idea to the publi,d* Hobert H Taylor, 4 I 133 Police Chief ' s Oath of Office do solomnly swear that I will well and truly dera,-a nysel7 aiief of Police of the City. of Smyrna, and that I. will faithfully enforce the Charter and Ordinances of said City to tl�e best of myjability, with out fear or favor -arid in -all action as Chief, of Police, act as I believe for the best interest of the city. So help me God. Subscribed and Sworn to before Sea me t_ s 24th da of August, 1953 --I- mayor., Guye N. Duncan - Policemants Oath of Office I, +gQ. r y�yr* do solomnly si`ear that I will well and truly demead myself as Policeman for the City of Smyrna, and that I will faithfully enforce the Charter and Ordinances of said City to the best of my ability, without fear of favor and in all action as Police- man,. act as I believe for the beat interest of the city. So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of August, 1953 Mayor, Guv6 N. Duncan I, ,Z, L/V/i✓6- do solomnly swear that I will well and truly demea myse as PollceHan for the City of Smyrna, and that I will faithfully enforce the Charter and Ordinances of said City to the best of my ability, without fear or favor and in all action as Policeman, act as I believe for the best interest of the City. So help me God. i Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of August, 1953 y4v, /// Mayor., GuyK N. Duncan I, solomnly swear that I will crell and truly demeaId my as c ceman for the City of Smyrna, and that I will faithfull enforce he Charter and Ordinances of said City to the best of my abi ity, without fear or Ravor and in all action as Policeman, act as I believe for the best interest of the City. So help me God. Subscribed and -sworn to before YM44-s 24th rdapf August, 1953 Mayo Guye . Duncan I Q,Wj-t4do solomly swear that I will well and truly demea myse'Lr as policeman for the City of Smyrna and that I will faithfully enforce the Charter and Ordinance of said City to the best of my ability,without fear. or. favor and in all action as policeman, act as I believe . for the best interest of the City*' So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of September, 1953 ayor uye ncan I do solomly swear that I will well and Fi y emea myseTr'"as policeman for the City of Smyrna and' at I will faithfully enforce the Charter and Ordinance of id City to the best of my ability, without fear or,'f&vor7 and in all action as policeman, act as I believe for the best interest of the City. So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to efore me this ,'Z„ th day of , 19 3. Mayor, Guye N.Duncan BAX TpR do solomly swear that I wi 17. wel l ?nd truly demead anyself as policeman for the City cf.. Smyrna and th?t I w111 faithfully enforce the. Charter and..Ordinance .cf, said City to .the best of my ability,. -D&Ahout fear or, favor a.nd . in.. all :action as policeman, act as I believe for'the best interest cf .the .City. So help me God. n t Subscribed and worn to before me this ;' 23rd- day" df Novehbery 1953 Mayor, GuW N. Duncan I, solomly swear that. I will well and truly demead myself as policeman for the City of Smyrna and that I will faithfully enforce the Charter and Ordinance of said City to the best of my ability, without fear or favor and in all action as policeman, act as I believe for the best interest of the City. So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me is 8th y of December, 1953 Mayor, G ye N.. Dunean i 0 r