05-03-1954 Regular MeetingThe regular meeting of the Mayor and Council was held at the City Hall May 3,,1954 at 7:45 P.M. Mayor G.N. Duncan presiding with the following Councilmen present, H.L. McEntyre, N.E. Brenner, John Collier and V.R. Siddall. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Mt --.:George Kreegar representing the building committee of the Nelms Lodge requested that the City building Code concerning emergancey Exit be wavered in the case of the New Lodge Hall being errected on West Spring Street. Motion by N.E. Brenner seconded by H.L. McEntyre that the part of the building Code concerning emergency Exit be wavered in t the case of the Nelms Lodge Building. Voting :Unanimous. A group of citizens from Hawthorne and Marston Street with Howard McCollum as spokesman came before council requ®sting the repairing of their streets. Motion by John Collier, seconded by N.E. Brenner that the city equipment be used to level off the lot located at 253 Spring Street to be used by the organization of Combat JuvEnile Delinquency. Motion by N.E. Brenner, seconded by V.R. Siddall that we allow the Little League Baseball Team to build and maintain a concession stand at the ball park with the proceeds to go th The Little League. Mr. !Halter Crowe Jr. owner of twenty five acres of land located on Spring Rd. requested water service which would take approximately 1000 feet of additional 6 inch main. Mr. Bill Miles came before Council in protest as to some of the actions of the Police Department. Mr. D.E. Freebourn suggested that the streets be marked for parking. Referred to Street Committee. Mr. Harold Gann representing the MemberS of the Volunteer Fire Department requested that the Volunteer Chief ay be raised to $50.00 per month with all the members getting 925.00 per month. Referred to Fire Committee to meet with volunteer members and discuss their request further. Motion by N.E. Brenner, seconded by V.R. Siddall to.put an add ihothe A.three7newspapers concerning the new phone numbers and location of the Fire and Police Department. Voting unanimous. Motion by H.L. McEntyre seconded by John Collier that the Police and Fire Committee be authorized to purchase summer uniforms for the Police and Fire Department. Voting Unanimous. Motion by John Collier, seconded by V.R. Siddall that we offer to the American Legion or The Kennesaw Mountain Shrine Club the 193E Continial Fire Truck for $175.00. Voting unanimous. Moting V.R. Siddall, seconded by H.L. McEntyre that Mr. Watts be authorized to pruchase the 24 inch Toro Turf lawn mower for $449.00 with what ever trade in allowance he could get on present owned small mower. Voting unanimous. Motion by V.R. Siddall, seconded by H.L. McEntyre that Mr. Watts be athorized to finish Fire Department Garage inside and paint outside of building. Voting unanimous. Finance report read. Motion by V.R. Siddall, seconded by N.E. Brenner that the Following resolutinn be adopted: 1' BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Smyrna enter into a license agreement with the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis Railway, as lessee of Western and Atlantic Railroad, with regard to the construction by the City of Smyrna of a side walk along Roswell 172 i Street in the City of Sm rna for a distance of One hundred twenty-five (125) feet, all as in detail provided in the proposed agreement read to the meeting as aforesaid. Be it further resolved that the Mayor be and he is hereby directed to execute such agreement for and ,on behalf of the City, and the Clerk be and she is hereby authorized and directed to attest the signature of the Mayor to such agreement., and to affix the official seal of the City thereto." Voting unanimous. Motion by H.t. McEntyre, seconded by N.E. Brenner to adjourn. Meeting adjourned. ff ayor, 4.uncan _Mr ., Helen Baldwin Uz_ ulman., John Co 1 er Coun i , V.R.Sidda 1 C i an, N.E. Brenner 4W r %q��46 ounc an,. L. McEn yre r. is RL 0 , do solemnely swear that I will wel antruly demean myself as Special Policeman of the City of Smyrna, and that I will faithfully enforce the Charter and Ordinances of said City to the best of my ability with out fear or favor and in all action as Special Policeman , act as I believe for the best interest of the City. So help me God. Vl Sea Subscribed and sworn to before met s 22nd ay of June ,1954 a , do solemnely swear that I wil-l-we and truly -demean myself as Special Policeman of the City of Smyrna, and that I will faithfully enforce the Charter 'and Ordinances of said City to the best of my ab= ility with out fear or favor and inall action as Special Policeman,act as I believe for the best interest of thee: tI'j. City, So help me God. Seal Subscribed and sworn to before me tb4s 22nd 04y of June, 1954 I.. , do solemnely swear that I wit well and Eruly demean myself as Special Policeman of the City of Smyrna, and that I will faithfully enforce -the Charter and Ordinances of said City to the belt of my ab- ility with out fear or favor and in all action as Special Policeman, act as I believefor the best interest of the City. So help me God. Sea Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of June, 1954 'F.